Reiki immediately used his left hand to point at Enrel, he hastily said. "She did it." The three elves looked at him oddly. They froze in place when Moranor said. "Reiki, you smell burnt." Moranor and Enora's expressions instantly changed back to normal as they stared at Melanor.
Enrel instantly vanished from the room as Melanor and Elora turned around to face their daughters' indifferent gaze. Reiki let out a chuckle, he said. "Before anyone says something can I say a couple of things?..." All four of the elves in the room quickly moved their gaze onto him, he thought. Talk about putting myself out there… Reiki coughed and flashed Moranor a smile and said. "How else was I supposed to convince her?"
Melanor crossed her arms as she raised a brow, she dryly said. "Convince her of what?" Reiki maintained a straight face, he said. "Convince her of giving her daughter to me-." Moranor was suddenly behind him as she was profusely blushing as both her hands were tightly covering his mouth. Enora was stunned in place as a visible frown formed on her lips, Melanor let out a chuckle and said. "Long story short, that's pretty much the gist of it."
Elora appeared next to her daughter as she placed an arm over her shoulder, she said. "Let's go give them some private time." Enora looked up to her mother as she gave Elora a peculiar look, Elora was stunned as a smile formed on her lips. Elora said. "I'll tell you what happened-." Before she could finish her sentence both of them vanished from the room leaving behind Moranor who still had her hands over his mouth and Melanor who was giving her daughter a playful smile.
Moranor kept looking at the floor as she tried to keep a relaxed expression, Reiki poked her forearm and indicated that she still had her arms on him. Moranor quickly let go as she placed her arms behind her back and appeared next to her mother, she faked a cough and said. "S-So what happened? I-I'm not against it or anything-! Wait! What I meant was! I am completely against it!" Moranor placed a finger on his forehead and softly flicked him.
[System: User has received 10 Damage.]
Melanor let out a chuckle, she said. "Well long story short, he passed." Moranor's eyes brightened up like stars in the night, she excitedly said. "Really-!?" Before she could continue she took a deep breath to calm herself and continued. "That's unfortunate, it seems the bar for humans is slowly going lower every year that passes."
Moranor looked up to her mother as the two of them had a silent conversation. Reiki let out a sigh to which neither of them reacted, he thought. And once again, I'm let out of the conversation. His stomach let out a loud rumble as he stared at it, he continued his train of thought. And I need her majesty to make sure she doesn't forget about the food she promised me. The last thing I need is Q eating half the population of the elves here and getting blacklisted.
Reiki heard Moranor speaking with her mother, with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face. Moranor said. "How badly did you beat him? Judging from how his clothes are, I would guess you beat him black and blue." Melanor smiled at her daughter as she ruffled the top of her head messing with her hair, Melanor said. "It was almost a draw."
Moranor let out a scoff filled with amusement while fixing her hair she said. "Yeah, I thought so-. Wait… A-Almost A Draw?..." Moranor glanced at him who was staring at her with narrowed eyes, she faked a cough and said. "I'm guessing you went easy on-."
Before she finished, Melanor interrupted her and said. "He forced me to use lightning." Moranor was stunned into silence, Reiki raised his hands and said. "I'm right here aren't I?" Moranor looked at him for a second before she quickly turned her head to her mother, Moranor said. "Mom, you're just messing with me right?..."
Melanor started laughing as her voice reverted in the entire room, she placed an arm around her daughter's shoulder. Melanor said. "Dear, I may have kept some things secret to you but I can promise you this, not once have I lied to you."
Moranor blinked twice as she stared at her mother in bewilderment, Reiki rolled his eyes at the two of them as he sat on the ground in a crossed leg position. He placed his right shoulder on his thigh and rested his head on his hand, Reiki thought. Hopefully, their conversation is more interesting than this one…
Queen's Personal Room
Enora was in a bad mood while sitting on the bed with her arms crossed, she had an indifferent expression on her face. Elora appeared next to her on the left in the bed while holding a bottle of wine in one hand and two glasses of wine in the other. The bed softly bounced on the sudden weight, Elora quickly removed the cork from the bottle of wine and filled both glasses with wine.
While taking a sip from her glass Elora passed the other one in front of her Enora which she ignored, Elora moved the glass away from her lips and said. "That bad huh?" Enora stayed still while her mother let go of the glass in front of her while it floated mid-air, a moment of silence passed before she suddenly snatched the glass and downed everything in one go. Enora let out a breath dripping with annoyance, she said. "I'm not mad or anything." Elora nodded and said. "Sure you are." And took a sip of wine.
