A large obsidian object slammed down onto the ground where I was just at with enough force to crater the hard stone floors and send shock waves through the ground.
A single hit could probably turn me into paste, but I wasn't concerned. What concerned me was that as I slashed at the massive collection of shiny spheres that vaguely resembled a person's body, my claws only made superficial scratches.
I hadn't encountered something this hard before, and frankly, it was frustrating.
This was my fourth attempt at this monster. It was the first one of the 87th floor, and while I had defeated it three times now, the fights had taken much too long and costed me too much MP to continue trying to conquer the floor.
After each attempt, I went back to lower floors and farmed up more skills, raised my level, and came up with new strategies.
I had tried clawing, burning, freezing, impaling with both weapons and magic, bending it's joints with brute force, and countless other things I came up with, but none of them worked well enough to be considered satisfying.
This black golem simply took too long to beat. As far as I found, all the monsters on this floor were golems as well, and each as strong as this one, though the black one took the cake for sheer durability, the others weren't pushovers either.
Aside from this black one, there was a sparkling silver golem that was relatively fast and light, but also resisted my attacks to a surprising degree as well as an iridescent golem which negated all magical attacks. My claws could do significant damage, I had to brace my body properly or I'd only leave scratches.
All three were insanely tough to fight, and took way too long to take down. At the rate I was going at, I'd starve before getting halfway to the boss.
I had the option of carrying a ton of blood with me to sustain me but it was unreliable. Not only did blood gathered like that wasn't very tasty, but it was an extremely high risk strategy that presumed that I wouldn't take a longer than expected time both to reach the boss and to beat it.
Since I hadn't bothered to scout the floor, I didn't know the route yet.
I could just avoid the monsters and figure out the layout, but it went against my principals. It was a last resort, and one which I had been able to avoid ever since discovering that I could teleport between fountains.
This floor was only tedious, not something where desperation would set in so easily.
But I was getting tired of being stuck here.
The floors had been taking a markedly longer amount of time to conquer since the 70th floor or so, and having my progress grind to a complete halt was annoying.
A few more scratches into the black golem's body and I backed off, then launched a stream of blue flames at the monster. It ignored my magic and charged at me, but I simply kept my distance and kept up the flames until the torso of the collection of spheres turned a bright yellow.
With hardly any gap, I switched from shooting fire to sending out a large stream of water and ice at the monster. The mixture instantly evaporated as it came into contact with the monster's body, but the cold stream quickly dulled the metal's glow.
Over the loud torrent of water flow and explosive evaporation, I could the pinging of cracks forming in the golem's body.
With my spell finished, I dashed in close to the staggering golem. The spots where I left claw marks had cracked from the expansion and compression caused by the fire and water magic combo. Tiny gaps formed in it's armour, which I took advantage of.
I dug the tips of my claws into the cracks and used all my strength to pry at them.
Pinging sounds reverberated from the golem as the cracks lengthened.
The golem tried to swing it's arm to dislodge me, but I simply flipped and rotated, keeping one set of claws lodged in the slowly opening gap in it's armour before settling in a new position and continue prying at it.
Repeating this three more times, the crack finally made it's way across the whole of the golem's torso, separating one of it's arms from the rest of it's body and leaving a gaping hole for me to exploit.
The hole was more than big enough for me to dive inside and bite down on the glowing blue sphere that was it's core, and drain it of all it's motive energy.
In a scant few seconds, the golem shuddered before collapsing onto the ground.
I pulled myself out from inside it's body.
Once again the fight took way too long. Just scratching the body deep enough so that it would crack properly when I heat then cooled it's body took up several minutes. And even after that, the MP expenditure to continuously heat it before freeze cracking the metallic shell was too high. My MP hadn't even been restored beyond 75% after sucking out it's essence.
There was no way that this strategy was sustainable. At the very least, I'd need to take breaks after every two or three fights, and everything broke down the second more than one golem showed up at once.
That latter bit was the main reason why I hadn't gone any further than the first encounter in this floor.
I was starting to reconsider the decision to ditch normal weapons and rely entirely on my claws and magic for my offence.
(But even if I didn't, it's hard to imagine any weapon surviving contact against such tough shells)
Out of ideas, I returned to my home to relax.
I used water magic to transfer water from the fountain into a simple bathtub made from stone shaped with earth magic, then fire magic to heat it up. Stripping down, I lay to relax in the hot water.
