Looking into the distance at the incoming dozen skullcrawlers, Alice decided to give Elizabeth some advice "Limit yourself to only your lightning/electrical element for now,"
"Why?" Elizabeth asked, a bit disgruntled at being forbidden to use all her abilities.
"It's better to be a master of something than be a jack of all trades," Alice replied unhurriedly as three silver balls materialized in her left hand from her storage dimension.
Alice tossed the balls into the air as they floated towards James' group nearby. The balls began rotating very fast, after which a protective shield covered James, Mason, and the others.
Alice was neither Zeel nor Elizabeth, she cared about those who would be affected by their battles. It was part of the reason she seemed the most humane of the trio.
"Thanks," James said in gratitude at Alice's consideration.
As much as they all wanted to run, they knew that witnessing a battle such as this would be a story that could be passed down through generations of their lineages.
Somethings were worth sticking around for even if it meant your death.
"No problem. I was like you guys once," Alice replied with a gentle smile reminiscing about the fact she was also a regular human once – clone but hey, not much difference biologically speaking.
Kong was the first to attack, as his massive body leaped across the great distance bashing the head of two nearby skullcrawlers.
The moment he landed, three more threw themselves onto his enormous figure as a fierce battle of tugging and biting started.
Elizabeth was the next to enter the battle, using her antigravity boots alongside her electrokinetic surfing, she was able to disappear with a flash of silver lightning.
The next moment, she was above the seven remaining skullcrawlers, Elizabeth quickly extended her hand causing a whip construct of electrical energy to solidify in her hands, with a wide swing she managed to wrap three skullcrawlers together.
The thunderstorm in the skies thundered again with renewed intensity as silver lightning constantly struck her body causing the whip to tighten its hold on the skullcrawlers, sending massive electrical surges to flood into their nervous systems.
It wasn't long before all three skullcrawlers were electrocuted thoroughly.
Alice nodded at Elizabeth's splendid execution and use of her elemental ability, then she turned her attention to the four remaining skullcrawlers who were coming in her direction.
Alice thought for a moment, before deciding to test her limits, but she couldn't do that while causing significant damage to the island, so instead, she had an epiphany 'Why do the skullcrawlers have to remain on the island?'
Using the chain constructed from her telekinetic aura, Alice swung at one skull crawler successfully wrapping around its neck, then with a great thug a crunch sound was heard that signified the end of life.
Not having any break, she then did a choking gesture by jutting her hand outwards, causing another crunching sound to echo in the air.
James and the other wanted to run at that time, realizing that Alice was much deadlier than Elizabeth – at least with Elizabeth they would know how they died, but Alice just looked like a normal woman acting as a conductor for an orchestra.
Each wave of her hand claiming a life instead of signaling for the notes of musical rhythms to synchronize. By now Alice was using her antigravity boots to remain in the air instead of her own telekinetic power.
It was causing her to split focus if she flew using her own ability.
Finally, down to two, Alice dissolved her constructed chains since she wanted to test her limits, and two were enough to do just that.
Alice closed her eyes as she cleared her mind, much to the panic of Elizabeth who had been observing up until now.
Elizabeth saw the skullcrawlers had already reached Alice's position, poised and ready to attack at any moment.
Withholding her urge to intervene, Elizabeth instead silently started to charge lightning in her palm, shaping it into a compressed ball, not unlike what Zeel did against Setrakus Ra in their first encounter.
Alice opened her eyes whispering "Telekinetic Grip!"
All of a sudden, the two skullcarwlers, who had their tongues inches away from Alice's face, stopped moving entirely.
The two creatures tried but could not budge even a centimeter closer to their delicious, all-you-can-eat energy buffet – Alice.
She once again closed her eyes in focus, ridding herself of all distractions - she kind of envied Zeel for always being able to keep a clear mind, and being able to switch perspectives readily.
"Push!" Alice said.
You are reading story The Crawford’s Multiverse Of Madness at novel35.com
With a loud 'Boom', winds propelled outwards from her location, the next thing everyone knew there were two new skullcrawlers being launched away into the sky… 100ft…. 150ft….170ft…...200ft.
