Chapter 25: Chapter 21 – A Deal With The Devil

An hour later, Alice was finished acclimating herself with her new abilities gained from the nanites.

The abilities gained were just minor hacking of electronic components and energy conversion within the body. This may not seem significant now, but this could prove detrimental if used in the right situations.

If given enough time and enough proximity, almost anything could be hacked. Moreso now that the nanites were now learning the primitive programming languages of this time period.

After a brief scan of herself using the nanites, Alice had gotten the basic knowledge of her abilities and how to use them. She noticed her abilities evolved more inclined to precision, speed, and flexible movement, while Zeel's evolved more towards strength and speed.

This confirmed Zeel's conjecture - the body would adapt with the aid of the T-virus in whichever direction was most suitable to the host.

The group consisting of Jill, Peyton, Zeel, Alice, and Terri then left the church and were trotting near a graveyard of sorts, Alice chose this route since it seemed the least zombie infested place.

These guys were already dead, so they couldn't be considered undead.

At the moment, Alice's and Zeel's nanites were currently running deep scans of their bodies. Alice's nanites were entering a deeper stage of integration. Unlike Zeel, who had a Homo-Superior physique which was suited to nanite integration.

Alice's body did not function like Zeel's, but the T-virus compatibility with her body made the process less troublesome.

Jill would try to butt into Alice's and Zeel's conversation every now and then, but they were too absorbed to mind her mild interruptions. Zeel was tempted to allow the nanites to alter the T-virus and change its structure.

They could get all the benefits without the aggressiveness and other setbacks present within the genome chain, but doing so without an in-depth understanding of the T-virus' structure would be akin to suicide.

Zeel needed to find someone who had intimate knowledge of the T-virus.

All of a sudden, Alice stopped and pointed a gun at Peyton, Zeel was confused at first but then detected the abnormality. Zeel also pointed a gun at Payton, then shifted his aim to Jill, who immediately took out her gun and pointed it at Alice.

Zeel was going to kill both Peyton and Jill in a split second but hesitated when he felt a certain intuitive emotional thug from Alice's subconscious.

It was his first time experiencing an emotion that was not his own. It was broadcasted subconsciously by Alice using their psychic and nanites connection.

Terri was confused about the entire situation as everything happened in the blink of an eye.

'Maybe Zeel and Alice brought them to the graveyard to die in the first place?' Terri thought.

A story immediately began to take form in Terri's mind. She was a journalist after all.

Still, Zeel considered killing Jill and her friends right there and then, but Alice signaled him to wait, almost as if she could tell what he was thinking, but that should be impossible.

Unknown to Zeel, the nanites in Alice allowed her to read him easier as she would get vague impressions of his intentions, something she used to her advantage and also aided in her understanding of him.

Alice was slightly frustrated at the paranoid feeling she was picking up from Zeel.

However, considering what Zeel had done to Rain, Alice was more than prepared to fight it out with him. Even if it meant her death since she could not compete with him at half-strength, much less his full-strength.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jill shouted in a voice that demonstrated her anger at the current situation.

"He's wounded," Alice said "And the infection's spreading,"

Alice could literally feel the virus spreading inside Peyton's body at the moment.

"I'm fine," Peyton replied.

"You should take care of him now. It'll be more difficult later. You know that," Alice turned towards Jill as she said this, hoping that Jill would see the potential risk her friend posed to the already delicate situation.

"No. If it comes to that...I'll take care of it myself," Jill said with resolution in her eyes.

"As you wish," Alice replied, walking over to Zeel and patting him on the back.

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Alice didn't even realize this subconscious action, but she knew it needed to be done.

"It's nothing personal. But in an hour, maybe'll be dead," Alice said to Peyton one last time before attempting to walk off.

"Maybe not," Zeel commented as he removed an antivirus kit from his back "How long ago were you bitten?"

Zeel asked but the entire time he was staring at Jill strangely. It was as if something about Jill was calling out to him.

Alice paused and looked back at Zeel with disgust.

"It doesn't matter if you don't do it out of kindness Zeel," she said.

Then Alice turned and said to Peyton "If you kill yourself now you can die with honor, but if you take the antivirus from him, you'll regret it for the rest of your short life,"

Alice didn't know how, she didn't know why, but she knew that Zeel wasn't an innately good person.

Peyton looked down at the grown for a while before choosing to answer Zeel's question.

"An hour maybe two?" he replied.

"Well, today is your lucky day. Here. The Anti-virus," Zeel said as he handed Peyton an injection with bright greenish liquid swirling inside.

"Wait! This thing has a cure?" Jill called out, not expecting that the virus that caused so much heartache had a remedy.

"Anti-virus is not a cure, it is only applicable 3 hours or less after a bite depending on the severity," Zeel replied.

"The one from the mansion?" Alice inquired with a questioning gaze.

"Yeah. Stashed it before we were taken a while back. That reminds me, I got a female version of this suit, got a lot of perks alongside being bulletproof. Knowing you, you'll probably lose it after one day," Zeel said with a smirk much to Alice's annoyance since he was right.

Alice had truly fallen in love with the fabric ever since Zeel lent her his band which could regulate temperature – never too hot and never too cold

Alice then watched as Zeel administered the anti-virus to Peyton, aware of his negative intentions towards Jill since the experiments they did on Zeel heightened his libido by a couple of times over.

"I'm stopping you if you go too far," Alice said in a threatening manner since she could do nothing else, everyone here was an adult and could make their own decisions.

Alice's side-effects, unlike Zeel, only caused a slight breast enlargement. The libido probably seemed to only occur in males.

Alice and Zeel were not yet close enough to be that intimate, so Alice allowed Jill to make her own decisions.

Zeel looked surprised at first before smiling.

"Going after you would be a self-destructive move, not because you wouldn't let me since you probably wouldn't, but because of both our unique physiology.

Sex would probably be unsafe given my instability with the T-virus at the moment," he said.

Alice nodded to Zeel's conjecture as even though she felt drawn to him at this moment, she also could tell if they had excessive skin contact, she would no doubt attempt to put down the horny dog.

"Ahhhh help!" The group's attention was drawn away at Terri's plead for help.

Zeel noticed the graves started to rise. Wasting no time, Zeel and Alice proceed to put the dead back in their graves, but as the dead continually increase in numbers.

They became too many, so the group had to forego the hunting and do the escaping along with track-star level sprints across the graveyard.