Robin knew she wasn’t as strong as Kevin was but she was still able to fight and handle the zombies. Nuri was in the room and she was quiet, frightened and was afraid of what was happening. Robin did what she could to comfort her by running her fingers through Nuri’s long hair.
Robin: “Nuri, as long as we stay quiet we should be okay. They won’t bang on the doors if they can’t detect us here.”
Robin could feel Nuri trembling in her arms. Cecelia was sleeping in the room down the hall so it wasn’t imperative that she left at that moment. Robin decided to call Kevin and make a plan with him. Telepathy was a good tool in events like this.
Robin: “Kevin, are you almost here?”
Kevin: “There are a lot of zombies and I’m attracting most of them right now. They’re creepy as hell but easy to kill at my current strength.”
Robin: “You can thank Nuri for that. I fucked and sucked her every night to gather the energy. I guess all that effort I put out was for this moment.”
Kevin was sure Robin enjoyed every damn minute of it... but.. still...
Kevin: “My parents and probably my entire family is dead.”
Hearing those words Robin began to wonder as well. The four of them were alive and while she also felt the miasma she wasn’t sure what caused all of them to suddenly turn. There was a sort of virus that changed the structure of the humans who were outside and they all no longer had a heart beat. Such a thing shouldn’t make sense from a biological perspective since muscles can only move when certain chemical processes activated and they could only activate when there is enough energy potential.
No, that wouldn’t make complete sense would it?
Robin: “Nuri, I’m going to try and call my parents alright.”
Nuri: “Alright.”
Nuri didn’t argue, or rather Nuri never argued with whatever it was Robin wanted to do. When Robin pushed her down and entered her hole she was happy to have her inside even if it was artificial. When Robin wanted to inspect her body she enjoyed it… even now when she was afraid the noise would have the zombies notice.
Robin called and the phone on the other side rang but no one picked up. Instead the phone seemed to disconnect during the call, the assumption Robin had was the zombie took the phone and smashed it after it started to ring or make noise.
Nuri: “Your parents didn’t answer?”
Robin: “I think they’re dead.”
Nuri: “I… I guess I’m lucky I don’t have parents anymore… or family…”
Robin: “No Nuri, you have family. I’m your family, and so is Kevin and Cecelia. Even if everyone else is gone we will still be here with you.”
Nuri hugged Robin tightly with tears coming from her eyes. While the world burns with all the craziness going on she felt Robin was a pillar for her. In Nuri’s warm embrace Robin was comforted by the softness of the large chest. With the tense situation around… well perhaps it was tense for Nuri since she was only slightly stronger than the average person… she wasn’t sure if she should be enjoying such a scene.
Nuri: “Thank you Robin. You all mean more to me than my own life.”
Robin: “Don’t say that. Nuri, we have to come up with a plan now. To survive we should first find a way to leave this place with Cecelia and find whatever survivors we can. After that we will go look for a place to plant crops and get living resources. I know of a few places… but after that we should also try to find a way to deal with these zombies. I can tell it’s a change in their DNA.”
Nuri: “Change in their DNA? Then maybe I can do research when I can.”
Robin remembered now. Nuri was a scientist who studied DNA and genetics. If there was a reason the virus or pathogen was changing humans into zombies she would be more than qualified to not only research it but also maybe even find a cure or solution.
Robin: “That’s a great idea Nuri, but for now we’ll leave. Let’s wait a bit longer for Kevin.”
Nuri nodded.
Nuri: “I hope she is fine.”
Robin kissed her softly and reassured her and Nuri was visibly more comfortable. There was an addictiveness to Nuri’s lips that Robin found too pleasant. It made what should be a tense situation easier to handle.
Robin: “You forget how strong we are don’t you?”
Robin walked over to the window. They were on the second floor and she opened it to look outside where she saw several students who hadn’t turned being killed by those who had. The blood from them splattered as they cried out.
Nuri: “Are you going to save them?”
Robin: “Most of them are dying, do you think I should try?”
Nuri nodded.
Nuri: “If the human race is to continue we need more genetic variation so people won’t have to marry and procreate with their first cousins. Our children with Kevin will need that.”
Robin chuckled at what Nuri said, and thought about how the girl could think about that during this time. There were still many things that had to happen in between before they could move on. Also she wasn’t sure she wanted to have children and let them grow up into a world like this, but she decided she had power so why not?
Robin: “You’re right Nuri, you’re so beautiful and smart.”
Nuri blushed at the cheesy words.
Nuri: “Please be careful and come back. I won’t be able to work on a cure or solution if I don’t have the protection you give me.”
Robin nodded and dropped down. The first step was to attract all of the zombies in the dorm out, kill them then go after the ones nearby and on campus. She wasn’t sure how many turned instantly so she called Kevin once more.
Robin: “What’s taking you so long?”
Kevin: “I’m sorry, there’s just a lot of zombies. I’m killing them all because they’re so weak so don’t worry.”
Robin: “Fine, but see if you can secure the school gates first or a getaway vehicle. It’s better if we move towards an unpopulated area first. Find any survivors you can.”
Kevin: “Alright sure… but why do we need other survivors?”
Robin: “Nuri says we need genetic diversity to prevent defects for our offsprings. She didn’t use those exact words but that’s what she meant.”
Kevin: “Alright… here I go…”
Robin landed on her two feet and severed a head of one of the zombies. She grabbed a nearby bike rack and used it to beat the zombies that were now growling while lurching over to her. It wasn’t hard to do and she didn’t feel tired but the commotion began to attract more and more.
You are reading story Oh no! My Fiance and I reincarnated 7 times and she became a voyeuristic pervert! at
Robin: “This… this is going to be a long day.”
