The tears stopped after a while. Ianna's gasps for breath stilled, and her body relaxed. She laid still for a long time. She wasn’t sure if she spent hours or days in the stillness of the tomb. Hunger was the only feeling she had- her emotions spent on the trauma of death and sudden rebirth. She had felt everything- even as quick as it had been. The searing cold that bit through her flesh and bone. The way her skin rotted away, sloughing off beneath the flash of pale light.
She shuddered while chewing on a piece of one of the ration bars, and took a sip of water. She’d broken the small chunk off to conserve as much as she could. She wasn’t sure how long it would be before she could get out, or even sit up. Wasting a full bar on a single day was foolish. She already lost water from crying so hard.
That thought brought a question to her mind. She had been here all this time and as of yet, the so-called Tomb Guardian had yet to show itself. She hadn’t exactly been quiet as she cried, so there was no doubt she would have been heard. Then where was it? Her thoughts turned to the outside- past the safe walls of the sarcophagus. Her mind recoiled, terror gripping her as the thought of dying began to push down on her heart. She imagined another death just as horrible as the last; another moment of blinding pain.
“You’re going to die a worse death if you don’t move,” She chided herself. Her eyes hardened on the reflection that stared back at her through the polished interior of the sarcophagus. “Hell, I don’t even know if starving to death would be the end,” She admitted grimly, looking at her hands.
She knew she had died. She felt it. But here she was, alive, breathing. It was incredible, to say the least, but it raised so many questions. If magic was truly, really, absolutely real, then how did it work? What was it doing to her when she died? Was this, whatever it was, unique? Or were there other people like her out there somewhere?
Even as the questions reverberated through her mind; she pulled herself slowly to a sitting position, her eyes searching the floor for any sign of her attacker.
She didn’t have to look long.
At the very center of the room, about twenty yards away, a solitary figure stood. Its body appeared to be made of some kind of metal, tarnished and worn from an untold amount of time spent in this tomb. It sat in silence, staring at the ground, as she tried to make out its’ appearance. Its’ legs were all but gone. Its’ knees and ankles were completely rusted over with coppery residue. Its right arm hung limp, and its' left barely held it up as it sat.
“That’s what killed me? It’s a piece of junk!” She ground out, “What happened? How’d it even get me?”
Again, her question was answered with a prompt.
Combat Log:
[Guardian of the Golden Tomb] - [Heroic] - Casts [Aurora of the Pale Dawn] on you.
[Death Magic Resistance] Reduces the effectiveness of [Aurora of the Pale Dawn]
You are reading story The Mother of Monsters at
You have died.