Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – A slave

A thick musk hung in the night air. Accompanied by the sounds of monotonous drums, darkness engulfed everything. The only thing illuminating the night, casting an orange glow, was a bonfire built at the centre of the village. About forty houses were scattered throughout the sandy woodland in which they sat. Laid around a large circular area at the heart of the village, the dusty floor of which had been cleared for tonight's celebration.

Figures danced around the fire, natives - chanting, and celebrating their gods. Tonight, was a special night. Not because it would bring them luck in the future, but because it was the night the natives committed what they deemed ‘a necessary evil’.

Not far from them, just on the edge of the village, a line of flaming torches lit the way to a tall stone pyramid, topped with an altar. Around the cold, square altar, sat four young women. Red and white patterns smeared over their dark brown native skin. All had long black hair that flowed past their round breasts, down to their waist and hips. Each wore a small, tan-coloured, grass top that only just covered their cleavage and a short, corded grass skirt that corresponded in colour to their top.

A tall woman stood at the front of the altar. The only difference between her and her peers was her tall, white-feathered headdress. Looking down at her tribe celebrating below the woman raised her hands high into the air. The drums slowed and the tribe looked towards the temple. In unison, the tribe stopped the celebrations and charged towards the foot of the temple.

The sight of this woman with hands raised in the air, summoned cheers from the assembled tribe. Turning around she put a hand out towards the ceremonial preparation room behind her. A tall man left the hut, escorted by two beautiful women. Their long black hair cascaded down their bodies, highlighting the curves of their large, round breasts and rumps. The scantily clad women, painted in the same fashion as the other girls, escorted the man to the stone altar.

The drums beat to the rhythm of the man’s heart as the women lay him on the cold, stone surface. The priestesses sitting around the altar each took hold of one of his arms or legs to secure him from moving. The two girls that had escorted him to the altar took their positions for the ceremony. One of the girls supported his head, the other sat between his legs. Slowly she pulled down his loincloth, revealing his member to the tribe. The woman in the tall white headdress walked behind the altar until she was standing over the man. She looked out at the crowd and raised her hands to the sky again and again the crowd roared. The queen reached behind herself and unsheathed a large pale, stone knife from a sheath at her side. Her eyes looked down to the girl between the man’s legs and smiled.

Smiling back, the girl mounted the man's growing erection and began to ride him. The woman in the white headdress stood over the man with knife clutched in hand. As the young woman rode the man vigorously, the woman in the white headdress began her chant. Her crude and strange language filled the sky as clouds started to form above the village. The natives cheered and hollered as the woman riding the man started to slam her hips even quicker into him, taking his full member inside her. After only a few more minutes she jumped off the man and began to gently suck on the tip of his cock. Lightning cracked across the top of the temple’s steps, signalling that the gods of rain were ready to receive their sacrifice.

Splatters of hot semen spurted out of the man’s cock and onto his belly, to the cheers and whoops from the crowd below. Smiling the woman in the white headdress raised her knife above the man as the girls around the altar started to chant and the woman who was sucking on his cock started to bite and nibble at his member to keep him hard.

“Oh, great Gods who reign over life!” she roared into the heavens.

“Please accept our sacrifice of this young fertile man so that the trading merchants of the union who arrive tomorrow, may bring to me what I most desire!” Without wasting a second the woman in the white headdress plunged the dagger into the man's chest. Crimson blood splattered down the sides of the altar as she ripped open his chest. She plunged her hand into the body cavity and ripped out his still-beating heart. Blood streaked her skin as she held the pulsing flesh up into the night. There was a moment of quiet as the drums fell silent. The tribe looked to the skies as if expecting something, and as if on cue, rain started to patter down onto their bodies.

Cheering erupted from the crowd as they all started to dance in celebration and several took off with their partners for a night of sex and drinking. It was rare for a sacrifice to take place, but when the bloody rituals did occur it was always a time for the tribe to celebrate. The woman in the white headdress watched the man's body as it was carried down the temple steps to be ceremoniously skinned and the meat roasted. By consuming him, his spirit would live on within them.

“Today was an outstanding success my Chiefess” A female voice from behind the woman in the white headdress called. The woman in the headdress turned and smiled at the other woman as they cleaned the altar with pails of water.

“I think we’re incredibly lucky that he had just joined the tribe and he only did so to strengthen relations between our tribes. Our brothers and sisters weren’t attached to him and were ok with sacrificing him.” The Chieftess said as she walked over to the other woman and placed a hand on the top of her head. The priestess laughed.

“I have to admit I didn’t mind mating him either!” the girl that had ridden the boy laughed.

