Chapter 134: [Vol.2] Quest 120- Thunderous Return

With the magic circle behind him Cirrus said his chant.

“(Exousía, Adorn: Ceryneian)!!!”

As the armor adorns Cirrus, they could easily find how different it became, it had a free and battle-like look to it, it’s antlers were now more like twisting horns of a spiral-horned antelope.

Many who were watching were in shock from this reveal, most were surprised by how beautiful Cirrus was having finally shown his face.


Freya’s Familia home.

“What a spectacular opening!” Freya said with excitement. “I could see the look on Alecto’s face as despair fills her face!!”

“And in many of the children of Evilus, the monster they thought had killed has returned.” Ottar said.


Loki’s home.

“Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!” Loki laughed. “This was why you rejected our help Astraea!! You had him as your trump card!!!” Loki had a face of pure excitement. “Look at him Ais! This is who you should strive to be!!”

“The Masked Prince!!” said Finn. “The second strongest in Orario has returned!”

Ais could see the look in everyone’s eyes as this person returned to the spotlight.

“Hm, I want to see how strong he is.”

“Don’t worry Ais.” Said Gareth. “He is about to show you how he got his name.”


 Mia’s pub.

“Waaaah!!!! Lili said. “S-Sora was the Masked Prince!” she shouted out.

“Dam I always thought he looked familiar.” Mia said.

“Ki-hihihihi!! The boy finally showing his face!” Lenoa said with a smile on her face.

“Hm! hm! I can see the influence you have on the city Cirrus!” Circe said while eating.

“So this was the client.” Hephaestus said smiling.

“Yup, my first client asked to help him with a grand return.”


Babel Plaza.

“C-Cirrus!” Kushida looked at Ai. “Ai did you-“

“SHOW THEM!!! SHOW THEM YOU RETURNED CIRRUS!!!” Ai shouted enthusiastically.

Kushida could see the red conch shell hanging off Cirrus’s left ear and the blue earring hanging off of Ai’s.

“Ai…did you know he was back?”

“Hm? oh yes! When I left, I found him and brought him back!”

“And here I thought you moved on from him…”

'At least Susanoo won't worry so much now.'


Babel Tower.

“N-no I-it can’t be!!” Alecto said with a distraught face. “H-he should be dead!”

“Fufu! Did you all enjoy the surprise!” Astraea said with a smile. “He wanted to give the gods a good surprise so when he returned, he disguised himself for the right time!”



            Several of the gods were cheering from the sudden appearance except for Alecto.

“My how the scales have tipped and fallen off.” Hermes said with a massive grin on his face.


Back to the War Game, after adorning his armor Nox came and perched on his horn.

“See how the rest of the Familia are doing.”

‘On it.’

As Nox flies away Turn slowly gets back up to see several of his Familia petrified in fear, the White Beast returned.

You are reading story Danmachi: Wayward Cloud at

“I-I t-t-t-thought y-y-you w-w-were d-d-d-dead!!” Turn said stuttering as a fear began to instill in all of Evilus.

“My death has been…greatly exaggerated. For that I would like to thank you." his words held a restrained anger. His magic circle appeared again under him. “(Sword of Damocles, sing your vespers.) [Dia Dikastí̱s]!” a mantle of thick electricity ran across his body like that of a thundercloud. “Come. Let me show you my appreciation.” As Cirrus moves his hand, he holds one up as sparks of electrify flies off it. “(Damocles).”

            From the back of his stone throne his weapon comes swinging over into his hand and a layer of electricity covers and flickers off it.

“I need to pay back your Familia for setting that monster free.”

Cirrus got into a stance and like a clap of thunder he was gone.


Quickly covering the distance Cirrus had already grabbed Turn's head-



-and smashed him into the cliff side.


With his grip still in place Cirrus removes his hand to find that he’s unconscious. He then tosses him high into the air like he was a phone.

“Disappointing.” He says as he turns to the members around Ryuu. “Scared huh? let me take you to your captain.”



They all said as they all looked to find how high up they were in the sky.

“Y-you…" Said Ryuu weakly. "Lady Astraea and the rest of the Familia mentioned you but…I didn’t think-“

“Rest up, I’ll take it from here.” He holds up his hand as his magic circle appears again. “(Sing your Vespers.)”

A bolt of thunder emerged from the magic circle and formed itself into a dragon, it climbed all the way to the Familia.

From up on high the Familia member's watched as that dragon climbs it's way to them-

"Ah..." said one of the Familia members. "I think I shit-BZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!"

-And swallow  them one after the other before dissipating.

Even his control of magic was starkly different then before, more refined and polished into art that left many awestruck.

“Here you go.” He tosses Ryuu a health potion and walks a bit forward.

His armor disappears and his magic circle appears again.

“I'm off to win the Wargames. See ya in a bit. (Exousía, Adorn: Stymphalian).”

As the armor adorns him, he flaps his wings and quickly soars to the sky. He grabs the Familia members he threw and electrocuted and continues to soar away.

“…Whoa.” Said Ryuu amazed by how easy he took care of it.


Many who were watching could see the anger Cirrus had for them.

“Fufu! Oh my look at that! It seems like the tide has turned!” Astraea said. “I hope you didn’t work too hard on all of this!”

“G-grrr!!!! That’s cheating!”

“How so? He is a member of my Familia, and he was never declared dead only missing. It was your own fault you assumed he was dead after all.”

Many of the gods agree with her on this, despite the 4 years missing The Guild never officially declared him dead just missing.

‘This is bad! Apate! You have to do something or else she is going to win by a landslide!’

Somewhere in Orario.

“Hurry! Hurry! Move everything!” Apate shouted. “That dam monster has returned! Semele! Valletta! Move everything and go deep underground!”

“Lady Apate what of-“

“She’s on her own! Shit!! Shit!! I didn’t think Astraea would hide her child for this dam long! or even hiding her child at all!”


Outside of Orario in Melen.

“Electric magic huh? interesting and that armor…Mmmmm I dear say he’s like a little Zeus…fufu Demi-Zeus, at least he isn’t as bad as him.” Hera said watching her grandson with joy.