“So, is she going to kill me or what?” Charlie said, his arms bound behind his back, his legs bound as well, and his body was slung over the lap of Nolkonoe.
“No, but she may break your legs to keep you in bed for a few months,” Nolkonoe said, prodding the backs of his legs.
“We were planning on coming back either today or tomorrow, so why send out such a big escort to collect us?” Charlie said as he glanced behind to see the other two Desert Claimer which carried the two-hundred-woman strong escort.
“The escort wasn’t for them; it was to come and collect you. Goblins never come out this far into the desert, in fact they hate the desert. They live high into the mountains that separate us and the fourth region. Seeing them this far out of their homeland is… worrying to say the least,” Nolkonoe said, a frown on her face, and the curled tip of her tail told him her worry.
In silence they rode, neither wanting to worry the other about the events to come. Whether those events were to be with the Goblins, the Region Lord, or the Chiefess. Yet despite neither speaking in an attempt to calm themselves, their thoughts of dire possibilities began to swell in their minds. The Chiefess was the first hurdle. Taking in a deep breath, Charlie looked to Nolkonoe.
“I have faith in you, so please, follow my plan,” Charlie said, staring up to Nolkonoe.
“I know, but please be careful. She is in a bad mood and one miss step may lead to a missing leg. In both the literal and metaphorical sense,” Nolkonoe said, her usual motherly tone gone as she simply stared ahead.
A feeling of dread hung over the groups as they rode. Glancing behind himself, Charlie looked to the other warriors as they sat with Cluupyte. She wasn’t bound, but her look of worry was easy to pick up on. For a few hours they moved through the sands in silence. It wasn’t long before they entered the canyon range, then they began to see the first sights of the village.
Warriors, huntresses, Vultures and Forgers all lined the entrance to the village. Each woman was armed with tall war spears, whose tops were decorated with feathers. Upon seeing the Desert Claimers approached, unseen drummers began to beat out heart shaking rhythms on their drums. Monotonous chants came from the fierce eyed crowed as their convoy came to a stop.
A few women carrying two large poles and some rope came forward. Pycleia dragged Cluupyte from the Desert Claimer, while Nolkonoe did the same for Charlie. With the two captives, they approached the women.
“Sorry about this, but the Chiefess has been every exact about what she wants,” Nolkonoe said as she grabbed the back of his shirt. Ripping away his shirt, she left him in only rags. Dropping down, she removed his trousers and pants just as quickly. Terrified, he looked up to Nolkonoe for support, but her eyes showed no remorse as she threw him to the ground.
Quickly, the women bound him to the pole using the rope. Seeing no comfort from Nolkonoe, he looked to see Cluupyte. His fears were only confirmed as he saw her being striped nude and as well bound to the pole.
“Un hand me!” Cluupyte barked as they attempted to bind her to the pole.
“Calm, this is the Chiefess’s orders,” Pycleia said as she placed a foot onto the neck of Cluupyte.
“But I will come willingly!”
“Yes, but the Chiefess wishes to use you as an example of why you should always place the care of her precious husband above all,” Pycleia said almost smugly as she watched Cluupyte get bound to the pole.
Not understanding fully, the situation, but most currently understanding the anger on the face of Cluupyte, he knew they were in trouble. The women who had originally brought over the pole, lifted both ends of the poles and placed them into their shoulders. Smiling, they began to carry the two bound captives through the lines of warriors who cheered and chanted them on.
“Nolkonoe,” Cluupyte whispered. Nolkonoe was walking alongside her, so she continued to walk, but did look across to her friend in a show of acknowledgement.
“There are a few things we must talk about once this is all said and done. Do you remember that day? Thirty years ago, when we met his farther,” Without her needing to talk further, Nolkonoe’s eyes widened as she realised what she was going to talk about next.
“Your right, and I think I know what you are going to say,” Nolkonoe said, her voice trembling sightly as she remembered the field. The field of bodies, countess in number, that she had seen when she had stared into the eyes of Charlie’s farther.
“We’ll talk of this later, but for now…” Nolkonoe looked forward. A gigantic throne had been created using the bones of the Goblin lord, as well as the bones of the blood aged goblins.
Upon this gruesome throne sat the Chiefess. Her legs crossed, she stared down into the fire pit before her. A nude goblin roasted over the flames. Glancing up from the roasting corpse, she noticed the arrival of Charlie and the others. Lifting a hand, she signalled for the two to be brought before her.
Cut from their bonds, the two fell onto the hard ground with a thud. Instinctively tried to stand, just for a foot to be slammed onto their backs, forcing them down. Staring upwards, they watched as the Chiefess signalled a woman to stop rotating the meat over the fire. Taking her white stone knife, she began to sit up and stare down at the corpse.
Locking eyes with Cluupyte, she stabbed her knife into the thigh of the goblin. Cutting of a piece of flesh, she began to eat. It only took a few moments for her to devour the flesh, but it seemed like an eternity as Cluupyte couldn’t help but wonder if this was the Chiefess’s way of saying that she would try to eat her if she ever aloud Charlie to be harmed again.
Once the flesh was consumed, the Chiefess turned her glare to Charlie. Seeing him in such a defenceless state softened her steal sight, but not enough to make her give him mercy. Taking her knife, she placed it against the penis of the goblin. Throwing his gaze downwards, Charlie tried to avoid having to watch the Chiefess mutilate the goblin body.
