Chapter 55: Heaven

"I see so he has no hostile intent, that is a relief I must admit."

Sitting at a computer chair somewhere in the Underworld, Sirzechs sighs in relief while slouching in his chair. 

"It seems so my lord." Grayfia dutifully stood near the door. Her face remained indifferent as it did for years since she was forced to be his maid. 

Grayfia was originally a part of the 'Old Satan Faction' but when the war was over and she was beaten, she had no other choice but to listen to the demands of her capturers. 

Although she did enjoy the job of a maid, being forced somehow threw her off and made her wish for a new employer. 

She could tell after a while of her services her new master started to gain some type of affection for her. She on the other hand held no interest in him. 

Thankfully he didn't realize his affection, she thought he most likely was still thinking of his late wife who was killed in the war. 

Probably also thanks to his late wife he became unable to reproduce or more like got ED. 

Thankfully this news wasn't released to the public and his reputation was upheld. As for having an heir no one could pressure him as in truth the current Lucifer. 

"Still, we can't allow him to ally with a different faction, I think the best course of action is to push for peace between all three factions, that way even if he does truly make an alliance with heaven we won't be threatened." Sirzechs sat in thought, thinking strictly of the survival of his race. 

"My lord do you wish for me to invite him for a meeting, I am sure heaven has probably done something similar." Grayfia gave a suggestion. 

"Yes, invite him and try to do it as soon as possible also arrange for Rias and her peerage to come as well, it would be great if she had his support especially since he is currently living in Kuoh." Sirzechs gave his orders to which Grayfia bowed and exited the room. 

Sirzechs was left in the room alone as he slouched deeper in his chair. 


"Now, how to deal with these idiotic councilmen?" 






In a certain part of the castle in Arcadio two people can be seen in fast-paced combat. 

"Huff, huff. Take this nano." A little girl with ocean blue hair and green eyes spoke as she sent a giant torrent of water toward her opponent at a high speed. 

"You're getting stronger but this is not enough." Another girl with black hair and red eyes spoke while swinging her sword through the air vertically and parting the water. 

"Hehe, you underestimate me Shizuku-oneesan nano." The little girl who is obviously Myu spoke as she appeared in front of Shizuku from the now parted water. Myu swung her sword down at Shizuku aiming to at least hit her. 

Alas her expectations weren't met as she had found herself being flung away.

"Tch, I won't give up."




Watching from the side of the large training facility were Akio and Meiru. 

"Ahhh, my little Myu is so strong," Meiru spoke with hearts appearing in her eyes. 

She was seconds away from running straight to Myu and interrupting her training, however, Akio held her down with a hand on her shoulder. 

"Don't you mean my Myu? Stop trying to steal my adorable daughter." Akio huffed with displeasure. 

"Hmph, I'm sure she loves me more, after all, I'm the one who spends time with her when you're out having fun with your wives in the bedroom," Meiru spoke a tinge of desire in the last part of her words. 

"Oh please, it's slowed time we're gone for a maximum of an hour." Akio shot back not at all trying to hide that they do in fact sometimes go into their bedroom to spend some 'quality' time together. 

"Hmph." Meiru snorted as she turned her attention back to the training between Myu and Shizuku. "Still, I wouldn't mind getting some attention every now and then as well." 

Meiru's words were a whisper but Akio heard them clearly. This was the first time she had directly said her feelings.

Akio with his sight still set on the match moved his right hand and took Meiru's left. 

She was startled at first but a smile made its way to her face as she intertwined her fingers with his and leaned into him, her head now resting on his shoulder. Like that the two watched as the match slowly came to a close.





"It's my loss again nano," Myu spoke with a little discouragement as she felt the wooden sword on the back of her neck.

Before Shizuku could even speak words of encouragement Myu was picked up and cradled by Meiru. 

"Myu you were so great, I can't believe how strong you are." Meiru rubbed her cheeks against those of Myu as she gave her compliments. 

"Geez Meiru-oneesan, I get it nano." Myu who was being played around with flailed around trying to escape. 

