Alice's and Elizabeth's pale faces could be seen as the dragon tail concentrated with faint traces of Draconic Energy stopped a couple of inches from their faces.
As they were both energy-sensitive individuals, they could feel the violent, bubbling energy it brought along with – something should they touch, would immediately corrode their weakened bodies.
"We could have died," Alice said, slightly trembling from the earlier occurrence, she knew she had messed up by taking the energy vial from Zeel but she didn't understand how much until that exact moment.
"Hehehe, I thought I was strong," Elizabeth said in a ridiculing manner finally realizing that there is a mountain behind a mountain… this mountain just happened to be a f*cking dragon.
Elizabeth was psychologically unstable at having come so close to death.
Alice was taking things much better since she had experienced near-death moments more times than she cared to count.
Zeel, who still remained in position holding the dragon tail, finally let a small smile leak from his lips. As if in testament to his newfound confidence, the three white balls released earlier, lit up with white light from three positions across the island.
Soon Zeel, Elizabeth, and Alice could feel their energies being drained away; likewise, the Dragon that was preparing for the next attack began to sway as the energy absorbed from Zeel began to leave its body rapidly.
It wasn't until that moment that Kong made an appearance, with a gigantic fist that seemed to come from the heavens, banishing the beast into the depths of the abyss below.
Kong further ravaged the cliff where it fell causing rubble to cover the area that held the steep drop.
'This fucking ape is a coward, he thinks I didn't see him shrunk and hiding when the battle was going on? Now wanna come and take the glory at the end?' Zeel shouted in his mind, and as if reading his mind Kong quickly scurried away before being exposed.
Zeel managed to wave his hand, and a couple of minutes later the white balls floated next to him before quickly disappearing into the storage dimension.
Zeel sighed in exasperation at having to use such a valuable resource at this point in time.
It could take decades for the white gravitational balls to recharge enough for another use.
Alice and Elizabeth who were struggling to stand could surmise what had taken place – Zeel had used an energy converter to absorb the Dragon's energy by using traces of their own energies as a catalyst.
Stumbling to stand, Alice, remarked "So we good now?"
Zeel looked at her for a few seconds before saying "We are far from good. Your behavior could have cost us, our lives!"
Elizabeth intervened at this moment, she always felt pressure when the duo had a lovers spat "All is well that ends well,"
Suddenly, Zeel then knelt down holding his head and screeching in pain.
"What the fuck is going on?" Zeel yelled aloud, knowing fully well that this is the cost of giving the Draconic Energy free reign in his body.
Elizabeth and Alice grew concerned as they rushed to his side almost immediately; then blood sprouted from their shoulders causing them to jump back as far as possible as fast as possible.
They didn't know when but teeth marks were on both their right shoulders, it burned unlike anything they had felt before – that's a tall order considering they almost melted inside a supermassive black hole.
Alice and Elizabeth also kneeled down and began to yell while holding their shoulders. It felt as if foreign energy was tearing apart their insides over and over again.
Alice and Elizabeth noticed that the bite marks on their shoulders were not going to heal.
A couple of minutes passed in absolute silence until Zeel murmured "I am fine now,"
Zeel began looking at the girls a bit quizzically.
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Alice and Elizabeth were also hunched over, hugging each other as their lives depended on it.
Alice and Elizabeth noted that while all other traces of the Draconic Energy had disappeared, Zeel's eyes still remained ruby-red with black slits for pupils.
"It would seem the eyes are a permanent change. Any others?" Alice asked a bit concerned.
Elizabeth shrugged "I hope they're no changes down below, I already have a hard time taking the dragon in your pants, I don't want my worries to lengthen or we'll be forced to start asking for body donations from village girls in every Universe,"
Alice snorted and decided to ignore Elizabeth's comment, but deep down she was also concerned about Zeel's ever-growing libido.
Maybe a day would come where Elizabeth and herself would no longer be able to satisfy Zeel?
"What was that?" Alice asked, nursing her aching shoulder that still had teeth marks present within, oblivious to the fact that her Ownerum tattoo on her lower back had now become that much brighter from absorbing the earlier Draconic Energy – Elizabeth had a similar change as well.
They did not know exactly what was happening, but they could tell that they were not constrained by stronger rules for some reason.
They felt more bounded to Zeel, much more intrinsically than previously.
At first, it was as if Zeel owned their bodies, now Alice and Elizabeth felt as if Zeel owned their souls and destiny.
Zeel thought for a while, no doubt searching for the relevant information from his array of memories "Dragon mating ritual. It is how a dragon marks his mate or mates. Very nasty thing, usually it is impossible to break but since the draconic energy was faint it will fade away after a couple of years,"
Elizabeth thought for a while before gazing at her shoulder and feeling the changes in her body, then her eyes went wide as she realized what had occurred.
She quickly conveyed the information to Alice using her nanites, Alice in turn smiled a little brighter at the Ownerum tattoo becoming that much more potent.
This signified that they could no more betray Zeel than they would themselves since their spiritual bond had been enhanced by the Draconic Energy to such an extent.
"So what now?" Elizabeth asked, slightly licking her lips in anticipation at the bubbling lust being projected from Zeel.
Alice face had begun to turn red, no doubt a side effect of the Draconic Energy "Set up a barrier on that side Elizabeth,"
Alice also began to lay a runic barrier on her side. Alice had no doubt that the impending sex would be 'World shaking' in a literal sense of the word.
Zeel was the first to tackle Alice to the ground, who reciprocated his actions by tearing the clothing off his body. There was no need to ask Elizabeth to join as silver lightning was flickering around her body as she jumped into the fray.
Alice and Elizabeth didn't need to undress since their clothing was currently their nano-suit, with a quick thought they were both now naked.
Alice and Elizabeth had their hands on the ground, pointing their butts in Zeel's direction as if in submission.
'Perhaps the draconic energy had changed them more than I initially thought?' Zeel mused, but didn't wait long to insert into an already wet Alice, and then Elizabeth, after which alternating between the two.
A fierce round of sex began, the barrier barely holding their activities from leaking out into the wider environment.
James and the company who had returned to the location of the battle were baffled to see a huge dome at the position of the battle.
From the inside, they could barely make out the sounds of beasts in combat; though should they had known what was actually occurring inside, they would have been traumatized for life.
The next five hours were spent in absolute bliss for Alice, Elizabeth, and Zeel.