The moment the skullcrawlers reached 200ft, the group could see an intense half-transparent, red ball glowing in Alice's hand.
Soon the ball reshaped itself into a disc of sorts, Alice cranked back as she sent it sailing into the air after the skullcrawlers.
There was no great explosion or implosion for that matter – only a red flash of light that illuminated the island, then after a while red particulates began floating down looking like a winter's day, only red instead of white.
Amidst the particulates was falling, a skullcrawler's head, but it was quickly dealt with by a compressed lightning ball courtesy of Elizabeth.
Elizabeth used her antigravity boots to glide over to the swaying Alice's side, catching her before she could fall.
"What was that? You shouldn't be able to condense that much power into a single shot… at least not enough for it to not dissipate after 100ft," Elizabeth asked surprised, what Alice had done is a very difficult thing to do, the calculations and accuracy involved would be a struggle even for the nanites, especially with Zeel in a dormant state.
"I used my telekinetic aura and condensed it into an energy ball, but physics kicked in. I wouldn't be able to send a ball that far without it dispersing, so I just made something that could counteract the frictional forces in the air, while also circulating the energy inside in a cycle that keeps it in an excited state," Alice replied as tired as she was smug about being able to achieve such a feat without Zeel's help.
"So in other words, you made it very compact and then you made it unstable inside so it would go 'boom' after a while?" Elizabeth asked mockingly.
"Why do you have to dumb down my calculation ability so much?" Alice asked a bit disgruntled.
Elizabeth shrugged "I am not like you and Zeel, abilities for me come instinctually- like my body is doing all the calculations. I guess you guys are just too cautious for your own good, I just use my ability to do whatever feels right without calculations or anything… the nanites do help though,"
Alice snorted, waving her hand to recover the floating silver balls that had protected the others from their intense battle.
Kong had just finished up the three skullcrawlers as his body shrunk to about six feet, standing beside Alice like a loyal follower.
"How does he do that?" Elizabeth asked appalled; James, Mason, Slivko, Brooks, and San also wore amazed expressions at the ape shrinking and growing at will.
Alice smiled gently as she patted Kong's head "He is a descendant of ancient beasts called Gigantapes. They had the ability to grow indefinitely should the environment be rich enough in elemental energies.
This guy had a slight mutation because of my energy that granted him the ability to grow as long as he had the energy to sustain the growth, but when he shrinks he can conserve a lot of that energy,"
"Interesting creature. Lorien said that all creatures use to be able to talk, but with the decline of certain energies they dwindled and lost the ability, becoming husks of their former selves," Elizabeth said staring at the distance recalling the millions of years' worth of memories inherited from Lorien.
"Yeah, I know we try to avoid that taboo word but you can say 'magics' if you want," Alice said seeing Zeel wasn't around.
Elizabeth snorted "I am like Zeel in that regard, we can't believe something we haven't yet witnessed. I still believe it's just another form of energy we haven't become attuned to as yet,"
"Well whatever, one step at a time, next thing you'll say you don't believe in psychics," Alice said teasing Elizabeth a bit.
Elizabeth dropped Alice on the ground and looked off towards Zeel's location "I guess tomorrow we have to be on our top game,"
Alice nodded solemnly "Yeah! But we should find some food first,"
Alice then turned to Kong and said "Get us some food big guy!"
Kong soon grew a couple of dozen feet as he walked off into the distance, painting a picturesque scene with the backdrop of the setting sun.
Mason who had been taking pictures the entire time soon found her entire camera's memory wiped "What the heck?"
Alice gave her an apologetic smile and said "Trust me, having our image will bring you more trouble than it's worth. Our husband has enemies and he won't care about what happens to your world,"
Elizabeth nodded solemnly, had it been her, she would have smashed the camera instantly instead of taking the kind method like Alice.
Elizabeth just shrugged it off and said "Well we should set camp for the night up there,"
Elizabeth was pointing to a place near the cave they just exited.
Alice nodded "Safest place on the island, it's where Kong lives,"
Mason nodded excitedly, with everyone also feeling the same deep inside – with the night came campfires, with campfires came stories, and what would make better stories than those of these god-like beings in front of them?