Chapter 61: Don’t call me father

(Arcadio, castle)

Akio was currently sitting in the passenger seat of a jet-like aircraft. This was something he made of magic and he built it out of durable material so that it could survive what it was about to go through.

Looking to his side he saw Akane who was excitedly holding the yoke asked Akio for confirmation to which he just nodded in affirmation. 

Like that, the jet magically floated in the air before taking off at insane speeds. 

Akane kept going increasing the speed until eventually even a person with an extremely high perception wouldn't be able to make out anything. 

Akio was controlling the space to make sure nothing too serious would happen. After around 30 minutes of repeated acceleration, Akane landed the jet that was still somehow holding on. 

"HAHA, that was amazing, can I have this?!." Akane spoke excitedly while looking at her new favorite toy. 

Akio just laughed and gave her permission to which she came out of nowhere and gave him a huge hug. 

"Hehe, thanks!" Akane whose mature personality suddenly flipped on its head went right back to the jet before yet again taking off. 

Akio chuckled one last time before he made his way to the living room. 




Now he was sitting in the living room seconds away from making a portal.

Akio had been contacted by Michael and he was told that the Seraphs had come to a decision regarding Akio's offer. 

Akio would take Shea, Rose, and Tiamat with him as they held similar positions to the Seraphs.

They were all wearing their armor with Akio's pendant around each of their necks. They currently held an atmosphere that meant business. 

Akio was the first to walk through the portal followed by the rest. 

The place he arrived at was 6th Heaven where all the Seraphs were. 

Sure enough, they were all standing in a line with their usual dignified aura, well of course except for Gabriel who was just looking with wonder at the newcomers she has yet to see. 

The others were also curious however they kept their calm, that was until they felt the natural pressure coming off Rose and Tiamat.

"You two, may I ask of your identities." Raphael who stood 3rd in line asked as he kept his sight on Rose and Tiamat. 

"Were exactly, who you think we are. *Huff* As for how I'm still alive, you can thank him, my new master." Rose answered all their suspicions while pointing at Akio. Her tone was very prideful yet she wasn't the one with the accomplishment. 

"I-I see." Raphael had more questions but he held his tongue as he knew there were more urgent matters. 

Michael snapped out of his thoughts with a cough as he took one step forward and spoke while bowing. "Thank you for yet again accepting our invitation. We would hate to waste any more of your time so I think it would be best if we expressed our answer to your proposition."

Akio just gave a small nod as waited for Michael to continue. 


"We have long realized eventually Heaven will start to experience a decline if a new leader wasn't established, and the system in which our race is created isn't fixed."

"I myself, have tried to find any solution but alas the best I could do was to come up with a temporary fix, which was the 'Brave Saints system'. Although it does work in maintaining our population it doesn't fix the problem that we pure angels are still declining." 

Michael sighed again before continuing.

"With that, I was yet again forced to the conclusion that I needed access to father's floor. I have tried numerous times to access it but I can't, I am simply too weak."

"It's the same for the rest of us as well," Uriel spoke with a little disappointment.

"We persisted for years trying different methods but nothing worked That continued until you showed up and were able to get in with ease." Michael finished what could be said to be his reasoning before he with a resolute expression kneeled on the ground.

"We were skeptical of your true purpose, on whether your words were truly honest. However, we realized it was foolish to doubt you. Your power is greater than that of father's and I can see nothing of worth that you could possibly want." 

"There's also the fact that your divinity is remarkably suited for the job, and you yourself are a kind leader, something that was proven with the genuine smiles of even your maids."

With those last words, it wasn't long before the other three including Gabriel kneeled next to Michael. 

"With all of this taken into account, it wasn't hard to come to a conclusion. Please become the new God of Heaven, and help us become what we once were." 

With Akio hearing the decision of the Seraphs as well as seeing them kneeling, he stood in thought for a few seconds before speaking. "Stand." 

They all immediately stood their serious faces still present. 

Akio just looked at all of them making sure they were 1000% percent sure of their choice. When he was finished his serious expression changed into that of a smile. "I promise I won't disappoint." 

"Thank you, father." All four spoke at once to which Akio's smile twitched.

"Don't call me father."

(If you couldn't tell there are a LOT of AU elements.)




Akio spent time first giving a blessing to each of the Seraphs. 

The blessings first and foremost established a link between them and Akio. 

Secondly, it of course gave them the abilities of infinite magic and regeneration. 

