Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Tofu

As he was walking down the path with Melanor, Reiki was giving her an odd gaze. He said. "Near the spot where we passed by those two elves?" Melanor said. "Yes." As she kept her gaze in front as both of them were walking back to her house. He said. "Can't your friend deliver the bag of rice to your home? Since he or she lives somewhat close by."

Melanor kept on walking as she turned her head to face him and said. "It would be too much work for her." As she let out a small chuckle, Reiki was giving her a strange look as he thought. Too much work? As they walked down the path he tapped her forearm and said. "Melanor-san do you know where I can properly dispose of this?" He reached down in the pocket of his pants and pulled out the skewer and showed it to her.

Looking at the skewer in his hand a small smile appeared on her face as she said. "I'll hold onto that." She took the skewer of his hand as she snapped her fingers as the skewer vanished. Reiki was still staring at her with a questioning look as he used the corner of his eye to look at the shopping district behind them. Melanor, noticing this, kept her gaze in front and said. "You look like you have a question for me, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer."

Silence started to envelop the atmosphere around them as he stayed silent for a few seconds and said. "Those elves…" He paused for a couple of seconds as he looked in the direction of the shopping district one more time, he continued. "There… Different from you and Moranor…" Melanor stopped walking as she turned to face him, Reiki hastily said. "I don't mean for it to sound offensive but… I have a feeling you and Moranor are different from them."

Melanor placed a finger on her lips and said. "Different how?" As an amused smile was slowly forming on her face, he thought for a second and said. "The color of your hair and eyes… You and Moranor have goldish hair and dark blue eyes… Those elves had yellow hair and brown eyes…"

He looked at her eyes and then shifted his gaze to her hair, Melanor placed a hand on her waist and said. "Simple, it's because of the war a hundred years ago. Unlike your kind where you use numbers to compete with each other, we elves send who's capable. Archers, mages, and even our best logistics to assist in the front lines, most of those who participated are mostly the ones who have higher purity of blood like me and Moranor. The elves you see in the shopping district are the ones they protected, guess who's responsible for the start of the war."

She gave him an odd stare, as Reiki scratched the back of his head. He said. "Humans. If there's any sort of conflict with other species humans are always involved."

She softly flicked his forehead and said. "No point in dwelling in the past. No matter what happens it'll eventually be forgotten by time, whether it's a good or bad thing, who knows. We need to hurry, Moranor is the type to get cranky when she's tired from reporting to her superiors." As she started walking again, he walked beside her and said. "Isn't that part of her job? Report to those above her." 

Melanor while walking turned her head to face him and said. "It would have been fine if they would just read the papers, but those who fear losing what little power they have would follow the process to the letter, and it's slow and painful." Admiring the houses around them he said. "How bad is it?" She rubbed the back of her neck and let out a sigh and said. "First you have to personally write a report on what happened, then send the report to the archives to make a copy for history purposes, and then you report to those above you, not only that they ask too many questions. Every little detail from the time and date to how many arrows you've shot and more, they only do this so when the queen asks them what happened they would act like they were there."

Reiki let out a chuckle that made Melanor turn her head to face him, he said. "I guess no matter what race you are there would always be someone trying to get others credit." Melanor turned her head to face the front and said. "That's true, regardless of the race they'll still stomp on one another to make 'something' of themselves." As she let out a sigh filled with disgust. He said. "What crops are usually planted? Do you guys have any vegetables native to your kind?"

Melanor looked at him using the corner of her eye and said. "We plant the same crops as you do, but we do sell special blends of spices. That is well known, especially to your kind." She turned her head to face him as her eyes narrowed. Reiki said. "Well, in my defense I spent most of my time reading books." Melanor stared at his expression as she said. "Uh-huh…"

Ignoring her glare he said. "So how often do you buy from your friend? And what else does she sell?" Melanor placed a hand on her cheek and said. "She sells… Everything… I'll try to explain it as best that I can, she has a lot of connections, she knows a lot of elves with… Special talents. From ink to use for writing on parchment to information about monsters, she knows so many things that even the queen has someone keeping tabs on her."

