Bed...beautiful bed...
"Miss Mira? I have arrived with the documents you requested."
It seems that my good night's rest will have to wait.
After having worked on the clean-up of the Thunder Tournament with Blot, it had already become night, so I wanted to sleep. Alas, the information I wanted has finally arrived.
"Yo, Jeeves. You look good. Like a whole new ghost." - Mira
The undead who entered the tent I'd procedure as my personal space was Jeeves, the Phantom who had accepted the duty of supervising Damavand-Mansion. Blot had managed to make contact with him after the defeat of the Treasure Beast (the jellyfish-like dragon), though the source of the disturbance was from someplace else.
"Why, thank you. Though, it was mostly due to the latest System Update that I am looking like a "whole new me"." - Jeeves
"Even you were affected?" - Mira
Some people and species were affected by the System Update after the Nightmare Festival. The same thing that made magic more difficult to use now. It was implemented a little while after the Festival, maybe because of its huge size. The contents of the update were "altering/removing certain skills and classes", and "reorganizing some species".
For example, the Succubus race was demoted from a D-rank species to an E-rank, while Lesser Succubus now is an F-rank species. Even so, the Elder Succubus is still a C-rank demon, and a new Greater Succubus has taken the place as the D-rank seductive demoness.
Both Garami and Revi were especially pouty about the update since some of their abilities changed because of that. I heard that Flint got hit even heavier than those two. But there was also some talk about the affected parties getting a gift in return for the trouble. Not sure what. I wasn't affected, so it's not my problem.
"Yes. It seems that individuals that are in my situation will be treated as Einherjars instead of Phantoms from now on." - Jeeves
"Einherjars? Those are E-ranks, aren't they?" - Mira
I remember Garami getting technical about those ghosts with me one day. I barely remember half of what she said, but she's so lively when she explains stuff.
"Yes. However, I was granted quite the amount of skill points because of that, so for me, it was not a big loss." - Jeeves
This guy was never a fighter anyway, nor was he as strong as a proper C-rank creature. Maybe this "demotion" is good for him.
"But today is not about me. Allow me to congratulate you, Miss Mira, on your second evolution." - Jeeves
"I'm still a newbie compared to Garami who climbed up from the G-ranks, but thanks." - Mira
Due to the battle with the Treasure Beast, the giant Regulus lion, the Church of Chaos, and the Black Baron's Machinerz, I had finally reached my level cap, as proved by the System Message that I had ignored all this time.
I must have worked harder than I thought. Or maybe Blot was right about his theory about the Treasure Beasts giving an incredible amount of EXP when defeated.
Garami helped me when I could evolve before, but now I need to collect the information about my possible future mes the old-fashion way.
The C+ creature is alluring, but I'm not going to evolve into something I have no idea of what is. My [Identification] skill is not strong enough to give me all the info I want, so I asked for Jeeves. And because of one more thing...
"How's Damavand?" - Mira
"...only the mansion is left of it. All the underground floors and all the monsters that used to live in the territory died and turned to dust. Miss Zaria's kamaitachi friends went and looked at the cave Dungeon at the feet of the Mystic Mountains and the cave that housed the shrine of Damavand, but they both have disappeared. It is like they never existed." - Jeeves
That bad... No, since the building of the Mansion still exist, I guess it's not that bad?
The problem of "Damavand's done for" was first discovered when Blot returned with Ling to the latter's old Dungeon only to find that all the spawned monsters there had died. The strange thing was that the monsters recruited from the old Dungeon were still alive, but they had stopped being "Dungeon" monsters. They were free to leave the Dungeon. That's how the Shadow Loong managed to go with Blot back to the Tournament site.
Other than that, Blot went to check on Matata Island. Only Damavand-Beach's surface floor remains, with the lower floors and all of Karnel's old territory having disappeared. Ilo, the Cait-Sith that looked after the Dungeons on the island, was the only "survivor". For some reason, he still considered himself a "Dungeon" monster. The same went for Rald and Dio who were rescued from the lightning barrier. Their subordinates who were trapped with them were not so lucky.
"If the summoned monsters from the Loong-territory are an exception, maybe due to being recently added, only the named monsters seem to have survived this Dungeon destruction," said Jeeves with a bemused face after I told him what I knew.
"It's just one thing after another. Can't say this job lacks unusual events..." - Mira
"Are you not worried about everyone?" - Jeeves
You are reading story A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder at
"Not really. The named guys were fine, and no-names who were summoned acted more like puppets who could talk rather than proper beings with their souls. I'm still worried about everyone on Invidia, so I need to focus on finding the right evolution for the imminent battle." - Mira
Blot said he'd get us some wheels so we could reach Invidia before the awakening of the Overlord. He's proven himself to be more capable than even me, so I'll trust him on this.
"Is he?" asked Jeeves when I told him that. "How so?"
"You see those things?" I said as I pointed toward two broken containers in the corner.
"And these are?" - Jeeves
"Some stuff that a pair of intruders wanted to take home." - Mira
Those were the containers for the "virtue factors" taken from the former Wind General and Blot. I'd stolen the former from Scarecrow, but Blot...he switched out the container with something similar without Scarecrow knowing. And that "something" has a tracker! And he did so even before he was thrown out from the pocket dimension!
"So...master Blot wished for those intruders to flee with the tracker?" - Jeeves
"Which is why he faked injured and stayed out of the battle for as much as he could." - Mira
Damn, he's even preparing for a confrontation with the Black Baron despite the situation? That's one heck of a devil's mind. Must be connected to how he's a demon for real. He kept his and Filyn's true races concealed for all those years just to gain an advantage over the Demon King at the last second. Man...
"And the garbage over there...?" - Jeeves
"Stuff that Blot made sure of to destroy. It seems to have been the reason why people during the Thunder Tournament had some of their memories sealed. Zaria said she wants to punch the culprit's teeth down their throat." - Mira
The "garbage" was some sort of steam-producing machine, and it was by breathing in the steam that our memories got messed up. Despite that I said Blot was laying it low during the battle, he seemed to be searching for the gizmos and destroying them through magic.
I'm saying it again, that man is one scary demon. Way too talented. Hope he holds his word about teaching Garami that magic of his.
Oh, and it seems those machines were what was really inside the boxes Blot and I found before. They must have been delivered in a haste.
"That is quite disturbing. And I am talking about this steam-maker, not Miss Zaria." - Jeeves
"Maybe. What are your plans from now on?" - Mira
"Why, I need to prepare for the victory banquet at the remains of the Mansion. What else could I possibly do?" - Jeeves
......yeah, that's right. We need to win and celebrate surviving this big ordeal.
"Then get going! You're preventing a lady from getting her beauty sleep!" - Mira
"Excuse me then," said Jeeves as he bowed and left the tent.
...just what should I evolve into...
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