Similar to Shea, each of them was put in a position where they became his direct apostles. Along with that came a higher affinity with all elements as well as a massive increase in overall stats. 

He also gave each of them a pendant, making clear their position. He knew that his logo was already known by the underworld because it was worn when they went to the feast. 

(AN: I'm making a change where Akio himself doesn't wear the pendant.) 

When he was done he went to fulfill his promise of 'fixing' the system. 

Now the group stood in front of the clear ball waiting for Akio to make his move. 

They didn't wait long as Akio extended his hand and put it on the ball, he then started to pour in his divinity. 

Almost as soon as he started implanting his divinity he felt a connection with the system being established. 

It was at this point that some of Akio's suspicions started to clear up.




When Akio had first come into contact with the entrance to god's domain he expected it to have some sort of requirement to enter so that one day Michael would be able to truly take over. He thought it would be something of a 'become stronger to get what you want kind of thing. 

He thought God wouldn't leave Heaven alone without first setting up a way for his children to maintain it properly even with his absence.

That was why he was confused when he found that there was none of that. Akio just brute strength his way into the place. 

This led to a whole new string of questions such as did he truly just not expect to die, and in turn didn't prepare for it. 

It was possible but Akio thought it to be unlikely as he knew from the novel that he was intelligent. 

Akio was left with only theories of why things were the way they were, but today he was finally given the answers.




The first thing Akio understood upon the connection starting was that this was all planned. 

It seemed God of the Bible took into account what would happen after his death and in turn made something of an inheritance. 

His process was versatile however as it didn't clarify exactly who would receive control and instead listed requirements. 

1. The person must possess even a small amount of divinity that is similar to that of God of the bible's. 

2. The person must be strong enough to get through all the restrictions created to prevent anyone from entering God's domain. 

3. Unless the person is a Seraph themselves they must have been acknowledged by the Seraphs as a leader. 

4. The person must be able to think for themselves and understand even the most perfect of beings are still capable of flaws. 

These requirements were created mainly for the Seraphs as he more than anyone else wanted one of them to inherit his position as God. 

Akio thought it would probably take a lot longer for any of the Seraphs to meet these requirements as they still followed their creator's teachings to a T, without even questioning if they truly were as perfect as advertised. Thankfully with them accepting Akio, that started to lessen.




As Akio continued to pour in his divinity he started to understand more and more about the system. How it was created, how to use it, etc. 

When it reached around halfway to filling the orb, out of seemingly thin air a different divinity that was similar to Akio's started to also fill the tank. 

When it stopped it had reached halfway and now the orb was completely filled. 

Akio also understood the purpose of this. Essentially, he was being acknowledged by God of the Bible himself as with his divinity he now had complete control over his creations.

Akio originally thought he would only be able to create new angels as well as stop the current ones from falling but he received a lot more. 

He could stop an angel from falling, allow them to reproduce even without an hour-long ritual, and even bring a fallen angel back to the path of light. He had complete control over Heaven in its entirety including the people. 

There was also one last thing Akio learned. Even with a God being killed their divinity will still be generated if people still hold faith in that individual. 

A new God wouldn't be created through it, but it did make it possible to pass on divinity. 

It's as simple as a new God taking over the job of a now-dead God. The people who pray to that dead God usually won't have a direct image of said God and instead, they pray to the being that embodies the concept they believe their God holds.

In this case, humans believe in the being that rules over Heaven as its creator, and now that Akio fit's that role the divinity would be given to him. 

Akio confirmed this when he saw a new divinity forming around his soul. 

(Ava, is this dangerous.) Akio decided to ask Ava, as she was the one to tell him that having multiple divinities was dangerous without first upgrading your soul. 

(Fufu, have no worries if it was I would have stepped in. The divinity is not so different from your current one and because of that, you're safe. Multiple divinities become unsafe when they are completely different from one another such as Chaos and Order. If one possessed both divinities without first upgrading their soul the two divinities would clash and ultimately corrupt and destroy the person.)

Akio was able to understand it perfectly, he thanked Ava before he finally turned his attention to the others and told them everything he had found out. 

"I see, I can't help but think we have failed father's expectations, but perhaps it was for the best," Michael spoke depressingly with a slight frown on his head this was reflected on the other Seraph's faces as well.

"Don't discourage yourselves too much I'm sure if I hadn't come one of you would have been able to accomplish it eventually," Akio spoke words that truthfully did nothing to ease their conscious. 

