Last time:
Akio sighed "come on don't blame yourself, it's not like anything bad came out of it, lighten up. Also stop with this host nonsense and just call me Akio."
Luna:"Host but-"
Akio: …
"Yes Akio" Luna replied, Akio could swear he felt like Luna was smiling at that moment.With that Akio went down stairs to start his day anew.
5 years later…
In the last 5 years Akio has continued to improve his relationship with Shizuku and Kaori, and has also become close with Komi. He has also through television or theory learned most martial arts that his current world had to teach.
In a large open room with all sorts of training equipment
A sword is swung, the sheer force of it is able to generate shockwaves in the air.
"Shizuku let's stop for today" This voice came from our protagonist who easily stopped her attack. Sometime in the past 5 years, Akio brought Shizuku into his secret, that of course being that he could use magic and was extremely strong. He didn't tell her about the system or his reincarnation, but did tell her about the Goddess Ava. He told her he met her in a dream and for some reason she gave him extraordinary power. Shizuku being a normal human was in disbelief at first but when Akio showed off his magic she was forced to believe. Around that time Akio was introduced to a new system function.
Flash Back
Luna:"Akio, a new function has been added"
Akio:" Hmm, show me." Akio raised an eyebrow, he had just left the Yaegashi dojo giving Shizuku some time to think. 'I didn't even think new features could be added.' he was cut from his thoughts by the screen in front of him.
Name: Shizuku Yaegashi
Affection level: 76 (Budding love)
Shizuku holds affection for you and is slowly starting to realize it is love. The recent development of telling her your secrets has made her certain of that. She is a shy girl so she more than likely will not make a move on those feelings especially after knowing that her best friend may also like you.
Name: Kaori Shirasaki
Affection level: 70(Confused about feelings)
You are reading story The Journey To The Top (Multiversal Story) at
Kaori is confused about her feelings towards you.
Name :Komi Shouko
Affection level: 65 (Friends for now but easily changeable)
Komi sees you as her best friend, she is extremely grateful for you. Her feelings are slowly changing from simple friendship.
Name: Goddess Ava
Affection level: ERROR
Ava now sees you as her eternal lover, she is willing to go to any lengths for you. She wants you to rise in power as much as possible so you can stand by her as the strongest existence.
Yes that's right he somehow made the goddess crazy for him. Every night he would visit her on that platform with an older version of his current body. They would talk, he would get to fully understand Ava, she was happy for the company. Ava long since realized the feelings she had for Akio. He was her destined one, they simply belonged together. Once she accepted that it didn't take long for her to fully accept Akio. Their meetings slowly became more intimate, they had done everything a couple should do. Ava had made a body that replicated herself, she sent that body down to the Arifureta world and put it in a room in the Hyperbolic time chamber. And like that their meetings changed from dreams to reality. They would spend months in the chamber while only hours passed in the real world. Ava had accepted that Akio would have a harem. She had known that if she acted on her feelings she would have to share him. The thoughts strangely didn't affect her as much as she thought. She even smiled at the idea of having sisters.
Shizuku: "I still can't land a hit on you, ughhh" Akio had bought some items that would slowly improve Shizuku's overall abilities. He didn't give her too much however as he didn't tell her about the system and it would be strange for him to have what he had.
"Stop putting pressure on yourself, no one in this world would even be able to touch me, and you are growing fast, have more faith in yourself." Akio sighed while patting Shizuku's head to which she blushed and looked away.
3 affection for motivational words and calm caressing.
Lately Shizuku's affection had been going up a lot faster as she became aware of her feelings
Akio: "I'll walk you home"
Shizuku nodded and they left the time chamber.
An hour later Akio returned back, he made his way into a secret room where he met the goddess. Long and behold there sat Ava naked as the day she materialized into existence.
After weeks of love making the two layed down in the sheets of the luxuries bed. Ava had her arms wrapped around Akio, her whole body and naked breast on top of him.
"How much longer until canon starts." Akio questioned while slowly running his hands up and down Ava's silky white hair. "Around 7 years, why are you growing impatient?" Ava purred at the gentle caress of her lover. "No, I can spend more time with you after all." Akio meant those words his time spent with Ava was his happiest moments. "Real believable coming from a playboy who plans on seducing other women" Ava scoffed with fake anger. Akio groaned at the words of Ava. Like that the two continued basking in each other's warmth until it was time for Akio to return home.
The next morning Akio woke up stretched and did his daily routine before leaving his house and going to school. He again met Shizuku who now sported long hair instead of her previous short hair style. This happened when Kaori barged in the Yaegashi dojo complaining to Shuuzou that it was unfair Shizuku had to keep her hair straight. Shizuku, although embarrassed beyond belief, was granted permission to grow out her hair and Kaori was made an honorary member of the dojo.
The two walked together yet again to school, talking as they usually do. When they arrived they of course met Kaori and surprisingly even Komi who had grown close to the three.
"Shizukuuuuuu" Kaori ran to Shizuku giving her a big hug. Komi watched from behind with a small smile present on her lips. "Good morning Komi" Akio greeted the soon to be beauty. "morning" komi mumbled and bowed to Akio. The three then made their way to their seats for yet another boring lesson.