[POV Reo(Edgar)]
As soon as Ol Twinkles finished his speech the food appeared on the table. I tried to ignore the stare Fleur Delacour was giving me. It's kind of creepy...
I raised to head to tell her off but I noticed that every boy on the Ravenclaw table had their eyes glazed and every girl was looking at Fleur like she killed their puppy. Well, mostly every girl...
I turned around to see Momo, Rumi, and Luna had shrugged off the effect of her allure. Obviously, I have read about Veela and I know pretty well about their allure and I know what kind of effects it has. To throw off a Veela allure... you need to be exceptionally good in Occlumency or you need an extraordinary level of willpower... like Harry had in the original story.
I noticed another thing, Fleur doesn't seem to like her schoolmates and vice versa. As all of the girls were giving the girl death glares. Beauxbatons delegation was mostly girls... they only had 4 boys. Well, whatever... her stare was creeping me out so I decided to tell her off. I was about to say it but she finally looked away from me and turned towards her food. I chatted with Momo and Rumi throughout the dinner. Luna was kind of out of it until it was time when she got pudding from Momo. So, the rest of dinner passed quite normally.
When the feast was over the students decided to leave for their dorms. The girls and I left the Great Hall together but someone decided to follow us. I knew very well who it was, so I stopped and turned around to see Fleur Delacour walking towards us.
"Monsieur Ravenclaw, can I have a moment please?" Fleur asked with respect in her voice. I didn't expect this tone from her... as in the movies, she was a haughty and arrogant girl.
"Sure, but I don't have any idea what you could want from me" I decided to play innocent. No need to draw attention since I am so close to getting everything worked out. I have to remember that the Professors and most students are still loyal to Ol Twinkles so I don't want him paying attention to me. It won't be a problem at this stage but I want to stay behind the scenes until Ol Twinkles is ousted from the Hogwarts grounds.
"Fleur Delacour, it's nice to meet you! I am Luna Lovegood" Luna said in an excited voice and extended her hands towards Fleur. Fleur was completely gobsmacked... she was completely shocked that this girl knew her even before she introduced herself and she was quite sure that they haven't met before.
Fleur took Luna's hands only because of instincts and accepted the gesture. Fleur finally was broken out of her stupor and looked at the dreamy-looking girl.
"Um... it's nice to meet you too miss Lovegood but I don't think that we have met before" Fleur spoke with quite a surprise in her voice.
"Oh we haven't... that doesn't mean I shouldn't know you. Let's be friends!" Luna accepted the fact that she didn't know Fleur and offered her to become friends which made Fleur even more confused. Momo, Rumi, and I just stood and decided to watch the duo's conversation. I was sure that if it went on for a few moments then Fleur would have pulled out her hair.
"Luna! Please stop confusing Miss Delacour" Momo decided to butt in here. Luna didn't seem bothered and happily nodded her head.
"Um... I was kind of caught off guard with that. As you already know my name is Fleur Delacour, I rather wanted to ask you a personal question if you don't mind?" Fleur asked me with desperation in her eyes. I have no fucking clue what she wanted but I decided to nod my head.
"Do you know what a Veela is?" Fleur asked to which all of us nodded.
"Then, this is going to be much easier. I wanted to ask how all of you were able to throw off my allure?" Fleur asked in a genuine curious tone. Even though I didn't look like it... but I was already using Leglimency to see how truthful she was.
I was quite surprised to see that she truthfully and honestly wanted to know... she wasn't asking this out of pride as I wasn't drooling on her or she wasn't making fun.
I guess Occlumency is rather an obscure form of magic. Yes, Delacour is a pureblood family but there might be chances that Fleur doesn't know about that.
"It's because of Occlumency, do you know what Occlumency is?" I asked the girl.
"Yes, I have read in books that Occlumency can protect someone from Veela allure but I don't know what Occlumency is. I wasn't able to find anything related to Occlumency in Beauxbatons library neither I did in Delacour library" Fleur said with a frown on her face.
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"I have asked my Papa, he said he knew Occlumency, as he was a department head. He told me that he would teach me after I passed out from Beauxbatons... but he still didn't tell me what it is" Fleur spoke in a disappointed tone. I have noticed from the corner of my eyes that Momo had shot some privacy wards around us when Fleur started to speak.
