In the dorm Robin was clearing out the headless dead bodies. The walls were stained with blood that flowed from the necks of now dead zombies. The bodies were tossed into a pile outside with the smell of dried blood in the air. While there were many pathways on campus, the dirt and grass that would normally make the place look beautiful had a lot of dirt that could be dug for burying. Clean up was tedious but necessary.
Cecelia and Nuri both accompanied her and helped dig but with much less efficiency. The two girls trembled at the bodies as they hadn't worked with the dead before, but realizing this was a new world and a situation that required getting desensitized they pushed themselves. Carrying a shovel Nuri was digging next to Cecelia while Robin was moving the dead bodies. Robin compared to them seemed able to accept the situation easily.
Nuri: “Robin, the dead bodies do not bother you?”
Cecelia: “Yeah… you’re moving without problems. I’m constantly feeling like throwing up.”
Nuri: “There are a lot of dead. Maybe some can be used as samples, a live one might be more useful.”
Robin: “I’ll catch a live one for you Nuri, or I can have Kevin do it when he is done dealing with Matthew who is leaving. He just reported to me he’s now going to secure the perimeter of the school and we’ll see if there are any other survivors on the campus.”
Cecelia: “Do you think there are more survivors?”
Robin: “Kevin told me he saw several before they died by doing stupid things. Telk was one of them who survived the initial turning but then died by the other zombies in the dorms.”
Nuri: “Telk…”
Nuri introduced herself to him before at the Asian Student Society. He was also the one who brought Kevin to their table. Where the intense sexual desire she had no idea about was born. Even if she didn’t meet Kevin at that time, she was still assigned to a room with Robin and she would have met them both eventually. Due to proximity she felt closer to Robin. This was due to all the private time they spent together where Robin explored every centimeter of Nuri's body.
Robin: “I've never met the guy, but he was trying to be friendly to Kevin so he remembers him. There are several other students he saw who were all males but they died as well and he couldn't save them. Maybe he didn't try to save them... It'll be pretty problematic for you two if you're the only two girls out of a whole group of guys. The only confirmed female survivor other than the three of us was Anna… Matthew’s girlfriend.”
Cecelia remembered Matthew distinctly. He would stare at the three of them and stare at her whenever she was walking or going around with Kevin. The guy was a pervert...
Cecelia: “I’m glad that Russian guy is gone. He always stared at my breasts.”
Robin: “Yours and not Nuri’s?”
Cecelia: “I don’t think he liked darker girls, as beautiful as Nuri is.”
Robin: “Then good riddance with him!”
They continued cleaning up and soon the pile of corpses was on one side and the hole that was dug wasn’t big enough. The rest of the area wasn’t as decomposed but Robin decided that burying might not be an easy thing to do.
Cecelia: “Do you think we should burn them instead?”
Robin: “I know you like fire but saving the gasoline and other burnable liquids is a priority right now.”
Cecelia: “Wouldn’t their stench attract more of them? We aways see in movies that zombies like food and try to seek it out.”
Robin shook her head, laughed then walked over and gave Cecelia a deep kiss where her tongue stretched itself into Cecelia’s throat almost triggering her gag reflex. Nuri watched jealousy for a small moment before she continued digging quietly.
Robin: “Cecelia, you know we’re not in a movie right? The zombie rules are going to be different. This isn't a normal patient zero and everyone gets infected through spreading scenario. People just suddenly turned. Some weren’t affected but those who weren’t affected then turned after a bite from the infected. Kevin and I also felt a certain psionic and miasma around before everyone turned but that psionic signal is gone now.”
The words from Robin left Nuri and Cecelia pondering. It was strange and they didn’t know what to think since they were still just two teenage girls who have only been college freshmen for a month.
Nuri: “If that psionic signal returns then we can turn? I still feel sad because of all the friends I had in Bali. I hope… no… if the signal was there…”
Robin: “We know the signal went as far as Los Angeles because Kevin tried to call his parents and only heard snarling on the other side. Cecelia, were you able to reach anyone?”
Cecelia: “The satellite phone I use that is linked had no one pick up on the other end. No one in my family is answering so I… I fear… the worst.”
Cecelia sat down on the ground and took several deep breaths trying to hold back her tears. Robin realizing the emotional anguish put an arm around her shoulders in a small hug. They didn’t have two lifetimes worth of experiences to emotionally deal with difficult situations, and Cecelia in particular had never lost so much all at once.
Robin then called to Nuri.
Robin: “Come here and hug her other side Nuri. I know you’re feeling sad too. This'll all take time to adjust but I'm here for you both.”
Nuri walked over and hugged Cecelia from the other side. Tears streamed down Cecelia’s reddened cheeks as she cried with soft wails. Robin scanned the surrounding areas to make sure there was no present or emerging threats. Deep in her heart she was also saddened by the death of her current parents, but she knew she had to be strong for the sake of these two girls.
For about thirty full minutes Cecelia cried, and Nuri had cried some as well. Robin kept close to them both as she let them release all their emotions.
Robin: “Take a few days, if you want to rest go ahead and sit down and I’ll have Kevin bring you both some food.”
The two of them nodded and went to sit while Robin continued to work. She wasn’t physically tired, but mentally she was taxed with the current situation. Having sex with Nuri every night and being with Cecelia since she was a young girl, Robin had a strong attachment to both of them that would be hard to go away.
After some time the sun was getting ready to set and Kevin came back with some food. They went back indoors to eat it food that had been scrounged up from the vast reserves of the school. Kevin reported that he looked through the buildings and there were no other survivors on the large campus that he could find, just zombies to be put down.