Reiki gave her a weird look and said. "Is this something you should be telling someone about? Let alone a human?" Melanor shook her head and said. "Hardly, everyone knows about her, so it's an open secret. But she doesn't do business with everyone…" Passing a few more houses, Melanor stopped at one that had a single floor, she took a left with Reiki behind her as she knocked on the door. Both of them stared at the door in silence as they waited for someone to answer the door, roughly 8 seconds passed before very faint footsteps were heard on the other side before the sound of a door being unlocked.

The door slowly opened with a faint creaking sound as an elf with very white skin, goldish hair like Melanor, and dark blue eyes were peeking through the crack of the door. Her hair was in a mess but looked like it would roughly reach to her waist, she took a glimpse of Reiki for a second before her eyes turned to face Melanor as the door suddenly closed shut.

Reiki turned his head to look up at Melanor as she also turned her head and flashed him a smile, a few seconds later the sound of two locks were undone as the wooden door glowed blue mana from the edges. The door slowly opened as the female elf lazily said. "Melanor… What brings you here?..." The female elf was wearing long green robes as she was holding a thick red book in her right hand. Melanor rolled her eyes and said. "Enrel… When was the last time you went outside? You look awful."

Enrel gave her a look of annoyance and said. "Is this how you ask people for their help? I guess you're just here to show off your special guest, Akihito Reiki." As she turned her gaze on him. Reiki turned his head to face Melanor as she gave him a helpless smile. He said. "You work fast." 

Enrel placed the book somewhere next to her as a soft thud noise was made, she said. "I like to be informed…" Staring at Reiki for a few seconds she turned her head to face Melanor and continued. "Large bag of rice." Melanor nodded and said. "Correct, I'll pay you the usual." Enrel shook her head sideways and said. "Not this time, I'll be dropping by your house while I join you for dinner and breakfast, then I'll be out of your hair. Deal?"

Melanor raised one of her eyebrows and said. "Deal, if that's how you want to be paid this time…" Enrel nodded as she snapped her fingers and a large bag of rice came flying inside her house as the window on the left flung open and landed in front of them. Enrel let out a yawn as she picked up the book she placed near her and said. "I'll be there before dark."

As she closed the door behind her which made the window slam shut, it was followed by the sound of locks being used as the edges of the door glowing a faint layer of mana. Reiki looked up to Melanor and said. "She's uh… Unique…" Melanor let out a chuckle and said. "She is."

Melanor looked at the large bag of rice and was about to snap her fingers when Reiki walked next to it and easily carried it using a single hand, turning to face her, he said. "Back to your house?" Melanor stared at the large bag of rice in his hand as she nodded and said. "Yes, back to my house." As she walked Reiki walked next to her carrying both the box of tofu in one hand and the bag of rice in the other, looking up to Melanor he said. "Aren't you worried about humans trespassing this area of the forest?" Melanor said. "Haven't you heard about the agreement?"

As she looked at him using the corner of her eyes, Reiki wasn't fazed and said. "So those who trespass here are killed…" Melanor narrowed her eyes while staring at him, he said. "Why does Enrel look so pale?" He thought. She also smelled like ink and a hint of sweat, but with a faint scent of sunflower as well… Melanor said. "She's a researcher, though she knows a few things that shouldn't be public knowledge… But despite how she looks Enrel is very loyal to the queen." Reiki thought. Okay, now you're just doing this on purpose… Keeping his face calm he said. "Well, she would need to get a fortune for her research. If she has ways to gain it legally with the queen's approval why go anywhere else.

Looking up to Melanor he said. "What meal are you going to cook for breakfast?" Melanor turned her head to face him as they were finally leaving the town, she said. "I thought you were going to let Moranor cook your portion?" He nodded and said. "She will, I was just hoping to watch you cook and see how you prepare food…" Looking back he said. "This might be too late to ask but, with how big that town is. How come it's rarely visited by humans? And is there some kind of space magic?" 

Melanor said. "You're close but you're missing a couple of things. It's a combination of three things, illusion, wards, and some low tier space magic." He gave Melanor a weird look and said. "That was supposed to be low tier space magic?" As he turned around towards the direction of the town behind them, Melanor turned her head and gave him a scrutinizing gaze, she said. "It may be low tier, but remember space magic is one of the few ones that no one dares to study for fear of opening a black hole. At least over here."