In a place where any luxury beyond good food and hard combat had to be made from my own hands, soaking in a bath had become one of my few alternative joys outside of what what the dungeon provided. That alone made it especially precious to me.
After coming up with the idea, I couldn't go back to simply bathing in the fountain's water directly anymore.
I picked up a bar of crude soap I had made and lathered up my hair before using water magic to rinse it. Next, I lathered up a puffy ball of spider silk and scrubbed my body.
Once again, I lay my body back into the steaming water and let the strength go from my body.
One of the best things about making my own bath tub was that I could decide all of the dimensions without regard to any restrictions, so I made sure that it was long enough that I could lie down in it without touching any of the sides. relying solely on buoyancy, only my face and breasts touched the air, and the rest of my body was just barely submerged under the surface.
Aside from the slight coolness, being able to forget the weight that normally pulled my body down a bit was also a private pleasure of mine. Due to the perspective I couldn't tell if I was bigger than normal or not, but the weight had become something I always had to consider as I moved. Having it gone while I relaxed only solidified my bath's importance in my mind.
While letting my body drift in the hot water, my mind was stuck on the problem I had been on for the last little while: how to progress through the 87th floor.
I opened up my status to see if I could come up with any clues.
Species: Vampire
Sex: Female
State: Normal
Level: 255
XP: 89,187,800/100,013,800
HP: 1,892,501/1,892,501
MP: 5,463,060/5,463,060
STR: 89790
CON: 84323
AGI: 138287
DEX: 116796
INT: 162259
ANI: 133705
Default Skills:
[Local Language]
Racial Skills:
[Blood Sucking 7 (Vampire)]
[Natural Weapons 9 (Vampire)]
Primary Skills:
[Superior Vitality 8]
[Boundless Spirit 10]
[Unyielding Arm 6]
[Relentless Body 5]
[Winged Feet 9]
[Feather Touch 7]
[Brilliant Mind 10]
[Adamant Psyche 10]
[Unarmed Technique 7]
[Knife Mastery 3]
[Sword Mastery 2]
[Spear Technique 8]
[Club Technique 7]
[Axe Technique 8]
[Stave Technique 7]
[Whip Technique 6]
[Bow Technique 7]
[Throwing Technique 7]
[Shield Technique 6]
[Light Armour Technique 5]
[Medium Armour Technique 4]
[Heavy Armour Technique 4]
[Arcane Magic 10]
[Blaze Magic 8]
[Terranian Magic 8]
[Aqua Magic 8]
[Tempest Magic 8]
[Lunar Magic 4]
[Solar Magic 1]
[Arcane Resistance 9]
[Fire Resistance 9]
[Earth Resistance 9]
[Water Resistance 9]
[Wind Resistance 9]
[Dark Resistance 9]
[Mana Manipulation 6]
[Mana Perception 6]
[Spirit Perception 10]
[Spirit Form 10]
[Materialize 9]
[Sneaking 9]
[Suppress Presence 9]
[Suppress Aura 9]
[Cooking 7]
[Smithing 7]
[Carpentry 7]
[Leatherworking 7]
[Tailoring 7]
[Enchanting 7]
[Alchemy 7]
[Leadership 7]
[Float 10]
[Swim 8]
[Cleaning 8]
[Sense Presence 9]
[Rapid Regeneration 6]
[Rapid Refresh 7]
[Create Acid 8]
[Create Poison 7]
[Acid Resistance 8]
[Poison Resistance 7]
[Paralysis Resistance 6]
[Confusion Resistance 8]
[Sleep Resistance 5]
Aside from skills that I can't use, or had no use for me, this was what I had at my disposal.
Even taking my non-combat skills into consideration, no new strategies came to mind.
I simply didn't have what was needed to get the job done.
I'd already scoured all the floors for skills and raised them quite high, some of them had even evolved into advanced skills increasing my capabilities even further. But even with that, I wasn't strong enough to take on those golems as is.
No weapons or tools I could make stood a chance against them, nor any technique, physical or magical, I could use that would be efficient and effective enough to actually use to conquer the entire floor.
Simply put, I was at a standstill, and it was frustrating me.
I closed the window and just went back to relaxing.
Being reborn wasn't exactly something I chose to do, but since I had done so, I strove to enjoy it the best I could. But right then, I wasn't enjoying it. Being stuck on a difficult problem could be fun, but being stuck on it for so long was becoming difficult.