Soon enough she found her salvation as Akio took her away from Meiru and held her up to face level. 

"As excessive as she is, she's right, that was really good Myu, your getting stronger day by day." Akio's words made Myu brighten up as she wrapped her arms around his head giving him a hug. 

Meiru pouted at the ease with which Akio cheered up Myu while Shizuku stood there with a gentle expression relieved at seeing Myu happy. 




Soon enough the training room doors opened and Lyutillis walked in with elegance carrying a tray of water. 

"Good afternoon, I have brought refreshments," Lyutillis spoke respectfully as she put the tray on a nearby table before filling two glasses and bringing them to Myu and Shizuku. 

"Thanks, Lyu-oneesan." Myu took the glass and gulped it down. "Ahhh, nice and cold." 

"You are very much so welcome Myu-chan," Lyutillis responded with a gentle smile before also handing a glass to Shizuku who similarly said her thanks. 

In private, the Izumi family cared little for honorifics as they saw themselves as just one big family, this family of course included the maids. However, they would act the part of respectful maids when out in public to uphold appearances. 

"Lyu, can you tell ALL the girls to get ready, we're going to all be visiting somewhere. Also, tell Tio to come here I have a task for her before we all leave." 

Akio stressed the word all when he gave his order signifying he would be taking the entire household. 

When his orders were complete Lyutillis bowed and left the room, going to do what she was ordered. 

"Where are we going?" Shizuku questioned expressing the thoughts of the rest. 

"Secret," Akio spoke with a grin as he turned to Tio who just walked in the door.

"You called for this one, master?" Tio although being his mistress still was Akio's maid. 

"Yes," Akio spoke as he walked over and pulled Tio by her waist into himself before whispering in her ear. 

A while later he backed away and opened a portal. 

"Understood master," Tio spoke before Akio nodded and slapped her ass hard enough that she flew into the portal. "THANK YOU VERY MUCH, MASTER." 

The others remained unsurprised at the unusual display as they were still questioning where they were going. 




Now everyone was gathered in the living room, including Akane and Ophis. 

"Alright, we're leaving," Akio spoke after receiving the signal from Tio that everything was ready. 

He opened a portal and walked through followed by everyone else. 




The first thing the group saw upon arrival was a giant gate with golden bars. 

Looking around the entire place seemed to be on top of the clouds. There were various stone houses that looked to be floating as well as white stone paths that led to different places. 

The residents of this place all had two wings and a halo on top of their heads, they looked to be joyful and innocent, exactly as one would think angels to be.

Lastly, standing directly in front of the group were a man and woman both with blonde hair and green eyes. 

You are reading story The Journey To The Top (Multiversal Story) at

"I welcome you to Heaven, my name is Michael and this is Gabriel, we are both of the 'Four Great Seraphs', as well as the current leaders of Heav-."

Michael carried out his introduction while looking around the group. He was forced to stop however as his gaze met those of two of the three Dragon Gods present. 

Unconsciously his legs began shaking, even if they weren't emitting pressure, the awareness that three Dragon Gods were currently in Heaven was enough to make him beyond scared. 

He still, kept his face calm albeit a little stiff. Gabriel on the other hand remained as innocent as always. 




After the pleasantries were over and done with Michael began his tour of heaven. 

"The place we are at currently is called '1st Heaven' this is where all the weaker angels live as well as the 'Brave Saints.'"




"This is the 'Second Heaven' it is where sinners are punished and where our kind goes to observe stars."

As expected the place was dark and a beautiful night sky could be seen everywhere one looked.




"This is 'Third Heaven' I apologize but this place is sacred as such I'd like to refrain from visiting too much of it," Michael spoke regrettably.

"It's fine just move on." Akio easily agreed as they were led to the next layer.




"This is the 'Fourth Heaven' where the first man and woman used to reside, it houses the 'Tree of Wisdom'." 

"Hmm, hey can I eat that apple?" 

"Please don't." 




"This is 'Fifth Heaven', it is where the system of 'Brave Saints' was created." 

Michael took the time to go over exactly what 'Brave saints' were after hearing the question from Kaori. 




