It was about almost sunset in Tokyo. Suddenly, the skies lit up in a beautiful light pattern that seemed both natural and artificial simultaneously.
The light intersected, dispersed, and then concentrated at a single point on the road, and began to swirl.
Everyone watched in morbid fascination as the swirl of lights began to crack the street below it.
The void split open as it spat out three figures onto a populated road with cars maneuvering from one destination to another.
However, this time the momentum generated by Multiversal crossing did not simply diminish but accumulated as the laws of the new universe was home to the traveler god himself – Hermes.
This was the Universe Zeel had plotted previously, seeing the Universes were difficult to navigate, Zeel decided to plot the world they would visit in advance instead of on the fly.
Alice and Elizabeth were spat out of the cosmic wormhole at mock three, crashing into a couple of cars on the populated China road before stabilizing themselves.
Alice, with her telekinesis, still managed to protect the people inside the cars she crashed into.
Elizabeth made the streets ice so as to mitigate frictional forces, allowing her to drift along with the cars she collided with. Sadly, one person passed away from the impact even after all her effort.
Alice and Elizabeth's bodies were smoking from moving beyond what their bodies could usually handle.
Zeel, on the other hand, acted as an anchor holding the trio together during Multiversal travel, meaning that he always took the brunt of whatever forces acted on them during their Mjumps.
Zeel exited the wormhole at mock ten and proceeded to carve deep ridges in the street, destroying the cars and glass windows just from the sound wave generated, he then collided into four buildings before a shattering sound was heard and he disappeared.
Zeel had disappeared, but the skin that had vaporized still left a trail of smoke highlighting the trajectory he traveled.
Somewhere in the deserts of Egypt.
Zeel was launched out of a wormhole and created a crater in the loose sands of the desert.
Zeel's leg was twisted in a peculiar manner with one shoulder dislocated, bleeding from his head and orifices alike.
For a split second, the Forbidden Cube flashed out of his storage dimension, and a tablet was shot out of it that soon sunk into Zeel's skin.
The Forbidden Cube's secondary function was tablet production that aided in the efficiency of the nanites.
The secondary function activated at this moment in order to heal a critically injured Zeel. A red light soon flashed as the nanites in Zeel's body began working at 200% efficiency.
This would be Zeel's first time becoming seriously injured in a couple of years, even then the injuries were intentionally done.
This was no doubt the closest he had been to death in a while.
"Fuck, the spatial forces of this world are too weak," Zeel complained laying in the crater his body had created.
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The space of this world was significantly weaker in comparison to other worlds, meaning that teleportation and space travel would become much easier in this world.
A sonic boom was heard in the distance as Alice and Elizabeth could be seen flying at amazing speeds towards the collapsed Zeel, though Alice was mostly doing the flying with Elizabeth using her Electrokinetic Surfing to max levels.
"The spatial forces are weak," Alice mentioned feeling the ease with which she could use her telekinesis to fly.
Alice just had to follow Zeel's trajectory and she suddenly found herself in the deserts of Egypt. Elizabeth did the same after some hesitation.
Zeel shrugged waving his hand back and forth as fast as possible, creating distortions in the air.
"I noticed," He said.
Elizabeth asked confused at how everything works, she had always been one to 'go with the flow' when it came to utilizing her abilities "So once you reach a certain speed you automatically break the spatial barrier creating a wormhole from one place to another?"
"Nope! That's not the way it works but something similar," Alice mentioned still thinking deeply about the topic.
"You need an instantaneous speed of about mock 7 and foreign energy to actually break the barrier. It's more like sound transducing that is keyed to a specific frequency that anyone with special physiology can access," Zeel explained twisting his foot back in place, and brushing himself off.
He then looked around the desert as a quizzical look was birthed onto his face "But this is still not where we are supposed to go,"
"Yeah, I noticed we were supposed to hop directly into a pocket dimension parallel to this world," Alice mentioned observing the hologram projected from her Mbeamer "I guess it was naïve of us to think we could enter a dimension that has divine energy leaks with cheat multi-dimensional traveling, huh?"
Alice was finding the current scenario a bit funny, her voice laced with sarcasm.
"That's the thing, no barriers are supposed to work when you're multiversal traveling through them. How is it this one bounced us to the outside?" Zeel questioned his pupils flickering with codes that looked as if they held the answer to all of the Universe's mysteries.
"What are those codes Zeel? I haven't seen those before?" Elizabeth asked finding not memory of the language he was currently using to study the barrier phenomena.
The codes flickering across his pupil looked extraordinary, and that's saying something since Zeel is the personification of Extraordinary.
"Because I never use it," Zeel replied and further explained "It's a code used specifically for when we Mjump, security reasons of course. That's why you have never seen it; usually, it's too complex for anyone besides myself to understand…. I think I found the issue,"
Elizabeth's eyes flickered with code for a bit before she laid her own conclusion forward "Maybe you were missing a sort of key, why else are the spatial forces so weak? Maybe it wasn't meant for us to exploit, but someone else?"
"Reasonable, let's just get out of here before any unwanted guests show up.
Besides the sooner we get the cosmic resonance sorted out, the sooner we can get on with our search. Remember what happened in the last world when you two finally took the blockers off?" Zeel asked, hoping to find a suitable place before he enters the information dimension.
"How could I forget, it felt like menopause dialed up by nine million, and I don't even know how periods feel for humans," Elizabeth said shuddering at the thought of what happened when they kept vibrational blockers on for too long.
Making sure that his body was sufficiently healed for walking, Zeel then barely managed to stand as his head wound was recovering at a pace visible to the naked eye "House, money, clothing, cars, motorcycle, check it all out.
Let's go for more of a cozy house this time, I have grown tired of mansions. Hey, maybe our own island, I think I can make a wormhole stabilizer so we can jump where we want whenever we want given the fragility of the spatial forces here,"
"Yeah, I agree, if the spatial forces are this weak might as well take advantage of it. I think I can make a bike that literally teleports," Elizabeth squealed excitingly thinking about her possible new creations.
"Teleporting was always easy but until now, we just couldn't do it without leaving some kind of energy signature behind, but on this planet, it seems less of a hassle since these satellite readings show me that jumping from one place to the next is kind of a norm," Zeel replied after doing a quick scan through the satellites so kindly lent by whatever governments exist on this planet.