You are reading story The Journey To The Top (Multiversal Story) at

Still, they just sighed as they pushed the thought out of their minds and instead focused on their new God. 

"This does put me at ease, however, knowing that accepting you was the right option and not a betrayal to our creator," Michael spoke with a smile and his words were followed up by nods from the rest. 

Akio continued talking with his new subordinates for a while before he started to make the changes that needed to happen. 

Firstly, he allowed for sex as long as it was a result of mutual love. It was inevitable that a small amount of lust would make its way into the equation but as long as the person was not being controlled by it, they were fine. 

This was the same for any other sin in which a little bit was allowed but excessive amounts were punished. 

It was to the level where eating an extra meal or sleeping an extra hour wouldn't immediately cause you to fall. 

But if you were to go as far as to **** someone out of lust or allow your anger to consume you and kill someone then you would fall and be kicked out. 

There was a middle section where the sin wasn't quite that bad and you could be forgiven through repentance. 

You could also be forgiven after falling but the requirement was that you would live life completely devoid of any sin, and if you violated that you would be permanently expelled.

(AN: AGAIN this is AU.) 

Akio also did a little more, one added feature was being able to hear the prayers of his followers when he wished. 

When Akio was finished and explained all he did to Michael he was profusely thanked by him. 




Akio had told the Seraphs that they would be entering into a peace pact with the devils, something they easily accepted as they were not beings who loved violence. 

The next thing Akio did was to make his existence known to the rest of Heaven. 

Unlike human followers, angels were already aware of God's death. 

Akio introduced himself as the person God chose to lead Heaven. 

He of course put on the usual display with a golden aura and majestic figure. That combined with him being with the Seraphs further emphasized the reality of his words. 

It wasn't long before his existence was acknowledged and people started kneeling in prayer. 

Akio then told them that they were free to act on their love and no longer were required to go through a ritual. He left out the details of sin as it was something they should understand on their own. 

Before he left back to a higher Heaven he gave a blessing to every Angel making their connection deeper and giving them an increased growth rate. 




Before Akio left Heaven he took complete control of the dimension and made a gateway to Arcadio. In this way at anytime any of the Angels could visit as they pleased. 

The Seraphs were also given a gateway, as well as a pendant. Their gateway however allowed them access to Akio's castle.




(Arcadio, 1 day later)

Akio was currently enjoying a massage from four of his maids. Those four were Lyu, Belta, Mina, and Tracy. 

The four had caught Akio alone when he had just finished his training with Fate and he requested them to help him relax. 

They each worked on one of his limbs while he groaned in delight while laying on his stomach. 

"Master, someone is approaching," Tracy spoke while still focusing on Akio's arm. 

"I'm aware," Akio said already knowing who was coming. 

Soon enough the door was opened and in walked Gabriel who had come to hang around the girls. 

"Akio? Ahh, I guess I went the wrong way... may I ask what's happening. Gabriel asked cluelessly as she heard Akio moaning in bliss while 4 girls touched his body. 

He had already told the Seraphs to just call him by his name as he didn't care much for any other name when they were in private. 

"Hey Gabriel, I'm guessing you're looking for the girls then yes you made a wrong turn at the end of the hallway. As for what these four are doing it is called a massage it's to release tension and loosen up your muscles, plus it feels amazing." 

Gabriel not minding her original purpose for coming to Arcadio walked closer to Akio and got a closer look at him. He was currently naked except for the towel he had wrapped around his waist, yet Gabriel didn't seem to mind that. 

"If it feels that good may I participate," Gabriel asked while staring at his untouched back. 

Akio just gave a hum in approval as he still held his head down. 

Gabriel who saw no real opening to his back instead climbed on top of the table between his legs and started from there. 

She with both hands applied pressure and started unskilfully rubbing her hands up and down his back.

Seeing the lack of experience of the girl Lyu while continuing with her own movement instructed Gabriel until she was able to do it decently. 

"Does this feel good Akio?" Gabriel spoke while tilting her head. 

"It feels amazing," Akio replied in bliss causing Gabriel to smile as she continued her actions. 

Soon enough Akio flipped over to his other side where the massage began again. 

This time Akio was perfectly able to see Gabriel as she ran her hands up and down his stomach. Unintentionally, his member began hardening as it inevitably poked Gabriel in her stomach. 

"Master is hopeless." Mina with a blush on her face stared at the raised towel around his nether region. 

