Chapter 115: [Vol.2] Quest 105- Dangers Of The City

Overlooking the plaza area around Babel, two people could see Cirrus and Nox performing.

“So um your name is Ryuu Lion right? I heard Kaguya call you that?” Ai said to the elf covered with a green hood and mask covering the lower portion of her face.

“…Yes that is my name.” the elf named Ryuu turned to meet Ai’s gaze. “It’s an honor to work with you, I heard a lot from you from Kaguya. This is our first time working with one another.”

“Ah thank you! You getting a bit out of your comfort zone huh."

"Yes I have...some more work to do in regards to that."

"That nice so but um…so do you like their music? From here you can hear them playing and even see the girl dancing.”

“…Its nice, I have heard them play every now and again each time they would change what they play…I liked it when the man with the scar plays a gentle melody, and a peace fills the plaza.”

“I see…well due to their popularity many people have started to target them and thankfully none have succeeded.”

‘Thank Susanoo for that if they were caught in a dark alley we would find the attackers bloody and battered beyond recognition fighting against Cirrus.’

“That is good but who would want to try and ruin this source of enjoyment? From what Lady Astraea have said of them that many of the gods wished to have them in their Familia’s but where all declined.”

“I’m sure you heard of Evilus right?”

“Of course they are the ones causing so much chaos in the city.”

“Right and they have-“ Ai was cut short as she sees a thief run off with some of the money Cirrus and Nox made. “Targeting them from the shadows, come!”

They jump down and quickly chase after them and fortunately.

“O O F!”

The thief is struck to the ground by Ardi.

“You know it’s bad to steal right?” Ardi said to a child with chestnut-colored hair.

“S-shut up!” she shouted.

“Hmm-ah! Ai! Lion!” Ardi’s attention then turned to them both. “Where you going to go after this child?”

“Yes.” Said Ryuu boldly. “She is a thief so she will go to jail for stealing.”

“Lion she is a child! Look she has tears in her eyes.”

Ryuu and Ai turn to see the child with teary eyes.

“Before we do anything let’s ask the people she stole from to decide on what to do?” said Ai.

Walking up was Cirrus and Nox.

“So is this the little thief?” said Nox.

“What do you wanna do with her miss?” said Ardi.

“Hmmm…Sora what do you think?”

Cirrus walks over and looks at her.

“…How old are you?”


Cirrus looked at her to find she was very much malnourished, she has been living off the streets for to long. It was even more evident how bad it was that she stole in bright daylight in a crowd.

“A Pallum I see…and one with fire to survive…tell you what.” Cirrus bend down and takes the money back and goes through it and hands the girl some money. “If you work for us you will get to eat and have some spar money.”

“R-really!?” both the girl and everyone said.

“Yes, so long as you don’t try and steal from us again you will find a stable enough income, what say you?”

“Y-yes!” she said graciously.

“That is far too easy on a criminal.” Ryuu said.

“…” Cirrus looks at her. “That is not for you to decide.” He said as a glimpse of his emerald eye glared at Ryuu enough to jolt a bit back.

Cirrus helps the girl up and readjusts his sunglasses.

“Oh by the way what is your name?” said Nox.

“M-my name is Liliruca Arde!”

“And your name is Ardi correct?” said Cirrus as Lili walks with Nox.

“Yes! Thank you for being so understand-“

“You are too soft.”


“Your too soft for this era.”

“What do you mean? How is being kind to a child soft?” Ardi says perplexed.

“It’s not the child it’s your personality, you and this Elf should take a page from each other’s books.” Cirrus leaves before they could say anything, even if they wanted to ask him, he was now in the sea of people cheering for more music.

"Come along Lili." said Nox as she took her hand and lead her into the crowd.


After settling that affair Nox and Cirrus finished their performance and left the plaza with the young Pallum in tow.

“Hmm so what shall we do now?” said Ardi. “With them gone this place is rather low in criminal activity.”

“Then we will head to the south section of the city.” Ai said.

“Hm, and we will not be so lenient with them as you or that bard.” Said Ryuu.

“Come on Lion!” Ardi said patting her shoulder. “Even criminals need a second chance!”

“…Hmph.” Ryuu stared at the hand before shrugging it off.

