Once Mr. Wen reached home with his wife and son, he asked the servant, "Where is Liwei?"
"Young miss is in her room," the servant replied.
Mr. Wen stepped to go upstairs, but Wen Zac stopped him, "Father, I'll talk to her."
"I'm not going to scold her. I need to ask her something."
"Fine," said Wen Zac and instructed the servant, "Ask Liwei to come downstairs."
Liwei came downstairs, feeling a bit scared as she knew why her father called for her.
"Have a seat," her father offered.
Liwei sat and looked at her brother, who assured her not to worry.
"Are you serious about what you said on the phone call?" Mr. Wen asked.
Liwei nodded hesitantly, "Yes, father."
"Do you want to get engaged so early?" Mr. Wen repeated.
"I don't mind," she replied.
"And what about your studies?"
"I can still go. Not like I'll be married and can't go study," she said, her confidence coming back.
Mr. Wen sighed, "What did you like in him to agree so fast when you know him for a few days only?"
"I don't know, but I like him, father. It's the first time I thought about someone," she added.
Mr. Wen looked at his son, "What do you think?"
"I don't think they should get engaged so soon," said Wen Zac.
Mr. Wen agreed, "I think the same."
"If we get engaged, then we don't have to worry about news. It's not possible not to meet him. I want to know him," Liwei said.
"If both are ready, then what's the problem?" Mrs. Wen, who was silent, talked.
"What if things didn't work out?" Mr. Wen asked his wife.
"Haven't we seen how serious he was? It didn't look like Lijun took it lightly. If things are not meant, then people get divorced even after marriage. We should not worry about it," said Mrs. Wen.
Mr. Wen sighed, "Fine, whatever she wants," and went to his room as his wife followed him.
Liwei was happy hearing it and smiled at her brother.
"Liwei, think carefully. Just like father said, if things went wrong, both families would suffer. You know our father and his temper when it comes to you."
"Don't worry, brother," she assured.
"I don't want two good friends to turn into enemies because of their kids," said Wen Zac, looking worried.
"But if we get married, the two would be happier than ever," Liwei countered.
"As you wish," Wen Zac gave in, seeing his sister won't listen.
Just like his father, he would do anything for his sister as long as she was happy.
You are reading story Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband at novel35.com
The next day Mr. Wen met Lu Jinhai. After discussing, they decided to have an engagement soon in the coming weeks, and both family members agreed to it.
Lu Feng and Jiang Yuyan were away, busy with their work, so the two were unaware of what's going on back home.
Two days passed by, and Lu Feng returned home after knowing what his younger brother did.
In the evening, Lu Feng talked to him in the garden.
"What are you doing, Lu Lijun?" Lu Feng asked, being disappointed and worried about him.
"Like others, is elder brother too wants me not to decide for myself?" Lu Lijun asked calmly.
"It's not that. I don't want you to take any decision in a hurry."
"Don't worry about it," Lu Lijun assured him.
"What are you up to?" Lu Feng asked, knowing his brother well.
"Not sure," he answered.
Lu Feng refrained from saying anything more, and as suggested by An Tian, he too thought to let him fall so that he can get up with a clear mind.
Two days passed by, and Lu Lian waited for Ming Rusheng. Since he left, there was no news about him, and she didn't know when he would return.
On the third day, she went to the office, not expecting to see him and being busy preparing for the important meeting.
Ming Rusheng's father, Ming Yusheng, led the meeting where Lu Lian had to present the project in front of a few important people from the company and investors from outside.
The meeting was arranged in the seminar hall in the company where the project was being present on the huge screen to get the right ideas.
"Are you ready?" Ming Yusheng asked.
Lu Lian nodded, and he spoke again, "Do your best."
After Ming Yusheng welcomed everyone and introduced them to the idea of the project, it was Lu Lian's turn to explain to them how they planned the design for it.
Just as she stood upon the stage in front of the huge screen, the door opened and the tall and handsome man entered the hall.
Lu Lian, who was about to start talking, froze as she looked at him. Thankfully, just like her, others looked at him and wanted to greet him, so no one noticed her.
Bowing to everyone to get the greeting part, in short, Ming Rusheng sat beside his father, ready to hear the presentation by Lu Lian.
As much she looked surprised, he looked normal as if he felt nothing seeing her and sat quietly. As usual, his expressionless cold face made it impossible for others to know what goes in his mind.
Lu Lian got back to her senses and started her presentation. For the next half hour, she continued explaining and answering the questions gracefully.
"She is indeed Lu Jinhai's daughter," Ming Yusheng commented that only Ming Rusheng heard.
There was no change in Ming Rusheng's expressions as he just focussed on the presentation.
Just as she was done, Ming Rusheng had to go on the stage to close it. When he went on the stage and stood next to her, he didn't show he had something to do with her and treated her as one of his employees.
Not that Lu Lian expected anything different from him, but his behavior before leaving for France confused her, and she unknowingly expected something more. She frowned at herself and maintained a professional stance.
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