After everyone had dinner from the food I brought from the zombie infested cafeteria and canteens, Nuri and Cecelia were feeling better and seemed to have they wanted to talk about. Robin informed me they had a good cry in the afternoon and they were slowly getting ready to move on… As bad as it sounds Robin and I needed them to continue having sex so we can get more powerful.
We needed to hit the limit of power this world allows to help us in the next world. If something really happened to the two of them, it would be hell finding multiple non-fated women to fill that void. According to the rules we can only extract energy from non-fated women once… only once…
You are reading story Oh no! My Fiance and I reincarnated 7 times and she became a voyeuristic pervert! at
We made the two girls shower before talking since they’d been working with dirt. There was still hot water available from the campus but eventually it’ll dry up. When they were done they sat down with us in the dorm room to ask questions.
Cecelia: “Robin, Kevin, can you tell us what it’s like being reincarnated?”
Robin: “It’s not bad but it’s not great either.”
Nuri: “Do you feel old? Where I grew up we understand that we lose memory of our previous life when reincarnated.”
Robin: “Our case is special. We were given a pill that let us retain our memories until we reach the seventh world. There we are meant to use all the energy we gathered by having sex with girls like you both to give us an edge against the final enemy. That’s still a long way off since we’re also still teenagers in this life.”
Cecelia pondered for a moment in silence before asking her next question. It was another question I thought was surprising.
Cecelia: “Do you both feel old? I’m speaking of mental age. You have the memories of your last life so if you add on to this life then you both should be around forty in your mental age right?”
Robin looked at me and I looked back at her. It was hard to explain but I still felt like an eighteen year old. I didn’t feel like I was forty. I even often liked being immature as befits my age, and when I see an older woman than me the world MILF still rolls off my tongue like how our status should be towards each other.
Robin: “Kevin you answer this one. I feel like a teenage girl and if a 40 year old were to come after me I would be creeped out since I’m a teenage girl.”
Kevin: “It’s complicated. I can’t say I feel like I’m 40 at all and even with the previous life experience I can only tell you that the memories don’t feel real. I’m not saying they aren’t real, but they don’t feel real. It feels more like I read a story about my previous life and the first time I was conscious of who I was I just had the knowledge without the experience.”
Cecelia: “Then Robin… why didn’t you break down crying like we did?”
Kevin: “Robin was never someone who cried. In the last life if I remember correctly she didn’t cry when our parents died. I was the one who cried and she just got angry.”
Let’s just put it this way. I had a thing for older women in my past life… it never materialized because I was with Robin but if I’m in an eighteen year old body and the woman was the same age as I was in my past life then she is a hot older woman because her body was older than mine. The mind matures at whatever age it wants to mature at… it’s the body that counts when I consider whether or not it turns me on.
Whenever I read those online web novels about someone taking the place of a character that was younger than them in the previous world, I can only imagine that they take on the new identity of who they are regardless of past experiences. In this world I’m Kevin Chang and in the next world I’ll be whoever I am born as when that time comes.
Robin: “Yeah, because these stupid worlds are unfair and bad things happen to people who don’t do anything bad… but yes I don’t feel older. I feel young in mind and body. It’s more like the knowledge of memories rather than the experience of memories… like I watched a movie about my previous life and only had the knowledge to understand it. When I grew up I still felt like my parents were older and wiser even if they were considered younger than me… it’s hard to explain because there aren’t many like experiences. Why are you both so curious about it now?”
Cecelia took several breaths and so did Nuri. They looked really down and I wished there was a way to comfort them.
Nuri: “We want to reincarnate too. This world has become a bad world and even if we have children with Kevin they will not easily find someone to become their partner. A brother and sister having children is unfair for the child that is born.”
I sighed at it. I could control whether I impregnated them but I also knew that something like this had no easy solution.
Cecelia: “This world really screwed us over… and I wish we had a chance to live normal lives. Even if our relationship wasn’t normal it was still a happy and fulfilling one for us.”
Kevin: “You’re both detached from this world then?”
Cecelia: “I am. Nuri?”
Nuri nodded.
Cecelia: “Only you and Robin are why I choose to still live. If not for either of you, I would kill myself thinking instead of dealing with the horror… so you know what… I know Nuri is going to study and try to understand the virus but I… I want to have a lot of sex. I want to keep doing that and now that there is no society around and we no future… Let’s have sex everyday and as much as we can…”
Nuri: “I will research but I also want the sex… and I want to breastfeed too…”
Cecelia: “Yeah, since I can’t have a baby without feeling guilty… I want that too…”
Cecelia was blushing cutely with lightly reddened cheeks. It surprised me how the mood swings back and forth with them. I wasn’t shy with them anymore. What we were doing wasn’t taboo.
Kevin: “Then let’s get started tonight. I’ll make sure to keep to a dry nursing schedule so you can do what Nuri is doing.”
Nuri: “I also want Kevin to drink mine… not just Robin.”
And the perverted twist to the conversation continued. Sometimes it’s better to think perverted thoughts over depressed ones. If it works to lift their spirits then… it’s only a temporary solution. The true manner of everything here is that those difficult emotions will have to be dealt with sooner or later.
Kevin: “We’ll make sure you’re safe. I promise we’ll do whatever we can for you.”
Robin: “If sex is what you need then I’m sure Kevin is more than happy to oblige.”
Nuri: “Thank you.”
Nuri moved over to me and kissed me on the lips. She grabbed my hand and pulled it into her top, one that was bought when we went to the city a month ago. I could feel her breast and it was slightly larger than it was before. Over to the side Robin was smiling.
Robin: “Go on… I have my metaphorical popcorn ready.”