You are reading story Danmachi: Wayward Cloud at

“W-well let us get going shall we!” Ai said with a forced smile.


After eating at the Hostess of Fertility with Lili early in the night they gave her some Valis to do what she wished.

“Now before you leave I suggest you be extra careful alright.” Cirrus said. “This town is still very dangerous so until your old enough stay in Daedalus Street there no one will be able to track you in that labyrinth, they also have very cheap rooms.”

“Y-yes sir!” she said with energy and positivity in her voice.

“Good now run along in the public streets no walking through dark, shady alleys you hear.” Said Nox.

“Will do miss!”

She turned and went on her way.

“….Does she remind you a bit of yourself?” Nox said to Cirrus giving him a glance as they walk back home.

“No…but she is a reminder of how I would have become if Fels hadn’t taken me in…it’s unfortunate that a girl her age is living in such a state having to pursue a life of theft to survive.”

“Hmm…well the roots of corruption runs deep in the city.”

“Yes they do.”

Walking through a dark alley a figure in dark jumped out.


A quick punch was thrown that nearly struck Cirrus’s chest.

Before Cirrus and Nox was a young girl around Ai’s age with short brown eye and hair with a short top, white scarf, and shorts.

“Your pretty good for a bard!” she said in an insulting manner.

“Ah an assassin? And one so young? She’s about your age Sora.” Nox said looking at Cirrus.

“So what! I’m a level 2!” she said in a prideful manner. “So if you want a painless death you won’t try and fight back!”

“…What’s your name assassin.” Cirrus said.

“My name is Lunoire Faust, but you don’t have to remember where you’re going!” she then charged at Cirrus and then.


“…Eh?” Lunoire said as she looks up to see the stars.

“A shame.” Cirrus said. “This makes what the 9th assassin?”


“Yup but this one was rather bold…and stupid.” Nox said as she glares down with her cold blue eyes that pierce through Lunoire.

Lunoire could tell she had made a devastating mistake. She tried to get up but her chest was being stepped on by Cirrus’s foot. No matter how much she tried to push him off his foot remain still as a mountain.

“W-who are you really!” she shouted.

“Me?” Cirrus said looking down at Lunoire. “I’m none of your concern you moron so long as you tell me-” he then removes his sunglasses, and his eyes open coldly as though he was looking through her with his emerald eyes. “-Who was the one who hired you?”

His words fell to deaf ears as her heart was pounding like a rabbit caught in a trap. His emerald eyes were so clear she could see her own reflection in them.

“Y-you have both eyes!”

“Tell. Me.” his eyes grow colder as his foot sinks deeper into her chest.


“Who. Sent. You.”

“H-his name is Danilo Ilić!! Brown hair in an old suit! He’s waiting at a bar in the southwestern section of the city!” she screamed out.

“Good, now.” Her pressed tighter. “You tell anyone about this, and I’ll fucking turn your fists into fine powder got it.”

Lunoire shook her head.

“Now leave.” Cirrus loosened his foot and Lunoire quickly ran away.


Running away Lunoire made it back to her room in a shady part of the city and breathed heavily after the encounter she just been through.

‘W-what was that monster!! I couldn’t even move his foot of me! he said he was not in a Familia! yet he was that strong! He must have a Falna! And he must be at least a level 3 or higher! Next time…next time I will be more careful when picking jobs…such a humiliating defeat he didn’t even throw a single punch…Kek!”

She checked herself if anything was hurt but aside from a foot sized bruise on her chest she was fine after a good night’s sleep.

The next morning she went to see her client to see if anything happen to them.

Walking down the stairs to the bar she reached the door and opened it to find everyone inside dead. She could see some scuffs on them but no blood.

“Oh shit…”

Lunoire checked and found that they all had broken hands.


Instantly she remembered what he said, talk and he’ll come after her. She touched their hands, and it was like a meaty soft pillow with not even a bone could be felt.

Huff! Huff! Huff!” her eyes darted around the room where she saw a propped-up letter.

She slowly walked towards it and reads it.

“Let this be a reminder, come after me again and this will be your fate, I hope you don’t end up like your former goddess Ate.”

This was true fear, death had brushed passed her.

She left the bar along with the letter and never returned, a few days later she had walked passed it to find it was occupied by some other sketchy group of people, she was now far wearier of the city and its dangers.