"This is the last place I can possibly show to you. It is the 'Sixth Heaven' and is where we 'Great Seraphs' reside." 




Michael when he finished the tour of 'Sixth Heaven' which included the introduction of the other two Seraphs, took the group to a large table where a large feast was laid out. 

The group enjoyed the feast with Gabriel being taken by the girls to be asked questions. They seemed to figure out Akio's motive when they learned of the personality of the girl. Still, Gabriel also curiously asked questions as she was fairly sheltered. 

Ophis and Akane sat and ate a lot of sweets while watching over everyone. Ava was doing the same as she for now held Aimi and was playing with her. 

"So why exactly is 'Seventh Heaven' unavailable?" Akio asked while sipping on wine. 

Michael scratched the back of his head while answering. "That place is where God resided, since the time of his death we have been completely unable to access it." 

"Hmm, can you bring me to it?" Akio stroked his chin as he asked Michael. 

"Ah, yes of course." With that, Michael got up and Akio followed. 




They were now standing in front of a simple wooden door.

"Well your father likes to keep it simple I see." Akio chuckled before reaching out his hand and pulling on the door knob. 

Of course, the door didn't open so Akio started to use a little bit of magic. It wasn't until his magic was at the level of Akane that the door finally couldn't take anymore and broke completely. 

Michael remained speechless as he felt a little ashamed at letting someone break into his father's personal floor. 

Even when the door was broken and the floor was visible Akio still felt some force trying to push him out. He simply snorted and sent a wave of magic that completely subdued the force before he walked in casually. 

Michael who had felt the force even with it not being directed at him was forced to kneel. 

"Well, we have arrived." Akio looked around the pretty plain-looking room. 

It like the rest of the layers had a white ceiling and white stone floor. 

However, this room only contained a house and workshop that Akio could tell had a bit of spatial magic used within it. 




"Michael, I'm assuming the low number of angels is also due to your father's death," Akio spoke while walking around the workshop with a large number of inventions laying around.

"Yes, you are correct father created a system to help with the creation of angels as well as stopping them from falling, however that broke down a while after father died," Michael spoke while he looked around the room in nostalgia. 

"Interesting, can you take me to this system? Perhaps I may be of help." Akio made a request, truthfully this is what he was aiming for the entire time. 

Michael just nodded leading the way to a clear ball that was resting on a pedestal. 

Akio examined the ball with his creation magic trying to find a flaw. 

Akio could see the problem easily. It had nothing to power it. Biblical God used his divinity to power the system and with that, he was able to easily do things like give his blessing or create angels from anywhere. However, with his death, it now remained in a dormant state. 

Akio told this to Michael to which he just nodded as he had thought something similar. 

Akio stood for a few minutes in thought before speaking. 

"I can with my divinity take over control of the system," Akio spoke to which Michael stood in amazement for a while. 

He himself knew that he wouldn't be able to activate it again as he possessed no divinity. He also knew Akio's divinity which was identical to his father's would be perfect for the role. 

However, he was also aware of what it meant to take control of the system. He would be practically giving away Heaven to Akio. 

He had accepted the fact that someday someone would need to rise to truly lead Heaven as his father once did but it was still hard to give it up.

"If I do in fact take control, any angels that I create will most likely have their devotion redirected to me instead of Biblical God, although the current angels would keep their faith." Akio continued speaking while Michael was already deliberating. 

"Please, give me time to think and discuss with my other siblings." Michael with a sigh asked Akio to which the latter easily agreed. 

The population of Heaven was slowly starting to become a huge problem. Sure the 'Brave Saints' could create angels but they were not pure angels. 

Michael thanked Akio for his kindness before he escorted him back to the table. 




A while later Akio's group left thanking Michael and Gabriel for the tour. Gabriel was also told she could visit Arcadio if she ever felt bored. She of course was elated at being told that as she enjoyed being around her new friends. 

When they left Michael began to organize a meeting with all the Seraphs, with the topic of course being what Akio discussed with him. In the end, they finally came to a decision, and the meeting ended.