Chapter 844: Chapter 843 Caring Senior...

The next day Xiao Min woke up around ten o'clock in the morning. The moment he opened his hazy eyes, he looked around and realized something was wrong. 

'This place...this is definitely not my room.'

Thinking, Xiao Min looked around and the room, having a dark shade of grey and the contrast with white color, where each and everything arranged perfectly, neat and clean that it was impossible to find a single misplaced thing or a dust particle. 

'What the hell am I doing here?' 

Xiao Min exclaimed in his mind as he realized this room belongs to his senior, who loved no other color but black and white. 

'That OCD man will kill me for sure.'

Xiao Min jumped out of bed, but the next moment sat back as his head hurt badly and cursed, 'Damn this hangover.'

As he held his head, his sight followed what he wore at the moment, a loose white T-shirt and pants. Those were not his clothes, but he knew who they belonged to and looked here and there in the room to search for his clothes, just then he heard someone.

"If Mr. Prince is out of his sugar sleep, please care to have breakfast so that this slave can be free from slavery."

Xiao Min looked at the man standing at the room's door, holding a glass in his hands who then stepped towards him. Before Xiao Min could react as he was already too slow because of the hangover, his senior, Shen Li, touched Xiao Min's forehead as he concluded.

"Hmm! Normal temperature."

Xiao min moved his face back, "What temperature? I am fine."

"If you are fine, then you are free to go back to your home," came the cold, sarcastic, and emotionless reply from Shen Li, which was not surprising for Xiao Min.


Xiao Min continued coughing for a while as he said, "I-I think I am not fine yet. My throat doesn't feel good and my head," he held his head and shut his eyes as if he was in pain, "It's hurting badly."

There was no change in Shen Li's expressions as he knew Xiao Min was acting, but this time he bought this lie and instructed as he passed the glass to Xiao Min.

"Have this. It will help you to get down hangover." 

Xiao Min quietly accepted the glass and drank it." Passing the glass back to Shen Li, Xiao Min asked, "How come I am here?"

"Why are you asking me when you came here on your own in a drunk condition?" Shen Li countered.

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"But I…" Xiao Min tried to remember how he ended up here but couldn't remember it, "I remember I sat in the cab and asked him to get me home, then how….."

"I just know one drunk man came to my home, and when I was about to throw him out, I found out he had a fever, so I let him in," Shen Li replied as he turned to leave.

"Did I trouble you or did something that I should not have?" 

Xiao Min asked as he was scared he must have done something inappropriate, but looking at calm Shen Li, he doubted it.

Shen Li halted in his tracks and remembered what they did the previous night. 

Xiao Min confessed to him, kissed him, and Shen Li couldn't resist him as he craved for it too but kept his feelings buried all these years. Shen Li prayed that Xiao Min should not remember it, and they could continue to be like before, distant from each other.

"If you had troubled me, you wouldn't be inside my home," Shen Li replied as he added, "I have prepared breakfast for you. Get fresh and come out."

Giving out a sigh of relief that he didn't do anything inappropriate with his senior and his senior wouldn't kick him out, Xiao Min spoke, "I think, I can't walk. C-can senior help me?" 

Xiao Min was ready to hear no, but this time happened opposite to what he thought. 

"Hmm!" Nodding, Shen Li turned around and supported Xiao Min to stand up. 

Xiao Min smiled, thinking the sun must have risen from the west side today and walked along, taking his senior's support. Xiao Min put his hand around Shen Li's shoulder, and Shen Li held him by his waist. 

Xiao Min felt like he won the entire world like this much care, and being with his senior was enough for him. He had so many questions about how he came to Shen Li's home, how come Shen Li let him inside, and allowed him to sleep in his bed.

Xiao Min shook his head to get rid of these thoughts as he preferred to enjoy what was happening at the moment; his cold senior turned into a caring person after so many years.

Shen Li helped Xiao Min to enter the bathroom and instructed, "There is a new toothbrush the towel for you. Have a bath. I'll arrange the clothes for you."

Xiao Min nodded, and Shen Li stepped out of the bathroom as he closed the door. Xiao Min looked in the bathroom mirror and smiled, "Is he the same person?" he asked himself as he still couldn't believe his senior acted so soft with him. 

Xiao Min had a bath and came out of the bathroom where he saw his senior had put the set of clothes for him on the bed. 

Just as he picked up the clothes and was ready to take off his towel, the door of the room opened, and Shen Li entered the room, but he didn't expect to see Xiao Min out of the bathroom so soon, and he felt uncomfortable seeing him half-naked just in a towel. 

Shen Li averted his sight as he straight went to his wardrobe and informed, "I-I came to get something from my wardrobe." 

Shen Li felt his heart skipped a beat seeing Xiao Min like that and couldn't deny his junior was irresistibly attractive, and the things from previous night flashed in from of his eyes.