Chapter 75: Life 3

"I refuse!" A yell reverberates throughout the morning air as a white-haired girl stands in a fighting position. 

Akio sighed as he signaled that the spar was over. 




Currently, Akio was in the midst of training Rias and her peerage, and of course, he had encountered some problems. Specifically with the girls who didn't want to use their full power for various reasons. 

Akeno was the first who outright refused to use her fallen angel and holy lightning power until Akio knowing he would do it eventually called Sirzechs and told him to bring Baraqiel. 

Akeno at first refused to listen to anything the man had to say and just repeatedly through insults at him. However, that changed over time as she found herself crying after seeing his pained expression. 

She despite everything loved her father even if she thought he was responsible for her mother's death. 

There was still a lot of tension in the air, however, and so Akio made another decision. 

In seconds a black-haired woman with brown eyes and a face that was unmistakably similar to Akeno's suddenly appeared to her own shock. 

That shock only lasted a second however as soon she and Akeno locked gazes.

The rest was self-explanatory as now the three Akeno, Baraqiel, and the newly revived Shuri all sat at a table with Akeno refusing to stop hugging her mother. 




"As much as you probably don't want this to happen it needs to. This desire you have to 'not be like your sister' is meaningless especially when you don't know the whole story. 

Akio spoke seriously to the white-haired Koneko whose face was a mix of confusion and anger. 

"What-" Koneko was close to losing her cool however Akio didn't let her finish as he suddenly waved his arm and instantly a black-haired nekoshou appeared stunning Koneko.

"You!-" Koneko's gaze turned complicated as she was both angry and curious. 

Kuroka wasn't much different, however, she had already been told what would happen by Akio and made a plan accordingly. 

In seconds she was hugging her sister while on her knees. 

Koneko seeing this couldn't help but let out her rage as she threw curses and repeatedly punched Kuroka. 

It took three whole minutes of Kuroka receiving punch after punch from Koneko before Koneko finally stopped her face now changed into a crying mess. 

"Why, why did you kill our master? Do you know... what I had to go through?" Koneko spoke through her tears letting out all the questions and frustrations she had built up over the years. 

Akio watched the interaction with a neutral face before leaving them to talk it out. 






"Hmm, I'd say your reaction speed is a little lacking compared to your other abilities." Akio made an observation as he stared down at Kiba who was on all fours breathing heavily. 

"Huff, huff, thank... Thank you... For the guidance." 

Kiba struggled to speak as he stayed on the ground. 

He was also aware that this boy like the rest had a rough history. Still, it currently didn't limit him at the moment so Akio saw no reason to bring it up. 




"Please... NO MORE!" A begging voice escaped the sea of groans. 

"Oh, Akeno, don't kid around we need to do better than that to be worthy of Akio-sama." Rias who heard her queen's plea brushed it off as she stared at her with a gaze that would even make the original Lucifer himself shiver in fear. 

Rias who had finished her personal training with Akio which included her trying to on multiple occasions seduce him with her body immediately called for her peerage. 

Despite some of the girls going through really emotional moments she still made them all continue on with the training. 

Baraqiel, Shuri, and Kuroka all tried to stop it but one glance from Rias shut them up. 

'She keeps surprising me.' Akio was yet again surprised by her sheer determination. 

Baraqiel and Shuri seeing they wouldn't be able to stop her stood up before making their way to Akio. 

"Alright, let's increase the gravity," Rias spoke as she began tampering with a remote given by Akio. 

The remote connects to wristbands and can be used to alter how much gravity is being applied to someone. 

Akio while watching the girls desperately run turned his attention to the approaching parents. 

Almost immediately Baraqiel dropped to his knees his head lowered to the ground as he was soon followed by Shuri.

"You have not only given me a chance to fix my relationship with my daughter, but you have also brung my wife back to life. There is nothing I can do to repay you, so I will allow you to do as you wish with myself." Baraqiel spoke with conviction as he truly left his fate in the hands of Akio. 

"Hmm? Perhaps later I have nothing I can think to ask of you." Akio thought for a second before answering flatly. 

"Of course, someone as great as you couldn't possibly require anything from someone as lowly as me," Baraqiel admitted although Akio could see a small blush appearing on his cheeks something he didn't want to think about any longer.

"*cough* *cough* Well, at the very least I fully support any intentions you have with my daughter." Perhaps seeing Akio as worthy Baraqiel didn't hesitate to consent to whatever relationship Akio had with Koneko. 

"Hmm, well thanks I guess," Akio spoke wanting to get away from the pervert. 

He spent another hour training the group before they left with Koneko asking to stay with her sister for the night. 

In the end, after Koneko asked Rias followed along wanting to spend some more time in Arcadio. 

Thankfully for them, it was a weekend and they had no prior arrangements so there was no problem. Though they would have to leave the next day as it would be Sona and her peerage's turn to train. 


You are reading story The Journey To The Top (Multiversal Story) at



A couple of hours later just before lunchtime, almost all the girls including Rias and her peerage were taking a bath together. 

Akio on the other hand on a rare occurrence chose to stay out of the bath as he rested on the couch yet again working on his semi Omniscients. 

Soon though he heard knocking on the door. 

"Come in." 

He spoke already knowing who it was. 

"Master, you have a visitor." The one to open the door and speak was Lyu who was soon followed by Grayfia. 

"Akio-sama, good afternoon," Grayfia spoke bowing to him. 

