Chapter 18: Aurora

Being the first to wake up, Akio freed him self from the pile of bodies and got up. He had decided he had been stalling enough and needed to face the result of his actions. He went to take a shower before getting dressed and going to a empty spare room. He sat down on the floor looking at his inventory. He stared at the things that have remained there since he started his journey.

The soul and body of Aurora Solace

He made a barrier to cut off any sound from leaking out of the room, as-well as preventing anyone from coming in.

'Luna buy 2 'Fruits of Evolution' and a 'One stage Evolution Pill'

{Purchasing.. Purchased

-900,000 points

Gained 2 Fruits of evolution

-50,000 points

gained a one stage evolution pill

Your balance is now 1,085,073 points}

Having all his preparations done Akio took out the body of Aurora. Instantly he was mesmerized by the appearance of his past lives lover. She had long silky blue hair and sparkling blue eyes, her face the picture of innocence. Akio thought back to all the memories he shared with her. A pang of guilt shot at Akio's heart, even if he died and was reborn again he felt like he way betraying her. He didn't know how she would react and he was beyond afraid of that, after all he didn't want to loose her. Akio sighed and just prepared himself for anything.

'Luna merge her soul and body'


(Aurora POV)

It had been a month since Ace died, I had still yet to leave my room not even to go to his funeral. My time was spent crying everyday and rewatching some of the anime we had watched together. Still, it didn't help, I couldn't regain the warmth I lost. The world seemed so colorless without him, and everything I tried to eat tasted so bland.

'I need to say my goodbyes properly', I yet again look for a way to cope. I know I will never find someone I loved more than Ace, and I didn't want anyone else either. I sighed before getting out of bed and wiping my face. I took a shower before getting dressed and for the first time in a month stepping outside.

I walked along the street in the direction of the grave sight. I took notice of all the places we had been together when he was alive. I fought back tears as I continued my walk with my head down.

When I finally arrived I read the words on the gravestone. 'Here lies Ace Gray'. Seeing the grave I couldn't hold back my emotions anymore and started crying.

"Why did you have to leave me"

"Please come back"

"I need you"

"Please Ace"

I cried hoping for my words to reach him even if I knew they wouldn't. "Please just let me see you again". The moment my wish left my mouth my vision went dark. When I reopened my eyes I was greeted by the sight of a impossibly attractive white hair yellow eyed teenager staring at me. His eyes had a loving yet pained look. Even if I don't recognize him I feel like I know him. The way he looks at me is just like the way Ace used to look at me. Wait..Ace?, Ace.. Theres no way that could possibly be him and yet I still found myself saying his name out loud.



(3rd person POV)

When Aurora first opened her eyes, she was immediately drawn to Akio. She didn't take notice of the unfamiliar empty room, nor questions like how she got here. She simply stared into his eyes as if seeing something, and then as if looking for confirmation muttered a name.


Akio smiled in confirmation, hearing his old name giving him a big dose of nostalgia. Immediately Aurora ran into Akio, she had no doubts that he wasn't Ace, she knew on an instinctual level the person in front of her was the love of her life.


She muttered his past name, regaining the former warmth she lost. Akio was no different in how he felt, he felt like a missing piece of himself was finally recovered like he was back to being whole. His 100,000,000 years of solitude had nothing to lessen his love for the women in front of him, in fact it had increased it. Akio loved every woman in his harem to a frightening degree, but his love for Aurora was beyond anything can be expressed, she was his number 1, and that would never change. Ava also knew this and regrettably relinquished the title of his future first wife.

You are reading story The Journey To The Top (Multiversal Story) at

After a long time of Aurora hugging him she while still clinging to him like a koala spoke. "Whats happening?, how are you alive?, why are we here?, am I dreaming?, why do you look like that?, why do I smell a female scent on you?!." Aurora sent questions like rapid fire, when he heard the last question his heart nearly stopped.

After calming her down, Akio told her absolutely everything about himself and what happened after he died, being trapped in the void for what felt like eternity, meeting Ava, falling in love with her, getting wishes, transmigrating into an anime, falling in love with some of the characters, making a harem, going to Tortus, traveling down the labyrinth, all of it. Aurora stayed silent the entire time not making a single sound while listening to Akio's retelling of events. When he finished he closed his mouth and waited for Auroras reaction, but soon was unable to bare the silence.

