As I was driving back with three passengers the entire world suddenly stood still, the car stopped in motion then everything went black as I was brought to a familiar place… ETERNA!
Eterna was floating in front of me. There was no world, there was no car, there were no other survivors. I saw Robin floating there with her suit on and the glowing runes that were on her phallus. I guess that’s to be expected of her, but then I also saw both Nuri and Cecelia. Both were naked and floating. Eterna looked glanced at each of us before speaking in her usual calm and slow tone.
Eterna: “Kevin and Robin, I will first give my offer to Nuri and Cecelia then I will talk with you both after.”
I found that I couldn’t speak and neither could Robin. Cecelia and Nuri were shocked. I could tell that they were still able to accept everything in front of them. Cecelia tried to cover her large bountiful chest but she was also the first to speak.
Cecelia: “Are you Eterna the inter-dimensional spirit who put Kevin and Robin through the reincarnation cycles?”
Eterna: “I am.”
Nuri: “Reincarnation is real?”
Eterna: “Yes.”
Cecelia and Nuri both looked at each other then back once again at Eterna. It was the same look I thought I gave when I first saw her as well. Eterna was a humanoid like figure with white skin and white silver eyes. Again, she kind of looked human but there was something distinctly off about her head and neck… I still thought she had an ethereal beauty about her but not the sexual kind.
Nuri: “You are so beautiful.”
Eterna: “I accept your compliment, but human beauty standards are meaningless to us spirits. Now, are you ready for your choice?”
Cecelia: “Our choice?”
Eterna: “You will not have the opportunity to reincarnate, but instead to transmigrate. You can transmigrate to Kevin and Robin’s final destination. It where they will reincarnate for the last time. Time does not pass at the same rate in each world. It will be instantaneous for you but it will be a long road still for the two of them.”
I wanted to say something but I couldn’t. The words Eterna spoke however gave me some hope as it means we will be able to see Nuri and Cecelia again but… wait… this means… if they accept I won’t be able to have sex with them when I return to camp!
Fuck it… this is better. Delayed gratification… delayed gratification… it’s better to delay it as long as it’s better overall…
Nuri: “What about… what about the baby that Cecelia put in me?”
Eterna: “If you do not choose to transmigrate, you will lose it. As for the effects of transmigration, there may be some transformative effects or there may be nothing, but a transformation will only benefit you as you both have high compatibility with that seventh world.”
Nuri and Cecelia looked over to both Robin and I. We couldn’t speak as we floated about listlessly in front of Nuri and Cecelia. We couldn’t even communicate telepathically right now. This is some new rule that suddenly came of which we knew nothing about. The rules we were given didn’t mention that this would be possible. Fated ones could could transmigrate? It was good news… and yet bad news for me as it is now cock blocking me…
Eterna: “As part of the fated ones, you have a spirit that is fully compatible with the pill I gave to Robin and Kevin to start their reincarnation cycles and will be able to help them greatly in the seventh world, but you will not be able to return to this world. While the help will be useful to them, it is not essential and the two of them can still succeed regardless. Do you want to proceed to the final destination?”
Nuri: “I will go.”
Cecelia: “I will go too.”
Eterna: “Is your decision final?”
Nuri and Cecelia: “Yes.”
Eterna: “You need not say your goodbye. You will see both of them soon once you enter the seventh world.”
Eterna waved her hand and several lights came around. The two girls disappeared, and I could sense they were no longer in the same world anymore. They were gone just like that. I didn’t feel angry but I felt like an opportunity was lost and it did not feel good. I felt like I didn’t drink enough milk and didn’t get spoiled enough by Cecelia’s mouth… well… Robin was still with me… in this world.
Eterna now floated over to us. There wasn’t an expression on her face but there was an aura that showed she was pleased by the results. I could tell she saw everything as ‘going to plan.’
Eterna: “You both did a well in gathering the energy needed in this world and have hit the maximum you can take. There will be more required in the next world than this and it may take longer. You both now have the ability to pass on at any time from now and thirty days. At the end of thirty days ,if you are still alive your body will drop dead in this world and you will pass on.”
