Water splashed over Charlie’s legs as Ourupadia began to massage his thighs with her soft hands. She had been doing this for about ten minutes now. She hadn’t even done his hair or calves yet, but she seemed to like his thighs a little too much. Grinning, she noticed the dazed and blissful look on his face as he leant against her chest.
“Like puppy,” she said in broken English that was most likely taught to her by Nolkonoe. Afterall, Nolkonoe seemed to be the default language teacher of the tribe.
Seemingly happy with the work on his legs, she began to wash his side. Another ten or so minutes past, maybe a little longer as she would accidently prod or poke him, causing him to jump. This caused her in turn to lose track of where she was and have to start again on the area, she roughly believed she had last been on.
As she continued to wash up his sides, to his shoulders, then along his arms, Charlie simply sat in quite compliance as he watched the rest of the group frolic in the water. Some had found large pieces of wood, smoothed them down carefully with their knife, and now used them as sun beds as they drifted on the water.
Some girls play fought as they tried to take over some of these floating castles, making Charlie sigh with a mixture of annoyance and amazement at how quickly they forgot their troubles. In all honesty, he envied them. There was not telling what he would give to be able to forget the troubles and ever-increasing amounts of responsibilities that plagued him.
A bite and nibble on the neck from Ourupadia was enough to snap him out of his spiralling state of pessimism. That was one thing about her he liked the most, her ability to be able to pick up on the slightest changes in his emotion. Chuckling to himself, he felt ashamed to think for a second that she was like a therapy dog to him, always showing up when he felt overwhelmed to help relax him.
Her tail glided across the water in front of him. As she began to scrub his back, he chose to try and repay the favour. Gently, he took her tail and began to run her fingers through the fur. Ourupadia jumped a little at his touch, but quickly relaxed and allowed him to continue. Smiling, she rubbed his back for a while longer, before again returning to scrubbing his shoulders, then down to his back, then above again to the shoulders.
She was buying time, and he knew it. Both knew he wasn’t doing a good job at cleaning her tail, but neither wanted to admit it as Ourupadia knew this was going to be one of the few times he could do this without the Chiefess trying to skin them both alive. An hour or so past, before Ourupadia decided to move from cleaning his back and legs towards moving to his hair.
Happily, she scrubbed his hair with the lukewarm water. Seeing it was getting dark, she knew the water would begin to cool, so armed with this knowledge she began to move onto cleaning his front. Grabbing his arms, she lifted and turned him so that he faced her chest. Blushing, he tired to stare down, only to remember she was fully nude. Looking to his side, he could still see the corner of her breast poking into his vison.
Laughing, she patted his head with her hand before beginning to rub his chest with the water. Noticing his still present blush, Ourupadia decided to take advantage of the situation. Placing his head against her chest, she continued to clean his front while he rested against her. It was an awkward position, that if left for too long would probably hurt Charlie’s neck, but it was still a comforting position.
Finally, she cleaned his chest. Sitting him back, she stared down to his genitals.
“No, don’t even think about it,” Charlie said sternly as he turned from her and stumbled into the water. Laughing, she watched as he struggled to move through the water. Gliding to his side, she lifted him and helped him over to a shallower part of the lake.
From what Nolkonoe had told her, he could swim, but from the looks of it he couldn’t swim in deep water. Grinning ear to ear, Ourupadia helped him into a secluded part of the lake, a little further from the women, but in sigh to make sure he was alright. Moving back, she moved around until she found a large wooden log. Placing it into the water, she moved it until it sat not to far from Charlie.
She placed it in such a way that he could bathe easily without the fear of other women seeing his privates. Not knowing her language, he nodded to her and muttered a thanks. Seemingly understanding this, Ourupadia muttered a few words back before disappearing onto land. Quickly she returned. A plie of furs in her arms which she had retrieved from the Desert Claimer.
Placing the furs onto the shore, she took one of the smaller furs before entering the water. Holding the fur above her head, she carried it towards the log. Placing the log onto the fur, she began to lean onto it. Smiling, she stared at Charlie as he bathed himself. Noticing her stare, he glared before finally giving in, deciding that this was no different from the Chiefess seeing him nude.
“He’s cute, isn’t he?” the voice of Cluupyte said in their native tongue.
“I know. But we shouldn’t say a word of this to the Chiefess,” Ourupadia joked back in their native tongue. For a moment they watched in silence, Ourupadia moving over so that Cluupyte could lean on the fur as well. Together they watched as Charlie cleaned himself, trying to replicate the skills that Ourupadia had used.
“You wouldn’t believe he was eighteen. He acts like a newly born pup,” Ourupadia said with a smile as she stared on with amusement.
“I know, I think it is why Nolkonoe and I care for him so much,” Cluupyte said, grinning down at him as he tried to steady himself in the sand. Narrowing her eyes, Ourupadia stared intensely at Charlie.