I needed something different to do for a while.
Now that I thought about it, I hadn't left the dungeon once since I first entered it. While I enjoyed my time inside the dungeon, it was a shame that I hadn't met anyone since arriving in this world. At the least, I could put in some effort for that.
I didn't have to actually go far away to find a settlement. Just a look around here and there as a change in pace. Even if I didn't find anyone, the change in scenery would be a huge improvement on my mental health.
With my mind made up, I got out of the bath, dumped the used water into the dungeon outside of the fountain room, and prepared to go out.
For the most part, I didn't need much. My usual outfit, robes, hat, boots, gloves, rabbit plush backpack, as well as my underclothes, my underwear, tank top, a new, flexible pair of pants I started wearing over my old leather ones. The material impeded my movements much less than my old leather pants, making it my new favourite.
It was a little dirty, so I needed to wash it before heading out, but before that I made a dozen clay jars using magic and stored them in my bag before heading to the 78th floor. There were trolls on that floor, and an excellent source of fresh blood.
A nice surprise I discovered was that things I put into my bag retained their freshness, as if time had stopped. Rather, that's probably exactly what had happened.
What that meant for me was that any blood I jarred and put in my bag wouldn't coagulate and grow lumpy before I could drink it. While I could drink coagulated blood, it wasn't pleasant, and even the taste went down quite a bit. It was like drinking old, lumpy milk.
I filled and capped the jars, put them into my bag, then went back to wash my clothes.
While I waited for them to dry, I played around with my plush backpack. Without any entertainment aside from hunting, this had become my go to way to kill time. Even I thought that this childish act was pretty pathetic, but of the toys I had made, only the stitched leather ball filled with feathers actually held my attention for more than a couple of minutes.
But I wasn't exactly a big lover of ball games, so that didn't last long and I always ended up going back to mindlessly manipulating the doll's arms and legs for some reason. It might've been because it was the closest thing to something at actually existed on Earth I had.
I really craved the internet at times like this, or at least TV. But obviously I hadn't seen even a hint of either, or even any kind of electronics in the months since I had come here.
With my clothes more or less dry, I put them on and draped my hair down the left of my chest so I could raise the hood. My long hair had now grown close to my knees. Despite the hassle, I was a little proud of how long it was.
Now ready, I headed out of the dungeon for the first time in who knows how long.
On the first floor, I cautiously walked through the winding hall to the cave entrance, where I was greeted with blinding light.
Instinctively, I stepped back and out of sight of the light.
My heart was pounding in my chest and I was hyperventilating before I knew it.
The trauma from so long ago still had a strong grip on me it seemed.
Being scared of natural sunlight wasn't bad, but crippling fear was a serious problem. At least I didn't react as badly as when I first walked into the artificial sunlight of the first floor.
"Hooray for progress..."
Despite how quiet it was around me, I could hardly hear my own voice squeaking out.
With tiny shuffling footsteps, I approached the outside once again like a shut-in with crippling anxiety problems.
The light of the sun bounced off the walls, forcing my dilated pupils to contract as far as they could go. Even then the light of the sun was harsh to me as the cave opening approached and the outside world revealed itself to me.
Nervously shaking, I stretched out a gloved hand to the glaring beam of sunlight that intruded the first little bit of my sanctuary. Just before my gloved fingers touched direct sunlight, memories of the intense pain from the sun on my first day, as well as all the times I had gotten roasted by light magic flashed through my mind.
Despite the shaking, I managed to push through the fear and sank my hand into the blazing light.
My fingers lit up, yet there wasn't any pain.
I had finally confirmed it, that clothes can protect me from my archenemy.
With the slight confidence boost, I stretched my arm, bathing more and more of it in sunlight, yet no pain came. Eventually, my whole arm, both legs, and part of my torso was fully lit up, yet I hadn't come to any harm.
Swallowing hard, I raised and secured my collar and lowered my hood as far as it would go before taking the final steps outside.
In an instant, I felt more vulnerable than I had ever known. All around me was that baneful sunlight, and one wrong move would wreck me in unbearable pain. One particularly bad move and I could die before having a chance to cover back up or escape.
But as horrible as the thoughts that flooded my mind were, I had also been filled with the euphoria that I had a weapon that worked against my most powerful enemy. As long as nothing went wrong, I could walk around in broad daylight and not be harmed in the slightest.
My hood obscured my line of sight pretty bad, but I had [Sense Presence] to make up for it.