Wait! What? This was news to us! We would automatically die after thirty days? I guess it makes sense since we do have a job to do. I was just startled but I can calm myself down quickly as long as I try to remain logical about the situation.
Robin: “That’s not too bad considering the only reason for us both to stay has left… Right Kevin? At least we won’t have to kill ourselves.”
Kevin: “I agree. It’s not too bad. It’s also better we don’t get too attached to any world until the 7th.”
Robin: “Well, Kevin, just drop off the survivors and we’ll go off have tons of sex for thirty days. I’ll try to make it up to you as much as I can since you missed out on Cecelia and Nuri so much compared to me… even if it was your own fault for being insecure about my variable phallus size.”
I shook my head at her smiling provocation.
Kevin: “I’m over it, so I won’t be insecure about it again.”
Robin smiled and nodded. She seemed genuinely happy about that.
Robin: “You said we can ask you questions now as you have come to provide us with information. Can you tell us a few things? I want to know why Nuri got pregnant. From what I understand I couldn’t have children and yet Nuri got pregnant.”
Eterna: “The rules indicated that the suit could not provide you with children but it did not say you could not impregnate someone.”
Robin: “How does that make sense? Nuri got pregnant so won’t she have a child? You even said she could keep it as long as she transmigrates so I’m going to have a child I fathered with this suit when we get there aren’t I?”
Eterna: “I cannot answer that question fully but I will repeat: You cannot have children with that suit. You will need to wait until you go to the seventh world to find the situation with Nuri being impregnated. When you arrive, you will meet Nuri there and find out. I can only answer in detail questions about the current world that you are in.”
Kevin: “Why so secretive about information like that? It’s something we really should know about considering we’ll be going through different worlds.”
Eterna: “When it comes to other worlds, I can only tell you how many fated there will be in the next world. The next world you will reincarnate into will only have one woman fated. After that I can answer about your current world in every detail you ask that will apply in the current moment it is frozen. The purpose is so you can use the last thirty days of your time to take care of any lingering issues before moving on. You may also choose to do nothing and let the world sit as it is. It is up to you, but you are at the limit of what a biological humanoid can do in your current world. After getting the largest possible spirit energy capacity this will always happen.”
The words seeped in and now I started to understand quite a bit more. I felt like there was a lot she wasn’t telling us. Still I wanted to ask for something.
Kevin: “Why didn’t we receive information about them being transmigrated until now? Why did you withhold information like that?”
Eterna: “This first world was the most volatile despite having the lowest spirit energy potential. It was better that certain things you learned through experience rather than through words. If you only heard the words about how this would happen then you might have acted more rashly in worry but having gone through it now you will remember the experience and realize it is not traumatizing.”
I… I can’t argue with that… though I missed my shot at having more sex with two beautiful girls… I need to ask more questions.
You are reading story Oh no! My Fiance and I reincarnated 7 times and she became a voyeuristic pervert! at
Kevin: “Eterna, is there any way you can upgrade what we can use since we have a larger spirit tank next round? Robin gets an earlier start than I do so is there a reward for reaching the maximum?”
Eterna looked over at me.
Robin: “I noticed that when I put on the suit I get stronger but I can’t get rid of the one weakness which is the phallus and balls that hang out of it.”
Eterna: “You have enough energy, I can modify the suit without problem. I will let you make the phallus disappear at will. You will have more control over the suit’s form in the next reincarnation and can also remove the armor so you can feel with your body but the suit will still cover you from the neck down in the special spiritual fabric filled with glowing runes. I cannot go further than this.”
Robin smiled.
Robin: “That will make it a lot easier to enjoy sex without the bulk and easier to fight without the dick hanging off that I can feel.”
Kevin: “Wait… you just gave it to her like that? She gets an upgrade? What about me? I still have delayed powers. Anything you can do for me?”
Eterna: “I would say no, but there has been pleading voices in the multiverse for your desire. It cannot do anything about your inability to break the laws of physics in the body of a regular human before awakening, but you can retain all the perception you gain. That is the most that can be done, mental abilities rather than physical.”