“Despite the festivities, no one should celebrate for too long tonight as the merchants will be arriving early tomorrow and we all need to sleep well" she said as she started to walk down the steps of the temple.

“Are you going to bless the man’s body before he is cooked?” The woman yelled after the Chiefess.

“No! I need sleep” The Chieftess yelled over her shoulder as she continued down the steps. She passed the men who were placing the meat onto the spit roast, then the girls happily dancing to entertain and seduce their targeted males.

The family the sacrificed man had been living with, laughed as they looked on over the cooking body. They’d taken the man in knowing there would be a sacrifice this month. They also knew he was from a rival tribe and had been offered as a gift of peace, to do with as the tribe saw fit. The Chieftess's tribe had no intentions of making peace, she needed to make a queendom that worshipped her. It was the only way she could get what she desired.

Smiling the Chieftess returned to her hut. Walking into her home she wiped the white sand off her feet. Yawning she stripped herself of what little clothes she wore and stumbled over to her large fur-covered bed. She climbed onto her bed, pressing her face into the soft pillows that the outsiders from the Merchant Guild had given her the last time they visited. Lying still on her bed she giggled into the pillow like a child. The next night was going to be fun.

The next night:

Bullets of Rain peppered down onto the carriage. A young boy no older than sixteen, pulled his legs into his chest to keep them out of the rain as he sat under what little cover the carriage provided. The head merchant glanced back to him with a wide smile on his face.

You are reading story The Chieftess at

“We’ll be at the native village soon, they have hot food, drink and warm beds.” Emphasising the last part with a devilish grin.

“And even warmer women!” the man said with a look of fondness in his glassy eyes. The other men in the carriage felt shivers run down their spines as the women present glared at them disapprovingly. The boy chuckled a little, he'd always wanted to set out on an adventure of his own and now he finally had the chance to do so.

He peeked over the head of the driver. Looking past the two muscular horses he looked up to the sides of the gigantic Canyon that surrounded them. Chunks of white chalk glimmered in the starlight as drops of rain fell onto the canyon walls. Something was unsettling about the white walls though. He strained his eyes into the darkness, he could swear there was movement on the peaks that overlooked them. Even though the tops of the Canyon were probably 200 metres tall, he could still see something.

Concerned for everyone’s wellbeing he leaned forward and gently bumped the arm of the head merchant that protruded from the carriage window. “Hey, you see those up there?”

“Yes, the other natives of the area, the Desert Ghosts. They're probably just watching over us to escort us to their village” the man explained as he pulled back into the carriage. Putting a hand up, he gently patted the leg of his young disciple. He was only sixteen yet had been thrown out by his family, the head merchant could only hope the young kid could survive what was to happen over the coming days.

They carried on for a while longer, the horses whining as they galloped across the desert sands. Those who sat inside of the carriage chatted and talked, but the boy sat in silence as he solemnly stared towards the firelight of the village that they approached. Charlie did his best to tidy up his merchant suit. The head merchant glanced up and noticed, turning around to tap him on the leg.

“Oi, Charlie no need to try cleaning up where we're going, the people there won't care if you walk in buck naked.” the head merchant said to try and calm the boy’s nerves. Charlie nodded, taking several deep breaths to steady himself. This was his first-ever merchant trip where he would be trading himself and he was running different scenarios through his mind of how he was going to try and sell his trade to them and hopefully gain some respect from the head merchant in the process.

“These people are famous for being a female-dominated tribe.” The head merchant continued, “They do this to keep their numbers low for survival reasons by having multiple women ‘marry’ a man. After that, they either kill him, banish him, or keep him as a kind of a house pet. Their hatred for men is mostly due to their religion. So be careful as you may be on the menu! From what I hear they also have a kind of magic that allows them to live for hundreds or even thousands of years before they age. I would love to learn more, but their tribe are fierce fighters and would likely rip us apart before sharing that secret.” the head merchant joked. “Cheer up, they just aren’t used to our kind around here.”

“Our kind?” Charlie responded to the head merchant.

A wave of energy shook through Charlie, paralysing him in his seat.

“What the fuck…” He muttered. Looking to the head merchant, he could see he also felt the wave.

“Sir?” He asked, noticing the natives were now no longer lining the top of the canyon.




This is an original story of mine. Don't really know if this site is the best place to upload it but hey I did it anyway. If you have any suggestions on any other sites always feel free to say! it will be greatly appreciated. Also got images related to the story over on Deviant art. They are nothing special but they are there anyway.

Anyway thanks for readying and I hope you enjoyed it. 


Also I understand that this chapter is quite gruesome and may put some people off the story, but still I hope you carry on reading as not every chapter will be like this. Or at least as gory.