Last time:
On one hand he would be a great ally against Ehit, but on the other, what if he's an enemy. I readied myself to meet my future ally or enemy.
(3rd person POV)
When Akio and co entered the room at the labyrinth they were met with an all white small golem with a smiley face, like one you'd see on a Chinese food bag.
"Yahoo, you know meanie destroying peoples hard work is really evil.' The golem spoke out as if it was offended by the ease it which it's creation was destroyed.
"Im guessing your Miledi." Akio asked the small golem to which she replied. "Yes, the one and only, everyones favorite Miledi-chan!" Miledi's personality was shown to the girls immediately to which their mouth's twitched at the girl who's soul purpose seemed to be to annoy them.
Akio however although slightly annoyed felt pity for this girl more than anything. She had spent a millennia alone waiting for someone to help her against her and her comrades dream to put an end Ehit. All that time spent simply waiting alone without going insane, after knowing that her companions were all dead. Akio knew the feeling of solitude after his years in the void. He felt kinship with this woman and an overwhelming desire to help her, similar to how Ava helped him.
"Well can you hurry up and give us the magic, after that I want to have a discussion with you."
Miledi, who was a person that would completely ignore the atmosphere felt Akio's seriousness and didn't say anything.
She activated the magic circle and everyone allowed themselves to be taught the magic. They had a easier time dealing with the headache and before they knew if were perfectly fine, with new power to use at their disposal. Akio also learned the magic, which was gravity magic. His instant mastery had already allowed him to make the best use of it.
Deciding to check out his new powers later he spoke to the girls. "I know you probably want to test out your new powers but for now go back to the dimension, I want to have a talk with our friend here." They all nodded their heads, but they kept staring at Miledi for a while. Aurora's plan to manage Akio's harem had made the girls want to monitor all his conversations with woman. A-last they knew that Akio would be annoyed if the tried to stop him from talking to people he himself had started conversations with. Akio made a portal to the dimension to the surprise of Miledi of who asked what the hell that was. Akio didn't answer and waited for the girls to all leave. Once they did he sighed before making a chair made of ice and sitting on it, unbothered by the coldness. For a while he simply stared at the golem unmoving.
"Geez, don't ya know it's rude to stare, you seriously have no manners." Eventually Miledi broke the silence her playful tone unintentionally coming out.
"Sigh, Miledi I will make you an offer." Saying that Akio stopped staring at her and sat upright.
"So serious, .. I'm listening." Miledi responded her tone become serious at the end. "I will kill Ehit for you, and allow you to get your revenge." Akio made sure to spread his aura making sure Miledi could feel it, he didn't want her thinking he was playing around on such a serious subject. "Y-your not kidding, you really think you can do that." Miledi for some reason sensed only confidence in his voice, that tone along with the feat he achieved earlier didn't allow her to doubt his words. Her golem hands started shaking "I-I will do anything, if you can do that I will do anything."
Akio smiled he knew the reason he was doing this was beyond selfish, buy he would still do it. "All I ask is that you join my 'team', I believe with my help you can achieve power beyond Ehit's comprehension, you would make a great ally. Akio spoke like he wanted Miledi strictly for her talent, and strength but that wasn't all he wanted. He admits having her on his side would boost his groups over all power, but he also desired her as a women. The kinship he felt with her was something he couldn't shake and he also couldn't hate her personality even if it was a 'little annoying'. (A/N: Some of you are going to dislike this, saying his attraction is cheap and superficial. I honestly tried fo convey his feeling the best I could sorry if it's unsatisfactory.)
"Done, I really meant anything". Truthfully Miledi didn't care much for gaining power, all she really wanted was to accomplish her groups goals, and if that meant joining the man in front of her's group than it was a small price to pay, better yet it was practically free. Little did the girl know it did come with a price, that being her eternal love, though soon she wouldn't even consider it as a price.
"Great it's nice to have you Miledi". Akio extended his hand to which Miledi's golem arm also extended and shook it."
"Great working with ya uhhh, what's ur name tee-hee." Miledi's golem arm touched her head and her head turned into a winking face with a non existent tongue sticking out.