That… was more than I expected. I thought I would get some magical item or something but perception was really useful for me to look out for zombies and spot danger. It also helped me with aiming and improved my reflexes. That was what she meant since my perception let me understand the entire meaning of her words, except the part about ‘voices in the multiverse.’ It’ll also mean I can do martial arts easily since building new pathways will be easier.
Are there voices that are helping me somewhere?
There were still other things I wanted to ask though.
Kevin: “Oh, there was one other question. I’m still not understanding how this gathering of spirit energy works.”
Eterna: “Fated women can give energy multiple times because of compatibility and you won’t develop resistance to them. Non-fated women your spirit capacity won’t accept it a second time so it will not expand. Natural spirit energy flows all throughout the multiverse and will fill the tank at equilibrium when you exhaust energy, but you can only draw from that capacity in your control. The more capacity the more you can use at once and the more compatible your body can become until the seventh cycle. It is simple.”
Kevin: “Then why can we only extract from women?”
Eterna: “Women can give birth which is why they have extra life energy that can be extracted. You cannot forcefully extract extra life energy from a male.”
Kevin: “What about me being more powerful than Robin after a delayed awakening while she gets the power right from the beginning?”
Eterna: “Male energy and female energy combined is what is helping you both be more compatible. Your male energy is naturally from your body and the delay each time is the added time your body adjusts in each reincarnation cycle. Robin’s compatibility is from the spiritual link with her suit. Her body does not need time to adjust.”
I mean… I understood it… it was complicated…
Robin: “I still don’t get it! This is boring. Kevin we already know the rules so just leave it at that. How many more questions can we ask?”
Eterna: “Until you are both satisfied and only about this world. Questions I cannot answer I will not.”
I took a few breaths and thought about the grateful individuals I saved. I guess I should ask that question. Even if it doesn’t concern me it should concern them, that is the them who are riding with me back to Carvard after this excursion. It’s worth a question.
Kevin: “Is there any way to fix the zombie problem?”
Eterna: “There is a space craft in the South Pole that has a device which spread nano machines around the world. Some humans were immune and destroyed those machines before the miasma mutated them, but many were infected. The machines are still inside the zombies where they make a network through the brain but can receive information from the device. If you breach the ship and tune the device you can make every zombie’s head explode on the planet.”
Wow! Really? If we had known this before! I saw Robin perk up at those words.
Robin: “Who made that device? You said space craft so aliens? Are they strong? Can we beat them?”
Eterna: “They have several strong guards awake. In your current ability level you should be able to match one of them physically and be beyond them skill wise, but they use technology which will give them an advantage.”
Robin: “How do we breach them?”
Eterna: “You can enter a code into their entry pads.”
Kevin: “You know the code? Can you tell us?”
Eterna: “I can give you all the information you need to access and beat them through your mind but you only have 30 days from the moment you leave this frozen time state.”
Kevin: “I understand.”
The information was then relayed to us the same way the original rules were given. It was a lot of information and it formed a place in our minds. Robin looked over at me in question.
Robin: “Kevin, we only have thirty days together in this world. Are you sure this is what you want to do? When we reincarnate it’ll be years before we can ”
Kevin: “We can have lots of sex while planning it out. We have thirty days, and the trip to the South Pole will take approximately three if we take a long distance airplane from the airport. While we’re gathering the items we need for the trip we can take time to do that.”
Robin: “Why do you want to save the world so badly? First you tried to get other survivors and now you want to give up two or three days for this?”
Kevin: “I can’t just leave the humans here to fend for themselves… besides… if we’re going to fight the powerful being in the 7th world then we could do better with more combat experience.”
Robin wasn’t smiling but she wasn’t upset either. She took a deep breath and sighed.
Robin: “Fine, but we’ll also have plenty of time to talk about our plans for the next world. We can do this better.”
Eterna: “Are you both satisfied?”
Kevin: “Yes. Send us back. We’re going to take care of business.”