Chapter 29: Irredeemable people

Last time:

When they were done picking up the angry Miledi they quickly made their way to the next labyrinth, the Grand Gruen Volcano


In a blank space at an unknown location, a voice can be heard. "My connection to Noint has been lost, I suspect the reason being related to the irregular I told her to observe." 

The winged apostle who was in the presence of her lord kneeled while her face remained neutral uncaring of the news of her sister's death. Another being also kneeled next to the apostle. 

"Alva, Hearst you are to lead an army to take care of this anomaly. Find out his overall capabilities I want to see if he could be a worthy vessel for me."

The voice continued his orders now taking Akio as an actual risk to his game board. 

"All shall be as you command my lord." The two who were now identified as Hearst; one of Ehit's top apostles, as well as Alva the God the demon race worshipped who was actually just another servant of Ehit. 

With those words, the two waited for Ehit to leave before standing up and going to follow his orders. 


(3rd person POV)

Back with Akio, the group had just said their final goodbyes. Akio made it clear to Shea that he could teleport to the Haulia whenever she wanted to see them. This made the departure not so tough on her and she easily cheered up. 

Currently, the group was flying on a ship made by Hajime. The ship was called Fernir and was shaped like a manta ray. The ship took a lot of magic to power so Akio made sure to fill up a mana storage crystal that he bought from the system. The crystal only cost 10,000 points and it could hold more mana than 25,000 people had collectively. Yuka sat with Hajime on a couch her head resting on his shoulder. 

On the opposite side of the ship out in the open air, Akio and his companions were resting and enjoying the scenes passing by. On a rare occurrence, Akio hadn't just teleported everyone after finding out the location and instead took the time to travel and enjoy the scenery of Tortus. He had seen all of it in the manga but experiencing it himself was a different matter. 

Akio was leaning on the hand railing staring down below at the passing trees. Suddenly from behind him, he felt two arms wrap around his waist. Without even needing to look he knew who the person was. 

"What's wrong Yue?" Akio asked the vampire who was now in her younger form. 

"Nn, I want your blood," Yue spoke while burying her face into Akio's back. 

Smiling Akio unwrapped Yue's arms from around him before picking her up princess style and going over to sit on a couch nearby. On the same couch, Komi and Aurora sat before they made space for him between them. He still smiling sat down with Yue on his lap. 

"Enjoy your meal." Akio pulled down the collar of his shirt letting the vampire get easy access to his blood. 

"Nn, thanks for the meal." With those words, Yue licked his skin before sinking her fangs in. Despite his neck being bitten into the only thing Akio felt was a warm and ticklish sensation. 

Akio held Yue letting her feast before from the corner of his vision he saw Aurora staring at Yue. 

"What?" Akio asked the still staring Aurora to which she didn't respond. Instead, she without any words leaned forward before pulling his other collar down and biting his skin. 

"Are you seriously jealous of her drinking my blood?" His face turned deadpan as he questioned Aurora. Still, she didn't respond as she just lightly nibbled on his skin. From behind him another person quietly made her way forward before putting her arms on Akio's shoulders and slowly bringing her face towards the nape of his neck. Akio feeling this spoke out to the girl.

"Seriously, you too Shizuku." The person behind him shook at being found out before she continued to bring her teeth to his neck before also nibbling on his skin. 

This remained like this until Kaori, Tio, Shea, and even Komi tried to join to which Akio shut down the girls. When he did Yue finished her meal taking more than needed. When she lifted her head from his neck she wrapped her arms around Akio's neck and gave him a small peck on the lips. 

Her actions yet again set off a chain reaction that led to a full-out make-out session between Akio and his lovers. Tio and Shea also tried to join in Shea was given a quick peck on the lips while Tio was given a slap on the ass leading her to roll on the floor with a perverted grin. 

All the while Miledi had just returned from touring the ship and was greeted by the sight of the shameless actions of her boss and new friends. 

After a while, when the day was becoming night Akio still sat outside watching the sunset cuddled up with his lovers. Shea was also with him while Tio had fallen asleep the beating she got earlier made her lose energy. Miledi was sitting at the top of the ship lost in thought as she looked at the beautiful sunset. 

You are reading story The Journey To The Top (Multiversal Story) at

She had been lost in thought remembering for the millionth time in her 2 millennia of solitude the picture of her comrades who had died so long ago. Suddenly her eyes darted to the seated figure of Akio who had his back to her. 'My friends, I will complete our mission, I even got help from someone strong.' She talked knowing her dead comrades wouldn't hear her, slowly a small smile appeared on her lips as she kept looking at the figure of Akio. 


