Chapter 87: Eden



Inside the living room of Akio's castle, a silver-haired heterochromic woman breathes heavily. This same woman was currently wearing a maid dress and stood behind the couch where her new master and her master's husband sat. 

That same master, Yue, currently had her fangs sunk into Akio's neck. The smell of his blood alone was driving the silver-haired girl, Luminous, mad. 

Alas, her master forced her to go through the torture of just watching. 

Soon however Yue backed away and with a final kiss on Akio's lips finally stood up. 

Luminous at this point however was stuck in a daze as she looked at the part of the neck that was once oozing blood. 

"Stop torturing your servants." Akio who was still sitting reprimanded Yue who wore a sadistic smile. 

"Hmph, fine. Here." Yue, dissatisfied that her teasing was brought to an end took out a vile of blood from her storage and gave it to the poor girl.

"Thank you, master. May I please take my break? I would like to fully savor this wonderful substance." Luminous with a smile like she had just been given the world to rule asked for a break. 

This was her 4th day on the job and she knew by now what the blood would do to her. 

"Yes, but call for Valerie I would like a report on how the merging of our territories is going." 

"Of course." Luminous bowed before excitedly speed walking to her room. On the way, she contacted Valerie through a magic circle informing her of Yue's commands. 

Seconds later she arrived at her room before locking the door and applying a noise cancellation barrier. 


Her clothes were stripped.

The vile opened. 

The blood drunken.

Her hands working.

Her bed?





While Luminous was enjoying her new favorite part of the day Valerie immediately arrived in the living room. 

She first gave a bow to Yue before rushing over and giving a deep kiss to her beloved. Around 10 minutes of blood-sucking later she finally got up and gave a detailed report about the merging of her new territory with her one that now existed in Arcadio. 

Akio meanwhile got up and left the room, leaving the two to talk. 

He walked aimlessly down the hallway with no particular direction. Most of his girls were out exploring while others were training. 

His children were currently being taught by Sona. 

Along his walk, he was greeted by Tiamat who had just come out of a portal. 

Her armor was considerably damaged showing that she had just come from training. 

"Good afternoon, husband-sama." Tiamat smiled and walked over to Akio.

"Hey, Tia. I'm assuming you were just with Ddraig and Albion?" Akio ran his hand through the girl's beautiful hair as he repaired her armor.


"Yes, those two don't know when to call it quits. Ever since their evolution they just won't stop." Tiamat sighed, she was always dragged into their scuffles.

"They're always like that you know." Akio chuckled before in one quick motion picked the annoyed girl up. 

"I'm sure a bath will ease your annoyance." Akio who was now carrying the dragon in a princess carry began walking to the hot spring much to the dragon's gratitude. 

Upon arriving they were greeted by Ophis and Akane who at this point lived there. 

After washing up the two made their way into the bath. Ophis was the first to make her move as she occupied his lap. 

Akane on the other hand just floated around in the water. 

Hours passed with the group doing nothing but relaxing until out of nowhere Akio with eyes opening wide suddenly disappeared. 

He left behind a telekinetic message to the girls saying not to worry and that he'd be back soon. 




The place Akio arrived in was just outside of Arcadio's atmosphere. 

In front of him was a beautiful woman with golden hair and eyes that constantly changed color. Her red and white robe failed to hide her curves. 

Weirdest of all were the 10 pairs of pure white angel wings and the halo that floated above her head. 

She would look like the definition of an angel if it weren't for the borderline creepy and obsessed gaze she was directing at Akio.

"Hah, finally. FINALLY. We meet." The woman's shaky voice rang out as she slowly floated over to Akio. 

Akio in turn kept the distance by floating backward. 

This woman had completely escaped his senses and he was only aware of her when she herself allowed him to be. In other words, she was strong. Stronger than himself. 

You are reading story The Journey To The Top (Multiversal Story) at

"Ahh, please don't fear me. I'm sorry for my outburst." Eden noticing Akio's confusion immediately changed her expression to that of a smile.

