7:37 AM.
Cirrus wakes up from his 7-hour sleep. He gets up and puts his usual gear on.
He trains in Swordsmanship, Spearmanship, Archery, and Magic for 2 hours.
“Huff! Huff!” he looks to the sky and thinks.
‘I haven’t used the shield in a while…did I outgrow it? Maybe tomorrow I’ll see about it.’
He goes back and takes a shower, washing away the sweat of the workout he dries himself off and gets ready for his day as a musician.
Putting on the sunglasses a scar appears on his face, he sweeps back his hair messes with how he stands and walks seemly as though he slipped into another’s shoes.
He goes to check on Nox and Circe to find them still asleep in bunk beds.
‘Didn’t think Nox would want this? Oh well.’
They’re both asleep, Nox won’t be up for another hour and Circe for 2.
10: 41 AM.
Walking through Daedalus Street.
“Hmm♪ Hmm♪”
Cirrus was humming his way as he walks through the complex area of Orario.
“Left, up, down, right, left, up, up, down aaaand a right.”
Cirrus knocks on the door 3 times in a rhythm.
The door opens wide, and Lili jumps at Cirrus.
“Morning Sora!” she said.
“Morning Lili, are you almost ready?”
“Hm! I just need to lock up!”
As Lili closes the door Cirrus could see how frugal her home is.
“Right then let’s be off! Yoru will meet up with us at our spot.”
12 PM.
“Sorry!” Nox said.
“Miss Yoru were you doing your makeup?” Lili said.
“Fufu how kind of you to think I need makeup!” she said proudly.
They soon began to play; Cirrus could see familiar faces in the crowd. It seemed this will be another day.
3: 49 PM
Taking a break Cirrus is approached by 2 people.
“So what pleasure do I have to meet the Sunny Saint and Antianeira?” Cirrus said looking at the Renard and Amazoness.
“My goddess wishes to have you play for the upcoming Goddess Festival.” Aisha said.
“Hmm? Is it for the festival or specifically her?”
“Both actually.” Aisha said confidently. “I brought this one here since she’s a good friend of yours.”
Cirrus turns his gaze to Ai.
“Is that true?”
“Yes! It’s a festival being planned by all the Goddesses of Harvest, Lady Freya, Demeter, Hathor, Damia, and-“
“My goddess Ishtar.” Aisha said a slightly disheartened.
“…I see so you wish to have me help make a grand time for the goddess’s?”
“Hm, we will of course pay you like what you did for the Banquet a few months back.”
“You went to that Banquet! Lord Susanoo didn’t explain it properly!”
“Yeah…I do hope by pay you mean actual currency and not what the rumors are saying.” Cirrus gave a glance at Aisha.
You are reading story Danmachi: Wayward Cloud at novel35.com
“I will…inform her of it.” she said with a pain expression.
“…How about we settle this after the festival is over?” Cirrus said with a smile. “Is that fine with you?”
“Y-yes!” she said with a calmer look.
‘Seems I won’t be getting any money from this…oh well.”
4:49 PM
Mia’s Pub.
“Are you sure it was okay to get paid after the festival?” Nox said.
“Yeah what if that big Familia’s don’t pay!” Lili said.
“Eh…I see no point in it seeing as there will be other people there and I’m sure the other goddess will be generous enough to us.”
“Um can I ask what “rumor” you were talking about?” asked Ai.
“The rumor that Ishtar has been using her status as a goddess of love to get…advantages.”
“Advantages?” Ai and Lili said.
“Oh how pure you two are.” Said Nox. “Ai I’m a bit surprised you didn’t know considering your friends with Aisha.”
“I was busy in the dungeon! And I would hang with her outside the entertainment district!”
“Pure like sunshine.” Said Cirrus.
“They sure are.” Said Mia putting down their plate of food.
“W-what! tell me!” Ai shouted.
“Yeah!” said Lili.
“Lili your too young for this and Ai has Susanoo, or has anyone ever told you-“ Cirrus leaned in and told her.
“!!!” her face reddened. “O-oh…” she understood what they were talking about. “Aisha never told me that during our…”
As they were talking he felt a faint whisper fell to his ear.
“…” Cirrus looked around.
“What’s wrong?” asked Ai.
Murmur murmur~
Another faint whisper fell to his ears, he touched the conch to find it slightly hot.
“Oh is something wrong with the earing?” Ai said leaning to touch it. “It seems- ow!” she quickly pulled her finger away. “Why is it hot!?”
“I knew it was from a witch!” Cirrus tried to remove the earing but couldn’t. “…Why didn’t I think it was fucking cursed.” He tries to remove it but it was stuck and oddly cool to the touch.
‘That is odd? It's cool but...' as he tries to think on it he felt his mind avoiding the conclusion like a word on the tip of the tongue. 'Why didn’t I-‘
“Pffft hahahahaha!!!!" Laughed Nox. “At least it’s not burning you right?” she said with a snicker.
And with a simple distraction the thought process was cut and changed.
“No…Ai is your hand find?”
“Y-yeah…” she looks out the window to find it pretty late. “Ah shoot I’m still on patrol! Sorry I need to get going!”
“Thanks for the protection Sunny Saint!” shouted Nox.
“Yeah! Sunny Saint!”
“Sunny Saint!”
Several people in the pub began to chant her name.
“C-come on! I’m getting embarrassed!”
“Come one everybody!!” shouted Cirrus standing up. “Sunny Saint! Sunny Saint!”
“Sunny Saint! Sunny Saint!”
“Sunny Saint! Sunny Saint!”
“Sunny Saint! Sunny Saint!”
“I’m leaving!” she said running away with a embarrassed face.
“A round on me!!!” shouted Cirrus.
“Uraaa!!!!!” the pub erupted in cheers.