"Hmm, your penis is hard to, should I massage it as well," Gabriel spoke with complete innocence. 

Akio stared at her innocent face tempted to agree and let her delicate hands bring him to a climax but he knew this girl was clueless about the other meaning of what she said. 

Gabriel was of course aware of the act of sex as she has been alive for a long time. However, she has never seen the act firsthand nor has she experienced it. Her knowledge was textbook level and she did not know things like hand jobs or anything that wasn't just intercourse. Still, she had enough knowledge to know that she shouldn't go near the genital of a person she did not love, although the only love she knew was the love for her God, which is perhaps the reason she was willing to touch his place.

Gabriel became increasingly confused as she looked at the girls around her who were giving her strange looks. 

"I'm pretty sure you just met master around a day ago, are you already in that type of relationship with him?" Belta questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"That type of relationship?" Gabriel questioned while further tilting her head. 

"An intimate one, like lovers." Lyu clarified for Belta.

"Lovers, as in husband and wife?" Gabriel was somehow still confused.

"Yes, in a way," Belta spoke again starting to realize this girl was either an idiot or completely innocent.

"No, he is my Lord and I'm his subordinate," Gabriel spoke easily. 

"Then are you just using him for sexual relief, because if that's the case we cannot allow that," Tracy spoke seriously? It was ordered by Aurora that anyone that did not hold love and complete devotion to Akio was not eligible to receive his 'love'. 

"Sexual? But we aren't having intercourse." With Gabriel's last words and genuinely confused expression, everyone was finally able to understand that she truly was just plain innocent. 

Upon this realization, the massage stopped as the maids dragged Gabriel to a corner of the room and started to explain to her in detail the topic of intimacy. 

In the end, it was figured out that Gabriel saw it fine to do those acts strictly because he was her God. 

Still, she was able to understand that those acts were meant for people who held the love one would for their significant other. 

The massage continued after that with Akio's member not being massaged unfortunately although Gabriel did continue working on his stomach despite the giant pole repeatedly poking her stomach.

"Does Akio desire me as a woman?" All of a sudden Gabriel asked this question, out of seemingly nowhere. 

Still, Akio immediately noticed the reason as he saw the halo on her head flickering slightly. 

Immediately, he used his connection with Heaven's system and expanded the domain so it included Arcadio, and he also made it impossible for Gabriel to fall. 

He sighed in relief when it was all over before speaking. "Of course, you are beautiful Gabriel it is only natural that I end up like this especially with you in this position." 

When Gabriel heard those words a slight blush appeared on her face as she just said "Oh." before continuing her massage. 

She tried to at least as when she had reached up a little further trying to start massaging his chest, she accidentally shifted his tower exposing his manhood. Still clueless she continued reaching until she accidentally brushed her panty-clad nether region against his still hard member. 

The result.

"Ahh." A moan escaped her mouth before she came back to herself and jumped off Akio. The feeling was so foreign to her that she panicked. 

"Ahh, I-I am sorry Akio, I'm sure I'm keeping them waiting so I should go," Gabriel spoke before quickly walking out of the room. 




'What was that feeling.' Gabriel who was now outside the room breathed heavily as she looked down and felt the inside of her skirt. It was wet. 

Gabriel calmed herself down after a while before she made her way to the living room where the girls were waiting. Though the thing that occupied her mind the most was the sensation she had just felt.




Back in the room where the girls were massaging Akio, the maids just sighed before they gave a look that said their master was hopeless before they looked at his exposed member. 

Tracy was the first to move as she reached out her hand and ran it along the length. The sensation caused it to twitch. 

She remembered the previous night when she had taken this big thing inside her and officially became his. Though, she still preferred their current relationship and just took the title of mistress. 

She smiled in remembrance of the event as she began stroking it for a while before starting to strip her own clothes. 

Minutes later she was riding him as the other three girl's watched with their hands slowly making their way to their caves. 

Akio who saw that they still have yet to make a move decided to yet again break his passiveness. 


"You three undress," Akio ordered to which the three happily agreed as they hurriedly took off their clothes and exposed themselves to him. 

Another 5 minutes later and Akio had two girls on either side of him with his fingers inside of them. The other girl sat on top of him as she enjoyed his tongue. 

When it came time for Tracy to share Akio deciding not to take the girls in this room teleported to his bedroom. 

There he officially made all the girls his as they spent the whole time indulging in lust, they didn't even stop when Akio's wives came and all that happened was that the normally massive Orgy just increased in size.