Golden dust filled the tent, creating a thick cloud that obscured Teyva’s vision. She covered her eyes instinctively and tried to roll onto her chest only for her aching ribs to prevent that. She felt a tingle against her skin, then a sudden heat wash over her entire body as the golden dust pressed into her, suffusing her body. She coughed, breathing in the dust, feeling it enter her nostrils, slip past her fingers into her eyes, dust her hair and even coat her teeth. The metallic tang of blood caught in her mouth and she gasped, drawing even more of the dust. Then the pain began, a full-body ache that burned through her muscles her bones and her brain. She groaned, thrashing as she tried to find a comfortable position to ride it out. “Every single time,” She rumbled, squeezing her eyes tightly shut.
When the pain finally passed she was left panting on the ground, sweat sticking to her skin. She grumbled and sat up only to realize that it didn’t hurt. She looked down at herself and her jaw fell open. Her glowing skin had a faint sparkle to it, it looked like stars were running across her body when she moved. She felt strong, very strong, and her muscle structure had changed to match. She was toned, her arms more defined and powerful. They weren’t big by any means and she was a little disappointed by that but she also hadn’t wanted to turn into some hulking behemoth either. A prompt appeared to distract her from the aesthetic changes.
You have awakened an Aspect: [Titan]
Your attributes have already awakened, choose an attribute as your focus for this Aspect.
Your body has been infused with the indomitable power of a Titan, you gain the following ability:
Titan Blooded [Titan]
No Rank
Passive Enhancement
Your base Physique and Endurance have been increased by 25 points.
“Doubled?” She blurted out, blinking several times to make sure she wasn’t seeing things. “My Physique and Endurance doubled?”
She looked down at herself and clenched her fists, feeling the surge of strength rushing through her. She took a deep breath and savored the feeling of power. It was absolutely intoxicating. She wondered for a moment how strong she was compared to others now, how it would feel to use her maximum strength. She felt a rush of thoughts go through her head, options, possibilities, and immediately realized what was happening. She bit her lip and forced the thoughts back letting the heady drunkenness subside until she had caught her breath. The stone’s influence was just as strong as the Labyrinthian stone but this one was far more appealing and intoxicating.
“Dangerous,” She murmured, opening and closing her hand. She turned to look for Queenie who had scampered away when the stone exploded only to find the little creature had immediately rushed to Teyva’s hand, examining it with big eyes. She smiled and tapped it on the head, “That was scary, huh? Next part is a lot less showy, I promise,” she said and turned back to the prompt. She needed to choose an attribute to awaken with the Aspect. She picked Endurance this time and took a deep breath as vigor flowed through her. “Damn, that feels good.”
She turned her focus back on upkeep, she had four shards to use now. She pulled them from her inventory and set them in a neat row in front of her. As she recalled there were two more Tier 1 abilities remaining she could select. [Dawnstrike] and [Mind Trap] those would be the first she’d take.
[Pale Dawn]
Improves Chilling Touch
Adds to [Chilling Touch]:
Expend 27 additional MP to release a shock of 51-71 cold and necrotic damage, immediately inflicting [Chilling Weakness] and a chance for causing a 3-second stun.
Mind Trap
Crowd Control (Single Target) |24MP
You designate a single target and attempt to entrap their mind in a mental labyrinth for 10 seconds, stunning them.
With her full kit of Tier 1 abilities selected she could finally get down to exploring Tier 2. She could have dipped in a little earlier but she had wanted to set a foundation for herself to work off of. More importantly, she wanted to unlock all of the Tier 2 abilities ahead of time to give herself more options when the time came. Unfortunately, she couldn’t select from Labyrinthian or Pale Dawn now so she pulled up the other two, starting with Titan. Unlike the other Aspect Stones this one only had one tree to select from. It wasn’t a bad thing though, the options were pretty good.
Summon Behemoth
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Summoning | 157MP
You summon a tremendous behemoth to fight on your behalf. The creature obeys your commands and will fight relentlessly until it dies or is dismissed. The Behemoth possesses its own suite of combat abilities and has a notably high amount of health and defensive power. The Behemoth has a weakness to magic. Only one Behemoth may exist at any one time.
Titan Blooded II
No Rank
Improves Titan Blooded
Your Physique and Endurance increase by another 10 points.
“Wow,” Teyva murmured. Another boost to her base stats or her own personal tank to soak damage for her. It seemed like a pretty tough call at first. That was until she considered how much Azrael had been dealing with as the de facto party tank. It would be good to give Azrael a break and let someone else deal with it instead. The Marble could soak damage too but he was more a personal guardian rather than a full Tank. Regardless, she could resummon a Behemoth, she couldn’t bring Azrael back from the dead. She frowned at the thought and shook it off, the idea of losing her friend sending a pang through her. She selected [Summon Behemoth] and the shard dissolved like the other two.
“That leaves Facsimile,” She said, reaching up and stroking Queenie who had returned to her shoulder. There were four options to choose from this time.
Improves Summons
Your summons now are able to utilize variations of your Aspect Abilities. This ability manifests differently for each Summon.
Create Manikin
Summon | 150MP
Using nearby material, create a medium-sized humanoid creature capable of taking on various appearances as if it has access to [Alter Self] as the ability. It is incapable of natural speech. This creature is capable of wielding weapons but otherwise possesses no attacks of its own. Manikins created with this spell have 56 HP. Once created, the creature exists until destroyed. The creature is loyal to you upon summoning. This ability’s power is based on your influence.
Improves Transformations
Utility abilities that alter your physiology or otherwise change your body in some way cost 50% less mana to cast while standing still.
Utility / Self Healing | 10MP
You may consume the corpses of the dead to restore a portion of your own health based on the relative strength of the deceased.
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