Chapter 49: Aftermath

Last time:

Like that, Akio left the girls passed out as he made his way back to the others while getting ready to deal with the aftermath. 


The humans of Tortus were shaken to their core when they finally learned the truth especially when it came directly from Ehit's mouth. 

When Akio cut the broadcast they all seemed to just stay there unmoving, questioning their faith, beliefs, and generally what they have been made to do their entire life. 

As a consequence of this people who were in the right mental state to work didn't show up meaning some people went hungry for around a day.

That was until Akio showed up and made a speech while handing out food. He with a little bit of spirit magic increased the morale of the citizens helping them look forward to a brighter future. 

After a while of letting everything settle down and allowing the citizens to process the news, the rulers of the respective nations all held public speech's telling them of their unification under Akio. 

It was obvious but Ehit still had some loyal followers who stayed around even after his death. They tried to make an uproar but we're ultimately silenced by the rulers. 

Some people were also so hurt by the news that they couldn't immediately accept everything. Still, they were better than the rouges as they didn't openly go against Akio and instead just lived like usual. 

Akio also paid a visit to Garland and showed the fate of the one they thought of as God. He told them of how he really was a subordinate God of Ehit and was acting to further his lord's game board. 

A lot of them particularly the soldiers couldn't accept this as some of them tried to rush Akio saying they were being deceived. Unfortunately, they died like that. Akio had to show that any violence would be met with violence, that anyone with loyalty to Alva or Ehit, and who would act on that loyalty wouldn't be spared. 

It is safe to the message was delivered. Still, it was too early for any peace talk to begin with the demons, so Akio just gave them the essentials and promised no one would attack them of course he also hit them with a little spirit magic to make sure the nation wouldn't collapse because of a lack of people willing to contribute to society. Akio, then left them be although he noticed he gained a little bit of divinity from a few of the race. 

Speaking of divinity Akio had gained a lot of it. What was once just a slither of light surrounding his soul was now as bright as can be. Akio decided to improve his usage with it when he had a break. 

Cooperation between demi-humans and humans took form over time. Although, Akio had to add a suggestion making it so the process went a little smoother.

Around two months later each of the two races could be seen in each other's nations. 

The dragon-man had returned to being looked up to as symbols of nobility. Even if they directly weren't the ones to kill Ehit they were still more than happy that the one who was perhaps most hurt by his existence was the one to put an end to him. Akio also received the official blessing of Adul to have his daughter something she was more than happy about. They all also expressed their desire to go where he went and he agreed, this was the same with the Haulia. 




Like that time passed until it had been exactly 8 months since they arrived in Tortus. Akio had turned 18 along with Aurora, Shizuku, Kaori, and Komi. They agreed to celebrate with their families when they returned.

Speaking of returning, during this time Akio had been working on lowering the willpower required to use concept magic. He got it down to a level where it required a strong will, which was better than the original where it required an extreme amount. He was also able to combine what he wanted with his own spatial and time concepts making the process a WHOLE lot easier.

With that, he was able to add the magic to his pendant. The magic allowed him to travel to his desired place as long as he had the mana to reach it, which wasn't a problem. 

When everything was prepared and the news was spread the Akio would be leaving the world panic grew. Akio still managed to calm everyone down saying this world would always be under his protection and he could come back whenever he chose to instantly. 

With one final thing to do Akio spent one week in a dimension with a 1:30 time ratio. He traveled through space looking for a planet that wouldn't cause any lasting side effects if it suddenly disappeared. When he found it he brought the whole thing inside his new dimension. 

In there, he used a combination of Creation magic, Metamorphosis magic, and Evolution magic to make the place habitable. He added the usual barriers around the whole thing that gave them an artificial sun and moon cycle. The barrier also acted to add gravity magic, which kept what needed to be kept pushed towards the planet. He did however have to use an oxygen generator as he couldn't fill the whole world by himself, this was the same for water. 

He then got to building settlements around the place for the various people who wanted to move. 

Akio mimicked the sea of trees with the same giant tree in the middle. This would of course be the home of the Haulia. 

Akio made giant mountains comparable to Everest that would be the home of the dragon-man. 

Finally, Akio made a home for himself and his family which was on a plateau surrounded by water. The home was similar to the castle from the empire of 'Akame Ga kill' but bigger. He made sure to personalize it to fit the preferences of himself and the girls. He also made sure to add all the modern inventions that were common in the period he used to live in. In each of the girl's rooms, he made a portal leading to their personal dimension which could only be accessed freely by themselves or Akio, everyone else needed permission. 

