Chapter 52: Chapter 51: R2 – Aniki?

Nathan and I went to the high rise luxury apartment. It wasn’t an extremely large place of residence, but it had three rooms, a laundry room and two bathrooms. Robin was going to take the largest room with the bathrooms because her father paid for it all. I put my things into one room. Technically we were still teenagers so I wasn’t sure how it was going to be when Robin got here and the dynamic with Nathan.

When I had told her that Nathan my ‘brother’ would be staying with us she wasn’t happy about the arrangement, but she didn’t say no. The only statement she made was that he was not going to interfere with her plans.

Knowing Robin, it meant she wasn’t going to hide anything from Nathan and we were going to have a relationship in the open. If Nathan hated it, then he could leave and try to get his own apartment. 

I scanned the walls of the apartment as I walked through and noted that it was sound proof, much better than living in the dorms with the thin walls. Having sex would be much easier if we wanted to hide what we were doing… that is if we wanted to hide. I mean… what was Nathan going to do? Snitch on me to parents that don’t see me as their child?


I saw Nathan gathering his belongings and settling into the room. He brought some video games as well as school textbooks. I saw the fridge was empty and decided to go grocery shopping to fill the fridge. I’m a pretty good cook thanks to the culinary skills gained from my last life, even though I didn’t cook at all while we were growing up in this life. Nathan saw me going out and asked where I was going.

Nathan: “Where are you going aniki?”

Kevin: “To buy some food to cook. We’re going to need to eat dinner right?”

Nathan: “Aniki, I’ll come with you.”

Kevin: “No, take it easy and just keep unpacking.”

Nathan seemed to have something on his mind as he stared at me blankly. It seemed I had said something strange to him.

Nathan: “Aniki… did you say you were going to cook?”

Kevin: “Yes.”

Nathan: “Do you know how to cook?”

Kevin: “Yes.”

Nathan: “I have never seen you cook. Are you sure you’re not going to make something poisonous where I’ll get sick and not be able to go to school? You never cooked… I’ve never cooked… shouldn’t we just get instant ramen and eat?”

Kevin: “Shut up. If you don’t want to come with me then don’t. I’m going to buy food to cook.”

I shrugged my shoulders at him. Would he believe I was reincarnated? I mean… he has been reading a lot of those Japanese light novels with all sorts of those concepts. He watches anime where characters reincarnate.

Nathan: “Aniki… it’s not that.. I’m just afraid we might ruin this apartment before your friend gets here. What if he gets angry from you damaging kitchen equipment or something like that?”

Clearly Nathan has no knowledge about my past life. Wouldn’t it be easier if he knew? It would be… and since he’s kind of an otaku for anime and manga like I am… why not. It worked with the fated girls the last life.

I thought about it, then I thought about it again as a few more seconds go by. Then I decided not to tell him because I think the only ones who should be told about it are the fated women whom it might affect. If I disappear one day it would be better for Nathan not to think too much about it.. seeing as he’s an Otaku he might try to commit suicide thinking he can get his own isekai story of some sort.

Maybe I’m over thinking it.

Kevin: “I cooked in secret when no one was looking.”

Would he even believe that statement?

Nathan: “Wow! You’re awesome Aniki! I didn’t know you did that without anyone knowing. You’re like a secret ninja!”

He bought it? He believed that? Oh well…

Kevin: “Yeah, so I’m going to go down stairs to buy the ingredients. You can just stay up here, I’ll be back in a short while.”

I went down the elevator and saw that Robin had already wired money over to me. It was more than enough as I walked up and down the aisles and took in all the good ingredients. Upscale super markets had upscale goods. 

Robin: “I’m somewhere over the pacific now… flying first class.”

Kevin: “Oh, you’re awake. First class is nice isn’t it?”

Robin: “Not as nice as the private jets I was flown in during my last life. It’ll suffice.”

Kevin: “You lived in a small apartment taking care of your poor mother for fifteen years and you’re still not used to not living like a rich girl?”

I always found Robin to be funny at moments like these. She didn’t make much sense and yet she made all the sense in the world. It was like I knew her quirks and she knew mine. That comes from long periods of familiarity.

Robin: “I’ll take that as a compliment. Anyway I’m going to be sleeping until I land in about twelve hours which should be tomorrow morning. I already have a ride to take me to the apartment. What I want to talk to you about before I sleep is about your ‘brother.’ We are going to share a room no matter what his opinion is and that’s final.”

There was no use in arguing with Robin about something like this.

Kevin:”Sure. We don’t have to care about his reaction, but I don’t think we should tell him anything about reincarnation. Only the fated women should now about that.”

Robin: “I can agree to that. So what’s our story? We fell in love through text messaging and phone calls?”

Kevin: “I guess that’s the most plausible story.”

Robin: “Then we’ll fuck in an apartment all day and night once we meet for the first time. That sound like something out of a hentai comic or manga… or whatever it is they call it. I can speak Japanese so it shouldn’t be an issue to talk with Nathan but I still don’t know why you insisted on letting him live with us. He’s going to be like a third wheel.”

Kevin: “I grew up with the guy and got a little attached.”

Robin: “I see… well you can’t help it I suppose. I got attached to my parents and to Cecelia in the last life. I’m still concerned about who our fated woman is in this world. We only have one and if we screw it up we’ll have a lot of work to do.”

