The Vampire Empress.
Approaching the wooden board, a flood of amazement flooded me. The board was not simply a wooden board but rather a magical one. The scratches… or scribbles on the board weren’t drawn by man rather it was done automatically. The system utilized by the guild was quite amusing.
By placing your hand onto one of the boxes, it would reverse itself… almost like using the backspace key on the keyboard, it would slowly erase itself one after another, and every now and then, new boxes would pop up with the details of the quest written inside the boxes.
The wooden board was by no means small, it was an entire wall itself that fitted quite a lot of quests. There was plenty of quests that were being taken each moment and plenty being added each passing minute. I was amused by how active the guild was.
“What quest should we take?” I looked at the three with a smile, there was a pile load of quests that we could take. For example, the four of us are probably more than capable of taking all of the monster subjugation quests that are on the board right now. The only reason why I don’t want to do that is because it would be pointless and exhausting.
Showing her curious look, Ayaka looked at me in the eye as she asked adorably, “Mama, what is a quest?”
It was natural for her to not know, after all, she never went to any schooling… as far as my time with her has been nor has she been exposed to this kind of stuff. That reminds me of how I don’t know a single bit of her past… she also probably doesn’t even know her past in her current state. It kind of worries me inside that she doesn’t know anything about herself but there’s nothing I could do about it.
“You can think of a quest as a request or a favor from another person, like how you ask Felice or Iona to play with you, a quest is the same but unlike your ordinary request. A quest has a physical or virtual reward like for example, coins and food. You can think of it as work,” I answered.
Like the girl she was, her eyebrows frowned for a few moments before she started nodding to my explanation. It was an adorable sight, after all rarely would you see a child who would try his or her best to digest the information that was given to them. Ayaka was comparably different from most children I have encountered back in the past.
Her nature is one thing but her curiosity for everything is what kind of makes her unique and also intelligent. She digests every single bit of information that is given to her and most likely tries to understand it bit by bit almost like a computer being trained.
“Anyhow, what do you two think would be the best quest?” I looked at Felice and Iona.
Felice who was staying silent suddenly spoke up with a suggestion, “I think it’s better if we go for a simple herb harvesting quest like the rosemary harvesting quest or the mint quest which are commonly found near here.”
“Hmm, why do you think an herb harvesting quest would be best?” I asked.
She didn’t falter from my question and gave an answer almost immediately, “Personally, I think the little lady would be more entertained with an herb harvesting quest as she is a curious child for nature. Taking an herb harvesting quest would allow her to learn what is a dangerous plant and what is a safe plant to eat.”
“It would also teach her a lot about nature, take for example, why plants only live on a specific habitat or how do plants survive.”
I was impressed by her well-built answer, it was expected of Felice though as she is a noble lady at her core. Her parents are also beautiful-hearted people, and she should have also inherited their intelligence and trait. My lips curled even more from the answer.
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“How about you, Iona?” I asked.
She didn’t hesitate and immediately responded as well, “I think the same as Felice, my lady.”
“Then we’ll go with an herb harvesting quest, what kind of herbs should we take since the two of you are more experienced in this area than me?” I inquired before Felice pointed at two boxes which despite being accepted by many people are still there.
This is a non-external client quest and is free to be taken by anyone of any quantity.
This is a non-external client quest and is free to be taken by anyone of any quantity.
Rosemary leaves
No limit with a minimum of one.
Mint leaves
No limit with a minimum of one.
You can find this item in the forest to the west.
2 bronze coins per herb found and could be increased to 12 bronze coins depending on quality.
You can find this item in the forest to the west.
2 bronze coins per herb found and could be increased to 12 bronze coins depending on quality.
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