When everything was said and done Akio showed the world to his lovers first before doing the same with the rest of the people who wanted to come. 

With everything done Akio said his goodbyes to Tortus before taking everyone who was leaving and using his new magic to bring them back to Earth.




(2 years later)

In a room in a certain castle, a young girl could be seen pressing hard and fast on a keyboard. 

"Hehe, you can't beat Myu, nano." This little girl who could be now identified as Myu was currently destroying people in a PVP game. 

Myu had grown taller in the two years she had moved to Arcadio. 

Yes, Arcadio was the name decided by the residents of the world, and it just naturally started being called that. 

Myu continued to slaughter other players with a grin on her face until it was replaced with a pout when she heard a voice. 

"Myu, come for dinner." Myu's mother, Remia could be heard calling her from downstairs.


"Coming mama." Myu sighed before logging off and slowly standing. She walked down the long halls before making her way downstairs to the ginormous dining room and taking her seat next to Remia. 

(A/N: for the next part I'm gonna be using the family name first to make it sound better.)

At the head of the table sat Izumi Akio, the ruler of this place and the one worshipped as the God of protection. On his side to the left surprisingly sat Ava. 

The main reason Ava chose not to descend to Akio's dimension or stay with him through his journey for the simple fact that she enjoyed watching over him while he figured things out himself. She didn't want him to build an overreliance on her as if he wanted to accent to her level he would need to work hard on his own. 

Still, she found herself jealous of the other girls who were always around him and decided that it wouldn't hurt if she just stayed in the castle. 

Next to Ava sat Izumi Shizuku. She looked more mature than she did 2 years ago and started to resemble her mother more.

Next to Shizuku was Izumi Komi, who like Shizuku also grew more mature. Her bust, waist, and hips all fit her relatively tall figure well. She like always, was still a little shy around new people but it still had majorly improved. 

Izumi Shea sat next to Komi. Her already considerable breast had grown larger the same as her other two measurements. Different from before her clothes were a lot less revealing and had a more casual feel. That was her clothes at home but when she was acting as Akio's apostle she would wear a female knight's armor with Akio's crest on the breastplate.

Next to her was Izumi Miledi. Surprisingly, the girl hadn't changed much. Her stature was the same, while her personality also didn't change. Although, she did learn to tone down her teasing and be overall less annoying. 

You are reading story The Journey To The Top (Multiversal Story) at

On the other side of the table on the outside sat Izumi Tio. She was already as developed as she would be so she also hadn't changed much. Her masochism was just as extreme as ever and it was still hard to stop her from rolling around on the ground in bliss, however, she learned to control it in public. She wore the same yukata as she attended to her master as his personal maid.

Next to Tio sat Izumi Myu, and next to her sat Izumi Remia. Remia currently looked no older than 20, her already developed body stayed the way it was. She had grown tremendously in strength the same as her daughter. She now usually wore a blue dress with white accents. A ring could be seen on her left ring finger with a blue and green mana crystal. 

Izumi Yue was next in line. Currently, she was in her adult form. She has well stayed the same in terms of her two appearances, except now she usually wore a blood-red dress. 

Izumi Kaori sat on her right. Kaori, like Shizuku, was slowly starting to resemble her mother more. She now was even bigger in the bust department than Shizuku, something she made sure to rub in her face. She wore a yellow dress. 

Lastly, at the seat to the right of Akio, sat Izumi Aurora. The women had reached a level of charm that was in league with Akio and Ava. Her bust, waist, and hips all have grown further adding to her beauty. She wore an all-blue dress. The most notable thing about her however was the large bump on her stomach. 

That is correct Aurora was currently pregnant. Different from normal humans it only took high humans around 5 months for a baby to be fully developed. Aurora had just reached her 4th month. 

Akio was both scared and excited at the prospect of being a father. He knew this day would come and he had tried to prepare himself mentally as much as possible. 

Standing behind Akio were four other people. 

The first girl had blonde hair and blue eyes and a curvaceous body. Her hair was in a similar style to that of Miledi with ringlets. This girl was Tracy D. Hoelscher, and she willingly became Akio's maid after she realized that she would be able to fight more enemies that way. 