"I bet you feel betrayed right, I don't blame you. I hope you don't hate me." Akio sighed the last part of his words coming off as a low whisper. "stupid" Aurora finally said something. "Stupid, Stupid, STUPID!!." Her words got louder every time she said the word. "That long in pitch darkness and you never once forgot about me, you could have wished for anything yet you wasted a wish just to have me back!" Aurora kept screaming every word at him, who just sat there in amazement. "I may feel a bit betrayed I admit that, but nothing you could ever do would make me hate you, I love you more than life itself." Aurora took a break after running out of air to speak, she breathed for a few seconds before she continued in a calmer voice. "It may be hard for me to accept, and I know that I won't ever have you entirely to myself, but I'm sure I can get used to it. Plus I always did want sisters, and knowing who use chose I'm sure I can get along with them, nothing less I'd expect from my boyfriend." Aurora's voice had a happier tone towards the end of her speech, soon though a serious voice was replaced with her calm one. "However, I have conditions." Akio was already relieved to no end at this going the best possible way it could. "And what are those" he easily responded prepared for anything. "I know it's impossible for you to love everyone equally, especially with the amount of love you hold for me." Aurora had a smug smile on her face as she said this but it reverted back to seriousness. "I can already tell you hold a LOT of love for those girls, and I expect you to make them the happiest people to ever live, but I am first, when you eventually marry I want to be the first wife and the first to birth your child. When you inevitably attract more women I want to manage the harem. I refuse to let anyone who has evil intentions, only half conviction, or wavering loyalty and love be considered your lover." Akio smiled before bringing the girl still in his arms deep into his chest, his chin resting on her head, he simply said "Even if you didn't ask, you are always first. As for the other condition I accept."

Akio then took out the objects he had just bought in the shop. A one stage evolution pill and two Fruits of evolution. Aurora already knew of the Fruit of Evolution as it was in one of the shows they watched, Akio knew this and only told her about the one stage evolution pill. "This will upgrade your race to high human after a couple hours of deep sleep." Akio explained it's purpose and limitation. "Ill admit staying as the weakest doesn't sound too fun to me, I think ill take the chance to meet the goddess and show my gratitude during that time" Aurora responded.

"That's fine, … I missed you" Akio having finished saying all he wanted sparked some intimacy, kissing Aurora on her head before whispering his feelings.

Aurora smiled and broke out of his arms before quickly moving her head up and kissing him straight on the lips. They kept kissing for 30 minutes, indulging in the lips they had gone so long without feeling. When they finally broke apart Aurora stood up before saying "I wanna meet my sisters". Akio smiled and also stood up before disabling the barrier, he took Aurora's hand before leaving the room and walking down the hallway to the kitchen.

"Ah right remember, call me Akio" Akio reminded Aurora. "I know" she replied before they both entered the kitchen.

In the kitchen were 4 drop dead gorgeous woman who had just woken up. Komi was making breakfast and Shizuku and Kaori were chatting while sitting down after setting the table. Yue however was sulking after being stopped from cooking by Kaori, Shizuku and suprisingly Komi. They had let her cook before but the result was a abomination that was somehow stronger than most metals on earth, and completely inedible. When they witnessed that even Komi stepped out of her shy demeanor and kicked out Yue.

When the two walked in they all immediately turned their attention to Akio, however before they even had the thought to say good morning they registered the beauty beside him who could even rival them with their blessing and ascension to high human. Immediately questions of who she was flooded their minds but before they could ask Akio spoke first. "Good morning, I know your wondering who she is, I'll answer all your questions lets just get breakfast on the table first, I'm starving." Akio didn't need to eat as his mana was enough to support him entirely, but he was so used to eating that the hunger he felt before was now more like phantom pain.

