Chapter 26: Chapter 25 – Morning After

It was early in the morning and Matthew was driving the car down near the river. The car was running out of fuel and the gas stations they drove by had zombies still wandering around them so Matthew skipped them hoping for one without the danger. Anna who was in the passenger seat was sleeping. She didn’t wake up through the night and didn’t know the fuel situation.

Matthew kept going as the car came through a small town. Zombies were on the street and moved toward the vehicle, and almost all of them were obese. The fuel gauge was on empty and the car shut off in the middle. Matthew felt stupid and in his desire to leave he made hasty and bad decisions.

Matthew: “Damn it! Fuck! Damn it!”

Matthew now regretted leaving the campus. If Kevin was here then he could kill the zombies, but Kevin wasn’t here. Matthew grabbed a bat and some knives that the had and scoped out the zombies on the outside. There were about twenty of them, he looked over at Anna and opened the car door as Anna began to wake up.

The zombies all moved towards the car and grabbed the hood, they started banging on the windows. The growls came in and Matthew’s eyes met the bloodied eyes of one that stared at him.

Anna: “What’s this? Where are we? Why is this here? Drive! Drive!”

Matthew didn’t even look at Anna. He kicked the car door open knocking the zombie to the ground then ran off leaving the door open. Anna tried to get out, but not being as strong as Matthew the zombie on her side wouldn’t budge. Matthew ran quickly and his athleticism paid off as he was able to put distance between himself and the obese zombies who couldn’t run that fast.

Anna couldn’t open the door and with the other door open the zombie that was knocked down got up and started climbing in.

Anna: “Ahh! Help me Mahvey! Help me! You stupid fake American!”

It was at that moment Anna knew she fucked up. She should have stayed in school instead of running away to who knows where. Decisions however, have costly consequences on the trajectory of life and sometimes one does not get a second chance. Anna fought and struggled but the bites came in as she felt her flesh being torn apart in a gruesome way before passing out from the pain.

Several hundred yards away Matthew was still running, and unfortunately for him there were some running zombies in the town as well. Blood spewed from its eyes as the two of them in the lead were previously young adult males above six feet in height with muscular builds. They keyed in on him and chased… and while he was heavily breathing they didn’t get tired. The adrenaline kept him running and there was no time to think about Anna’s fate. 

Mathematically this should have been safer than staying in the school, but when not every variable was considered then math will fail. 

Matthew kept going as much as he could and he was out of breath but he kept running. The distance was further than he had ever ran at top speed and soon the pain in his chest began to show itself as the oxygen debt continued to grow higher. Several minutes went by and eventually Matthew had to stop due to biological reasons. He was out in the wilderness surrounded by trees and the zombies caught up to him.

Matthew used the bat to swing, but he was too tired to hit effectively. The second zombie came from behind and took him to the ground as Matthew was being eaten alive. More of them arrived and began to pile on him as he weakly struggled out of breath.

Matthew: “Fuuuuck! Fuck you! Fuck all of you! AHHHHH!”

So here lies a fake Russian, dead in the forest eaten by zombies, while the real Russian died in a car. Around the world there were many similar scenes such as these where people tried to move from one place of another without considering the actual risk versus theoretical risk.

The zombies roamed around the large cities attacking those who were not infected. In the small towns many who weren’t affected died because they couldn’t react to the sudden change quick enough and didn’t shoot fast enough. In highly populated cities around the world the dead outnumbered the living and those who lived alone had a better chance of making it past the initial outbreak.

This also didn’t bode well for military bases where nine out of ten turned. The infection was quick, sudden and without a clear known mode of infection. There was no protection from it and many of the more skilled individuals died.

In the streets of India where population density was at it’s highest, the dead sought out all the living and killed them. In Tokyo where space was limited, no one was able to survive on easily. The survivors were few and except for a few scattered individuals who were lucky enough to not turn but lived alone.

Humanity was dying and not far from death.

Kevin had left the room to do his rounds while Robin stayed in with the girls. Robin was tired from the night before, not physically but emotionally. A lot had happened the day before with the turning of the zombies and most of it didn’t make sense. When Robin checked the satellites for a response there was none. She checked the airwaves she could find with her phone which was low on batter and there was no signal. Robin realized that everything had gone quiet.

There was no radio signal in the air, no planes flew over during the night and a few zombies had wandered near the campus while they slept, which was what Kevin was out dealing with.

Kevin: “I’ve taken care of all the new stragglers for now. I’m checking on the livestock in the agricultural area.”

Robin was glad she still had someone reliable with her to help protect both Nuri and Cecelia who were still sleeping. There was breakfast which was left over food that hadn’t spoiled from the cafeteria. As the days go by there would be less and less to choose from. Going from a rich life where she had everything to suddenly having almost nothing was a new experience.

There was one other problem. While Nuri had thought about staying and using the lab…

Kevin: “Oh, and there is no power to the lab or other facilities. Nuri won’t be able to use it except in the dark. Maybe we should leave?”

