Chapter 47: Chapter 46 – Just another day at the office

Swaying her hips, the Chiefess locked eyes with Charlie. Around the stage she danced, twirling and shimmying her arms and hips to the beat of the drums. All in the audience watched with amazement as the Chiefess expertly hopped and leapt around the stage.  Dropping to all fours, she stalked around the stage.


Smirking, her eyes landed on the stunned Charlie. Stalking towards him, she wagged her tail high in the air. Leaping onto the table in front of him, she stood up. Again, she began to sway her hips to the beats of the drums. Blushing, Charlie tried to look away as the Chiefess continued her dance. She moved in such a fashion that he could see under her grass skirt and have a good view of her proud nudity.


Laughter came up from the crowd, making Charlie only blush more. Leaping down again, she grabbed the sides of Charlie’s head. Pulling him closer, she placed a firm kiss onto his lips. Before Charlie could react, she leapt up and continued her dance. Around the stage she danced, again doing another lap before moving to the centre. At the centre, she raised her arms in the air. Throwing her arms down, she turned to Charlie. Still shaking her hips, she gestured for Charlie to come to her.


When he didn’t move, two women from the audience grabbed him and dragged him onto the stage. The two women danced as they paraded him around to the audience. Nervous, but refined to his fate, he allowed the women to present him to the Chiefess, like some kind of captive animal. Smirking, the Chiefess pulled Charlie closer.


Lowering her hands to his hips, she began to make them gently sway. It was a rough imitation of her dance, and herself and the crowd found his awkward movements entertaining.


“Dance,” the Chiefess said with a smile as she swayed her hips as well. Letting go of him, she began to dance alongside him. Giggling, the Chiefess bashed her hips against his every time she noticed his rhythm slowing.


Once she had him dancing at a decent pace, the Chiefess began to dance around him. After a few laps around him, she stopped behind him. Putting a handout to the side, she ordered soothing from a woman in the crowd. Hurrying off, the woman soon returned with a piece of rope. Handing her the rope, the Chiefess quickly fashioned a collar like item.


Smirking, she wrapped the collar around his neck. Charlie immediately stopped his dance upon feeling the rough texture around his neck. Turning, he looked up to the smirking Chiefess.


“No run, just sex,” she said, dragging him back to her throne. Sitting down, she playfully prodded and poked at him before having a native woman place a chair next to hers. Sitting him in the chair, she made sure that his binding around his neck was too tight.


Now having him secured, she gave a signal to the tribe, and the party began. Women leapt onto stage and preformed dances, while others drank, ate, sang, or decided on which partner they would take to bed that night. More drink and food were ordered by the Chiefess. Tugging on his new collar, the Chiefess pulled him to her side. Using her index finger, she tapped her lips.


Charlie got the message and lent forward, still too scared and shaken to go against her, he kissed her lips. For a moment she held him, but soon let him go.


“I love you,” she said, giving a little tug on his leash.


“I love you to,” Charlie responded, allowing her to kiss him again. Reaching into her leather bag, she pulled out her translation book. As was now routine, she found the words she wanted and spoke to him in her rough English.


“Sorry for putting rope on you. Need to show tribe you are no touch. Make good reminder. They think you too free, they think they still can touch you,” the Chiefess explained with an awkward, obviously practiced wink before returning to her seat. Charlie chuckled a little. Despite her saying this, he knew that a part of her dominant nature was also enjoying seeing him bound and forced to do what she said.


“Sure, no problem,” Charlie said, trying to hide his smirk. He knew that without a doubt it was best to just try and go along with whatever she wanted. After all she seemed to be enjoying herself, and tonight that’s all that mattered to him.


Together the two sat, the Chiefess getting increasingly more drunk as the night went on. A terrified yet amused Charlie sat next to her, every now and then swiping her tail from his face as it carelessly flaunted around. Eventually, once the Chiefess and tribe were drunk enough, he managed to slip out of the collar. Placing it around his hand, he planned to put it back around himself if the Chiefess noticed he had taken it off.


But from looking at her drooping ears and tail, he guessed she was far to drunk to even get a good understanding of her surroundings. Through the blurry haze that now covered her eyes, the Chiefess made out the rough shape of Charlie next to her. Grabbing him, she dragged him to her side.


“Love,” she said as she wrapped her arms around him. Much to the surprise of Charlie, it didn’t take much effort to move from her arms. Looking past her, he saw the pile of cups. How much had she drunk? Charlie thought as he began to count. Thirty was his final count, he had drunk thirty large cups of wine that were almost the size of his for arm.


“Okay, I think you have had enough,” Charlie said, standing and taking the arm of the Chiefess. Angrily, she muttered something in her native tongue.