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She gave him a suspicious gaze and said. "When your head was smashed against the tree, did you experience some form of memory loss?" Reiki kept eye contact and said. "No, why?" Melanor didn't answer as she stared at him for a couple of seconds, she flashed him a small smile and said. "Don't worry about it." Seeing that smile he immediately thought. Fuck… I gave something away…

Reiki kept a poker face as Melanor started walking back towards the edge of the town with Reiki beside her, he let out a small yawn as both of them walked through the forest in silence. With another yawn, he closed his eyes as he slowly opened them again he noticed they were already in front of Melanor's house again. He thought. Wait… Looking around he saw nothing was out of the ordinary, looking on the ground he noticed they were a lack of footprints. He thought. They still don't trust me…

Melanor was staring at him in the corner of her eye as she observed his actions, she continued to walk to the front of the house when all of a sudden the door was open. Moranor's hair was a mess as she was massaging the temple of her head, she said. "Morning mom… Any chance you brought something back for me?" Melanor gently caressed the top of her head and said. "Sorry dear, but I will be making your favorite."

Moranor made a small frown when she spoke half her sentence, but she suddenly smiled when she finished. She said. "Tofu salad!" Her eyes brightened up as she continued. "Is it stinky?!" Melanor nodded her head and said. "Of course, just how we like it. It should also be simple enough for you to recreate for Reiki."

Reiki was slowly walking towards them with the bag of rice in his right-hand and the container of tofu in his left. As he was getting closer he said. "Tofu salad? Sounds easy enough for her to make… As long as it's the same recipe I'm thinking of." Melanor turned her head and flashed him an enigmatic smile and didn't say anything. Moranor frowned a bit and said. "Oh yeah… I have to make you breakfast…" As she kicked nothing in front of her. She turned her head to look up at her mother who was only a few inches taller and said. "Mom, can't you just-." Before she could even finish her sentence Melanor with a sweet smile on her face said. "No."

Moranor let out a long sigh as her way of protest, Melanor continued. "You know we value our word just like our knowledge. If we made a deal regardless if they're an ape or an insect we keep our end of the bargain." Moranor let out another long sigh, Reiki behind them who was still carrying both items said. "I'm right here, in case you forgot…" 

Neither of them turned to face him, Moranor made eye contact with her mom and said. "Fine, but what I make he has to eat, and you don't get to lecture me while I do it like last time, Deal?" Melanor let out a small chuckle and said. "Deal. It's not like we have to worry about anything, he is with us, we can always give him first aid. Worst comes to worst we'll force a potion down his throat to avoid them complaining again."

Reiki's eyes slightly widened from hearing the conversation between the two of them, he thought. Women are still scary regardless of race... Melanor turned around to face Reiki while Moranor went back inside the house but left the door slightly open. Melanor placed her hand on the doorknob as she turned her head to face him and said. "We'll make breakfast in about five or ten minutes."

As she walked inside with Reiki behind her, walking past all the tables and chairs they went back inside the kitchen. He said. "Where should I place this down?" While he placed the container of tofu on top of the counter, Melanor took a couple of knives out of the knife holder and said. "Just place it near the refrigerator."

He walked up to the fridge and placed the large bag of rice beside it, he turned his gaze onto Melanor who took out a wooden chopping board and an array of vegetables next to it. He thought. Lettuce, red cherry radish, snow peas, three large red onions, and bread… So far it looks normal to me. The door opened on the other side of the tables and chairs and Moranor came out wearing a white apron over her clothes and had another one in her hand that was neatly folded.

She walked next to mother and handed her the neatly folded white apron as Melanor wore it over her clothes, she passed Moranor one of the knives and picked the other one up. Melanor placed two portions worth of the vegetables on the chopping board and said. "I've already washed the dirt off yesterday, now just watch closely."

She skillfully chopped the vegetables and in about 10 to 15 seconds everything was already chopped in similar sizes in two piles, using her knife to move the vegetables onto two large bowls she passed the chopping board to Moranor and watched her. Moranor took a deep breath and started to chop some vegetables, her knife was shaking a tiny bit as she was chopping it into uneven slices.