Robin: “No, we still have the green house and the barricades. We don’t have to leave yet, let’s just take our time. Once Cecelia and Nuri are ready then we can reconsider it.”

Kevin: “Alright then.”

Robin sat there taking deep breaths thinking of everything that happened the night before. She had suggested to Cecelia and Nuri a way to blow off steam and think about survival but when reality hit the next morning Robin realized she really didn’t want to live in this world anymore. If the miasma was any indication of the terrible event that happened yesterday, it was simply that crazy things can easily happen on a small planet.

Maybe there are survivors out there somewhere but all indications show it’s not possible. Her phone indicated that satellite internet was up. Some servers were still working but there were no stories populating. There were some posts on social network but the few new ones since the night before indicated that almost every survivor was all alone and by themselves.

Robin realized they were the anomaly.

Nuri began to stir in bed and so did Cecelia. Robin had a pail of water nearby for them to drink. The two girls woke up, looked around and realized what happened last night. Instead of anxiety however, they both now felt depression.

You are reading story Oh no! My Fiance and I reincarnated 7 times and she became a voyeuristic pervert! at

Nuri: “I do not feel anxious anymore but I feel hopeless.”

Cecelia didn’t say a word. She drank some water then took a cloth and began wiping down. They both then got up and went to the dorm shower rooms where the water was surprisingly still running. They showered and cleaned themselves not caring about preserving things for the moment. 

When the two girls came back to they were still quiet. There was a small meal in front of them that Robin had prepared feeling sorry for the two of them.

Robin: “About last night… I know I told you both to get rid of your anxiety by having crazy sex, but maybe it didn’t help much.”

Cecelia: “Last night was fun. I’d do it again. I feel depressed now and want to do it to take my mind off.”

Robin looked over at the two girls.

Robin: “Cecelia, are you saying you can’t cope without it?”

Cecelia: “I think that is what I’m saying.”

Nuri: “I cannot cope without it now. I need you… but I know we need to try and find a cure.”

Robin: “About that Nuri. The labs don’t have power and even if we still have running water it will eventually run out. There are also zombies that show up at the university that seem to be coming from the direction of the city.”

Nuri quietly ate the breakfast chewing each bite slowly. She wore a large sweater that could help keep her warm as the autumn weather continued with cooler temperatures each day. The mood was drab and there weren’t many places they could go from there.

After a long silence Cecelia then spoke up.

Cecelia: “Robin, you said that you and Kevin both needed to gather energy. Is there a maximum amount you can get from us and can you tell?”

Robin: “Let me try and sense it.”

Robin closed her eyes to sense the spiritual reserves and realized after several minutes of analysis there was a maximum and they were three quarters of the way there. The amount of sex she had with Nuri filled most of it along with the milk I have.

Robin: “We’re about three quarters of the way to where we won’t be able to absorb anymore in this world.”

Cecelia: “What will you do then after it happens?”

Robin: “Kevin and I will stay with you until the day you both die. No matter what we won’t leave you. I promise.”

Cecelia still felt uncomfortable.

Cecelia: “None of that would matter if you were killed trying to protect us. I don’t know how strong those powers of yours make you. I can tell you’re incredible, but if you die then…”

Robin: “I…”

Robin wanted to reassure her but she couldn’t. The world was volatile and if she was being honest, Robin herself had already given up on trying to be happy. Fixated in her mind it was the seventh world that she wanted to get too and accomplish the task and be free of responsibility.

Cecelia: “Robin, it’s okay. I understand. I love you. I love Nuri and I love Kevin. I’m just happy that we’ll be able to survive together… okay so I’m not really that happy but I’m counting my blessings.”

Robin went over to give Cecelia a tight hug.

Robin: “Cecelia, I’m really sorry.”

Cecelia: “Robin, it’s not your fault. Don’t be sorry. Nuri and I were talking during our bath. We both decided that we should have as much sex as we can with the both of you so that you can reach the maximum. The world isn’t safe and if you’re going to fight for the next life then we’re willing to make sure everything works out.”

Robin was startled at Cecelia’s words which contained no selfishness. Nuri nodded but then looked down onto the floor. It was quite the hopeless situation for the two girls who had no life after. If they had both grown up in a place with very few people and a simpler world view then this would not depress them.

Robin: “I—“

Nuri interrupted Robin’s words with a kiss. Nuri didn’t want to hear her sad words.

Nuri: “If we have the spiritual energy you need then then take it. I love you Robin.”

Author's Note: I realized that this cycle is going to be the shortest. I've found that most zombie stories always follow a similar plot line except for Resident Evil which has crazy monsters. I didn't want to go the 'monster from a lab' route, and rather than going the 'let's find a settlement and other survivors route' it wouldn't work in a story where the 2 main characters don't see zombies as a credible threat. The miasma will eventually be explained, but don't expect the next cycles to be as short as this one.