Chapter 121: [Vol.2] Quest 110- Daily Life

While Cirrus is in the dungeon many of the people up above are busy with their daily activity.

In the Hostess of Fertility, Lili was working.

“So how’s being a waitress kid!” said Mia.

“T-tough! I didn’t know one it was this much walking!” Lili said.

“Well good thing you’re more agile then that one over there.” She said pointing at Anya.

“She is getting better.”

“Yeah…” Mia said making a slight smile. “So how long are those two going to be gone for?”

“Umm…they said for a few days, do you think everything is alright?” she asked worried.

“I’m sure there fine, Sora is a lot tougher than one would think.”

“Really? Even if he doesn’t have a status?”

“I’m sure he can give a level 1 like you a good run for her money! Now we have customers!”

“Right!” she said getting back to work.

At that moment in the dungeon’s 38th floor.

Cirrus is slashing his way through the horde of Spartoi.


‘What’s wrong?’ asked Circe.

“…I felt like people are- slash!!

‘Enough thinking and more action! We still have a lot to map out!’ Nox said.

Cirrus and Circe turned to see a tunnel full of Spartoi.

Haaa…RAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Cirrus charged headfirst into battle.


Back on the surface, out on patrol.

“Nothing again.” Said Lyra.

“Hmm…its boring without Night Sky around to draw in criminals.” Ai said looking bored into the distance.

“…Say did you find what you were looking for?”

“Hm? what do you mean?”

Ai turned to her in puzzlement.

“Well you were gone for a while, Lady Astraea said you left leaving a note behind so…did you find what you were looking outside of Orario?”

“Uhh….” Her face blushed.

“Heh~” Lyra got closer. “tell me what happened! Did you meet a guy!”

Ai turned her head.

“Did you go in for the kill!” she said with a smug grin.

“I-I’m going to meet up with Ryuu-san!” she said quickly walking away.

“Come!” Lyra said chasing after her. “At least tell me it worked! I was planning on using it to get Finn!!”


Currently the Loki Familia are in the dungeon’s 12th floor.


Huff! Huff! Huff!

Breathing heavily was a young golden hair adventure with a fortress of wind surrounding her as a Black Wyvern slowly turns to ash.


“Ais! It’s alright!” shouted Riveria.


“Gareth! Try and get to her! These winds are strong!” Finn shouted.


“Grr!! Grr!!!”

Making his way through the wind Gareth reached Ais and held her.


“Its fine Ais, your safe…your safe.”

Gareth continued to comfort her until she had a mind down.

“Riveria can you take care of her?” asked Finn.

“Hm, are we going to call it for today? We found some members of the Thanatos Familia are you sure we-“

“I am sure, I rather not risk the lives of our new members.” Finn walks and helps out a 13-year-old boy.

“T-thank you captain!” he said.

You are reading story Danmachi: Wayward Cloud at

“Come lad! We need to get moving!” Gareth said slapping the back of the boy.

“M-my name is Raul!”


At the Freya Familia’s home.

“Hmm…” Freya said as she crumbles some paper.

“What is the problem Lady Freya?” Ottar said as he comes into the room.

“I wanted to ask you, is there a job that will help one know people?”

“…If this is about money I can go into-“

“Oh no my dear Ottar I was just thinking on his words from that night.”

“I…see…I heard Mia opened a pub with Allen’s little sister.”

“Ah! A waitress! Hmm….” She begun to write. “How do you feel about…a Town Girl?”

“A Town…Girl?” he said squinting his eyes.

“Yes…bring Horn in, it seems I can make due on our deal.” She said with a smirk on her face.


Somewhere in Orario.

“Dammit! Those dam dogs of Astraea!!” shouted Alecto. “They have been riding us hard since we killed their dam prince!”

“Well what did you expect.” Said Apate. “How would you feel if one day Turn is killed?”

“…Grrr….so what then!? They and the dam Susanoo Familia grew far stronger than what we expected especially that Saint, she alone has proved more of a threat than the Prince!”

“Well your Familia has been pretty brave in your activities; I heard your even starting to break your way in to Kakia’s old business!”

“Tried is more accurate, Ishtar has been relentless! Since she absorbed a majority of the Familia’s who tried to fight her into her own Familia so now it’s like a fortress of 3rd and 2nd class prostitutes that litter the streets like snow!”

“Well…seeing as your Familia is stronger and has more members…why not destroy her with a Wargames? I’m sure when you win it’ll cause the city to fall deeper into chaos!”

“Yes…” a big smirk appeared on her face. “I’ll crush that Familia of Justice!!”

“Do you want me to help set up the best moment to-“

“No need, I’ll bide my time for now, my children are going to have to build up their strength!”

“I can’t wait to see!” Apate said with big smile on her face.

“By the way where is Erebus?”

“Him? Who knows, last I heard he said he was going to find some “Muscle” for his grand plan.”

“Heh…he’s an odd one is he not?”


Outside of Orario in the North.


The Wendigo falls dead on the ground as Zald and Alfia dust off their clothes.

“What amazing work!” Erebus said walking in clapping.

“You sure this was a monster from the age of gods?” asked Zald as he takes a bite of it.

“Most positive!” he said in a playful manner. “So with this monster done, shall we get ready for…The Trails.” His face grew serious as well as his tone.

“It’s a shame we couldn’t fight that kid.” Said Zald with monster meat in his mouth.

“Ah the one that fought that mountain sized monster? I think his name was Zephyr?” said Alfia. “I wanted to see how strong he was…and what kind of noise he made.”

“Then we have to settle for the currently living “Hero’s” of Orario.” Said Zald as he picks up his great sword. “I’m sure that Ottar is pretty strong now after 7 years.”

“True and Riveria as well, I like to see how strong as a mage she has grown.”


            Back to Cirrus, Nox, and Circe.

            While Cirrus is fighting Nox and Circe hang back.

            ‘Hm?’ Nox turned her head. ‘Circe…did you feel that?’

            ‘Yes…I felt it for a second but I’m sure of it.’

            ‘…Lets keep an eye out for it again. Another spirit decided to make themselves known.’

They turn to see Cirrus wearing his Cerberus armor.

"Raaaah!!! Come on!!! More!! More!!! Put up more of a fucking fight!! Were is the elite you Lizardmen!! Raaaah!!!" Cirrus was indulging himself a bit to much.

'Confirmed the armor does make him a bit more blood thirsty.' said Nox.

'Yeah "little" is a understatement.' said Circe making a mental note of it.


Down in the depths of the Dungeon, a primordial being felt a breeze.

'…….…….Aria~' it thought for a brief second before it's consciousness  returned to slumber.