The next girl had silver hair and jade green eyes. She had pointed ears and a voluptuous body. She was another one of Akio's maids, her name was Lyutillis Haltina. Her extreme masochism that rivaled even Tio made her almost immediately proclaim herself his servant. Akio had succeeded in getting the souls of all of Miledi's former companions.

After all the crying, Akio had explained everything while comforting Miledi who was still bawling. After realizing their goals had been achieved they all after throwing numerous parties in celebration started to think about what they would do. Oscar decided to go back and start with his previous work. 

It seemed there was no previous romance between Oscar and Miledi in this universe, although it wouldn't have mattered anyway as Miledi is his body and soul. 

Naiz Gruen went back to his volcano and decided he would try and start a new life.

Meiru Melusine became obsessed with Myu, she decided to live in Arcadio as well still not finding anything she truly wanted to do. Still, she enjoyed watching over the young Myu and even became friends with her fellow vampire Yue. Lately, she has also started to gain a slight interest in Akio.

Vandre Schnee moved in with the rest of the dragon-man in Arcadio.

Laus Barn stayed in Tortus and became something of a religious leader for Akio. He looked up to him with complete awe and respect.

Every other liberator also decided to stay in Tortus starting new lives with their new true freedom. 

Akio also brought back Mona Haulia or Shea's mother. The two had an emotional reunion as Shea informed her of all that had happened. 

Tio and Yue also came to a conclusion and decided to let their people and family rest. 

The third maid who stood next to Lyutillis was a rabbit-man with short dark blue hair. The girl's name was Mina Haulia, when she heard that her lord was hiring maids she was the first to rush to his side nearly killing all the ones who tried to stop her.

The last maid was a beautiful buxom woman with red hair and eyes. Her name was Belta Lierve, and she was also another liberator. She more than anyone was extremely grateful for what Akio had done. She offered herself to him in any way he liked, which he took advantage of and asked her to be his maid. She continuously made advancements towards him, something he was slowly finding hard to ignore. 

All the maids were dressed in a French maid outfit as well as a pendant showing their status as Akio's subordinates. Unlike the rest Lyutillis wore a collar around her neck similar to the one Tio wore, this happened because of her jealousy. All the maids dutifully stood behind their master. They had been trained well by the now experienced Tio. 

They were also accepted by Aurora and his other wives as potential mistresses like Tio. 




When Akio returned to Earth he almost immediately covered up their disappearance making it seem like they had always been here. That was of course except for each of their families who they honestly told and showed proof of what they went through. 

There was a lot of crying involved but they all ended up understanding. That was until they saw the rings on each of the girl's fingers. That was when the real hell began, and Akio was immediately put on Shizuku and Kaori's parent's worst enemy list. Of course, they weren't truly as angry as they portrayed and we're honestly grateful that Akio helped them return and showed them the happiness they deserve. Well, that was the case for the Yaegashi, however, the Shirasaki's we're different. More specifically Kaori's father was outright unreasonable. He firmly denied consent although it really didn't matter as Kaori refused to leave him, something that nearly broke her father's heart. 

For Komi's family after seeing her change they honestly expressed their gratitude as they had never seen such a wonderful side of Komi. They accepted that Akio had others and only wished for their daughter's continued happiness, something he easily promised.

Lastly, different from expectations Akio's parents were more than happy at the increase in children and praised him for being such an amazing person. 




Akio also during these two years developed his magic and skills greatly and worked especially hard with his divinity. Although when it came to concepts and the like he found himself stagnating. It seemed he would need a teacher.

(A/N: I'll do a thorough examination of his power in the next world.)




Like that, time passed until eventually, Aurora gave birth. She birthed a baby girl, who inherited her mother's blue eyes and her father's silver hair. They named her Aimi. She was born as an infinite human but also had an unawakened bloodline. 

Thanks to her race it seemed that she grew much faster than normal babies but would also stop aging after a while. 

Akio mentioned continuing his rise in power by going to a stronger world, his wives, of course, were one hundred percent on board, although it took a lot of convincing their parents and showing how truly strong he was. 

Still, it was decided that they would leave when Aimi learned to walk. That only took a month to happen.




Now the group was all standing in front of a portal opened by Akio. Everyone said their goodbyes and agreed to visit whenever. 

(Fufu, husband I have prepared a few surprises for you.) 

Akio with that promise enthusiastically walked through the portal followed by his wives. 

The journey continues...


(Wanted to finish this volume with this chapter. Second World starts the next chapter, I might need like a 2-day break through to make sure I got everything right. I'll update the character sheet later.)