"Who are you," Akio questioned with his eyebrow raised. 

"I am Eden, however, you can call me mother. I am the goddess of your former world 'Earth'." Eden spoke her eyes roaming over every detail that made up Akio. 

"And... Why are you here? Eden." 

Eden frowned at how he refused to call her mother. 

"Well, that is for you, my child. I simply could not go another second without seeing you're oh so magnificent form." Eden's face for a split second reverted to the creepy smile she had before. 

"And what exactly was stopping you from seeing me?" Akio questioned.

"Ah, well that'd be that hateful bitch's- I mean Ava-samas fault. She is a bit too overprotective you see." Eden spoke with an scowl. 

Internally she was quite confused. The fact that she hadn't been completely erased from existence yet was something she did not expect. 

She was prepared to risk it all just to touch a single atom of his extraordinary self or even just the chance to bask in his presence. 

'Did I think wrong? Or has she given me a role?' Countless theories were present in her mind although she didn't know anything for certain. 

'Still, none of that matters. As long as I can be in his presence, everything is right.' 




(Ava's POV) 

As I stare at the scene of the two finally meeting, I can't help but dread what will inevitably come from it.

Countless times during your journey have I completely frozen time just so I can continue to feel you. If it was quantized I'm sure I have spent at least a googolplex of years in that frozen time, doing nothing but holding you and absorbing your warmth. 

Ace Gray or as of now, Akio Izumi. A truly terrifying existence. Perhaps the word existence isn't quite right. Nothing can truly describe what he truly is. 

Even the word terrifying is an underestimate when trying to describe what he is. 

I in front of his true self was forced to fall under abstract ideas that I myself am responsible for bringing into existence. 

Fear, curiosity, obsession, and now... Love. I, who am responsible for the creation of everything am nothing before him. 

I, who views everything and everyone as nothing more than a story I can choose to end at any time, am nothing in front of him.

So it is not my fault for the actions I have taken. 


I can only hope when that inevitable event happens, and when you understand all that I am and have done. That you can understand that I in every sense of the word belong solely to you.

Way before that fateful meeting in the void.




While Ava was preparing for the inevitable...

"Declined." Akio for the 8th time shook his head left and right as he gave a flat look to the girl who wore a desperate expression. 

After talking a bit more Eden had asked if she could move to Arcadio. Akio who was still skeptical of her outright declined and told her to get lost. 

In the end, Eden had lowered her demand to a literal millisecond in Arcadio before she would return. 

Still, Akio declined without hesitation. 

"You're so cruel to your mother. Then... how about a hug, or even just one of your old shirts...anything that has your scent? PLEASE!" Eden's desperation became even more so as tears started to form in her eyes. 

Akio seeing the disgusting sight sighed and took out an old hoodie from his inventory. 

"Here, now get out." He threw the hoodie and watched as the girl caught it like it was the most important object in all of creation. 

"Don't come back," Akio spoke again before waving his hand. 

Instantly, Eden with her face completely buried in the hoodie disappeared.

He would soon learn that this in fact wasn't the last time they would meet. 

Obsession was a complex emotion. It could affect someone so much that their actions and thought process would turn illogical.

Akio, finally getting rid of the annoyance sighed before returning back to the bath. Little time had passed and the girls weren't as worried although they did barrage him with various questions.

He simply responded with he met with a friend of Ava before refusing to elaborate. 

Soon the rest of his women arrived in the hot spring after they finished their various activities. 

That relaxing bath as one would expect devolved into an orgy. 


(AN: I'm still sick but at least the headache is gone. I wonder what secrets Ava is hiding? Who is Akio truly? All will be answered soon enough. Before that, though I might release a side chapter of Akio in Konosuba. It will be just pure smut and completely unrelated to the plot. Someone a while ago wanted to see Darkness so who am I to refuse?)