Blood stained the sand. More drops of the scarlet substance fell onto the ground, continuing to wet the sand. Charlie sat crossed legged. Looking up, he saw the large wooden cross. Scalped, skinned, and her skin flayed out like the wings of a vulture, the lead raider sat bound to the wooden structure. It was day, or just about.
Looking to his left, he saw Nolkonoe fussing and protectively trying to get Phukomeia to lie down on a stretcher. Tucking his legs into his chest, Charlie closed his eyes. If he hadn’t brought the guns, she would never had been hurt in such a way. She was lucky that the raider wasn’t used to firing a gun and had missed.
An arm wrapped around his side. The Chiefess lent over and placed a soft kiss onto his head. Knowing he had been looking at the displayed enemy warrior, she placed a hand over his eyes.
“No more look, come and relax,” she explained, her usual translation blood folded open on her lap. Turning him to look at her, she looked to the small scratch on his cheek. Leaning down further, she gently licked the wound.
“I love you,” she muttered in her native tongue, too embarrassed to say it to him in English.
“Bad, she dead, you safe,” she said in English. Charlie nodded. Cuddling into her side, he simply wanted to sleep. And sleep he did as he quickly fell into a slumber in the safety of the Chiefess’s arms.
She couldn’t blame him. last night, after he had seen her true form, she quickly had Nolkonoe nock him out. Placing another kiss onto him, she remarked to herself how adorable he was. She had seen the warrior sneaking up on her, and she was ready to fight back. But seeing him thinking she was in danger and leaping to help her, then actually killing an enemy warrior to protect her made her heart flutter.
Pushing her face into his hair, she dreaded what was to happen later. He was tiered, his mind abused by battle. So, he was yet to process what he had done, he was yet to realise he had killed someone that night. Such an innocent soul tainted because she hadn’t seen the tricks of the raiders. The Chiefess cuddled him tighter. She had also failed to keep her trye form hidden, even the other warriors were able to do so.
“Is he alright?” a voice questioned. Ourupadia moved to the side of the Chiefess. Staring down at the boy, she felt her heart sink.
“Yes, maybe a little shaken up by the night before. I think Nolkonoe hit him a little too hard as he doesn’t seem to remember killing someone to save me,” the Chiefess answered, picking him up in her arms.
“What do you want?”
“I…I just wanted to apologise for not being able to help him more. If I could have beaten my attackers quicker, I would have been able to stop him from having to get to involved with combat,” Ourupadia explained, bowing her head to the Chiefess.
“The entire battle was chaotic. None of our kin died, but many were injured. So don’t worry,” the Chiefess said as she cradled Charlie.
“Thank you my Chiefess,” Ourupadia said, bowing her head again.
“If you need anything though my Chiefess,” Ourupadia began, but the Chiefess shook her head.
“It was a long night. All are tiered, and I have dishonoured myself by not being able to keep my true form hidden. Such a mistake made me have to harm my beloved human. I must return home, train, and become stronger. Maybe only then can I regain my honour,” the Chiefess said as she began to walk away.
Several nearby groups of warriors had been listening to her. Not even one agreed. Each were amazed with the Chiefess’s skill. Each saw her as an excellent warrior, and none thought she had lost any honour. All saw her as an amazing warrior, one to be praised and respected. Looking to the man in her arms, many held a new respect to the weak outsider. Despite his weakness, he was strong, and he had proven that to them.
“I guess you shall be leaving soon your majesty?” Nolkonoe said as she jogged to the Chiefess’s side.
“Yes, I must get him home. After all he only has two days until he ‘leaves’ and I would like to spend today sleeping, and pampering my pet,” the Chiefess said, running her fingers through the thick hair of Charlie.
“I see. Well, I have finally convinced Phukomeia to get some sleep, don’t feel bad about having to have us knock him out if that is what is worrying you?” Nolkonoe said, placing a hand onto the Chiefess’s arm.
“You had no other choice, we couldn’t risk him remembering anything and giving our secret away to the merchants,” Nolkonoe said, moving her hand onto the soft, messy hair of Charlie.
“Yes, but I think he blames himself for Phukomeia’s injuries. I heard him muttering in his sleep last night, and from what little of his language I know, I think he feels tremendous guilt,” the Chiefess said, also deciding to feel the hair of Charlie. Curling slightly into a ball, Charlie unconsciously nuzzled his head into the chest of the Chiefess. Both women giggled slightly as they removed their hands from his head.
“Again, we can’t tell him just yet about us. So, we can’t tell him about our incredibly good healing, that combined with the magic medicines of yourself and the priestess,” Phukomeia said, walking over to the two. Snapping her head around, Nolkonoe glared at Phukomeia.
“I told you to sleep,”
“And I told you later,”
“I said to sleep now,”
“And I said maybe,”
“I said you need rest,”
“And I said shut up,” the two girls glared at each other. Both were equally as annoyed as the other. The Chiefess laughed slightly at the two far older women acting as if they were only pups.