Melanor placed a large bowl on her left as Moranor was starting to chop up some red cherry radish, she placed the knife in the middle and chopped her first one without taking the stem out. She continued to cut the rest of the vegetables in uneven and odd shapes as Melanor was watching her, Melanor softly whispered. "She's making progress." Moranor used the knife and copied what her mother did and moved all the vegetables to the large bowl on her left.

Reiki was watching everything behind them with an odd look, Melanor placed the container in front of her and was about to open it, Reiki seeing this pinched his nose to avoid smelling the tofu. Moranor placed the cutting board in front of her as her mother took 4 of the 6 pieces of tofu and two portions of bread. She said. "We'll start slow, I have some leftover vinaigrette from my salad frenzy. So all you have to do is slice the tofu into small cubes and do the same with the bread."

The knife was surrounded in mana as it flew to her hand, she quickly sliced both the tofu and the bread into dozens of smaller cubes of equal sizes. She turned the oven on to preheat it as she moved the chopping board in front of Moranor again. Moranor carefully placed 2 pieces of tofu on the chopping board as Melanor placed the rest of the bread next to it, Moranor started to clumsily slice the tofu into cubes as the knife in her hand gently wobbled as she slices the tofu, resulting in an odd puzzle of awkwardly sliced tofu.

She moved onto the bread and just started hacking at it making a mess of bread crumbs all over the counter, Melanor quickly wiped everything off using a cloth and pulled a cabinet, and revealed a wooden trash can.

Making sure all her hands and the cloth were clean of bread crumbs she closed the cabinet and said. "Now all we have to do is place the tofu and bread in the oven until the tofu is warm and the bread turns into croutons." Melanor opened the oven and placed her hand near the front to see how it was. She took out two trays and placed two portions worth in one, and gave the other empty tray to Moranor. Melanor went deeper into the house and said. "I'll set up the table, dear I trust you can do the last step without me watching."

She closed the door on her way leaving both of them alone, Moranor tried copying how her mother placed the bread and the tofu on her tray and placed everything in the tray laying flat. She opened the oven and tried to determine how hot it was, she mumbled to herself saying. "This should be good… Right?" As she frantically opened cabinets and drawers to look for a pair of oven mitts and carefully placed both trays inside, mumbling again she said. "15 to 20 minutes…" Reiki watched everything in silence as he just stood near the fridge as Moranor was nervously looking at the oven.

~22 Minutes Later~

Melanor was standing beside Moranor who was slowly reaching out to the oven while wearing oven mitts, as she took the tray that Melanor prepared some of the croutons were starting to turn golden while the tofu had bits of steam coming off of it. She quickly took the first tray out and placed it on the kitchen counter, Moranor turned her head looking at the tray she prepared and found that some of the smaller pieces were burnt and the larger ones didn't change in the slightest. She tilted her head forward making her hair cover her eyes as she saw what she made. 

Melanor placed both the portions evenly in the two bowls and took an extra pair of oven mitts in a drawer, and took the other tray out and placed it on Reiki's bowl. Melanor said. "Dear can you take these two bowls to the dining table?" She passed her the two bowls she made as Melanor opened the door and walked out of it, she picked up Reiki's bowl and turned her head to face him as she gave him a cold glare she threateningly said. "Last chance to get out of this." And went back deeper into the house, Reiki stayed in place for a second and thought. Well… This is gonna suck… But this could also be my chance… He let out a sigh and walked inside the house carefully closing the door behind him.

Melanor had already prepared the table with a pitcher of water and some glasses, there was even some bread and cheese. Moranor's hair was still covering her eyes as Melanor was staring at her in worry she didn't notice Reiki was already at the doorway and was already walking to the empty seat with the large bowl that Moranor made. He pulled the seat and sat on the chair and started eating the salad made Melanor turn her head from the sudden sound, her eyes widened as she stared at him but instantly narrowed. Moranor heard someone eating and turned her head to face her mother to see she was glaring at someone, she followed her gaze and saw Reiki was eating what she made with a straight face.