Chapter 152: [Vol.2] Quest 134- The Cloud Gathers

For the next 3 days Cirrus has been extremely busy much to his dismay but a sword to appease Amaterasu and Hephaestus could only be made from extreme levels of hard work and preparations.

Cirrus had went to all the bookstores in Orario and bought everything they had on metallurgy, smithing techniques, temperatures, pressures everything he could get his hands on to further improve his craft. Of course he couldn’t read it all, but Hecton could.

“Thank you sir.” Hecton said as he is reading several books.

“No problem, we are going to be busy the next few days.”

Cirrus also was spending a chunk of the days before the forge was ready to be used in the Dungeon. He delve deep into the dungeon far deeper than even the Loki Familia had gone.

“Fuck…I think love really made me go fucking insane.” Cirrus stares down the Dragon’s Urn, the last region the Zeus and Hera Familia supposed to have explored. Having made a b-line to this floor Cirrus went as fast as he possibly could to save time.

Several Valgang Dragon’s litter the floors from the 52nd to the 58th floor with their breath attacks easily melting and blasting their way to the 52nd all the way down from the 58th. If there was a hell it would be this region of the Dungeon.

"Sir I am ready to assist you." Hecton said as his arms are ready to punch the dragons.

"Thank you Hecton. Watch my back!!" He jumped down the hole. Falling down the hole Cirrus couldn't help but smile, the experience was similar to sky diving but more fun. “Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Let’s fucking go!! I’m on a time crunch!” he puts down his bird mask and swoops down. “(Sword of Damocles, sing your vespers.) [Dia Dikastí̱s]!!!”

With electricity covering his body Cirrus shoot’s out metal feather’s like miniature railguns, shooting each one with extreme precision.

“Artemis!! I could give you a kiss from how good your teachings were!!!"

Cirrus indulges himself a bit as he hunts down monster after monster. While he cuts them down Hecton grabs their drops and stores it in his shadow.

Cirrus lands on the 58th floor and he cleaned house wiping the Valgang Dragon's from the floor so he can begin to mine the metals on the floor. Using his experience on the island he was on to easily be able to make a pickaxe using Adamantite mixed with Mithril.

“Thank you Evilus for being on leave! Of course…that just means their preparing for something big, not looking forward to that.”

“Adamantite melts at 3,471 °C.” Hecton said as he tells Cirrus various knowledge on the books he gave him. “Then you would dunk it in Ash Oil or Magic Sap Oil.”

“Say…” Cirrus looks over at the stairway to the 59th floor. “You are good with the cold right?”

“I am.”

“…Hmm dammit, if only I knew of what material it has and if I wasn’t on a time crunch.”

Cirrus returned to mining what he already knows well enough to gather reliably.


2 days later Cirrus would return from the dungeon completely haggard, many who saw him would say he was fighting for days and that would be true. Since he started to get the material and reading several books he has overworked himself even for a level 7. The sole reason he’s still up and kicking from going through hell and back was simply for Ai to see her homeland again.

“Yo Cirrus!” said Lyra. “You look like shit!”

“Still better than you and your chances to get with Finn.”

“Why you-!”

Ryuu held her back.

“You have been busy Cirrus.”

“I have, due to Susanoo’s request.”

Cirrus and Ryuu were at first simply people in the same Familia, their view on justice are still something they could not see eye to eye on. But since the War Games they are more amicable with one another and occasionally patrolling together.

“Hm do not tire yourself to much even if Evilus has shown no activity one needs to be prepared.”

Somewhat amicable.

“Yeah, yeah, if anything happens I’ll know of it. see ya.” Cirrus waves goodbye as he heads to Eupheme’s workshop.


Arriving at Eupheme’s workshop he met Eupheme and Hephaestus waiting outside.

“Geez you look like shit.” Eupheme said in her monotone voice.

“Yes you look terrible, just 3 days ago you had such a confident look on your face.” Hephaestus said.

“I was gathering the material’s for the weapon.” Cirrus said carrying a rather large supporters bag filled with material.

“I’ll lead the way, Eupheme could you help him?”


Eupheme came over and tried to help but.

“W-what’s with this load!” she said struggling to lift it. “No wonder you so dam tired this bag must way a ton!”

“The faster we get to the forge the faster this can get off my back.”

“I’ll do my best to help.”

They walked a bit north on the edges of her Familia’s workplaces. They came up to a 2-story building that looks freshly renovated.

“This is your place or well your rental, Eupheme that’s your place.” She says pointing at the building next to Cirrus’s.

“Eh?” Eupheme said.

“What? you proved your skill as a Blacksmith and seeing as your this one’s smith I wouldn’t want you to get targeted by Evilus or anything.”

Hephaestus turned and gave Eupheme a proud smile.

