Having given the sword to Ai, Cirrus went and took bath before heading to sleep again, Nox and Circe stayed behind as Eupheme, and Ai went to meet Hephaestus.
“D-Do you think it’ll go alright!?” Ai said to Eupheme. “What if I screw up!”
“It’ll be fine.” Eupheme said. “Cirrus knows what he is doing I mean look at what’s in your hand?”
Ai looks at the sword in its wrapping, and she clenches it.
“Yes…if it’s a sword I can use it! Oh Eupheme how goes my new weapon?”
“Way better than before now you can have it on your hip at all times!”
“Can it still shift from sword or spear?”
“Yup! But with some compensation of course to make it work.”
When they arrive at Hephaestus’s office they found Tsubaki there helping Hephaestus with some work.
“Eupheme and the Sunny Saint, I heard of your level up after solo-ing the Udaeus, what brings you two here?” Hephaestus said looking over.
“Something wrong with the new workshop?” said Tsubaki. “I’m sure I double checked it for the rising star of the Familia.”
“No, it’s not that. Ai show her.”
Ai stepped forward and revealed the sword.
Immediately it drew their one eyes to the sword; they could feel and see how much it oozed awe.
“This sword…is it Cirrus’s masterpiece?”
“Yes, he worked for 4 weeks straight, day and night making it.”
“Can I see?” said Tsubaki.
“Hm, but be careful it’s terrifyingly sharp.” Eupheme said.
Ai holds out the sword and Tsubaki grabs it.
“Balanced…inhumanly balanced, it already like I have been using this sword my entire life.” She held it out and drew it.
She had drew it far too fast, she cut her thumb carelessly and unintentionally.
“Hey, hey…are you sure this wasn’t made by another smithing god!” she began to look at it even more carefully now. “This weapon…Hephaestus can you have a look at this?”
She nods her head and Tsubaki gently places it in her hands.
Hephaestus then removes one of her gloves and gently feels the texture of the blade itself and smirks.
“A perfected version of the one you and Cirrus made huh Eupheme.”
“That is correct and much like the prototype it has yet to show it’s true colors, Cirrus had said to show you outside.”
A smile formed on their face with elation.
“Lead the way.”
They all went outside, and Ai placed the sword to her hip and got into her drawing stance.
Ai takes a deep breath and centers herself.
“Haaaaa….(When the bell tolls 108 times gather the eight serpents.
No offerings of sacrifice to the earth, wind, fire, water, thunder, poison, light, and darkness.
I offer you steel and the clear sky.)”
As the white mist covers the sword Ai widens her stance and tightens her grip on the sheath. She looks up at the sky and holds her breath.
As she draws the sword the magic stone glows red and as the blade leaves the sheath the blade slowly turns red like the morning sun bathing the world in light.
The mist condenses at the edge of the blade, she draws it up to the sky and a strong blade of wind filled the street making a-
With dust kicking up they closed their eyes but after a second they opened them and looked up to see a diagonal line in the nearby clouds that are starting to bring in more clouds in a spiral like the cut was a black hole.
Ai looks at the sky and at the sword to find it now completely in a maple-like red.
“Heh…he-hahahahaha!!!” Hephaestus laughed out loud by the sight. She turned to Ai and walked over to her. “Show me the blade.”
Ai holds up the blade extremely carefully and Hephaestus looks at it again.
“Um…is something the matter Lady Hephaestus?” Ai said looking at Hephaestus who had a sharp look to her eyes.
“I see countless small vein like lines running along the sword stemming from the spine…such high craftsmanship requiring immense focus, talent, knowledge, and hard work, it dam near outshines anything I could have imagined! It makes me want to want to make my own to try and surpass this dam sword!!” she had a look of excitement they didn’t think she could make.
It was a fire that lit in the two mortal smith’s heart that they could truly reach the realm of the gods themselves!
Ai looked to see they now all had the same passion in their eyes.
“Ummm…” she carefully sheathed the blade back and they slowly calmed down.
“What is the name of this sword?” Hephaestus said looking at Ai.
“Cirrus named it Heavenly Cloud-Gathering Cutter.”
