Chapter 54: Chapter 50 – Coppers

“How many is that?”  Charlie said questioned, staring at the pile of coins and coin boxes.

“Fifty thousand, that’s for the Vultures,” Phukomeia answered.

“Then how much for the second load?” Charlie asked, looking to the second group.

“Fifty thousand,” Phukomeia responded, lying back onto the few pillows and furs that were supplied to them by other Vultures.

“Fucking hell, now we need to double this amount and we’ll have the right amounts of payment,” Charlie said, rubbing the centre of his head. Turning to look at him, Phukomeia crawled to his side. Wrapping her arms around him, she placed a kiss onto his cheek.

“You have worked hard today, go and sit back, have a break,” Charlie struggled from her arms.

“I can’t, I have had three breaks already, and it’s almost mid-day. I can’t let you do my work and carry my burden,” he said, allowing her to cuddle him a little more before breaking away.

“As a member of the Chiefess’s harem, I can’t allow our favourite pet/husband to be over worked,” Phukomeia said, pouncing onto his back. Licking his neck, she made him shiver before dragging him back against the wall.

“Adorable,” she muttered as she forced him against the wall.

“Now if I see you move from there, I’ll bite you,” she said, sneering her fangs at him. Smiling, she went back to working. Returning the smile, Charlie relaxed for the hopefully last time against the wall.

“Thank you,” Charlie said as he allowed Phukomeia to rub her tail against his side. Running his hands through the fur, he felt some deep sense of familiarity.

From the doorway peeked Nolkonoe, a large smile on her face as she locked eyes with Charlie. Putting down the tail that he hadn’t even realised he was playing with; he began to blush heavily.

“Having fun?” she said, walking over to her daughter. Leaning down, she placed a kiss onto her cheek before turning and walking to Charlie. Sitting by his side, Nolkonoe wrapped her tail around his waist as she threw her arms around him.

“My, my, aren’t you having fun~” Nolkonoe teased as she ran her hands down his chest.

“I guess you are here because you have gathered everyone,” Charlie said, pulling himself from her grip as he tried his best to stay calm and professional.

“Yes, as have the forgers. They also have some imperial pencils and paper, all we need now are your documents,” Nolkonoe said.

“There are one thousand in total. I spent most of yesterday and quite a bit of today writing them,” Charlie said, a bright smirk on his face as he saw the amazement of Nolkonoe.

“Really? All those by yourself?” Nolkonoe said, looking down to Charlie with a devious smile.

“I’ll need to reward you later,” she whispered, placing a kiss onto his lips.

“Well, I did give him some help!” Phukomeia said, a little annoyed Charlie was getting all the praise.

“Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten you,” Nolkonoe said, dragging Charlie to his feet as she quickly moved to the door.

“But there is work to be done!” Nolkonoe said, leading Charlie out of the room. Outside the room stood a small group of Vultures and Forgers.

“So which documents do they need?” Nolkonoe said, gesturing to the group as she stepped aside. Charlie straightened his back and smiled awkwardly at the women.

“All Vultures will need a classification document, while all Forgers will need a visual identification document,” All stared at him with highly raised eyebrows and scrunched up faces. Okay, Charlie thought, gesturing for the women to follow him inside.

Confused by half the words said to them, they followed him through the temple and towards the area where he had made and stored the documents. With a few helpful prods and pokes from Nolkonoe to push him in the right direction, he reached the room which stored his work. Entering, they were greeted first by darkness. Only the small holes of light that allowed smoke from the torches to leave the room gave even a trickle of light.

A few women wielding torches moved around the room, lighting the bowls of wood and other torches that lined the temple walls. Quickly, Charlie wondered to the table where his documents sat in their organised piles. Moving to the first, he picked up a document and gave it to Nolkonoe.

“These will be for the Vultures; each box is ladled with the information they will have to find about their chosen person. Each group will have ten of these, and also ten of these two,” Charlie said, picking up the visual conformation document for the Forgers to draw on. He also picked up a small slip which was to be given out to the native that they had just documented.

With the help of Nolkonoe, he explained the last of the document papers and how they worked. After placing the Vultures and Forgers into pairs comprising of, one Vulture and one Forger, and giving them their respected documents, they were finally ready. Setting them off, the groups quickly descended with their reluctant partners to start documenting people.

“That was easier than expected,” Charlie joked, feeling his legs begin to wobble as his body only now began to process the immense level of exhaustion he had accumulated through his intense work.

Throwing an arm around him, Nolkonoe managed to catch him before he fell onto the floor.

“Hey, you alight there?” She asked, smiling sheepishly at him as she struggled to hide her concern.

“I’m fine,” he said as he tried to get back onto his feet, only to almost topple over again.

“I think my daughter was right, you need some rest,” she said with a smile as she escorted him out of the room.

“Your not carrying me,” he said, almost reading her mind as she was just about to offer to do so.

“Why? It would get us to your home quicker,” she explained.

“I don’t need to go home, I just need something to eat,” he explained as they reached the front of the temple. Looking down the steps, he watched as the Vultures and Forgers were hard at work documenting the tribe’s people. Seeing a faint smile come across his exhausted face, Nolkonoe leapt down and swooped him up and into her arms.

