Chapter 87: Chapter 78 – One More Day To Say Goodbye

A couple of minutes later, John and Zeel arrive at the mansion, only to see everyone else packing their things in a hurry.

Zeel was confused at their need to pack since he could just wave his hand and everything would organize itself.

"We're leaving. The sheriff came in asking too many questions. The kids we killed last night have also become a problem.

We can manipulate the media to spin the story in our favor but the more we stay here the more questions are gonna be asked.

This could leave us at a disadvantage," Alice told John and Zeel, as she used her telekinesis to rip out the tech that had been embedded in the walls.

Zeel applauded Alice's cautiousness because their only enemies were not the Mogadorians. Ever since their rise to fame, a lot of world powers had investigated their projects.

Of course, they could not find anything but all it takes was one incompetent leader to decide Zeel and Alice was worth starting a war over.

"Yeah, you guys have a lot of connections but you can only suppress and not eliminate the rumors.

It only takes one person to ask the right questions and we'll be exposed," Henri commented not sparing either of them a glance, he already used to running so this wasn't a big deal for him.

"Lexa, I found this rock at Sam's house. I believe it's a kind of Loric locator for the other numbers," Zeel said as he passed the rock over "Maybe there could be something else we missed. It wouldn't be smart to leave yet,"

"Really? I ransacked his house a week ago and only found a case under the fountain that might be useful to us, I don't know how I missed this little beauty," Lexa replied a bit upset by her own carelessness.

"Lemme see it," Henri said as he examined the rock, after which he said "I found a similar half when we first came to Paradise Hills,"

"Where is it?" Alice asked relieved that after all these months they were finally going to make some progress.

"I gave it to John," Henri replied stuttering slightly since John was not the best person to give things to right now.

"I gave it to Sarah, you didn't say it was important," John replied, earning him a slap on the back of his head courtesy of Zeel.

"Fuck!" Lexa cursed at John's stupidity.

If the rock was directly related to their survival, Lexa hoped that John would die first.

"Well pack up, we'll fly over to recover the rock after everyone is ready," Zeel commanded since it was an easy fix for an easy problem.

"I'm not going!" John said finally throwing the teenage tantrum that was expected of someone his age "This isn't my fight it never was,"

"Do you have any idea how many people died so you nine could live? I lost my family, my wife, my life, all for my duty as your Cêpan.

I didn't sacrifice all of that so you could come here to get some puppy love like a real live boy!" Henry yelled.

He was quickly comforted by Lexa, who held his hand and began rubbing her fingers through his hair.

"I don't care I'm not goi-"


Before anyone could process what was happening, Alice had slammed John against the wall with such a force that the reinforced wall was dented fairly deeply.

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"I don't think you understand; you don't have a choice. Well, you do have one – I can kill you and forcefully transfer your power to Henri then he'll become number four.

I discovered that everyone could do this action if they took the life of the person the power belongs to. So what would it be?" Zeel asked clearly intent on doing what he threatened to do, should John not come around.

"You don't understand, every time I think about leaving her it feels as if someone is tearing out my heart. I want to leave her, I just can't," John replied feeling extreme discomfort at the mere thought of leaving Sarah.

"We are not like humans, when we love it is forever. You never forget and you can never truly move on," Henri replied a bit nostalgic causing Lexa's hand to hold his that much tighter.

Henri may have had a lover on Lorien but she did not, so everything Henri was explaining is exactly what's happening to her at the very moment.

Lexa could sympathize with John's plight better than anyone in the room.

Lexa decided he deserved to say at least a goodbye "You have twenty-four hours to recover the rock and say your goodbyes.

We can't spare any more time, stay away from her for now so she can survive for later,"

"Only one day?" John yelled after Alice had released him, prompting her to forcefully close his mouth using her telekinesis.

"That is one more day than the rest of us had to say goodbye to our families," Henri replied as everyone went about their own business.

A couple of hours later, everyone was settled and it was time to leave.

The last step is the recovery of the rock and Zeel's assembly of the Quinjet.

Waving his hand, the Quinjet was slowly assembled together from parts of the mansion. It was much easier this time for Zeel but still had a minor strain.

"John and I will go recover the Loric locator, Alice you'll be a lookout. Henri and Lexa, you'll be in charge of the ship. You'll come and meet us if we encounter any troubles. John, where is your dog?" Zeel asked after he was finished giving his commands.

"I am not sure he was with us when we were at Sam's," John replied also confused.

"Doesn't matter, let's get to it. There should be a party tonight at Mark's house. Sarah is probably there since she is technically his girlfriend right now. Let's go," Alice said as she is up-to-date with the teenagers at Paradise Hills.

Suddenly, Lexa pulled up a news report.

"Hours ago. Three teenage football players were reported missing after a night at the festival.

The police are currently investigating but the suspects are local celebrities Zeel and Alice Crawford, along with their half-brother John Smith.

Local police are now requesting assistance in locating them for questioning,"

"Stupid sheriff," Alice said under her breath "I'll take care of it,"

Zeel nodded as components come together to form a Rolls-Royce car.

Zeel, Alice, and John hopped into the car and took off, not minding speed limits of any kind.