I took a few steps around, but soon went back to the cover of the cave. As good as it was to be able to overcome my greatest enemy, getting careless could end me in an instant. It was best to take cover during the day and only travel during the night.
In the shadow of the cave, I sat down and waited for the sun to set while I played with my rabbit plush again. It was preferable to set out as soon as I could to get as much exploring done as possible.
As I lightly played to kill time, I noticed something odd I haven't seen before.
Outside the cave, little balls of coloured light were wandering around. They were small and indistinct, but clearly moved as if they had a will of their own, chasing after each other, floating in rough formations, bumping into each other then doing a little rising twirl in the air.
I had no idea what they were, but they completely got a hold of my attention.
A few of them drifted to the side as I crawled to keep them in sight, and stopped above a strange coloured tendril that extended from the ground. It was wafting around like steam, but quickly dissipated into nothing.
You are reading story The Reincarnated Vampire Just Wants To Enjoy Her New Life at novel35.com
Those little fuzzy balls touched the tendril and it quickly shrank down to almost nothing before the balls lost interest and drifted to another tendril a bit away and repeated the process.
Looking even more closely, those tendrils looked like concentrations of mana. As my [Mana Perception] skill ranked up, I became able to see mana itself in the air, as long as the concentrations were high enough. They cast distinct auras around the monsters in the dungeon, and did wonders in letting me predict their actions. Seeing changes in their aura signalled that they were about to act, and recognizing the specific change told me exactly what the monster intended.
Of course, monsters with [Suppress Aura] made this trick particularly difficult, if not impossible depending on the rank.
It seemed that these fluff balls ate mana. They were surprisingly like vampires, even if their physical traits couldn't be any further apart from mine.
If they ate mana from the environment, then couldn't they eat mana from living beings as well?
I continued to watch the groups of floating orbs, but one odd thing came to mind. Whenever I shifted my body to see a group better, that group would always shake violently before moving away as fast as they could.
(Can they tell that I'm looking at them?)
It's movements didn't make much sense. They were clearly afraid of something, most likely me, but only the ones within a certain distance from me reacted. Even when I eyeballed at a group, if they were far enough away, they didn't react in the slightest no matter how or for how long I stared.
It probably wasn't me looking at them that made them scared, but something else.
I couldn't see what it was that was scaring them, but I did have a bunch of perception skills that might.
Cycling through them, I experimented with my various skill-based senses when suddenly a dark red blot covered everything around me, extending out of the cave before ending in tentacle-like spines waving around maliciously.
I fell back in surprise and fear, but for some reason the red stuff didn't try to harm me in the slightest. It just floated there occupying all the space around me, waving around threateningly at anything that tried to approach.
This thing, whatever it was, appeared when I pushed the limits of my [Mana Perception].
Looking at it more closely, it resembled the auras produced by the monsters in the dungeon, yet it was vastly, incomparably larger than even the strongest monsters I had fought. Even the way it wiggled around like it was trying to rip at its surroundings was pretty similar.
(This...this is my aura)
The realization hit me like a truck. Of course those soft glowing balls would be scared of such a thing.
There'd be no way for me to interact with them positively as things stood, but fortunately, I had acquired a skill that should fix this right up.
Focusing inside of myself, I activated my [Suppress Aura] skill, quickly ramping it up from the bottom to near max. Almost instantly the huge, threatening aura shrunk down until it became little more than an extra layer of skin around my body. Not even the violent spines were around anymore.
The effect felt a bit stifling, but when I glanced outside, the fluffy balls of light spread out and approached the cave again. But they didn't enter it. The balls always maintained a certain distance from the cave entrance no matter what. It seemed like they didn't want to enter inside.
But that was enough for me. Now that it got to this point, I could try something different.
With all my extra aura suppressed, I tried extending a bit of it out from my fingers. The act was surprisingly difficult considering how easy it was for me to use magic normally. It seemed like the difference between manipulating mana inside the body compared to outside the body. It felt like trying to draw a landscape painting with a finger compared to with a long brush. The further I pushed the tendrils of my aura, the longer the brush became.
My first attempt failed, with the tendril disappointing just as it reached the cave entrance. I lost a little bit of MP, but it wasn't very significant compared to my capacity.
My second attempt reached further, but failed as well.
It wasn't until my fourth attempt when I was able to reach the closest group of floating lights.
