Chapter 98: Chapter 89 – Heroic Arrival

It's been years, my 18th birthday is just around the corner. At this moment, it was do or die; we must leave soon or separate from each other.

It was the middle of the night; I had been feeling panicky since the previous day. I saw what seemed to be a Mogadorian watching me, I know it was a Mogadorian.

The song he hummed was one native to Lorien, and if this was not enough proof he also smiled at me with crooked, messed up, shark-like teeth.

I told Adeline about the entire incident in great detail, not exaggerating one bit like I usually would,

There were no embellishments but the response I got in return for my efforts were less than amicable,

Tonight the third scar is carving itself into my lower ankle, it took longer than usual,

It felt as if Number 3 was still struggling to stay alive, hence the delay of completion,

I hoped he would die without pain or suffering, stop fighting and just sleep forever in Lorien's embrace,

The scar came slowly but left swiftly, I was honestly baffled at the experience,

I had no time to consider it too deeply as the next moment my consciousness got pulled into a mindscape,

There I could feel the other numbers present, I was excited thinking it was time to fight back,

I could barely contain my excitement, and I knew the others felt it but were absorbed trying to listen to the message of the two in the middle of the mindscape,

I couldn't hear anything much but I did catch the most important part "Help .... Alice and Zeel …. message platform… 4 months"

I was ecstatic, we had the possibility of getting help by just contacting these two people via a computer, by this time Adeline had fallen so deep into the religion that she pretended, or rather just forgot, Lorien actually existed,

I suspect she convinced herself it was all a dream, a figment of her imagination, but me being there was a rude awakening every time she laid eyes upon me,

I could guess her thoughts through her expressions and body language, people often say more than they are meant to without the use of words,

Every time I tried to talk to her about Lorien or Alice and Zeel, but she acted as if she didn't know what I was talking about,

I still decided it was a risk to contact Alice and Zeel though since a similar situation happened with Number 2 posting his location on a map and waiting for other numbers to respond,

I was stopped from responding by Adeline, after which A second scar burned itself into my leg, meaning the death of number 2, clearly a set up by the Mogadorians,

Since then we have avoided everything electronic and I could only use the computer at the coven once a week for homework or other forms of research,

Seeing that we were going nowhere, I asked for help from Ella, an orphan who would appear and disappear at random intervals.

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Ella had come to the coven when her parents died in a car crash; Ella and Hector(a neighborhood drunk) were my best friends – my only friends.

By this time my healing legacy had awoken so I sneaked into Hector's home to heal his mother who was dying from cancer, I also cured him of his addiction to alcohol.

I am pretty sure he knew I did it, but he let nothing slip and treated me as a friend like he always had.

Ella and I searched for my case the elders had given to all the numbers before they left Lorien, 'Open it when it is time' we were told, and in my personal opinion that time had long since arrived.

But Adeline hid it so I had Ella help me find it, it took about a week to locate the case.

I had to drug Adeline since we needed both a Garde and Cêpan to open the case unless the death of either one was confirmed through the charms.

Over the past week I noticed I had been followed by what I suspect to Mogadorians, I was able to confirm It looking through the window one night, they probably didn't know I had the night vision legacy.

Hence why I was so desperate to get the case and leave the coven, I suspect they have always been watching me but my number had not come up yet.

As of now even number 3 was not dead so you couldn't kill number 7.

However, one-day watching the news I saw a big battle in Paradise Hills.

The story went along the lines of 'Zeel Crawford, Alice Crawford and John Smith succeeded in stopping a massive gas explosion and saving the town, their location is currently unknown'.

I knew the article was bullshit but this meant that the numbers were gathering, which meant the charm was no longer in effect.

Almost on cue, the Mogadorians began invading the coven killing all those who could not escape in time, I grabbed Ella and ran to the computer

"What are you doing?" Ella asked anxiously as I typed away on the computer.

"Doing one last Hail Mary" I replied as in the box I typed 'help … Zeel and Alice'.

After which the Mogadorians found us and Adeline fought and died giving us a chance to escape, Ella and I ran into Clayton a few miles away who said he was Ella's Cêpan much to my surprise.

After running a couple more miles we were surrounded, I could only lament our faiths as the Mogadorians surrounded us in a circular pattern. The blasters sounded off and I said sorry to everyone I ever knew or would have come to know.

But it seems faith did not intend for Ella, Clayton, and I to die here.

A loud sonic boom came from the distance as four streaks of light fell from the sky, when I saw who it was, I fell to my knees and cried, thanking God for the first time since I joined the coven.

At that moment I understood why Adeline believed so much, may her soul rest in peace.