Akio helped Komi bring the pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs onto the table. When they all sat down Akio started. "This is Aurora, the girl I told you was the lover of my previous life self and the one I wished to bring back to me." The girls nodded their heads in understanding of the sudden appearance of Aurora. "Nice to meet you, I want to talk a lot more privately later on if you all don't mind. They all nodded their head's again in acknowledgment while Komi just sat there blank faced, slight shivers could be seen along her body. Aurora made a mental note to get Komi used to her in the future before starting a talk with the other girls. They mainly talked about Auroras previous life with Akio and how he was etc etc. When they had finished eating Aurora had told Akio they would have a girl's meeting, and for Akio to go away for a while, which he did as he had quite a number of things to do.


Akio made a portal to the labyrinth, he had planned to check on the progress of Hajime. He sensed for the mana of human like entities and felt one from the 89th floor. Teleporting there he was greeted by the seen of Hajime finishing off a plant type monster with a hideous face. When Hajime noticed Akio he turned around pointing his gun at him before quickly lowering them. "You have got to stop appearing out of nowhere" Hajime sighed. "Sorry, sorry it just happens sometimes." Akio dismissed the glare coming from Hajime before asking. "So hows your progress, I see you've made it quite far in this short time." Hajime nodded "Yea it's been a lot easier with the power up, thanks for that by the way." "No problem, also here" Akio gave a communication device he had just bought in the shop. "Just pour mana into it and it'll contact me" Akio explained the use of it to which Hajime nodded. They said their goodbyes before Akio teleported and arrived back at the 100th floor.

'Luna buy 500 soul canisters'

When he got the confirmation that they had been added to the inventory Akio made a barrier that isolated the entire room and entrance slowing the time so that 1 day inside was only and hour outside. Akio then took his time killing hydras and filling up his soul canisters.


While Akio was busy grinding points in the labyrinth the girls were gathered in the bedroom and began their meeting.

"Like Akio said my name is Aurora and I really look forward to getting along with all of you." Aurora started the meeting having the girls introduce themselves including Komi who constantly stuttered and eventually gave up and took out a note pad to write. They warmed up to each other Aurora's personality making it easy to get along with her. Soon the conversation took a turn back to Akio.

"So, did you also join the harem?, I could tell instantly that Akio really loves you." Kaori spoke first, asking about the relationship between Aurora and Akio. "Yes, as you've guessed we are, I hope you guy's don't mind that I know it's not easy to share." Aurora spoke trying not to hurt any of them. Shizuku sighed, "We have gotten used to it, we know Akio will always love us and that won't change with any amount of women he adds." Yue and Kaori voiced the same while Komi wrote it. "I agree, but I've also talked to Akio and asked him to let me regulate who is added to the harem, I'm sure none of you want anyone with ulterior motives joining. The rest of the girls nodded their heads agreeing with the idea. "Good, I'm glad we all agree, I hope you will help me with this. Also there's one more thing I talked about with Akio." Aurora told them about how she would be his first when it came to marriage and child birth, and also how Akio admitted to loving Aurora more then them. As bad as it sounded the girls understood, it was impossible to love everyone equal and if he claimed to, they would know he was lying and probably have an argument. They also knew another thing, Akio loved them to an extreme amount, so for Aurora to take first place was extremely impressive. The girls looked at her in admiration rather then jealousy and a deep respect was rooted in them for the future first wife. They continued to talk, Aurora opened up more to them and they got comfortable to the point where Komi was able to communicate without her notepad albeit with a considerable amount of stutters.


Back in the labyrinth Akio had just finished filling all the soul canisters.

'Luna sell all of my soul canisters'


-500 soul canisters

Gained 5 million points}

Akio smiled in satisfaction and wondered if their were stronger monsters on Tortus that he could use to grind points. With this thought he returned home 5,000,000 points richer. Coincidentally he had arrived just as the girls finished their discussion.

He spent that night alone with Aurora, who was given consent by the rest of the girls as they knew she missed him more then she conveyed. They stopped early however so Aurora could use the one stage evolution pill. She did while in the embrace of Akio telling him to bring her to where Ava was when they slept. She finally drifted to sleep the evolution pill ingested, and when her consciousness was regained she appeared on a platform before the very incarnation of beauty.


A/N: Boom chapter done although it's at 11 pm. Well hope you enjoyed I'll do edits tmrw, too tired