“Do you think he loves her?” Qurupadia said, her ears dimming to the side as her tail lay lazily in the water.
“Well, I think he loves Nolkonoe in the sense of a mother, and I think he looks at me as more of an aunt,”
“No, I mean the Chiefess,” Cluupyte stared and Ourupadia as she spoke.
“I… That’s dangerous to say girl,” Cluupyte said, not wanting to ask that question herself in fear of her words being seen as treason.
“My care is for him before what she thinks of me,” Ourupadia said, her eyes not once lifting from Charlie. Does he care for the Chiefess? What stupid question. Or at least that’s what Cluupyte wanted to think. But as she stared longer at Charlie, the more she began to wonder what went through his mind. Nolkonoe said that he wasn’t angry at them, but she never said whether he was happy.
“I…don’t know,” Cluupyte responded, before turning and swimming away to avoid any further conversation on the delicate subject. The Chiefess loved him, there was no doubt in that, but the question of if he loved her wasn’t anywhere as clear.
Glancing over her shoulder, Cluupyte stared at Ourupadia. A wide grin sat on her face as she stared at Charlie. Gleams of lust sat in her eyes, and the direction of that lust was fixed onto him. Idiot, if her mother wasn’t such an infamous woman, then she would have probably been killed by the Chiefess. But if she was to make a move on Charlie, she had no clue whether or not she could be spared.
Finally, Charlie felt as if he was cleaned, or at least cleaned the best he could in a lake. Ourupadia seemed to have noticed this as she swam behind him. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she lifted him up and carried him towards the edge of the water. Staring up at her, he blushed and tried to hide his privates as they pressed against her body.
Lifting his head, she placed a soft kiss onto his forehead. Reaching the side, she placed him down onto the furs. Smiling, she placed another kiss onto his cheek as she wrapped him in furs. Like a mother holding a child, she stared down at him, cradling him against her chest. Her eyes narrowed as she leaned down closer. Placing a soft kiss onto his lips, she grinned at him.
“I love you,” she muttered in her thick native accent. Nolkonoe had taught her these words. She knew from her these words were a way of showing affection to the humans.
“Th… thank you,” Charlie said, not sure what to say to the grinning woman as she placed another kiss onto his lips.
“Chiefess no protect, so I protect,” Her words meant little sense to him, yet they still felt somewhat comforting to him. Grinning, Ourupadia placed another kiss onto him before burying her face into his neck.
You are reading story The Chieftess at novel35.com
Sitting him down, she made sure one fur was under him, while another fur was wrapped over his shoulders. Once his body was covered, she placed another kiss onto him before walking away. Quietly, Charlie watched as she walked away, a spring in her step as she walked. For a moment Charlie only stared as he sat in the comfort of the furs.
Before long, she had disappeared into the forest, most likely going to get something from the Desert Claimer. Alone, Charlie simply stared into the water. He was just out of sight of the rest of the group, yet still… Glancing up to the trees, he simply stared. Sighing, he relaxed, knowing he was probably just being stupid and over thinking the situation.
It also wasn’t stupid to think that some of the huntresses or warriors had come to spy on him. Shaking his head, he decided to simply stare down into the water from his seat on the edge.
The twanging of string hung in his ears. Looking down into the water, he saw the clear blue beginning to be clouded by a thick, red substance. Through a hole in the swirling liquid, his eyes landed on a crudely made arrow. Another twang sounded, as Charlie dove to his side. Grabbing his cheek, he looked down to his blood covered hand. Staring at the treetops, he gazed into the beady orange eyes of a creature.
“H” was as far as he got in his scream as a had grasped around his neck, dragging him into the water. Flashing around, he placed his foot onto the head of the creature. Kicking as hard as he could, he sent the creature flying back through the water.
Emerging to the surface, he began to scan his surroundings. Short, about four-foot tall, beige coloured creatures stood around the shore. In quick counting he estimated there to be about twelve, and God knows how many more in the trees. Before he could watch for any longer, the water burst as his attacker emerged to the surface.
Turning, its monstrous eyes locked onto him. With a deep, guttural growl, it leapt at him. In its hands it held a knife, or well, more of just a sharp stone with a piece of cloth tied around its base. As it leapt through the air, Charlie raised his hands. Grabbing the leg of the creature with one hand, he placed the other firmly around the creature’s neck.
Flipping it over his head, he crashed it into the water. For a moment the creature relinquished its grip on the knife. Seeing this, Charlie dove, just for a volley of arrows to cut through the water, preventing him from going forward. Standing, he stared around him as the creatures began to approach.
Growling and sneering, two charged. Lifting his foot, Charlie kicked the first, but the second managed to cut his leg with its knife. Turning, he punched the creature, just for it to wrap its legs around his arm and try to crawl itself towards his face. Before he could do another attack, one of the creatures latched itself to his other arm, while another took his leg.