Chapter 98: Chapter 99: The Power of the Royal Spirit

Morton was currently sucking the life out of Morton Jr. in some sick magical ritual. In just minutes, or even seconds, he would be fully revived as a Koopa, able to destroy the entire army before him in a moment's glance.

Bowsette knew she wouldn't be able to take the steps necessary to break through that magical force field, attack, and successfully pry Morton from her child before the ritual was complete. This man was too determined at this point, already having given up on his plan to turn all nine of them into Dread Lords to destroy the planet.

So instead she took her wife's hands, pressed her forehead against hers, and prayed out.

"If you can hear this, anyone, we need your help!" she shouted. "Star Spirits! Brighton! Twila! Oho! Anyone!"

Peach cried. "Bowsette..."

"We have to do this together. We have to try."

Bowsette took one hand from her wife and then both of them faced Morton himself.

A new magical aura started to form around them, one that counteracted Morton's. It was bright and pink and flickered with the intensity of true power. Soon their magic began engulfing his, and Morton's powers were altogether vanishing. He could no longer absorb the energy out of Morton Jr., and in moments his grip on the boy was released altogether. As a creature of pure magical being, he was frozen completely solid by the aura.

Bowsette stepped away from Peach, but the aura remained. She did so slowly, each step making an impacting thud against what was left of the Throne Room floor. She took out her Chomp Shell, which was almost fully powered-up and ready to launch. She found the head of the Axe and bashed it a few more times, shattering it into a thousand tiny metallic pieces. With this, the Chomp shell's black color disappeared, replaced by a bright yellow shimmer.

It had become a Power Star, just as all Ztars did after they absorbed enough positive energy.

Bowsette was one and the same with the Ztars. And that's why this was going to be her final blow.

You are reading story The Glory of Bowsette at

She took one last look at Morton Koopa. The biological father who had abandoned her, killed or cursed her siblings, brought great ruin onto the continent. He was unable to move. Unable to utter any menacing last words. Unable to do anything but stare forward and accept his face. Bowsette smirked. Then smiled. Then cackled.


She swung the Chomp Shell, bashing into Morton's frozen skeleton. The energy of the Power Star exploded into action, utterly obliterating Morton and sending his bones flying upwards. But the strike was so powerful, so forceful, that each one of them faded into dust as they were sent upwards, dissolving into atoms.

He was gone.



Holy geez.

The battle had died down completely. It was so quiet you could hear the coughing of the injured, the rustling of rocks in the rubble.

After all this time, all this pain and suffering... Morton Koopa had been defeated once again. Once and for all.

Bowsette collapsed on the ground, unable to further hold herself up. The same was true for most of the people in the room. But they did so with smiles gleaming from their faces. The Grand Unity Army had won its war, and they deserved a real rest.