Akio chuckled "It's Akio"
"Great working with ya Akio-chan." Some of Miledi's playfulness returned and she spoke "You know Akio, you sounded real confident when talking about destroying Ehit like that, so how strong are ya." More and more of Miledi's playful nature returned. Akio thought for a second before he used his magic sense and noticed an oddity that was in the general area. Akio smirked, "I think showing is better than telling". After he said that he put a hand on the golem's head before suddenly disappearing along with the confused Miledi.
Noint was ordered by her lord to observe the irregularity and if he posed a threat to his game board, eliminate him. This order made her go around looking for him, she found it impossible to find him by tracking his soul, and chose to search by magic. She had felt a larger than normal spike in magic, that no piece on her lords game board should be able to produce and went to that area. She found herself in front of one of the labyrinth's the heretics that dared to go against her god had built. With a increasing anger she looked around for him, before making a decision and entering the labyrinth. She easily made her way to the true labyrinth and as far as the hydras room. When she entered the room she was greeted by the sight of a silver hair yellow eyed man standing their nonchalantly along with a golem.
"You saved me the trouble of having to continue to track you down irregular, you have proven to be a threat if you can sense me approaching, as such you will be eliminated from my lords game board."
You are reading story The Journey To The Top (Multiversal Story) at
When Miledi regained her vision she found herself in a unfamiliar room. "Where the hell a-". Before she finished her words she felt a spike of magic and turned around to see a 6 headed hydra appearing from a magic circle. Miledi was even more confused, she could do little with her current body so she turned to see what Akio was doing. However, unlike her expectations Akio was simply staring at the door uncaring towards the giant beast about to attack. When the green snake released wind blades Akio simply held out his hand, before he used his newly mastered gravity magic to compact the giant hydra into a tiny sphere. The blood stained the walls and just like that the enemy was eliminated. Miledi simply stared at Akio, a bunch of questions racing through her mind, 'how the hell?, how is his use of gravity magic better than mine, how do you even achieve that much strength?' All these questions were racing through her head, but before she could voice them the labyrinth door opened and a girl with silver hair blue eyes and white wings, walked in.
"You saved me the trouble of having to continue to track you down irregular, you have proven to be a threat if you can sense me approaching, as such you will be eliminated from my lords game board." The puppet who Miledi immediately recognized as one of Ehit's apostles spoke. Miledi's thoughts were replaced by the memories of the fight they had with Hearst. Rage boiled in her heart at the appearance of another one of the puppets Ehit used to control the world.
Suddenly a hand touched the golem head of Miledi. "Relax, it is nothing but a puppet that does what it was programmed to do." Akio's words worked to semi calm down the burning rage of Miledi. "Plus, I did say I would show you some proof of my abilities. Saying that Akio disappeared from his position before reappearing behind Noint. "Enjoy the show Miledi." Saying that Akio sent a low powered kick that sent Noint flying. To make it clear that Akio's power was real he would toy around with Noint.
Noint stood up bruises and scrapes already appearing on her skin. 'What the hell, when did he?' "Damn you, irregular." Noint put aside her questions and made her number 1 goal to absolutely kill the man in front of her. She quickly flapped her wings before flying at top speed towards Akio, her twin great swords already deployed. When she reached him she slashed at him directly putting her full force into the tip of the words. Unfortunately for her Akio remained unfazed and simply with no crinkles in his clothing or uncertainty in his movement stopped both swords with just the tip of his fingers.
With a shocked looked on her face Noint used her wings to fly back, she gritted her teeth with the same question yet again appearing in her head this time she gave voice to it. "What the hell are you?!"
Akio simply smirked, "Someone who has come to give ruin to the arrogant disgrace you call a god." Noint was further enraged by his words, 'HOW DARE HE!' This time instead of getting close she sent a barrage of disintegration feathers at Akio. Akio coated himself in extremely condensed air, that worked as a barrier that obstructed the feathers. The feathers when they made contact with the barrier fell harmlessly to the ground when there momentum was lost. 'Even this doesn't work tsk I need a way to kill him, whats his weakness?'