“A fitting name.” She turned to walk back to her shop. “Tell Cirrus he won his deal and to make sure he leaves his signature on it.”
You are reading story Danmachi: Wayward Cloud at novel35.com
“Tell the kid I’ll reclaim my title as Orario’s best smith!” Tsubaki said going in after Hephaestus.
“Um…Eupheme is everything alright?”
“Yes…” she still had that look in her eyes. “Let us return and keep the sword wrapped up I’m, I wish to return to my forge seeing this…it lit a fire in me as a smith.” She was making a smile that was ear to ear.
Back in the shop.
“Tsubaki how much money can you gather.”
“Lady Hephaestus are you thinking of commissioning a blade from Kirin!” Tsubaki shouted.
“I am. Seeing that sword made me want one as well before word gets out of his skill."
“Do you plan on dismantling to see how it works?”
“I already know how it works Tsubaki, as a god of blacksmithing if couldn’t see how it works it would bring shame to me as a goddess of the forge. I simply can’t replicate it as the technique is impossible for me without use of my Arcanum.”
“Then…it a method solely Kirin could use!?”
“Not exactly.” She sat back down in her seat. “I made a deal to not reveal what was discussed in this room, but you can achieve a weapon of similar degree if you follow the protype Eupheme help make Brilliant Nightmare…are you excited Tsubaki? A human managed to finally graze the heavens.”
She made a big grin as the fire in her eye blazed.
“Hell yeah I am!!! I’ll gather up some money for the commission!”
“And I’ll get to work on making some product!”
Back at Cirrus’s workshop.
“I’m back!” said Ai.
“Oh welcome back!” said Nox. “Circe is organizing the stuff down in the basement. So how did it go?”
“She said he won the deal?”
“Haha! He did! Hey! Circe! He won!”
From down in the basement.
“Really! Wooo!!!”
“Shouldn’t we be quiet? Cirrus is still sleeping right?”
“Don’t worry see those weird talismans spread around the room?”
Ai looks to find several of them nailed to the walls and ceiling.
“What are they?”
“Their called Sound Eater’s they basically make any room eavesdropping proof and as you can see.” She points to near the top of the stairs a Sound Eater. “Cirrus can’t hear us; the only reason Circe can is cause I took some off.” She then got up from her seat and walked over to the basement stairs. “Oi! We’re leaving!”
“Coming!” Circe quickly came up the stairs and looked at Ai. “Make sure he eats enough alright? I put some food in the fridge."
“I will.”
“Hm!” she then turned into a bird in a plume of smoke and flew out the window.
“See ya tomorrow Ai!” Nox followed in suit leaving Ai by herself, Eupheme had went straight to her workshop to begin smithing.
She locks the doors and windows. She walks up stairs and sees Cirrus sleeping in bed. She slowly walks up to him.
‘I won’t do what I did last time! I swear it!’
Sniff! Sniff!
A fire started to grow.
‘Ah dammit! No! No! Keep yourself together till after dinner!’
She looks at Cirrus’ sleeping face and she wanted to indulge herself a bit.
“C-can’t be to safe!” she silently whispered to herself.
She got the bottle and took one pill before placing them in one of his drawers.
“Ahem! C-Cirrus are you hungry!!” Ai shouted.
“Hm!? What!?” he said looking around a bit dazed.
“Food! Shall we eat for your winning of the deal!” she said with a big expression.
“I won? Hell yeah!” he got up and she found he wasn’t wearing a shirt.
Seeing him like that her previous thoughts flew out the window.
“Ah I forgot-! Ai…why are you hugging me?”
Hugging him from behind Ai buried her face into his back.
“I didn’t want to do it while you were asleep so…”
Cirrus could feel the hot breath on his back, the slight breeze from the wagging of her tail.
Cirrus turned around to see Ai have an almost feverish look to her eyes.
“Did you wake me up to have se-“
Ai quickly stole his lips, wrapped her hands around his neck as well as her legs around his waist.
“Y-you have been ignoring me for 4 weeks and it really bugged me when you didn’t even notice I fed you food.”
“…Fine I guess I do have some stress built up-!!”
Ai kissed him again and he stumbles back to the bed.
Her eyes grow even more feverish as she starts to take off her clothes.