Enora reached for the bottle of wine in her mother's hand to which Elora easily gave to her daughter while filling her glass, Enora said. "I'm not!" She downed the second glass of wine in one go, her face started to flush red as the mana around Enora started to fluctuate as her face quickly turned back to normal. Enora filled her glass with more wine, before she could down it in one go again she saw her mother's empty glass and filled it with more.
Elora took one long and slow smell of the wine and exhaled through her mouth, she said. "Why exactly are you mad?" The corner of Enora's eye twitched, Elora started laughing as her adequate chest jiggled. Elora managed to stop laughing and said. "I'm sorry honey, why are you so annoyed?" Enora stared at her glass of wine, she said. "It's because of him…" Elora took a sip of wine as she waited for her daughter to continue, Enora said. "Or more accurately…" Elora placed her glass of wine on the left nightstand, she said. "Moranor."
Enora placed her glass of wine on the nightstand by the right, she let out a sigh filled with frustration. Enora said. "I don't know what it is… Mora has always been a thorn from time to time but this time… It feels different… It's like she suddenly became ten times more annoying the moment I look at her…" Elora flashed an enigmatic smile at her and said. "I think you're jealous."
Enora looked at her mother weirdly, she said. "Me?... How? And who?..." Elora rolled her eyes at her, she said. "Moranor." Enora blinked twice, a few seconds of silence passed by as the two of them stared at each other. Enora said. "Again, how?" Elora let out a sigh, she said. "Reiki has a lot of work to do." Elora picked up her glass and downed it in one go, Enora was in genuine confusion as she stared at her mother and said. "What do you mean by that?"
Luxurious Dining Room
Reiki was still in the same sitting position on the ground as the two elves he was staring at were having a silent conversation between them. Moranor was stealing glances at Reiki while Melanor smiled at her, Moranor nodded at her mother and walked towards him as he quickly stood up and dusted off some dirt that was still in his clothes.
Moranor stared at him, she said. "Goodnight." And immediately vanished, Reiki looked towards Melanor, she said. "I'll get your change of clothes." As she also vanished leaving him behind, he looked around the empty room and said. "Fayeth! I need a guide!" Fayeth appeared behind him as she tried to smack the top of his head, Reiki took a step forward as he stomped on her left foot behind him.
[System: User has dealt 102 Damage.]
Fayeth held her left foot with both her hands as she glared at him with unhidden annoyance written all over her face, she said. "Why do you keep asking for me! There are hundreds of elves in this building! Why do you keep looking for me!" Reiki turned around and looked up to her, he said. "I like wasting your type's kind." A cruel smile appeared on her face, she let go of her foot and said. "So you discriminate against other species-."
Reiki interrupted her, with a firm tone he said. "Nope, I only enjoy wasting you a merchant's time. I know all too well you could be making money right now rather than wasting more time here." He crossed his arms and let out a cold chuckle which somehow made the room colder for Fayeth, Reiki continued. "So go ahead, keep making a scene, keep talking. The longer this goes on the more money you lose both now and in the long run." His eyes turned semi-hollow as he looked up to her, Fayeth tried to maintain eye contact but she felt something off-putting about his gaze.
Fayeth subconsciously took a step back as she yielded by moving her gaze away and stared at a wall, she said. "Let's… I-I'll make this quick…" Fayeth led the way as she walked towards the door with Reiki behind her.
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The Good Guest Room
Moranor was sitting on the bed while staring at the ceiling in a complete daze, Melanor waved a hand in front of her daughter's face and got no reaction. Melanor pinched Moranor's cheek and slowly pulled, she said. "Dear, are you okay?" Moranor hazily nodded and didn't move her gaze away from the ceiling, Melanor moved her hand away from Moranor's cheek. Melanor rolled her eyes at her and said. "I'll take that as a maybe."
Both of their pointy ears twitched when they heard a couple of footsteps outside the hallway getting louder. Moranor instantly stood up from the bed, Moranor hopped on her right foot while trying to put on her left boot and did the same thing for her left foot and quickly tied her shoelaces, leaned on a wall, and took a deep breath to calm down and acted naturally. Melanor watched everything unfold with an amused expression while she sat on her bed, the sound of footsteps outside the door as both of them slowly came to a stop.
