The three men wore shawls around their shoulders reaching down to their mid arms, each of them bearing a different color pattern from the other. They looked a bit like tartans from what Teyva could see and it looked like there were a few colors in common among them, blues mostly. Teyva narrowed her eyes at the weapons and then glanced up at their faces. They were all at least middle-aged, bearded, and clearly terrified. Their hands trembled beneath the proffered weapons while their eyes were wide and a bit frantic.
On Teyva’s right, Azrael lowered her hand to her weapon, resting her palm on the hilt. She let out a low growl of open hostility. Behind her, The Marble made his own sound of irritation which came out like a mixture between a gurgle and a moan. Teyva, for her part, raised her hands and offered her widest smile. A smile that had the exact opposite effect of her intent. The three men winced at the sight of her, one of them raising his weapon a bit higher and taking more direct aim at her. She frowned and used her journal to have a quick look.
[David Calban] - [Human] - Uneasy - Level 3
HP: 82% MP: 100% SP: 40%
[Rikard Morse] - [Human] - Uneasy - Level 3
HP: 91% MP: 100% SP: 56%
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