I had found a metal bat in one of the dorm rooms that was very convenient to use to knock heads off the neck. A normal person wouldn’t be able to do this, but I am not a normal person. I like pointing out the obvious to myself because this is a voice inside of my head and this is how I talk. Anyway, I kept going through the campus. There were a few people who were survivors here and there and as I rescued them I discovered most of them were male.
How are we going to repopulate the world if most of the survivors are male? Men can’t give birth… in the past when nations went to war the next generation was secure as long as there were enough women to give birth to it. It’s why many countries in the past never sent women to war… or should I say ‘birthing person’ in this day and age?
Generic Male Student 1: “Thanks for saving me man! I thought I was going to die!”
He had a bandage on his upper arm… he probably won’t have long to live unless… well might as well see if bites really turn people or if they only turn when they die.
Kevin: “Yes, that’s great… that’s great. Listen, stay here and behind a locked door and don’t make a noise until I’m done clearing the area. There are lots of zombies alright, so stay quiet. You have water and a place to pee don’t you?”
Generic Male Carvard Student 1: “Yes I do. Thank you.”
After that I walked on and there was another guy, but he was being attacked and there were bite marks on his hand.
Generic Male Carvard Student 2: “Ahhhh! It hurts! Ahhh help! Help!”
Lots and lots of zombies gathered around his screaming, but his effort wasn’t in vain because the large gathering meant I could kill two or three with one swing of the baseball bat making the clearing more efficient.
Even if the zombies themselves weren’t threatening, the fact they had blood coming out of their mouth and eyes and the way they snarled and growled was just creepy as fuck to me. I mean like… damn… still… I must keep going on.
Generic Male Carvard Student 3: “Help! Help! Kevin Chang! Help me I’m trapped!”
I look up and see an overweight student whom I had noticed before yelling out a window from the third floor of a building. The noise would definitely attract the zombies in that building, and I hadn’t fully cleared out the area I was working on now. I am stronger and able to fight them but can’t you see I’m dealing with almost a hundred of them now? If I try to help you I’m going to make a mistake.
Kevin: “You there! Shut up! If you keep yelling they’ll come attack you!”
Generic Male Carvard Student 3: “But I’m trapped, but I’m trapped!”
There was banging on the door behind him and I could hear the wood being broken with my enhanced perception. Still, the physical limits of this world meant even if I could jump higher than the average person I still couldn’t jump over two stories and reach him, and after I reach him I couldn’t jump down without him getting injured… and then having to carry an injured person through hordes when he should just have shut up…
Fuck it… sorry man…
Kevin: “This is your own fault! You shouldn’t have yelled!”
Man! These Ivy League students are way dumber than I thought they would be. They were smart enough to get into a school like this… or maybe most of them got in by legacy?
Generic Male Carvard Student 3: “The door is broken! Ahhh! The door is broken!”
I see bloodied hands grabbing him and two zombies latch to him as he falls out the window in a frantic panic only to hit the floor. The two zombies that fell with him then started to get up despite having broken bones while I continued to smash heads that were coming towards me.
Kevin: “Seriously… idiots.”
I kept swinging away for another twenty minutes until all of the zombies in my area were finally dead. Then I made my way over to the first guy to see what was happening only to find that he was now turned as well. I guess bites turn people who are fully healthy.
Generic Carvard Student 1 Zombified: “GARARGAGA!”
I swing and the head is separated from the neck. The blood on the bat is dripping as I felt the sweat on my brow. One swing doesn’t take a lot but hundreds still makes me tired. There seems like there is no end to this. I contact Robin.
Kevin: “Any luck saving anybody?”
Robin: “None yet, I’ve led the zombies away from the girls dorm and barricaded the entrance so they can’t enter but everyone I tried to save has died. They panic, act like idiots and attract all the zombies to them and die.”
Kevin: “Same thing is happening to me over here. I don’t think I can do much. Are Nuri and Cecelia safe?”
Robin: “They’re the only ones I can save. Cecelia is awake and in the same room as Nuri.”
That was a good thing, I’m at least relieved to know they survived. This world got messed up in a hurry and it came out of left field. I don’t know anyone who could have expected a sudden zombie invasion like this and with the way so many people suddenly turned I’m not even sure who could survive. The television stations had all gone off the air at once… and I’m assuming it’s because the vast majority of people at the station turned.
Hospitals were probably worse… and it’s much worse for those who didn’t get infected by the miasma than those who did.
I caught my breath and two people were walking towards me. It was Matthew and his girlfriend Anna. They remained human and had no bite marks.
Matthew: “Kevin! Comrade! You’re going to help me survive this right? If you do we can share Anna if your girlfriend is taken. You’re my brother after—“
A slap came to Matthew from Anna.
Anna: “Mahvey! How dare you sell me out? Why don’t I just go with him instead? He is much more useful in this… this situation. My parents are probably dead! How did they all turn?”
Kevin: “I’ll help you, and you don’t have to give Anna to me. There are still more mobs around so it’s better if you move slowly and let me clear it out ahead of you.”
Matthew: “Yes. I will let you clear the way comrade!”
Kevin: “Can you stop with the Comrade bit? You’ve never even been to Russia. Anna has but you… I don’t even know why you did all that.”
I knew he was pretending to have an accent and even got some of the other Carvard Russians to think he was natively from Moscow. Instead he was doing a bad impression of his own ancestry but I never called him out on it because I didn’t want to have friction and I didn’t want to be noticed.
Matthew: “Alright Kevin, sorry about that.”
The Russian Accent was gone and Anna looked at him with angry disbelief in her eyes, but then she quickly calmed down since she realized the situation.
Anna: “I forgive you, now help keep me safe.”
Matthew: “I don’t have the ability, ask Kevin.”
Kevin: “Just follow me and listen to my instructions.”