The sharp tip of a spear was placed under his chin, forcing his head up. Now with no other option than to watch, he stayed silent as she cut off the member and began to devour it. Like Cluupyte before him, he couldn’t help but feel as this motion was warning to him. After devouring the goblin cock, she licked the juice from her lips before finally speaking.
Even without knowing her words, he could tell harshness of them as he watched Cluupyte wince and physically shrink slightly.
“As punishment for allowing her husband to come to harm, Cluupyte will have to offer ten of her warriors to the Chiefess’s clan to become Charlie’s personal guards for when the Chiefess can’t be by his side,” Ases translated. She stood just behind Charlie, her spear being the one that was poised at his neck.
Looking back to the Chiefess, Charlie’s eyes locked with hers. An overwhelming sense of dread began to overtake him. His eyes widened, sweat began to drip down the side of his face, his breaths began to become faster and faster. His eyes darted around for support, but every time he looked away, Ases would kick his side and force his stare back onto the Chiefess.
Gulping, Charlie looked to his side. Nolkonoe was gone. Rapidly, his gaze bounced around until it eventually fell onto her. Swiftly she walked to the side of the Chiefess. For a moment she looked back. Meeting the eyes of Charlie, she gave him a nod of comfort as she reached the side of the Chiefess. Having noticed where Charlie’s sight had been locked, the Chiefess was able to figure out he had most likely sent this strange bag to her.
A couple words were exchanged between Nolkonoe and the Chiefess. A sense of dread seemed to be lifted from the shoulders of Charlie as the queen reached into the bag. A smile flooded over her face as her tail began to violently wag, almost breaking her throne with the speed at which it was going. Taking the knife from the bag, she cradled it in her hands.
You are reading story The Chieftess at novel35.com
Smiling slightly, but not allowing his optimism to get the better of him, he watched as she noticed the inscription on the knife. He remembered well how Cluupyte told him about how the spelling of Chiefess in their tribe was different to Chieftainess or Chieftess as it originated from the Amazons. A Chieftainess was a barbarian queen, while a Chieftess was a queen of the southern realm.
A little difference, but it seemed to make the world to Etasose as she examined the blade. Along one side her name was written, Etasose, the other side held her title, Chiefess. For a moment her face turned beat red. What was this? Was it for her? Was it a gift? Did he make it? Lifting the knife to her nose, she sniffed. His scent was absolutely present.
Looking down to Charlie, she tried her best to keep a stoic face, but her tail gave away her excitement. Nolkonoe had done well, now for his part of the plan. Getting onto his knees, he bowed his head to her.
“It’s a gift your greatness, consider it a token of my thanks for how amazing you have been to me,” Charlie said, and Nolkonoe quickly translated. Within a heartbeat, the Chiefess was by his side. Hands on her hips, she glared down at him.
Shivers ran down his spine as she used her tail to throw him into the air. Catching him in her arms, she threw him over her shoulder. Proudly, the Chiefess spoke as she began to walk off with Charlie over her shoulder. Swiftly she disappeared into the village, her mind set on one thing…
Cluupyte collapsed to the ground, alongside several others as the wight of the Chiefess’s anger was lifted from them.
“Should we tell him?” Ases said, panting for breath as she only just managed to stay on her legs.
“Well, it’s a bit too late,” Pycleia commented as they watched the Chiefess begin to run towards her home, a petrified Charlie hanging onto her for dear life.
Up the stairs of the pyramid, over the stone alter, the Chiefess quickly reached her hut. Opening the hut door, she startled the four women already inside. Phukomeia, Klipesia, Felkouyope, and Xasuyle all jumped as their Chiefess entered. They sat nude on the bed, ready for when she was to return with Charlie so that she could pamper him after his punishment.
Staring at the boy she had slung over her shoulder; they couldn’t help but notice the lack of injury.
“Maybe she went easy on him?” Xasuyle said as the Chiefess began to approach them.
“Never,” Felkouyope answered as the Chiefess threw Charlie onto the bed.
“Want to make a bet?” Klipesia said with a grin.
“For what?” Xasuyle asked.
“Well lets bet on how many broken bones he will have by the end, the winner/closest choice gets dibs on what ever cool stuff we find when we raid the Region Lords home,” the girls laughed, but they quickly silenced as the Chiefess leapt onto Charlie. Throwing his limbs out to the side, she ordered for the women to lie on them.
Staring up, Charlie watched the twin tails of the women wag side to side excitedly as they each took a limb. For a moment Charlie was transfixed on the two tails that each woman had, but he was harshly brought back to reality as the Chiefess bit him. Looking back to the Chiefess, he saw her puffed out cheeks. He ears stood tall as she again bit his neck.
Now having his attention, she quickly removed her clothes before pouncing back down onto Charlie. Placing a hand around his neck, she brought him closer to her face. Taking in a deep breath, she said the few human words she knew.
“I love you,” she muttered, placing a kiss onto his lips.
“I love you more than… anything,” she said, obviously proud of her newly found, but still limited, English skills. Maybe it was because of what Cluupyte had said about whether or not he loved the Chiefess, or maybe it was just her beauty or maybe it was just the situation, but still the same the words seemed to roll of his tongue.
“I love you,” he muttered as she stared deeper into his eyes. Allowing her hand to slip from his neck, she stared into his eyes. His words were honest, and she could tell.