A cluster of three suddenly noticed the tendril of mana that approached them and recoiled. Disappointment welled up inside of me, but I persisted, gently waving the tip of my aura back and forth, like trying to get a cat to approach so I could pet it. I desperately held a death grip on my aura to prevent it from appearing threatening like it did naturally. If they got scared, it would damage my chances of attracting any of the furry orbs in the future.
And just like a group of cats, they gave in to their curiosity and cautiously approached my aura.
One by one, they tried to touch the tip. At first it was just a little bop.
One, two. On the second bop, a shiver ran up my spine. I was able to feel that, like with an appendage I didn't have.
In turn, I tried lightly touching the fluffball.
It evaded me at first, but cautiously stayed still after a few seconds like it recognized what I was trying to do. My tendril of mana lightly brushed against the glowing orb.
I could feel a warmth and softness from the strange creature. It was like petting a neighbourhood cat for the first time.
The other two became even more curious, so I tried petting them as well. A warmth started to spread inside my chest.
It was a bit strange, but it was the very first act of kindness I had committed since arriving in this world. To think it would've taken me so long.
But suddenly the feeling of being being bitten interrupted my reverie and I instinctively pulled back my aura all the way back to my body.
Rather than it hurting, I was surprised. The unexpected act was like a betrayal.
But maybe it was more like a cat than I had thought? It might not have been a malicious act.
I calmed down.
Rather, it was probably that they didn't understand what I was doing properly. I was touching them with my mana, but they ate mana. It made sense that they had problems reconciling what was a paradox to them.
I honestly didn't mind them eating my mana, but eating my aura directly was unpleasant, and it could become a bad habit for them. There had to be some other way for me to feed them.
My mana was simply the natural energy from inside my body that I used to perform supernatural acts like magic. While it was a part of my body, it obviously separated when I used magic, so running off of that logic, I should be able to separate parts of my aura. If I could slightly change it at the same time, then those fluffballs would have a way to distinguish things that were okay to eat and those that weren't.
Once again, I tried extending a tendril of mana from my fingers, but instead of using it like some sort of appendage, I tried changing it's nature. I was also a creature that could eat things like auras and essences, so I thought back to the flavours of monsters I particularly liked.
There was the ghosts of the 41st floor, a sort of haunted forest. They tasted like a variety of candied fruit. Then there was the 63rd floor's elementals, big golems that were comprised of a particular element each. They each reminded me of a sort of crepes. Though the light elemental was like a strawberry and banana crepe someone pranked with habaneros. After that was the golems of the 87th floor. I only got to eat a few, but each one was sublime, like cakes from a first rate patissier.
I tried combining the feelings of each of them into the tip of my aura, then squeezed the bottom off, separating it.
The little bulb changed colours from my natural dark red to a light pink and separated from the rest of my aura, floating on it's own.
Now that was done, I tried to push it around using my aura. Confirming that I could manipulate it, I brought it out to the trio of fluffballs that didn't move from when I tried petting them.
They weren't very energetic. It was as if they were remorseful about what they did. If they could understand that much, then it was worth befriending them.
Extending my aura all the way, I pushed the little pink bulb to the trio before receding my aura a little.
Whatever they were thinking before, it was quickly replaced by curiosity of this new thing I had put in front of them. They cautiously bopped it as they had with my aura, but it seemed they were more careful than before. It really looked like they were learning.
But no matter how many times they bumped it or touched it, the bulb didn't react. Of course it wouldn't, since there wasn't any will emanating from the bulb.
Eventually, one of them became courageous enough, or maybe hungry enough, to touch the mana nub properly. The ball shrunk in size a little, but otherwise didn't react. The fluffball backed off, but then tried again when it realized nothing else happened.
Seeing this, the others tried as well, and soon the bulb disappeared.
Finally, I made my move, and extended my aura to lightly pat the glowing orbs.
They were startled for a moment and shook, but quickly recognized my tendril and started to bob in joy.
Before I knew it, a smile had crept onto my face.
I made another mana bulb and the little fluffballs quickly ate it up, and in turn I pat each of them. Now they pressed their bodies into my aura like a cat trying to press their head into the hand of someone patting them.
A few other little light balls noticed what was going on and curiously approached. I made more flavoured nubs for them as well. They only cost me one MP each, so it was more effort than resource limited.
The others quickly ate the bulbs up then rubbed their bodies against my aura.
It seemed like the first trio was teaching the new ones to not bite me, as after that first instance, the incident didn't repeat itself.
