Hello everyone, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Kevin. Kevin Pang. That is, I have an uncommon surname for among those of Chinese Descent. A lot of people might ask why I say it like this but I like talking about in riddles. Some might find it annoying how the voice in my head narrates as though I’m telling a story to some audience and listeners.
Anyway, to introduce myself. I’m an adult who is of an uncertain number of years. I’m a male, and I am currently paralyzed from the waist down. I know… what’s worse is my fiancé is also the same. Our families planned a vacation together, when we got into the shuttle in the airport one of the planes
My fiancé is a blonde and blue eyed white girl named Robin. She was born on the same day at the same time as I was which is how her parents and my own met and became friends. This led to us growing up together and becoming inseparable despite her being completely out of my league.
Robin actually confessed to me first telling me I was the only man for her. The reason had something to do with an advice column that said the one who was better looking should confess first amongst friends.
When Robin told me that I told her she would be the only woman for me and we can only belong to each other… which made her look a bit disappointed for a slight moment before she put on another smile. I’ve been around her so long I could read her feelings, but she never revealed her thoughts which weren’t something I can read at all. Years passed and I guess that disappointment must have faded until the accident…
The accident… I’ll give a brief summary. Our families were going to go on a vacation in Taiwan, which is of course completely an independent nation of China and the Communist Party who are evil and do a lot of evil things to their people. I don’t have great feelings about China because they have a web novel website that plagiarized my work once and nothing I do could get them to take it down. China is just controlled by a bad CCP… I always told myself if I wrote another novel I’d mention this a little bit so that it wouldn’t be able to be posted on their website.
Don’t worry, I had sex with her… I know… I know… before marriage for all you blasted puritans… but that’s what we do today. Young adults, mature adults… we do it before marriage so deal with it! People in the independent republic of Taiwan did it as well.
It’s a good thing we did because now that we’re both paralyzed, we can’t feel anything down there anymore. It’s even hard to control the peeing reflex and we’re both in an assisted care facilities and the truth is I’m kind of depressed at this.
At the very least though, the two of us are together.
It was a warm night tonight as Robin and I sat watching the news. She looked bored as she ate her evening meal served to us by the staff at the facility. I wasn’t particularly happy about the situation either but we had to make the most of it.
Kevin: “Hey, you feeling as miserable as I am?”
Robin: “What do you think?”
Kevin: “You sure look it.”
Robin took several deep breathes as though calming herself down. She watched the television once more seeing the news and things that were happening in the world she didn’t have much control of, then her expression softened.
Robin: “Yeah… I’m really frustrated with all of this…”
Kevin: “Yeah…”
I kept wondering if there was a way to reverse all this. There is always talk that there might be one new miraculous medical procedure I the future that could just fix all the issues we were currently having. Those procedures however weren’t available now. The reality is we’ll never walk again… at least not in our current lives. If there is another life to live out there I hope we could start again because I feel like our story shouldn’t end like this.
Being stuck together for however many decades we have left cooped in a home because we need someone to take care of our needs… I mean this really isn’t a good way to live but we don’t have a choice.
Eterna: ‘But you can both live in your next life.’
Robin looked over at me after that voice. It seemed she heard it as well so I wasn’t day dreaming.
Robin: “You heard that too right?”
Robin was still beautiful despite her now frail body. Before she was slim and athletic… but now… Uh… I have to focus on the present and not the past.
Kevin: “Yes, I did hear that.”
Robin: “What do you think that is?”
Kevin: “I don’t know. I don’t think there’s an experience like that before. You think the chip manufacturers in the independent country of Taiwan which isn’t part of China might have developed ESP?”
You are reading story Oh no! My Fiance and I reincarnated 7 times and she became a voyeuristic pervert! at novel35.com
Robin: “Shut up! You are always talking about Taiwan this and Taiwan that… I know it’s hard and you wish we never went there and got into that traffic accident but please just let it go already. You know I love you so let’s just try to move past this alright?”
Kevin: “Fine… alright…”
Robin took another deep breath and smiled.
Robin: “So since we’re bored let’s try to think about how we had a shared voice in our head.”
Kevin: “I guess we are that bored. You don’t think it’s the medications they’re giving us for depression?”
Robin: “It could be! It’s always the medicine, it’s always the crazy medicines they’re giving us!”
I love when she gets excited, but I loved it even more when she was excited while we could still feel what’s between our legs.
Kevin: “Yeah.”
I could only say that word sarcastically as I thought about how we are so excited over hearing some woman’s voice in our heads. Kind of pathetic compared to all the grand plans we had for our lives before between having children and traveling the world.
Eterna: ‘It’s an opportunity you may never be able to have again, if you turn it down you will have to continue your current lives and won’t have a chance, will you listen? It’s only for the both of you if you should decide.’
Robin: “Okay, I definitely heard that loud and clear, did you as well?”
I did in fact hear it so I nodded. Robin was excited that she wasn’t the only one hearing it and so she moved her wheelchair around.
Eterna: “I need an answer. Please tell me yes or no if you would listen.”
Robin: “Kevin, say yes. Say yes!”
For some reason I felt like I should know better, and for another reason I felt like it was best to go along with Robin who was excited about this. There wasn’t a reason to make her upset, not when we were still going to need a lot of rehab to get around with our lives as paraplegics.
Kevin: “Alright. Yes. We would both like to hear what it is you have to say.”
The entire room blacked out like the power was cut off and we were in some sort of dark plane with lots and lots of little white dots that seemed like stars floating around. In front of us was a feminine figure that wasn’t exactly human, but she looked human… sort off… she had white skin and silver eyes along with silver hair.
Eterna: “Greetings to you both, I am Eterna. I am an inter-dimensional spirit and there is a task the two of you will be able to perform in service to the existence of the multiverse.”
Robin’s blue eyes widened as she floated next to me listening to her. There were all sorts of dreams and hopes with her.
Robin: “Amazing! Amazing! Tell us what we need to do! I mean… We’re both in wheelchairs the rest of our lives… does this mean we’ll be able to walk again and have sex again like normal people?”
The expression on Eterna’s face remained the same. There was no reaction to Robin’s inquiries and unlike my fiancé I was more afraid than excited. There were so many questions to ask and I wasn’t even sure if this was real or a dream.
Eterna: “Your enthusiasm is appreciated but the reality is you will have to give up your current life and be reborn in another life. I will push the information into your minds.”
Eterna, the being known as Eterna anyway pushed some lights which then entered our heads. It didn’t hurt nor was it uncomfortable. I only felt it was strange as information and a set of rules seemed to come into me.