"Good afternoon to you as well, are you here on orders?" Akio questioned with raised eyebrows, he felt something was off with her. 

"No. I am no longer in the employment of Sirzechs Gremory, I have come here strictly on my own accord." Grayfia spoke clearly doing her best to show a graceful appearance, before elegantly kneeling on the floor. 

Akio raised an eyebrow at that as he gestured for her to continue. 

"I came under the employment of Sirzechs after the 'Great War' and have been working as a maid ever since. I found myself quite liking the job as a whole, but the person I was serving, put quite bluntly was undesirable." Grayfia's tone never wavered showing how much she had thought about this moment. 

"Perhaps it was due to a feeling of needing to atone, but I kept those feelings locked away. That was until I was introduced to the maids of Arcadio. The way they look at you, the way they serve you. All of it, it has brought to the surface those emotions that I previously held down."

Grayfia yet again took a moment to breathe before she while still on her knee put her head down. 

"That is why, Akio-sama, no, master, please accept my undying loyalty and accept me as a maid. I may not be at the level of the maids of your household but I am confident I can make up for that over time." Grayfia tried to keep her calm tone but Akio could still sense a small bit of desperation in her tone. 

Of course, she would be desperate she was risking everything for this. 

"I am always willing to accept people especially if they are willing to go so far as to pledge eternal loyalty. I will gladly accept you, however, is your departure formal?" Akio easily accepted her after reading through her soul and understanding she wasn't lying whatsoever. Still, he questioned whether she had quit without saying anything or formally resigned. 

"Yes, thank you, master. Sirzechs-sama has approved of this." Grayfia spoke with barely contained excitement as she present him with a document. 

Akio accepted the document before reading through it. All it said was...

'To: Akio Izumi-

Good evening Akio-sama. Grayfia Lucifuge has expressed her desire to join you. I, Sirzechs Gremory have agreed to this and as such released her from her duties as my maid. 

I can account for her impeccable ability and hope you can acknowledge her as well. 

Ps: I will assign a new messenger shortly.

Sincerely, Sirzechs Gremory.'

Akio while reading through the document could only pity the poor man.

He looked up while tossing the document into his storage before looking straight at the still kneeling Grayfia. 

"Very well, as I have said before I am more than willing to take you in however there are rules." 

Grayfia looked up and stared at Akio expressing she was willing to listen and obey. 

"First and foremost, you are a maid of the Izumi family, and as such are my family. Therefore, the only people you shall address with extreme amounts of respect are the people you serve." 

Grayfia hearing his order couldn't help but smile. She had already found out one thing about her master that would help her in the future. 

"Of course, basic respect and courtesy are expected from you for everyone but only to the level of not disrespecting anyone. If someone is to try and order you, that I haven't permitted to do so, you can simply refuse. I am sure you saw what happened to Riser, I am very protective of my family and I will allow no one to look down on them as anything but an equal."

Akio finished his first order checking to see if Grayfia was understood, to which he nodded when he saw her give a nod. 

"Great, that was the most important order I would like you to follow. As for the rest, they will be given to you by Lyutillis. You will act under her as something of a training period until I judge you qualified. I am aware you are quite experienced so please only take this as me validating your skills and not as me looking down on you." Akio cleared up any misunderstandings about his words but stopped when he saw Grayfia still smiling with no trace of dissatisfaction.

"Of course master, it is only natural. I shall prove myself to you." Grayfia spoke as if it was obvious. 

"Great, then for now Lyu, please give her a tour and explain her duties." With his words, Lyu bowed before making her way with Grayfia around the place. 

Soon enough after they left Akio felt two hands land on his shoulders as they began massaging them. 

"Lunch is ready?" Akio spoke to the blonde-haired maid massaging him. 

"Yes, master." The blonde, Tracy spoke continuing with her naturally talented hands. 

"Mmm, jealous?" Akio while enjoying the massage asked the girl.


"I cannot hide anything from you master," Tracy spoke with a small chuckle. 

All of a sudden however she found herself flipping through the air before moments later landing softly on her master's lap. 

"Well, then I guess I better spoil my adorable maid," Akio spoke before flipping her onto the couch and hovering over her. 

Tracy blushed expecting her master to be filling her up soon however her expectations were not met. 

"Ahh, Tracy. There's no need to be jealous after all you will always be my battle-addicted maid." Akio wrapped his maid in his arms as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear. 

By the end of it all on the couch, Tracy lay with her cheeks dyed red, and her face looking like she had just experienced the ultimate pleasure. 

"Are you still jealous," Akio asked although he wasn't answered. 

Instead, Tracy just continued to mutter 'My master' and 'I love you' over and over while remaining in a daze. 

Thankfully she snapped out of it right before the girls arrived in the dining room ready for lunch. 

Like that Akio enjoyed his meal with the extra company. 


(AN: Sorry for missing yesterday's upload, decided to take a break. For the remainder of the fic, I will be writing for my own enjoyment instead of trying to please everyone as I have been so far. 

The initial point of this fic was supposed to be entirely for my enjoyment but somewhere along the way I started to focus too much on people's opinions and it kinda took the fun out of this. It made it something of a chore instead of a hobby. 

Well, don't wanna rant too long. You will still receive daily uploads. 

Also, for my other fic (Limit Breaker System) I will be doing something of a rewrite where I try to make it something enjoyable to read so if you want to suggest anything I will happily accept it.)