The Vampire Empress.
Side Story 2 out 2. The God and Fate. (Helesta’s Perspective).
After a little while of continuous stalking, I finally decided to return back to the palace where I was greeted with a panicked kingdom. All of them were panicking as they couldn’t find me despite the shadow guards being always in my shadow. It seemed like my disappearance for a few days caused large chaos over the kingdom which made me sigh.
“Your Majesty, please don’t go AWOL again…” the secretary, who was the four-eyed red-haired girl sighed. My office was covered in paperwork again and this time, more shadow guards were assigned around me to keep me from vanishing again like last time.
“Do you think you could stop me from leaving if I wanted to?” I laughed a bit while signing most of the paperwork that was handed to me first. The kingdom had this organization of paperwork where the ones that receive the most approval from the citizens and the nobility will be passed to me first and generally, that paperwork is almost immediately accepted by me after a short skim.
My hands flashed several times, taking many at once before my eyes skimmed through all of them at once and signing the ones that look good and also would work best according to my intuition that has never failed me once.
“You made it look like you fell in love with someone by running off like that, though,” she responded before I looked at her with my eyes widened.
“How did you know?” I asked before her face paled. It was as if she didn’t actually know and was guessing. I felt embarrassed for basically admitting it on the spot.
“Your Majesty?! You actually fell in love?! With which man?! How could the person who once screamed that she will never marry someone suddenly fall in love… huh… wait you ran away to the south when I mentioned the kingdom to the south… does that mean you fell in love with that bastard?!” she suddenly started reacting creepily.
My back felt a bit sweaty from her creepy expression but shook my head in response to her as I said, “It’s not a man. It’s a girl. You know, that one who was summoned to this world…”
Her eyes widened even more as she slammed on the desk with her jaws wide open. It was like she was hearing something that she couldn’t comprehend… well, that is understandable as I once was a straight person who didn’t think of females as potential love candidates but somehow, I became a spaghetti after seeing that girl.
“What kind of person is that summoned girl to be able to seduce Her Majesty?!” she started roaring like a dragon.
“She’s a vampire and doesn’t insult her like that, unless you want your head chopped off… not by me but by her,” I laughed a bit while flinging a pile load of papers to another side of the desk, pulling another pile through magic, “Anyway, I will be going away from the kingdom for possibly a month as my accumulated vacation.”
“After all, I haven’t taken a vacation for like five years straight which is pretty much, two months or even more worth of vacation. Any urgent documents can be sent to me through the shadow knights, also… I will be leaving a royal decree to assign shadow knights onto the summoned person and the child she took in,” I heaved a sigh before her jaws became even more wide open.
She suddenly started waving her hand in front of me, smelling me like a crazy dog before asking, “Your Majesty, are you sure you haven’t gone mad…?”
“A vampire?! Aren’t succubus supposed to be repelled by vampires?! Also, aren’t vampires supposed to be extinct after they overestimated their rank as the strongest race and killed themselves through internal wars?!” she started piling a load of questions.
Heaving a sigh, I rolled one of the papers on my desk which was already going to the trash bin, and smacked her in the head with it, “Don’t lump me with those lustful pieces of trashes. I am a Suca and not a Succubus even though we come from the same demon family. And also, she doesn’t seem like the vampire of our world but rather a unique kind of vampire which seems to be from their world.”
“The smell she radiates is almost like a field of roses. It’s a lot different from those disgusting vampires of the past. Not to mention, she is a gazillion time beautiful than any person in this world,” I looked out at the window with a smile.
Aya was indeed more beautiful than any person I have seen even if her actions were normal, she indeed has the charm that no other could beat in this world. She was also capable and very loving especially to that child she took in. It was like she was the perfect person for me.
You are reading story The Vampire Empress at
Amidst my daydream, my surrounding suddenly changed into a black space which made me frown a bit before saying, “What are you calling me here for again, you stupid God?”
“The two of you are really compatible with one another. I remember being called that name by that vampire who was dragged into this world by accident,” a bitter laugh came from the empty space as a blonde male came out, munching on his apple like usual.
“Is that apple of yours infinite, how come I never seen it left your mouth? Are you some kind of pig?” I threw insults one after another while he shrugged it off with a wry smile.
“Hey now, you should stop insulting me. I am giving you quite an opportunity this time. You should already know that you aren’t allowed to fall in love, marry and have a child with an extremely powerful person, right?” he spoke with an arrogant tone.
“And so, I can tell you already know I am in love with someone who shouldn’t be that powerful,” I looked at him with a frown before he spat out his apple with a laugh.
“You call that vampire not powerful, please… that vampire managed to somehow take all the powers that I had offered her through some kind of exploit in the system. How the heck is she not powerful?!”
I was a bit taken aback by his response… Aya actually managed to take all the powers that she was offered. I do know this guy offers quite the powerful powers for stuff especially after experiencing that situation once after I reached the continent’s current power limit for the first time.
“You should understand the situation now, don’t you? Your little love won’t happen because of the power balance rule of this world,” he sighed while taking another apple and munching it.
My eyebrows frowned while my heart felt a bit annoyed. The power balance rule is one of this world’s natural rules which disallows two extremely powerful people to marry and conceive a child as the child would somehow manage to inherit both the most powerful traits and skills of both parties and would surpass both parents, causing the balance of the world to fall apart.
“Haa… now, now. Don’t look at me like that. The rule can have exceptions added especially if the creator of the world intervenes. I did say I am giving you an opportunity for my kindness. Want to listen?” he threw his apple and flicked his fingers, covering himself in better clothes as I nodded.
After fixing his tie a bit, he soon spoke, “As you may know, the vampire was summoned by that kingdom to the south, and to prevent more summoning, I deliberately destroyed any memory of how to use the spell and disabled the spell entirely but that can’t change the fact that the vampire was already dragged into this mess.”
I nodded to his question.
“Now, what you may don’t know yet is the reasoning behind their summoning of her. You should know that brat who leads that kingdom is quite capable right, in fact, he is quite capable that he decided to follow another fake religion other than mine.”
“That f**king religion told that brat to deceive the summoned person and tie her down to the kingdom to make her a killing machine which is obviously something I can’t stand and watch especially since that girlie is extremely overpowered and if allowed to grow would surpass you,” he sighed.
“Are you telling me to kill her?” I glared at him.
“Woah there, chill. I am not telling you to kill that brat, rather your job will be to assist and slowly bring her to your side. I trust you more than that brat of that kingdom. Even though it will break the continent’s balance, it won’t have an abdominal impact compared to having a singular killing machine that is unstoppable,” he sighed.
“What am I getting off from this?” I asked.
“Naturally, since we creators can’t intervene directly with the affairs of the world, we have to rely on you and the other limited creatures of the world to indirectly intervene. My reward this time will be an exception to the power balance rule, you can go ahead and marry that bratty vampire and even have a child with her if you wanted and I will tell the world to turn a blind eye,” he yawned, “Naturally, you have to first make her fall in love with you though but that’s another story.”
“This sounds suspicious, tell me more about this job,” I looked into his eyes before a smirk appeared on his lips.