Chapter 590: Chapter 590 Tampered...

Lu Feng just finished his long call and came out from the parking lot, driving his car. He noticed the car leaving the mansion at the high speed and he stopped where his brother Lu Han was standing.

"Wasn't that your car, brother?" Lu Feng asked and nodding, Lu Han snapped out of the daze.

"What happened?" Lu Fang asked as he noticed his brother didn't look good. 

Not saying a single word, Lu Han sat inside Lu Feng's car in the first passenger seat and instructed. "That was Lu Qiang. Drive faster as much as you can. There is something wrong. We need to catch him."

Hearing it, Lu Feng asked nothing and drove faster as much as he could. The way his brother looked and the way Lu Qiang drove faster, Lu Feng understood there must be something serious.

Lu Qiang was trying to dial Jiang Yuyan's contact number, but he could not reach her. He punched the steering wheel in frustration. "Damn, what the hell is wrong with her mobile?"

Driving faster, he dialed Saz Zemin's number and before he could even say hello, Lu Qiang spoke, "My wife took out my car and she is on the way to the Jiang residence. I can't reach her. Find a way to stop her."

San Zemin listened to Lu Qiang. He felt shocked by the sudden change in the situation, but he was used to dealing with such situations. "Hold on we will track her."

The call was not disconnected as San Zemin instructed his men to track Lu Qiang's car which Jiang Yuyan was riding in. One more shocking news was waiting for them.

"We can't track your car."

"What?" Lu Qiang exclaimed. 

"Yes. My man just reported saying, he could track your car till yesterday and even in the morning the car showed standing in the parking lot but just sometimes before, it suddenly didn't show. I think someone tampered with your car by attaching the device to it which won't reveal its location and will stop any signal reaching to it, that's why you can't contact your wife."

This angered Lu Qiang even more, but he tried to be calm, to think rationally. "She won't be too far from me so I will be able to catch her."

"Be careful. Our men are already on the way." San Zemin instructed, but Lu Qiang was not in a mood to take it slow. 

Lu Feng and Lu Han were following him too. Lu Han was trying to contact Lu Qiang, but he was on the call with San Zemin and even if Lu Qiang saw his call on waiting, he ignored it as talking to San Zemin was more important. 

"Why is he not receiving my call?" Lu Han was feeling frustrated and anxious too. 

"Don't worry. We will catch up soon," Lu Feng assured. 

San Zemin, on the other side, gave Lu Qiang another news that his man just reported. 

"Boss, we got the tip."


"The plan is to crush your entire car and not use any sniper or professional fighters as they know nothing will work on it."

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This made Lu Qiang panicked and San Zemin continued.

"They have all the details about you and your car and also your schedule. They know at what time your car left the mansion today and they are ready at the deserted circle on the highway at a distance of a ten kilometers from the mansion. I am sure that they know all the confidential information to conduct their plan successfully."

"Hurry up, San Zemin instead of giving me information," Lu Qiang commended as every single information from San Zemin was scaring him and every passing moment felt like pricking his heart.

"My men are out in the chopper and they will reach there soon." San Zemin informed.

"Lu Qiang looked at the GPS and he was just five kilometers away from the deserted circle that San Semin mentioned."

"I should have been able to catch them till now, but why are they not in my sight yet?" Lu Qiang asked. 

"If I am not wrong, they are controlling your car too with the device they attached."

"Who the hell dared to tamper my car, I will get his blood on my hand once I am done with this," Lu Qiang gritted his teeth as he tightened the grip on the steering.

"It must be someone who has easy access to Lu Mansion. Might be one servant who looks after the cars." San Zemin concluded.

Lu Qiang didn't react as for him stopping Jiang Yuyan was more important than thinking about who stabbed him in the back.

In Lu Qiang's car, the one Jiang Yuyan was sitting in…

After leaving the mansion and crossing just half kilometer distance, the car suddenly picked up the pace. 

"Driver, take it slow," Lu Jinhai instructed. 

As much as two sitting on the back passenger seat felt surprised with the sudden increase in speed, the driver himself was surprised and tried to lower down the speed just to get one more shock. He couldn't believe what was happening. 

"Didn't you hear me? Lower down the speed," Lu Jinhai ordered again while Jiang Yuyan wrapped her palms around her abdomen in a reflex to not let the baby get affected with it. 

"Slow down," she exclaimed.

"I am trying, but it's not working. This car is driving on its own," The driver informed as he himself didn't know what to do.

"What do you mean?" Lu Jinhai asked.

"I am telling the truth, master," the driver replied, and it made Jiang Yuyan anxious. 

Lu Jinhai noticed her and the way she was covering her abdomen with the palms, "Don't worry, dear. There must be a mistake."

Inhaling deeply to calm herself down, Jiang Yuyan nodded.

Even after the time passed by, it continued running at the fast speed so Lu Jinhai decided to make a call as he got what was wrong but his cellphone was not working.