“Come, lets return home. After taking into account the amount of food used to feed the war beasts, we have about two days left of food,” the Chiefess said as she began to walk back towards the camp.
“Still, that will be enough until the huntresses go on their hunt again,” Nolkonoe said as she insisted on grabbing Phukomeia by the arm and helping her through the sand.
“When we return, I shall take him to bathe, then to bed for the rest of the day. Up until it is time to ‘leave’ I want him by my side,” the Chiefess structured as she mouthed the war creature with the two vultures and several other huntresses.
With supplies and weapons gathered from the raiders, they began to ride back towards the village on their war creature. The entire time the Chiefess did not allow Charlie to slip from her arms as the war creature charged through the desert. Her arms kept so still that even as the creature jolted and jerked, he didn’t move in the slightest.
Several huntresses giggled and joked as she held to him tightly.
“He was brave. I saw the fear in his eyes, yet he fought. Treat him well today,” Phukomeia said, smiling, her eyes fixed on the boy. The Chiefess nodded, a large smile on her face.
You are reading story The Chieftess at
Hours past, and eventually they reached the village again. It was midday by time the Chiefess got Charlie back to her house. Changing his clothes, she still made sure not to wake him. After a tedious while of getting him roughly dressed into his normal clothes, she left her hunt again. Sneaking down the steps, she got into the village.
Manoeuvring through the village, she made sure to keep him hidden from any merchants, only allowing her people to see him. Once they managed to get to the lake, she stripped him again before placing him into the water. His eyes widened as the cool water flooded over him.
“Oh fuck!” Charlie said as the water woke him. Leaping and struggling, the Chiefess pulled him into her chest, wanting to calm him.
“No harm, just wash,” she said, smiling down at Charlie. Looking to the water, then to his nudity, he came to the conclusion he didn’t care. His body ached, and despite sleeping for so long he still felt tiered.
“Just don’t do anything stupid,” he said, allowing her to place him into the water. Gently she washed him with her hands. She could see the look of sadness in his eyes.
“Did I…” he looked up for a moment, a mixed of look of confusion and sadness spread across his face.
“Did I hurst someone?” He said, a small tear in his eye. Smiling, the Chiefess wiped the tear away.
“You save me. Kill bad woman,” taking his hand, she placed it between her breasts.
“Proud, you weak, but also very strong. Phukomeia said you scared on journey back,” Charlie nodded as he listened to the Chiefess’s words. She was good person.
“Thanks,” he said, smiling weakly at her.
“Sorry, I haven’t had anything to eat in a while, and I think that battle has taken a lot of me. If it isn’t too much to ask, may I just rest for today,” he said, his sombre eyes looking up to her.
“You did very well, sleep, I spend much money. Buy good food from merchants, get you great food,” she said as she finished washing the last of the paint from his chest.
She moved to his arms, then his legs, and eventually his back and butt. She washed him quickly, not wanting to waist a second, she insisted on roughly pulling his clothes back onto him.
“I can do this on my own?” he said, looking at her awkwardly as she tried to place his plants around his legs.
Glaring at him, she didn’t understand his words, but knew roughly what he must have meant. Being as stubborn as she was, she persisted with pulling up his pants. He went to try and get onto his feet, but quickly she swoped him into her arms. Grabbing his chin, she forced him to look at her.
“Mine. You work hard, but you mine. I no want you damaged,” she said before holding him against her chest as he began to walk back towards the village.
Reluctantly, he sat in her arms without a word. The night before was still a vivid blur to him, but still he had a sense of what ever happen had been hectic. Narrowing his eyes, he stared at his hands. He had killed someone. The thought bounced around his mind. He, a small, weak, naïve boy had killed someone. Tears rolled down his cheeks as his breaths began to stutter. Seeing him, the Chiefess wiped his tears.
“Poor little thing, it’s alright, I’m here,” she said, pressing his head against her chest.
Once his head was against her, she used her hand to stroke his hair. The combined sound of her heartbeat and head rubs would calm him. This was a skill taught to her by Nolkonoe to calm young men. After all Charlie was seventeen. Not even an adult, yet due to her inability to seek out the spies and keep him safe, he was made to kill someone. As his tears faded, she placed another kiss onto his cheek.
“Soon, you mine. When you mine, we destroy bad men, and evil women,” she said, smiling down at him. Nodding, he placed his head against her.
“Thank you,” he said, for the first time in a while he felt safe.
“You washed, you now dry. Come home, you sleep,” both exchanged smiled as she lifted him up and began to walk back towards the village.
“Sorry, but what about my shoes?” he said, realising that was the only item of clothing he didn’t have.
“Don’t ruin mood,”
Haven't got an image yet for the is chapter, also haven't grammar checked it. So sorry for any mistakes and I will fix any in the future. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!