"Okay gentlemen, we are here today because of a special expedition," Bill said as he clicked the switch that turned on the nearby Projector.
Brooks continued where Bill left off "A Government Project escaped containment about a week ago. Here we have an image and brief summary of what we know,"
The image shows Elizabeth, though it was somewhat blurry, and below was a brief paragraph of her enhanced biology and combat expertise.
Manipulation of nearby technologies, but nothing about her manipulation of the elements, no doubt withheld for not wanting to scare the soldiers.
With another click, the image of Elizabeth was replaced with an Island that was clouded by intense mists.
"This island was discovered a couple of weeks ago, and we believe the suspect is heading for this island.
We have two separate missions. Find the girl, if possible which is a priority, but also explore what is so significant about this island," San said, still using her computer to view live images of the island via satellite.
Though the satellite could not gleam a proper image of the island due to the ever-present storm around the island.
"As our satellite shows... the island is surrounded by a perpetual storm system. Allowing it to remain hidden from the outside world for years.
Recently the storms have intensified so this mission is a high risk," Preston said gazing at the projection on the wall.
"Why are we taking six battalions, Sir?" James asked since he was experienced with such expeditions; experienced enough to know you don't take so many men unless you expect something big.
"And seismologist and nuclear physicists? Are we going to explore or blow something up?" James asked.
"Precautionary measures guys," Senator Karl intervened and explained "Also this is called a seismic bomb or Earthquake Bomb. Used to measure certain distances below ground,"
Everyone nodded in understanding as the conversation continued forwards. Senator Karl was in charge of the entire operation since he moved a lot of personal assets in the Government to make this mission possible.
He didn't want to be blamed for losing Project EC, so he planned to try everything to retrieve her before the President heard about the incident.
Halfway through the briefing, Karl received a phone call and had to vacate the military docking base to answer it due to the sensitivity of the content.
"I'm here!" Karl yelled into a back alleyway.
Elizabeth watched him carefully for a bit before throwing a silver ball that floated towards his mouth.
"Repeat what you just said," she ordered.
"I am here. Leave my family alone," Karl yelled panicking.
The call he received notified him that his family had gone missing, and meeting this person was the only way to get them back.
"Okay good. I got it," Elizabeth said as the silver ball already analyzed Karl's voice and vocal-patterns, after which the ball returned to her hand.
Karl didn't even know when Elizabeth was right next to him, all he felt was an aching pain racking his body as he collapsed to the ground.
"Sorry, I don't use family to threaten people. I do what I must. Your family is safe. By the time you wake up, the mission will be over," Elizabeth whispered as her hair turned a deep black along with her eyes.
She presented the aura and looks of a mature woman at this moment.
"I am leaving Liz in charge of the operation, my wife just went into surgery. Liz will fill you in on the new details," Elizabeth talked into the silver ball as it repeated the same statement but this time in Senator Karl's voice.
"Voice analysis complete," The AI reported to Elizabeth, who sighed in relief.
Tech was useful but hard to work if Zeel wasn't around, and she didn't have mastery over her nanites like Alice.
Elizabeth rarely used her nanites without Alice's or Zeel's supervision since she ran the risk of taking her experiments too far.
There was an incident once where she tried to use nanites along with lightning to enhance her physical capabilities but ended up frying her synapses temporarily.
You are reading story The Crawford’s Multiverse Of Madness at novel35.com
It was only thanks to the nanites that she did not remain deaf and immobile for the rest of her natural life.
She shuddered when she remembered the pain that accompanied those learning experiences.
Five minutes later, just as the briefing was about to come to an end, Elizabeth walked into the room under the gazes of everyone there.
"Hi, my name is Liz and I am now in charge of this operation,"
"On whom Authority?" General Preston asked appearing slightly pissed.
Most of the other males were too busy gawking at her beauty to even become dissatisfied with the current arrangement.
The soldiers were even more excited for the expedition with such a beauty joining them.
Liz pulled out her phone as she dialed Senator Kim's number.
The voice on the phone was curt and direct, not leaving any questions to be asked "I am leaving Liz in charge of the operation, my wife just went into surgery. Liz will fill you in on the new details,"
"There you have it," Liz said, snapping her phone shut and taking a seat at the front table.
Preston not relieving his suspicions as yet dialed Kim's number as well.
"What the hell is going on?" He asked angrily.
Codes began flickering across Elizabeth's retina as she manipulated the communication channel. Unlike Zeel who hated hacking human technology, Elizabeth was more adept with old technology.
"I am leaving her in charge," The voice on the phone said.
"Why? We don't need some fresh hussy giving my team orders," Preston roared.
"She is fully capable. I am sorry but I have to go be with my wife, goodbye!"
Preston, after hearing the deadline, almost smashed his phone into the ground out of frustration but stopped at the last moment.
After the briefing concluded, Liz opted to report the changes made to the current agenda.
"We suspect that there is a major energy source on that island. Instead of studying or extracting random resources, we'll be looking into areas of intense energy spikes.
We are still looking for the woman you saw earlier, but she has become a matter of less importance," Liz said.
Preston, San, Bill, and Brook's faces grimaced, hearing recovery of the Extra-Terrestrial was no longer their top priority, but they did not dispute the decision.
James, not liking that everyone's faces clearly held dissatisfaction, decided to ask for clarification on their behalf "Why the sudden change in agenda?"
"Because we have reason to believe that once the energy source can be found and safely contained. The woman will come to us seeking a deal for that resource.
At that point, we can weigh our options on how to act," Liz replied without any hesitation, even if she was talking about herself.
Being around Zeel enough and eventually, you'll learn to lie without batting an eye.
James nodded as Slivko, the youngest in the battalions, threw flirtatious gestures towards his new boss – Liz or Elizabeth in disguise.
Elizabeth giggled in her head 'That kid has some serious balls. Hope he stops before we find Zeel…'.
Elizabeth did not enjoy the act of killing or even think it necessary most of the time. But she would kill whatever, and whoever threatened her relationship with Zeel.
Still, she felt good at the thought that she still had beauty to attract other guys. Maybe, Zeel would treat her better if he knew that she was 'in demand'.