Both the elves stared at the door and heard Reiki speak from the other side, he said. "Thanks, Fayeth." A frown appeared on Moranor's face as she crossed her arms. They heard Fayeth say. "Y-Yeah…" Moranor and Melanor heard the sound of a doorknob being turned followed by a door being opened and closed. Moranor with an undertone of dissatisfaction said. "Hmph, He didn't even have the courtesy to check on us."
Melanor laughed, she slowly laid down on the large bed with both arms behind her head, she said. "You just want to see him." Moranor kept a straight face and shook her head, she said. "No. I. Do. Not." Moranor who was leaning on the wall started to softly tap on the floor with her foot, Melanor who was watching had a smile on her face. With a wave of Melanor's hand new clothes appeared in the palm of her hand, they were another green tunic and brown pants.
Melanor said. "Here, you can give it to him." She moved the hand that was holding the clothes in her direction, Moranor let out a scoff as she turned her head to stare at the wall. Moranor appeared by the side of her mother's bed and swiftly took the clothes off her hands, with a small smile on her face she said. "Fine, someone has to give it to him." Moranor took a couple of steps and vanished from the room. Melanor let out a chuckle as she vanished from the room.
Guest Room
Reiki was sitting on the floor watching two elves glare coldly at each other that we're on the verge of tearing each other's throats off. He thought. Talk about crappy timing… He looked at Moranor who was hiding a fresh pair of clothes behind her back while Enora was holding clothes that had better quality. Enora flashed Moranor a taunting smile and said. "We seem to be meeting each other more often." Moranor sarcastically said. "Unfortunately, yes."
The atmosphere in the room turned heavy, Reiki thought. I'm hungry… He looked at the door and said. "Come in." Which made the two elves put on a calm expression on their faces. The door was partly open as a young male elf wearing simple clothes managed to get in the room from the gap, he saw Moranor and Enora in the room which frightened him. The young elf hesitantly said. "E-Excuse me… I-Is Mr. Reiki here?..." Reiki lazily raised his hand while sitting on the floor, the elf looked at him and quickly opened the door, and pushed in a trolley with two layers that had six cloches per layer.
The young elf pushed the trolley in front of Reiki and said. "Mr. Reiki, s-sorry for the delay. H-Her majesty never usually orders more food so my mo- I mean the maids were given little to no time, a-anyways e-enjoy your meal…" The young elf gave him a respectful bow and carefully walked towards the door that he left open, on the other side of the door he gave another respectful now and said. "P-Pardon the intrusion."
And gently closed the door, the sound of footsteps hurriedly walking. Reiki let out an amused chuckle, he said. "Good kid, leaning on the shy side but he'll grow out of it eventually." He stood up and picked a cloche at random, he took the cover off and saw a pile of golden roasted rabbits, he placed the cover back on the trolley. He said. "Itadakimasu." Not caring for etiquette he picked the roasted rabbit with his bare hands and started eating like an animal. The elves glared at each other before any of the two could say anything Reiki said. "How old is he?"
Moranor appeared next to him as she sat on the floor cross-legged like he was, she said. "Fifty-seven." Reiki took a big bite of the rabbit in his hands, he stopped chewing for a second before he nodded his head. He swallowed and said. "Sounds about right." He started devouring the rabbits on the plate, the two elves were watching him eat the entire pile in a few seconds. Reiki let out a burp, he said. "Excuse me."
He picked up the cover and placed it back on the pile of rabbit bones, Reiki picked another cloche at random and revealed a thick cut of steak. There was a silver knife and fork at the side but he ignored it and picked it up using his right hand. Moranor rolled her eyes at him while she reached for a napkin and wiped the corner of his mouth. Enora appeared at the opposite side of the trolley, with her arms crossed she said. "Talk about a visual representation of poor etiquette."
Moranor let out a scoff as she held Reiki's left forearm and tried to wipe off the mixture of oil and grease in his palm. Moranor said. "If it bothers you feel free to-." Enora let out a chuckle which interrupted her, she said. "I was talking about you, who tries to clean someone using a napkin while the person in question is in the middle of eating?" Enora lazily waved her hand as the napkin in Moranor's hand vanished and appeared in her hand.
