Chapter 52: Chapter for Warrior characters (so far)

Cluupyte - Lead of the Warrior clan. Terrifying but admired, she is one of the clans loyal to the Chiefess. being a close friend/enemy with the leader of the huntress clan, like her she may be loyal, but wouldn't waist a chance to take power. When Charlie was a child, herself and the huntress leader had taken it upon themselves to be his motherly protectors. This feeling flows over into modern times as she often finds herself wishing to protect Charlie. Scale of relationship with Charlie between 1-10, would be a 8 (like the lead huntress, this is more how she sees their relation ship). 



Felkouyope - daughter of Cluupyte  and heir to the warrior clan. Like her mother she is loyal to the Chiefess, but also wouldn't waist a chance to claim Charlie as a breeding partner and bring him into her clan. Like many of the clan heirs, she knew him as a child, Scale of relationship with Charlie between 1-10, would be a 9 (like her mother, this is more how she sees their relation ship). 

Together the two form the leaders of the Warrior clan. 

Will also upload one of these for the Vultures before then returning back to the story. Also may do an info sheet on the tribes etc the number of people in the clans and how high the clans are in the tribe. Any way, hope you stick around for that!



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