Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Minori Takeru POV:


Like that my days went by. Nowadays since I have become friends with Megumi and my classmates my days are less boring than usual. It’s a nice change of pace though I didn’t mind the earlier arrangement.


Even during lunch time some of them will join me for lunch so it was a pleasant experience. Megumi as  usual spent the lunch time with Hayato but that’s as expected, I rather have as little contact with her as possible so as not to be tangled in the plot.


Anyway through talking to them I learned of the different clubs available at school. There was the tennis club, chess club, literature club, anime club (yes that existed) etc. The clubs were not mentioned in the anime cause the protagonist never joined them.


As for me I cannot join any club as I am part of the Knights, as we are required to be free so that we can be called anytime. The Student Council members cannot join the clubs as well as they have a lot of  work to do.


I was of course continuing my training with Jiro-sensei and Himari-sensei everyday and my strength, stamina, swordsmanship and magical power was also improving but as I said before I cannot measure it currently so I can’t say how far I have grown.


As for my job as a Knight I was given several missions. All of them were solo missions as all the monsters were C or D rank monsters. But for some reason I had to go to the Student Council every time to get the mission. This is unusual cause Knights usually get their missions through their apps and the respective teachers are also informed through apps.


Every time I went to the Student Council room Sakura would smile at me and Ayaka looked sad and about something. I hated going in there and I even asked Sakura about that but she only smiled and replied, “About that Takeru-kun, the missions given to you are dangerous and confidential so you have to be present”.


I could tell that it was a lie as the C and D rank monsters are way too weak to be even considered a threat to me but I couldn’t say anything if she put it like that and just sighed. Why is everyone in the Student Council trying to force me into the plot? Give me a break, please.


Anyway the monsters I fought were mostly goblins who were short with green skin and yellow eyes, they carried old worn out weapons. They were incredibly weak but they came in large numbers of at least 20 a group but still wasn’t even a challenge to me who have practiced religiously.


I also fought Kobolds creatures with a dog face and human like body. They were feral and ferocious and came in groups of 10 , they colors varied according to the type of dogs they represented. Yes they resembled different breeds of dogs. They didn’t carry any weapons but relied on their teeth and claws to fights. They also weren’t much of a challenge.


Anyways days went by and the second month of the school was almost coming to an end and the first joint practice class between Class A and Class C.


I went smoothly without any issues. I mostly kept with my classmates. But some of our classmates went and talked with them and they came to talk with us and I talked with them, it was a pleasant experience where we talked about class and hobbies. Some of them were wary about me but seeing as I talked normally they let their guard down and we talked in a relaxed way.


Once again I was the best of the day with Megumi as second. I finished in 8 seconds this time, quite an improvement. Megumi took 15 seconds, she improves so fast it’s honestly scary.


Megumi looked at me and smiled and extended and said, “Congratulations, but I won’t lose next time”, she had a determined look on her face.


I smiled and took her hand and shook it and said, “Thank You and I looked forward to it”. I also had a determined look on my face. Invisible sparks flew between us, at least according to the onlookers, we never saw that ourselves.


After that day Megumi and I talked more often, she often asked how I got so strong and I told her it was training. We also exchanged magic tips with each other, so that we could learn from each other. Since we used different weapons, exchanging tips about them won’t help. All in all we got closer as friends and rivals. It didn’t matter much in relation to the plot to be honest as she also had other friends.


Then the fateful day came. The beginning of the anime. The joint practice session between Class A and Class B. Before going to school that day, I took a deep breath and calmed myself to prepare for the day.


That fateful time came and both classes gathered in the practice arena. Megumi searched for Hayato and immediately went to talk with him. Then she brought him to me to introduced him.


“Hayato this is Takeru my rival I told you about”, she told him while introducing me and she turned to me and said, “Takeru this is my childhood Hayato I talked about”.


Hayato smiled at me and held out his hand and said, “Nice to meet you. I have heard about you from Megumi”. Great at least he isn’t biased, guess it makes sense cause he is the protagonist but it also maybe cause Megumi told him about me.


I smiled and took his hand and shook it and said, “Nice to meet you too and I have heard about you too”.


You are reading story I Reincarnated as a minor villain in an Anime at

“Only  good thing I hope”, Hayato asked jokingly.


“Of course”, I smiled and replied.


“Hey who do you think I am? Do I look like someone who talks bad about people behind their back?”, Megumi angrily asked Hayato with her face very close to his.


Hayato raised both his hands and said, “I am sorry. I am really sorry. My bad. I was just joking”.


“Hmph”, said Megumi puffing her cheeks and crossing her arms and looking away. Honestly she looked really cute.


Like this we conversed and laughed together before the practice started. Hayato was the 4th in his class. I as usual became first with finishing in 4 seconds while Megumi became second with 12 seconds time.


She was frustrated and she looked at me wistfully and said, “How? How can you come first? Why do I have t o be second? It’s unforgiveable”.


I just shrugged and said, “Dunno”.


At this she got angry and came close to my face and said, “Don’t make fun of me. I will get better than you. I promise you, I definitely will”.


This time I raised my hands and said, “N-No this is a misunderstanding. I am not making fun of you. And I am looking forward to the competition. So please back off”.


“Yeah Megumi don’t trouble him. He has not done anything wrong. Get better yourself and don’t bother him like that, you have always been like that”, Hayato came to my rescue.


“I-I  haven’t done anything wrong. Both of you are too much. Waahhh”, said Megumi as she left crying.


I looked at her disappearing with concern and asked Hayato, “Will she be ok?”.


Hayato just shrugged and said, “Leave her. She always does that. She will get around eventually”.


“Ok”, I said.


We both shook hands and smiled and I said, “Well than see you again”.


“Likewise”, he said as he smiled.


We then went to  our respective.


Just like Hayato said Megumi came back quite quickly and she acted as if the incident didn’t happen and I decided to leave it at that to avoid any further problems.


Anyway I was gad that I was able to go through this event without any problems. Now I can just relax in the background while the plot unfolds.


The next event will happen in a few days, where a certain evil organization will cause monsters to appear in large numbers, as big as an army in front of the school, by opening a portal and the school has to defend. This is where the main plot starts but this has nothing to do with me , I will just provide support as a Knight, the protagonist and heroines can take care of the rest.


I absolutely will not get involved with the plot.