I don't know how Pureblood families work. Daphne has pretty nice shields for someone of her age. Her mind is only protected by her ring or those shields won't matter to me. But they are still strong enough... after all, she is able to remain stoic and expressionless with them. Draco Malfoy also has mental shields but they were like wet paper to me even when I was in my second year. So, I can't understand why Fleur doesn't know anything about Occlumency.
"It's an obscure form of magic. Occlumency allows protecting your mind and thoughts. It also allows you to categorize your memories" I didn't bother to explain anything more to her. I have given her more than enough information.
"Can you tell me where can I get a book?" Fleur asked me with hope in her voice.
"Most pure-blood families have some in their libraries. You could find some in the market but I won't hold too much hope over that" I said to Fleur. She looked kind of disappointed but still nodded her head.
"Thank you for giving me your time" She said and walked away. The four of us didn't give it any more thought. Well... I don't know about Luna though as I usually don't know what goes inside her mind. Since we have got up really early today I wasn't in the mood of doing anything tonight. Momo was also the same as she crawled into the bed after taking a shower. Luna also decided to join us, since somehow already knew that we won't be doing adult stuff.
The next morning, we got ready and I wrote the prank letter to Narcissa telling her about her son's preferences. I am quite sure it would be a nice show to watch... after the owl flew away we directly went towards the room where the Goblets were being kept. Rumi wrote down her name along with the school name and dropped it in the silver cup.
The rest of the day passed quite normally, today Fleur didn't seem to stare at me like she did yesterday but she still stared from time to time. It was finally the time of dinner and the names were going to be selected. Everyone was waiting with bated breath for the process to begin.
"Students! Looks like the Goblets have chosen their Champions! We would be beginning with our junior Champions" Dumbledore said and moved in front of the silver goblet. Dumbles waved his hand and the lights in the Great Hall dimmed completely. I rolled my eyes seeing his theatrics.
A piece of parchment flew out of the goblet which Dumbledore grabbed and read the name "From Beauxbatons we have... Andre Morgan!" Dumbledore announced and the Beauxbaton section roared in cheer. It was one of the boys who got the chance... the rest of us clapped. The boy stepped out arrogantly and went to stand beside Maxime.
Soon the lights again dimmed and all the noise became silent. Another piece of parchment flew out of the goblet, Dumbledore read the parchment "From Durmstrang we have... Katina Leyah" Dumbles announced and a 5th-year girl rose proudly from the crowd of Durmstrang students. I guess she was quite famous as they immediately burst out into loud cheers and jeers. She went and stood beside Karkaroff.
The lights dimmed again, all of the students became completely silent and another parchment flew out, Dumbledore read the paper and his eyes turned towards our table "From Hogwarts we have... Roxanne Ravenclaw!" Dumbledore announced and the whole table burst out in cheers. All of us applauded while Rumi walked upto McGonagall and stood beside her.
"Now, that the Junior Champions are selected, let's move onto the Senior Champions" Dumbledore said and walked up to the golden goblet.
The lights dimmed again and everyone waited for the same thing to happen. A parchment flew out of the goblet which Dumbledore grabbed "From Beauxbatons we have... Fleur Delacour" the said girl got up from the table but this time there were no cheers from the Beauxbatons students but all of Hogwarts boys still applauded. This showed that my guess was correct she wasn't treated well by her classmates. She walked upto Maxime and stood at her other side. While Maxime had a smile on her face but Andre was glaring daggers at Fleur. He was a boy, right? So, shouldn't he be drooling?
The lights dimmed again and the Hall became completely quiet. Another parchment flew out of the Goblet and was grabbed by Ol Twinkles. "From Durmstrang we have... Victor Krum" the crowd of Durmstrang students erupted in an even louder cheer. He proudly walked upto Karkaroff and stood beside him while Katina congratulated him.
The lights dimmed again and the room was again silent. Another parchment flew out of the goblet and found its way into Ol Twinkle's hands. "From Hogwarts we have... Cedric Diggory" the Hufflepuff table burst out in cheer and noise. Cedric got up from the table and went to stand beside McGonagall.
"Now, that the participants are selected, I would ask you to support your respective participants. After all... we are having this tournament to promote interschoo..." Dumbledore was saying but he was cit off when the golden goblet lit up one more time and another parchment flew out of the goblet. Dumbledore grabbed the paper... his face was filled with worry. I have to say... he is rather good at acting...
"Harry Potter" Dumbledore said and the silence ensued in the Great Hall...