More and more fluffballs approached, filling the area directly around the cave I was in with light.
Most of my concentration was filled with producing as many of the mana bulbs as I could, but over time, they were switching their attention from simply eating to rubbing their bodies on my extended aura.
If that meant that they had been taking a likening to me, then I couldn't be any happier.
Before I knew it, the sun had set, eliminating any reason for me to stay cooped up in this cave. But when the thought occurred to me, I was hesitant. Would the fluffballs accept my physical body?
It was reasonable to presume that I hadn't seen them on my first two days because I couldn't see them without the [Spirit Perception] skill, but I had no way to know if they also avoided creatures with physical bodies as well.
But as much of a risk as it was, I wouldn't find out without coming out. I just hoped that I wouldn't scare my first friends in this world.
I retracted my aura back to my body.
The glowing orbs were startled at first, then it seemed like they were filled with apprehension and confusion.
I gathered my courage and pulled back my hood, then stepped out into the open. The fluffballs retreated back when they saw me.
A pain filled my chest at the rejection, but I continued my steps slowly. If I couldn't befriend properly them now, it most likely wouldn't ever work.
After stepping out into the middle of the small clearing, I extended my aura from my fingers halfway to the surrounding light orb group.
For a while, nothing happened and they kept their distance, but eventually one ball gathered it's courage and slowly wandered towards the tip of my tendril. It cautiously bopped the tip, then more boldly rubbed it's body along the extended aura, slowly sliding down it until it reached my extended finger.
Cautiously, it tried to rub it's body against my finger. It took all my willpower to stop myself from grabbing it so I could rub my cheek against it. That would definitely scare the group off for good.
Soon, others followed, and before I knew it, the whole group was swarming around me, rubbing against my body or flying around in formation like flock of sparrows, dancing around.
A smile had burst so big that I was a little worried that my face would permanently change shape due to it.
In excitement, I produced a whole ton of mana treats and threw them up into the air. But to my surprise, while the little fluffballs did eat some of them, most of the treats went ignored and instead they concentrated on their little dances and body rubs.
Despite not thinking it was possible, my smile grew even bigger at that sight. Instead of simply feeding them, I started to pet them individually my with my own hands. In return, they started to dance around even more energetically and rub themselves against me even harder.
Following their lead, we went from simply rubbing against each other to playing, as I chased after them or they chased me around, or I'd join in their dances or wander around as they showed me interesting things in the surrounding land.
The trees were mostly barren and instead the ground was littered with wet, dull leaves, but here and there flowers peeked between the underbrush or ferns grew tall and proud despite the chill in the air.
Despite how different things were since I was last outdoors, there were still plenty of interesting things to be seen.
The fluffballs even showed me a stream of mana gushing out from the ground like a tiny geyser. Just for fun, I tried biting it and sampling the flavour. It tasted like maple syrup, but was extremely thin, almost watery.
But despite how much fun I was having, it was suddenly interrupted when the light in the sky grew strong enough to hurt my eyes.
It took me a minute to realize what was causing it as the dark sky slowly turned red. But when I did, I froze in my tracks as my body shook in fear.
The little fluffballs noticed that something had changed with me, but I didn't have the presence of mind to think about them anymore. My life was now at stake.
In a desperate hurry, I rushed back to the cave and took shelter. Way faster than the light balls, I left them behind in confusion, but they managed to follow me and catch up after a few seconds. By then I was huddling inside the cave, but just barely in view of the outside. My hood was already lowered.
I could see the fluffballs gathered in worry, but going out any further than that was a risk I couldn't afford to take unnecessarily.
Instead, I extended my aura to calm them down, rubbing a few and producing a bunch of mana bulbs for them. Unlike before, they took no interest in the treats and instead rubbed my aura with their bodies.
But for some reason they wouldn't enter the cave. It seemed like something scared them. Maybe dungeons were to them like sunlight was to me?
It was a frustrating thought, but I could understand it. Maybe it wasn't the dungeon itself that was dangerous to them, but the monsters themselves? Or specifically it was the fact that they couldn't run from any monsters that might attack them while inside a dungeon?
The fact that they wouldn't enter my home was a bit lonely, but even like this, I could play with them a bit.
But this was another thing my archenemy denied me.
I grit my teeth wishing that I was able to gain light resistance. It was the only skill I wanted which I hadn't been able to get in the dungeon so far.