“L-lady Hephaestus!” She hugged her goddess.

“What a good smile, enough to charm any child!” Cirrus said.

“Don’t let your lover hear that she may get jealous Cirrus.” Hephaestus said as Eupheme lets go and she walks away. “I can’t wait to see your masterpiece!”

As Hephaestus leaves, Eupheme walks towards her new workshop.

“S-sorry but can I check and see!” she said excitedly.

“Go on.”

You are reading story Danmachi: Wayward Cloud at

She quickly leaves and checks her new space. Cirrus walks to his place and uses his skill to open it.

The supporters bag quickly begins to shrink as he enters the building and closes the door. He walks forward to see a new forge and equipment.

“Dam…now I really can’t fuck this up.”

Cirrus puts down the bag and looks around the building to find it’s built similarly to Eupheme’s old workshop but with what he can assume is the latest's and finest of smithing equipment. The workshop is function’s to serve as their workplace and home with a kitchen to the side of the building, a second floor to serve as a room to sleep and a basement to store material.

Putting everything in order Cirrus first stores all of his material in the basement and organize them.

“This should be good, (Circe).”

His magic circle appears, and Circe pops out with a bag filled with stuff.

“Oh~ so this is workshop you’re going to be using huh! but no forge?”

She started to look around the place looking at all the material.

“The forge is on top, I’ll be taking a nap on the 2nd floor, I haven’t slept in days.”

“Alright i'll set all my stuff so you can get started whenever you’re ready!”


Cirrus walks up the stairs as Circe begins to put all of her stuff to help with the forging.

“Hey Nox, I’m at the place.”

‘And Cirrus?’

“He’s going to sleep for a while, he hasn’t slept in days.”

‘Hm! hm! once you’re done setting everything come out and I’ll find you!’

“Got it!”


Somewhere in Orario out on patrol.

“What’s wrong Nox?” said Ai looking at Nox.

Nox waves her wing to an alley and Ai goes down it.

Nox then turns back into her human form.

“Circe is at Cirrus’s new workplace so I should know where it is soon so you can spend some time with him.”

“W-what!? really! I thought he would be too busy to see me for a while?”

“Well he needs food right? And some company!” she said in a loving and teasing tone.

“Not you to!” she said covering her face.

“Fufu don’t worry it’s nice he has someone he loves whole heartily, now shall we resume patrol?”

“Please, for the love of Susanoo, yes.”


Later at night.

“Hmm so this is the place he’s renting huh?” said Nox looking around the place.

“It’s fairly nice, I spent most of the time cleaning it up a bit!” Circe said slightly dirty from cleaning.

Sniff! Sniff! It has the smell of several metal’s and monsters?” Ai sniffed around the forge.

“Ah that due to all the monster Cirrus had hunted down in the dungeon he is really dirty from 2 days of hunting. Oh now that I have you Ai here.”

Circe rummages through her bag a bit and pulls out a bottle of pills and hands them to Ai.

“These are…” she said looking at them.

“These are um…” Circe’s face began to redden when Nox came in resting her arm on Circe’s head.

“These are better versions of those pills used in the red light district.”


“Shhh!” Circe said getting Nox’s off of her and stopping Ai from yelling. “Look. Me, Cirrus, and Lenoa made this to sell at the Red-Light District and Cirrus kinda said you took one before…so um these are far better versions of those sold commercially.”

“Yeah their Amazoness Grade. As much as I would like to see a little fox-eared kid with green eyes running around calling me aunty raising a kid in this is not very optimal.” Nox said. “Oh that and you two are rather young for it as well.”

“So make sure you take one before o-or even after! It works just fine! I made sure of it after several tests! No-wait it’s not what it sounds like! I mean um we have some who test-

“Okay that’s enough!” Nox closes Circe’s mouth. “I’m going to leave first okay! Let’s go Circe. Have fun Ai-chan!” Nox turned into her owl form and left out the window.

“Right! Bye-bye!”

Circe quickly turned into a bird and left through an open window.

“Umm….” She looked at the bottle of pills and found the bottle filled to the brim. “…I think I reached my limit to how embarrassed I could possibly be.”

She first put all the food she bought into the kitchen and found it had basic utensils. After that was done she went to check on Cirrus, coming up stairs the room was really spacious with a fairly large bed in the corner with Cirrus sleeping.

She cleaned the room a bit before covering Cirrus in a blanket.

Sniff! Sniff!

‘He does smell of sweat, monsters, metal, and blood. I wonder what you’re going to make? If it’s from lord Susanoo it must be-!!’ There was only one possible thing he could have asked for and Cirrus was possibly the best choice to do it. ‘No...are you really going to try and…very well I’ll help you as best as I can!’