Opting to find the flaw in the being in front of her, Noint activated her limit break before yet again attacking close range while also using her disintegration looking for a weakness. Akio simply stood there coating himself in an barrier made of wind that was simply to hard for Noint to break through.
Thinking he's put on enough of a show Akio waited for Noint to yet again try to attack him from close range before grabbing her by the head lifting her and slamming her on the ground on the opposite side of the room. "I think this is enough to prove at least a little that I have enough strength to do what I claimed, Miledi I will speak again you will have your revenge against your hated foe." Miledi who was spoken to was stuck in a daze, she was even more reassured of his power, of his ability to do what he claimed. Unintentionally she started to thank whatever being brought this being to her.
Noint who was bloody with a few of her limbs bent in strange directions yet again stood up before floating in the air. She didn't speak a single word and only put on a face of acceptance. She knew she would die and there was nothing she could do. Unconsciously she even started doubting the absoluteness of her god. She yet again readied her self, she would go out using her strongest attack. From her hands she charged a magic sphere, after about 15 seconds it was strong enough to wipe out 17 floors of the dungeon, she shot the ball of magic straight towards Akio. Akio scoffed before he waved his hand, and just like that half of the room disappeared along with Noint and the ball of magic. There was absolutely no trace of Noint, and the person who did this floated in the air without a single hair out of place.
Most of the room was damaged badly by Noint, but Akio made sure to keep a barrier around Miledi to keep her safe. Akio also made sure to put up a barrier around the entirety of the labyrinth making sure no magic would leak out, it also cut Ehit's connection to Noint. He knew he probably exposed himself and Ehit would send more people to collect him, thinking to use him as a vessel or whatever that creep thought of. It was a shame but Akio simply needed to speed up his future plans.
Miledi was still in a daze at witnessing the strength of Akio but when she saw him coming towards her, her original nature came back. "Yahoo, great fight boss but geez treating a lady like that isn't nice ya know." Akio simply sighed before yet again patting the head of the golem. "I hope this at least a little proves my strength, and I promise you that was only a fraction of it." Akio spoke in a reassuring voice trying to understand if Miledi had more belief in his strength. "Aww, you did all that for little old me, I guess you just couldn't resist the charm of the beautiful Miledi-chan, don't worry I believe you." Akio found himself not being annoyed by her words and instead talking to Luna.
'Luna buy me a customizable human body.'
{Searching.. Found
-57,000 points
Gained (1x) customizable body}
Taking the body from his inventory he put it in front of Miledi. "What's this?" She questioned the man who kept a human body randomly in his storage. "It's gonna be your new body, I imagine it's hard to fight in the body of a golem. I have the ability to merge your soul with it." Akio explained his purpose telling her she would receive further explanations later. Miledi eventually agreed to the offer before Akio stored her soul and the golem in his storage. He then stored the body back into his storage and then told Luna to merge them. When the process was done the body who you wouldn't be able to tell if it was a man or woman was brought back out.
Slowly the body opened it's eyes. "You know of all the bodies to give me your taste is quite strange." Miledi spoke in a playful voice. Akio held back his urge to retort and told her. "Imagine how you want your body to look like and it will take form." Miledi followed his directions and after a while the androgynous body was soon replaced with the appearance of a beautiful blond haired blue eyed bishoujo who stood at a height of 160 cm and had a petite figure.
When the beauty was done she jumped up in the air floating with the use of gravity magic, "WOOO, its the grand revival of the wonderfully beautiful and all respected Miledi-chan." Soon however Miledi realized something crucial before she quickly squatted down and covered herself. "Pervert!!, you should feel grateful for having the once in a million year luck to be able to see this great me in all my glory." Thats right in all her excitement Miledi was initially unaware of her nudity and gave Akio a view of her every curve and assets.
Akio for the umpteenth time sighed before purchasing clothes that would suit her. When he was done and she was dressed he made a portal teleporting them to the dimension where he got ready to introduce her to his lovers as well as answer her questions.
(A/N: Some of you may not like the reason for Akio pursuing Miledi. I will make corrections tomorrow sorry if it is hard to read.)