“Yeah sure,” Charlie answered, not knowing what she was saying, but he wanted to respond to give her some reassurance.


Throwing her arm over his shoulder, he awkwardly began to lead the far taller wolf woman back towards her home.


“Do you think we should help?” a Vulture whispered to Phukomeia. Not as drunk as her friends, but still drunk enough to have poor judgment, Phukomeia stook and raised a hand into the air.


“Yes,” she said triumphantly before storming over towards the Chiefess and Charlie.


Placing her hand onto his shoulder, her hand was intercepted by two more. Looking up from Charlie, she saw Klipesia and the heir to the Warriors staring at her with equal confusion.


“Urrr, can I help you,” Charlie said, struggling to keep the Chiefess standing.


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“I came to help,” all three said simultaneously. Each eyed each other, maybe thanks to the alcohol making them bolder, they also growled a little to each other.


“Great, each of you grab a limb and help me carry her back to her house,” Charlie said, knowing the reason they were here was probably to try and score a few points with him. but instead of getting angry, he decided to exploit the situation.


Now wanting to back down and seem weak to their rivals, each women grabbed a limb of the Chiefess. Hoisting her into the air, they began to carry her back towards her home. For an hour or so the women walked, the journey taking a little longer from the struggling and battling of the drunken Chiefess.


Reaching the home, they clumsily climbed the steps and up to the home. Reaching the top, they helped Charlie move inside the hut. Gently, they placed the Chiefess onto the bed. As Charlie lifted the covers to pull over her, a small moan and grunt came from behind him. Turning, he saw the Chiefess making a grabbing motion before him.

“Thanks,” he said, smiling to the women before climbing into the bed. Wrapping her arms around him, Charlie allowed himself to sink into her clutches. Annoyed at an opportunity gone, the women quietly left the hut, swearing at the Chiefess hogging him to herself.


Listening to them walking away, Charlie lay quietly in the arms of the Chiefess. It seemed she wasn’t going to have the night of sex she wanted, but at least she seemed happy.


“No other,” she said. Charlie turned to look at her. Eyes shut; she was fast asleep.


“No other women,” she continued, holding him tighter against her chest.


“No other women,” Charlie repeated back, placing a hand onto her head as she began to gentle nuzzle against his chest.


Before long, both fell asleep. It was a long day, but sadly it wasn’t the last.


Night past, and soon again it was day.


Nolkonoe, now taking the place of an alarm clock, came into the room to wake Charlie and the Chiefess. A smile burst onto her lips as she placed a hand over her mouth to muffle her laughter. Under the covers of the bed was a large lump of the Chiefess. Then just peaking from the top like some weird turtle shell lay Charlie.


Moving to their side, she picked up a large spear that belonged to the Chiefess. Turning it so that the spear head pointed away, she poked at one part of the lump. Again, she prodded, then again. on the firth push there was finally movement. Throwing the sheets onto the floor, a nude Etasose locked her eyes onto Nolkonoe.


“What? Can’t you see I’m busy!” the Chiefess barked. Peeking past her, Nolkonoe saw Charlie’s eyes widen. Gazing down him, she saw him to be naked. A strong scent of seamen smacked Nolkonoe’s sensitive nose.


“Oh sorry,” Nolkonoe said, realising that she had just interrupted the Chiefess having some fun time with her pet.


“I just need Charlie for some work,” Nolkonoe explained, quickly waddling out of the hut. Looking back down to Charlie’s cock, she grinned.

“Almost finished, give us five minutes and then he is yours,” Nolkonoe explained, pulling the covers over herself before lunging back down onto Charlie. Nodding, Nolkonoe pivoted and walked out the hut. Sitting on the stairs, she heard some fumbling and banging, and as promised, five minutes later a dishevelled Charlie walked outside.


“Fucking hell,” he said, his clothes looking as broken and tiered as him.


“How was it?” Nolkonoe teased as she walked over to Charlie as he struggled to do up the buttons on his cuffs. Swiping his hands away, she did up his cuffs for him.


“I want to say good. But I also feel as if I have just done several marathons,” Nolkonoe smile, turning, she began to walk.


“Come, well get something to eat, and there’s something I want to talk to you about,” Nolkonoe said. Together the two wondered off down the steps. Nolkonoe was slightly ahead of him.


“What are we going to talk about? There are still documents I need to make,” Charlie explained.


“It’s time to start negotiation with the Forgers,” Nolkonoe explained, her smile widening as she saw a bright gleam of hope in Charlie’s eyes to get his documentation plan working.



Hey! Hope you have enjoyed the story, and always feel free to comment or leave a review as it always tells me as an author if I am doing something right! Anyway, have a nice day and I hope to see you again soon!