Around an hour later the sun had fully set and the stars and moon were out shining. The ship was still moving through the air and most of the girls were sleeping besides Komi. Akio and Komi were at the railings of the ship and were watching the scenery below while wrapped in each other's arms. 

Suddenly, while Akio was staring down his enhanced vision caught sight of a caravan down below. Interested he continued to observe and took notice of a man with a golden chain, white coat, and brown hair. Immediately his eidetic memory allowed him to know the person's identity.

'That's-', Instantly Akio's face hardened showing an expression of anger, this didn't go unnoticed by Komi. 

"Akio, what's. Wro-." Before Komi could finish her sentence Akio had her held in princess style before he jumped off the ship and started flying towards the caravan. When he landed the first thing he did was tell Komi what was happening. 

"Those are slave traders, I'll handle the disgusting excuses for humans and you get the children out." When Akio whispered Komi was shocked before a rare anger overtook her face and she followed what Akio said. 

When Komi moved Akio immediately sent wind blades instantly decapitating the driver and cutting the harnesses of the horses. The horses immediately sensing the danger ran into the forest. 

When Hansen the leader of this slave trader group saw this he immediately pulled out his sword spouting curses. 

"Who the hell-." Before he could finish his sentence he felt a stinging pain in both his arms. When he looked down he was shocked to see both his arms gone. When he made that realization he made a blood-curdling scream that immediately alerted the rest of the group. 

Hansen tried to run away in terror he found his legs were now also gone, this caused his screams to become even louder. He was now on the dirt floor limbless and unable to move. 

His screams had managed to lure the attention of his men who came to back him up. 

"What the hell, BOSS!" One of the men shouted out when he saw the sorry state of his boss. When he caught sight of Akio, who was looking at them with a glare that promised death his face turned white in terror. Still, he pulled out his sword, "How dare you do that to the boss, who the hell do you think you are." With those words, the man was the first to try to rush at Akio swinging his sword down. Akio had little patience and simply did the same thing he did with Hansen.

When the rest of the group saw this they all dropped their weapons all hope of winning out of their minds completely. They didn't get far however as Akio knocked all of them out making sure to leave them alive. He then healed the two he chopped up enough so they won't die but also did not restore their limbs. He walked into the forest bringing everyone he just defeated with him. When he had walked for around 3 minutes he stopped. He cleared out some trees using wind magic before he made a 10-meter by 10-meter by 10-meter cube made from reinforced rock. The rock had the same hardness as the strongest metal on Tortus, making it so it wouldn't crack from a normal person's strength. 

(Graphic content warning, kind of)

When he finished making the cube he opened up the top before dumping all the bodies in. He made small holes in the top letting air circulate inside of it. He left no food and only a small amount of water. The men would be stuck there unable to free themselves, they would first fight over the water. They would kill each other for it and if they weren't already all dead they would eventually be too hungry to stand it, resorting to eating each other to satiate their hunger. Eventually, they would all die, Akio saw this punishment as suitable for people who liked to deprive the freedom of innocent children. 

Returning to Komi, he saw her standing next to a bunch of small beast-men who were all crying a blanket wrapped around them. Komi was holding a knife that was stained with blood, and around 5 meters from her was a dead body with a clear cut through his neck. 

Akio already understood what happened and walked over to Komi. Without a word he hugged her, he knew this was the first time she had killed a human no matter how inhumane they were. He patted her back while her hands kept shaking. 

Thankfully her mental strength was at a level where this wouldn't be a long-lasting trauma for her and she would get over it soon. 

Breaking away from the hug Akio kissed Komi's forehead before bending down and trying to start a conversation with the little girls. 

"Are you all alright?" 

The girls didn't answer and upon closer inspection, it could be seen that most of them had eyes devoid of light as if they had given up on life. 

"Were not hurt, Onii-chan are you here to help us." The one who spoke was a Dagon race girl with emerald green hair and sky blue eyes. She looked around 4 years old and had a stature fit for a child. Unlike the rest of the children, she still had hope in her eyes.

"Yes, can you tell me where you are from?" With those words, Akio listened to the Dagon girl named Myu give a retelling of what happened to her. When she was done she was in tears her act of being tough broke down as she cried in Akio's arms. 

Akio brought all the children to his dimension giving them a room to stay in together and warm clothes to wear. He then made his way with Komi back on this ship before waking the still sleeping girls and informing them of the situation. 


(A/N: Well Myu has been found. Tell me your thoughts on the chapter you guys seriously don't say anything I'm not sure if you're enjoying this or not say something. At least comment "Thanks for the chapter or something.")