Enora flashed Moranor a taunting smile, Moranor coldly glared at her. Moranor's figure briefly moved in place as she was suddenly holding the napkin back in her hand, Enora's eyes widened as she looked at her empty hand as stared at her with narrowed eyes. While the two were having their fight, Reiki had already gone through all the plates of food as he was holding a large rib in his hands. He took a large bite of the rib and tore off a large chunk of meat as he continued with his meal while watching the two elves.
Queens Personal Room
Elora was sitting on the chair by the workbench with Enrel and Melanor behind her as they watched a large floating rectangular screen that came off from a crystal. On the screen was Reiki holding a half-eaten rib in his hands while their two daughters were stealing the napkin from each other's hands. Elora crossed her arms as her eyes were filled with amusement, she said. "He devoured that pile of monster meat like it was nothing…" Moranor had an odd look on her face, she said. "Perhaps the maids used a lower quality monster because a human was eating?"
Elora shook her head, she said. "Nope, I ordered them specifically to use high-grade monsters…" Sitting on the chair Elora turned around with her bright eyes and excitedly said. "We should feed him dragon meat!" Enrel was stunned before an angry look appeared on her face, she was on the verge of screaming. Enrel said. "No! We! Are! Not! I paid an unreasonable amount for that dragon meat and I'll be damned before I let someone else eat it before I do!"
Melanor moved in between them as Enrel took a few steps back, she said. "Enrel calm down, at least hear her out." Enrel massages the temples of her head while Elora sat on the chair with an amused expression. Enrel said. "Since you're the queen, shouldn't you be well versed in conversations?" Elora placed a hand on her thigh as she held a talisman that slightly glowed. Melanor lazily waved her hand and said. "At least hear her out."
Elora turned her head back towards the screen, she said. "Too late, I've already sent someone to fetch the entire thing." Enrel ran towards Elora who had her back exposed, Melanor easily wrapped her hands on Enrel's waist and lifted her off the ground. Enrel was trying to escape Melanor's hands, Enrel said. "That was an entire 8kg of meat! I was planning on making half of it into jerky and the rest for a special occasion! You! You!" Elora lazily waved her hand at Enrel and said. "I'll replace it with dragon meat that weighs 16kg."
Enrel vanished from Melanor's arms as she placed an arm around Elora's shoulder. Enrel said. "You always did have a way of words, did I ever tell you that?" Elora rolled her eyes at Enrel as she let out an amused chuckle, Melanor let out a sigh and said. "The more we spend time together the more I realize we never grew up… When we're together at least…" Enrel and Elora had their eyes on the screen, without turning around, Enrel said. "Took you long enough."
On the screen, Reiki was gnawing on the rib bone in his hands while he was watching Moranor and Enora pass the napkin that was in a ball of air at high speeds. Reiki's eyes were following where the ball was, Enora aimed at Moranor's face and threw the solid ball of wind towards her. The ball was in the middle of its trajectory as it suddenly made a downward movement, Moranor easily caught it as she held it in her hands as her pupils began to glow.
Melanor leaned on the wall by the workbench while Enrel was sitting on the top of the table. Enrel said. "If those weren't a glorification of their achievements, what do those stories represent?" Melanor had a confused expression on her face, she said. "What are we talking about?" Enrel turned her head towards Melanor and said. "Fairy Tales, specifically human fairytales."
Melanor smiled, she said. "I didn't like the red riding hood, but I loved the part about the hunter ripping that giant wolf's jaw clean off as he punched it right in the heart as it instantly died… Any given I would say these are make-believe or stories that became more exaggerated over time… King Arthur hearing magic, The hunter's unmatched strength, and David's ingenuity… what these three all had in common was they were-." Elora who kept her eyes on the screen said. "Myths... Using human's way of identifying threat levels of monsters, what level would that wolf be?"
Melanor moved her gaze to the ceiling, she said. "The book said it was twenty meters tall, only one class of monsters can get that big, and the fact it easily destroyed half the house. There was also a short description in the epilogue and it said the skeletal age of the wolf was only a cub when it was killed." Enrel had her eyes glued on the screen, she said. "Another world-class threat… If that wolf lived there would have been a total of-." Elora quickly tapped on the workbench and excitedly said. "It's here! Be quiet!" The two of them moved closer to the workbench as they watched.
Guest Room
The young elf placed the plate on the trolley and gave a respectful bow at the other side of the door, all three of them had their gazes on the four large pieces of dragon meat. Moranor had a worried expression on her face and said. "Is that?" Enora nodded with narrowed eyes. Reiki thought. Yep, that's dragon meat...