You are reading story The Chieftess at

“Hey, what did I say!” Charlie tried to protest but was quickly silenced by Nolkonoe placing her index finger into his mouth.

“Suckle on this and stop complaining!” she said in a demanding yet childish tone, knowing this always used to shut him up as a child if he ever played up.

Reluctantly, he complied. Giggling, Nolkonoe notice the look of annoyance in his eyes as he realised that she was right about him needing rest.

“No one in the tribe thinks any less of you for doing things like this. They are thankful to you for helping us, and as I said before many vie for you. Not as many since the Chiefess did the mating dance. But since it was a simple version of the dance, thus, to just give the tribe a reminder that you belonged to her, there are still those who see you as potential mating material,” Nolkonoe explained as she began to descend the temple steps. Plucking her finger from his mouth, Charlie spoke.

“So, is this just one of your ways of seducing me?” he questioned, allowing himself to sink into the warmth of her arms.

“Maybe, but I wont tell,” Nolkonoe said, quickly raising him slightly and rubbing her nose against his.

“The Chiefess would be angry if we had sex, but not too angry considering Phukomeia is part of her royal harem. So, I would get a free pass,” Nolkonoe said as she stared down at Charlie, licking her lips at him. Shivering, Charlie blushed and turned away from her.

“Can I ask you something Charlie?” Nolkonoe asked as she held him closer to her chest.

“Sure, just give me some breathing room please,” he pleaded as he shoved one of her breasts from his face.

“Actually, it can wait. Lets get you some wine and food first,” Nolkonoe said as a devilish smile came across her lips.

“Oh no,” he muttered as she began to happily skip down the temple steps. No one this happy could ever have good intentions for him.

Reaching the bottom of the steps, Nolkonoe hopped through the crowd and towards the main area of the village. Peeking around her, Charlie just managed to see her tail wagging wildly from side to side. Oh fuck, she was defiantly thinking of something. Once at the centre of the village, instead of sitting down at one of the tables like he expected her to do, she turned and walked off into the village.

“Sorry, but where are we going again?” he asked, staring up at Nolkonoe as her grin grew even wider.

“To my compound of course,”

“Why there? I can just get something to eat at the village square, and it will allow me to watch the teams as they document people as well as make sure they are doing it correctly,” Charlie said, not wanting to go back to the seamen and blood-soaked area which was the Vulture compound.

“Well, I can’t spoil and pamper my little pup for his good work here~” Nolkonoe said in her motherly tone while making a pouty face.

“Alright, I see where this is going,” Charlie said, now in a flight mode as he tried to move from her arms.

“Oh, come on! I’m not going to do anything lewd to you!” Nolkonoe said, holding him tighter to stop him from running.

“Come on! This is one of the few times I can do this as the Chiefess is out hunting,” Nolkonoe wined as she arrived at the compound. Charlie had been struggling so much he had failed to notice them getting closer and closer to the area.

“Please, just this one time,” Nolkonoe said, making a pouty face as she stared down into his eyes. Sighing, and knowing he was doomed to his fate, Charlie submitted.

“Only one time,” he said, allowing her to happily hope to her compound. Charlie relaxed further as he saw a few of the teams he had created asking and colleting the info of the tribe’s people.

“What ever plan you have stirring in your mind better work,” Nolkonoe said, using one of her hands that was holding him to point to one of the Forgers. Quickly, Charlie recognised her to be the woman who was standing in for the Forger Leader.

“I have a bet with her,” she said, moving her hand back to hold him again as she began to walk into the compound.

“A bet about how weather or not what ever idea you have works,” Nolkonoe said as she walked past the gates of the compound and inside. Smiling, she walked through the compound until she reached a large hut. Feathers of bright colours adorned the walls, as well as images of nude women preforming tribal dances around men. Noticing the look of worry on his face, Nolkonoe placed a kiss onto his forehead.

“Don’t worry about that. My home used to be where men and women had orgies before the chosen man or woman was sacrificed. I brought you here because I thought there was no better place to show how much you helped us take our land back has changed our tribe. This hut is where men and women slept for the last time, now it is a home of care and relaxation for us Vultures,” Nolkonoe explained as they entered the hut.

Charlie froze as he heard the faint pounding of drums. Moving further and further into the Hut the drums increased in volume as they approached the source. arriving at the centre of the Hut, he was greeted by the lead huntress as well as lead warrior both sitting patiently on a pile of cushions with a handful of women by their sides. Entering the room with Charlie still in her arms, Nolkonoe took a seat at a pile of cushions between the two groups; next to her was her own group of Vultures.

Now sitting in a semi-circle, Charlie decided to speak.

“What’s going on?” He questioned, staring at the painted bodies and faces of the lead women.

“We wish to tell you something that we think is long overdue,” Nolkonoe said, looking to the other clan leaders for reassurance. Luckily, they nodded back to her giving their permission for her to begin her story.

“This is a story about when you first came into our tribe, and how the Chiefess and many others fell for you such a young age. We would also like to tell you about how we almost got you killed,” Nolkonoe said, begging her brutal account of his childhood with them.




Haven't done a grammar check, yet. Currently I am