Kevin: “You know prostitution is legal in some countries in Europe right? It’s not legal here but I’m sure we can find places that will do it.”

You are reading story Oh no! My Fiance and I reincarnated 7 times and she became a voyeuristic pervert! at

Robin: “Laws are laws even if there are exceptional circumstances. I doubt anyone will believe us if we say we’re having sex to save the multiverse.”

I had to laugh at a sentence like that.

Robin: “I’m looking forward to eating your cooking again. I remembered how good it was. Did you improve?”

Kevin: “Not really… I didn’t really have  much of a chance to cook in this life. My ‘mother’ did everything for me. I’m not sure who my real parents are either and I get the feeling my real mother might have already died or something worse. It’s all a mystery right now.”

Robin: “I got it love. This reincarnation is more complicated than the last one. I just hope we don’t have a society ending event like the aliens and zombies again.”

Kevin: “We’ll just have to make sure to ask. Anyway, I won’t say anything about who you are or anything. When you come here I’ll just go along with what you want to do when you meet Nathan.”

Robin: “You’re being noncommittal about it.”

Kevin: “No I’m not. I just think it’s better for you to make a decision when all the cards are on the table and you can see them. You don’t know what Nathan is like and I don’t know if you’d be comfortable living in the apartment with—“

Robin: “Kevin, just shut up. Shut up. Haha… you’re doing it again. Three lives and you’re trying to make up reasons to get out of sex. Will you ever learn to just fuck me with no questions asked? I’m here wanting you to drill a hole into me every night and you’re coming up with reasons not to have sex.”

Kevin: “Robin I—“

Robin: “And you know what’s worse? I always heard your complaints about these anime or manga protagonists you read about being so slow to have sex. Like they don’t make a move and don’t go and do it with the girls they’re supposed to be with. You have me, you know I want your dick, and yet here you are trying to find reasons for us not to fuck like rabbits at night. I thought we were over this?”

We had that conversation in the last life. We talked about it and it was definitely something I needed to work on. Sixteen years go by though and you forget about these things until it comes up again.

Kevin: “I guess old habits die hard.”

Robin: “I guess so. Anyway, warn Nathan that we’re going to be doing it and there is nothing he can say about it. Since you can shoot blanks it shouldn’t be a problem since I won’t get pregnant.”

Kevin: “Okay…”

Robin: “Kevin… I’m sorry if I came off harsh. I love you and you know that, so can you stop caring about what other people think about us being together and going things together?”

Kevin: “I got it.”

Robin: “I’m going to sleep now so I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Kevin: “Looking forward to it.”

Robin went quiet. It was a long plane ride and I assumed she would now be sleeping. The issue is Nathan. I shouldn’t have agreed on living with him then… this might be awkward… No! I just need to stop caring and live out how I want. I spent too much time thinking about how much I cared about how I looked to others in the past life. 

I need to grow. People either need to adjust to me or leave me alone.

Going back to looking over the groceries I found it was much easier to select what I needed because that extra perception let me sense the meat and fruit inside and out. I could pick the best cuts and the best fruits without having smell or examine it with my eyes.

I paid for the groceries and got in the elevator to go back up. When I entered the apartment Nathan was still getting his room ready and putting certain figurines here and there. I didn’t think he would bring all those. It was kind of funny to watch. I started cooking and found most of my skills remained. The perception I retained really helped with the ratio of which ingredients to put in and which to withhold as well as how to adjust the heat.

The food came out splendid and Nathan came over to eat.

Nathan: “Aniki, I’ve got my room set up. Oh, you cooked! It smells so good! You really do know how to cook! It smells better than what kaa-san makes!”

That’s because your mom doesn’t know how to cook as well as I do, and also because the ingredients she uses are lower quality. I made a simple meal of rice and meat. Some fish… the usual type of Japanese meal with miso soup but with a twist.

Nathan got into a seat and we both began to eat.

Nathan: “Itadakimasu!”

I didn’t say it with him. Now I just realized something… I actually hate living in Japan. I mean… I was excited about going to school and all that but… no… I mean… why do I hate that word so much? I hear it in anime all the time but for some reason it’s now annoying?

Makes me wonder if I convinced myself I liked living in Japan because it was the cool thing to do or whatever… NEETS were getting popular in the first world and I wanted to keep up… crap… am I only realizing this about myself now?

Nathan was stuffing himself with food happily grabbing everything with the chopsticks quickly as though he hadn’t eaten in years.

Nathan: “Aniki, thanks for the meal! It tastes really good! It’s so good!”

Kevin: “No problem.”

I really don’t sound like a Japanese person despite growing up here. I started to eat alongside him as well, and then I remembered what Robin wanted me to do.

Kevin: “Listen, Nathan… something you have to know about my ‘friend’ that is coming tomorrow.”

Nathan: “Oh! Your friend? You never talk about him much so this should be nice to know. I was always curious!”

Kevin: “That friend is a girl whom I’m in love with, and we will be together so you shouldn’t get any ideas about her.”

Nathan stared at me shocked for a moment. His mouth was open and there was half chewed rice along with the meat he was going to stuff himself with using chopsticks. That was it… that look of stunned surprise.